Newmarket Era, 16 Oct 1914, p. 4

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J 1 i But dm Veg- Compound Milt Johnston Anda- Hon A light light Monkmam Adultly O Morn i At m death that my organs were find could not then ill months In he condition In After I came homo I caw your in the paper end commence taking Br Vegetable Compound I took years end toko It at and beta my husband and my claim It was the means of saving life I highly recommend It to suffering OrillA- JohnsonAve Winnipeg Manitoba Can Why will women chances or drag out a sickly log threefourths of the joy of living thoy can And health In Vegeta ble Compound For thirty yearn It the stan dard remedy for has re stored the health of thousands oT women who have been trou bled with such as displacements InflammaUon ulceration tumors irregularities etc If you want special write to Co confidential Lynn Your letter will bo opened read and answered by a woman end held In strict confidence T Bilious Attacks Tablets keep tight up lo nor mal all time and why they axe to affective In euro of Stomach Disorders Fomentation Indigestion and all ailments which are foio- of biliousness Try a bottle A Dealers or by Mall Co a robt w Queen St PRACTICAL paperMeager of all natural woods and General In all the Latest A Style WALL PAPER And Hung on the Most Rea sonable Terms you want the very BEST WORK AT THE LOWEST FIGURE You cannot better My paper hung at per roll any paper per roll Estimates Submitted and all work carried out by our own supervision and none but exper ienced men employed All Kinds of Signs Just give Jones a Trial Satisfaction Is Guaranteed ATTKNJ this BEST IT ALWAYS PAYS TORONTO Has a National Reputation for super ior Business and Shortband Catalogue free Commence now J Elliott Principal St Toronto NEW YORK Bargain Store lihl I J ONTAHIO 8t8 Opposite Grocery tiompteta a MENS CLOTHING BOOTS SHOES Special Reduction I AND ALSO ON and Llnoloums MtBHHHBfj British American College Leads In age and Spe cializes In Gregg Pitman Shorthand and all Commer cial The Fall Term opens Aug Address Waucltope Prin cipal A MoGM tits Write for our catalogue Toronto J Leghorn Cook 1st 2nd A Hill Leghorn Brown 2nd A II Hill 1st 2nd A Hill Leghorns Huff Znd 3rd Leghorn White Cock 1st A Hill 3rd A Leghorn White Hen- A A if Hill Minor cas Black COck Black Hon 1st 2nd Or pington Black Cock A Black Hon By- am Bon A Hill Orping ton White Cock 1st 2nd J Hall Orpington White Hon 1st 2nd W Hall Polish Cock Polish Hon 2nd Hock Barred Cock 2nd 3rd Ply mouth Rock Barred Hen 2nd 3rd Plymouth Rock While Cook A P A Geo Haskell mouth Rock While Hen Haskell A A Rhode Is Reds 2nd Aubrey Davis Rhode Reds Hon A 2nd Davis Rhode Is Red Cock Rhode Is Red It Hen G Spanish Black Cock W Spanish Black Hen Wynndotles Buff Cock if Son andotlcs Huff Hon If A Son Golden Hen Son- Wyan- Golden Cock A Golden Hen A IS Wyan White Cock W A Trivell Wyandolles While Hon Any Other Variety Cock A Any other Variety Hen A Ban- lain Class Game Cock J Ger main Game Hon W Cochin CockA Hill A A Cochin Hen A Gibney Chick Class A neon as Cockerel Johnston W Gibnoy Geo Johnston 1st 2nd Janes Pullet 2nd Janes Cochin Partridge Cock erel C Son Cochin Partridge Pullet Son Cockerel II A Son Son Leghorn Br Cockerel 2nd A Hill Leghorn Br Pullet A 2nd A Hill Leghorn Buff Cockerel 2nd W Leghorn Buff Pullet 1st 2nd W Leghorn Brown Cock erel 2nd Chas Leghorn Brown Pullet A 2nd Leghorn White Cockerel 2nd 3rd W J Leghorn White Pullet 3rd 2nd W J Rush- brook Black 2nd G Black 1st 2nd White Cockerel Gibney Minorcas While A 2nd W Orpington Buff Cockerel puff Pullet 1st A 2nd Black Cockerel A Hill If Son Black 1st nd A if Hill Or pington While Cockerel 1st 2nd W J Hall 3rd W Steph ens Orpington White W Stephens 2nd 3rd J Hall Plymouth Rook Barred Cockerel A 2nd lib Stephens Ply Rock Pullel 2nd 3rd A Plymouth Rock White Pullel 2nd A A Rhode Is Red Cockerel 1st A 2nd II Rhode Is Red It Rhode Is Red Cockerel If Aubrey Davis abode Is Red lel Aubrey Davis Wyandotte Huff Cockerel If A Son Buff Pullet A Son Wy andotte Golden Cockerel A Widdifleld A Son Wyandotte Golden Pullet A Widdifleld A Son Wyandotte White Cockerel 1st 2nd W D Monkman 3rd W Wyandotte White Pul let 1st A 2nd Monkman 3rd Gibne Pair Chicks for Brit D Monk- man Male A A Female A Ducks Aylesbury isl A 2nd A Hill Ducks 1st A 2nd Ducks Rouen W J W Stephens Ducks Indian Runner W A Ducks Any Other Vari ety Ducklings A 2nd Duck lings Any Other Variety W J Geese Stephens Botbam Geese Any Other Va riety Mrs Lloyd W Pigeons Homer w A Hill Pigeons Pigeons Fantails 1st A 2nd A Hill Pigeons Jacobins 1st 2nd- A P A Angora Rab bits Adults A If Rill W D Angoras under Hill Belgian Adult W Belgian W Stephens Hi Hod Thompson Wild Goose A lowed Stephens Young Black fitepbi ens Oats By Young W Stephens A It Oats W Stephens- Peas W Stephens Small Willis Stephens Young- Blue W Stephens Stephens- low GbrnrU Young Kd While Cornt Young Johnston While Corn Young Beans largo ilas While Young W Beans Any Other Variety W led Clover Seed Young Alsike Clover Seed J II FIELD CHOPS U is Stated en the- authority a despatch that Frank will something In -BIkId- Hon MrMai diarmf the new- MlnUterv Public the Ontario Government seek Is for of the present ItIs I expected ho will Speaking of Mackenzie Kings the Toronto is no reason to be anxious about Mr Kings and Is not likely to complain j of a salary Arrived ana American source 6ince these are now common in Cnrmon Potatoes W W Stephens Slate Potatoes Sellers P W Stephens mousrWm W SUphens Roso of North W Stephens Sellers W Stephens Win Thompson Pota toes Thos Sellers W Thomp son Irish Cobbler W Stephens W Grose Any Oilier Variety Potatoes W W Long Grange Carrots T Kellers Young Short Red Car rots Sellers T W Stephens White Belgian Car- rois Thos Sellers Young Imp Short While Carrots- T W Stephens J no Parkins Sugar Heels- Thos Sellers Young Yellow Inter W Long Red Young Thos Sellers Purple Top Swede Tur nips w Grose Thompson or White Stephens Pumpkins T W Slp- Yellow Pumpkins G das Squires Mam SUash Squires Mercer or Marine J Hi Mi it Mercer Wiis Mite Mercer fl Flowers or 2nd Mercer Life Mercer Portrait Water or Marine Water Mercer Water 2nd Flowers or Water Colors Ml6sUeJley 2nd Miss Life Water 2nd Miss Mercer work let Mrs Konar aAd Ink AVj Bophinaon 2nd drawing 1st Mercer 2nd Charcoal drawing 2nd Lewis Black and White Mercer 2nd Bailey photos or Marine and 2nd Mrs Jet and 2nd Carving Conventional let ind Allay Leather work Copper int Mrs Eves Bailey making lit 2nd Mrs Misfl Mercer 2nd Bailey Cup and decoration on Mies or Plaque Mrs Orme 2nd Mrs Eves Jardiniere Realistic- Mrs Pitcherjet Mr Frank galad or fruit Foster has sent word to Mm WQvea Wardens of Counties that such gilts Methodist Year Book with minutes ail will be published In which biographies of prominent Methodists past and pre- sent together with Interesting porta on church work etc will be embodied This decided at the General Conference Ottawa last week The Saskatchewan Grain Growers Association has sent a memorial to the Minister ot Trade Ottawa asking that the Dominion Government ar range to cooperate with British Government to secure the grain direct the farmers ol the prairie Pro- vlnccs at a price of per bushel for wheat and cents bushel lor j oats lor the next three years of 100of the leading Drug In agreed to to Canadian Patriotic Fund FIVE PER CENT of total of all Roxall Toilet Goods RomedloSiitJoihoi manufactured or sold by United Company Limited Toronto from Oct to 31oti An Ottawa despatch states that the Government will pay all expenses of transportation of oats wheat and other contributions to the Imperial army made by Canadian farmers In many localities Ontario have been made by farmers to con tribute a bag of wheat or oats Sir Dairy Produce Crock P 2nd Mrs in lb rolls J Mrs 2nd Sen- ibs in lib Bell Mrs lb Crock Geo ra 2nd lb rolls Kennedy Mrs P Ed John ston 10 lb Crock J A Rogers jo Ed lbs in lb Jos let lb Crook J at Mrs lb Cock Geo Wright Co let 2nd Ed in rolls iCan Broker age Co Mra 10 lbs in lb H lbs in lib rolls ftrBoaerV- 2nd fl in lb rolls J 1st Huntley 10 Crock Smith 1st Wieggit 2nd Finder Cles Roote and Field Crops Carmen ili- Empire Statu 2nd 2nd W Stephens Roae of the North Stephens 2nd Sellers W Stephens 2nd Thompson potatoes 2nd Thompson Irilt Cfclb 1st Stephens 2nd Grose potatoeslet 2nd Stephens Long Orange Carrots let Sellers 2nd Young Snort Red Carrots- Thtos Sellers 2ndT Stephens Sellers 2nd Young Short White Carrpiaist T Stephens 2nd Parkins Sugar Tims Sellers 2nd Young Yellow Inter Wurtzels Evans 2nd Long Red U Young Thoa Sellers pie top Swede turn 1st Grose 2nd Wm Thompson or white turnips 1st 2nd WPKiocaid Mammoth Yellow 2nd Squire Mammoth flquaahif Jag 2nd Stephens Class Grain and Seeds White Winter Wheatlet T W Red Winter Wheattat Thompson 2nd StopUeua Wild Wheat let 2nd Young Six Rowed Stephens 2nd Young Black 2nd Stephens White Young 2nd Stephens Oats lit Thompson Stephens T White 2nd Young Blue Peas 1st Ed 2nd Stephens CornJst Young 2nd Ed Johns White CornHt 2nd Stephens White Beans 2nd Squirea White Brans iuall6tTJY0ung 2nd W Tea Setlet Frank Wesley Ciafss 0 Natural History Coil Coins Geo Curio let Miss fltulfed birds etc 2nd 3rd J fpeclmen Mis Natural 31 Domestic Canned let it Finder 2nd Mr Gardner Canned Peaches let Young 2nd Mrs Gardner Cherries 2nd Finder Red Raspberries lit Young 2nd Finder Canned Plums 1st Huntley 2nd Young Conned Currants let Fin der 2nd Mrs J P Smith Canned 2nd Mrs Orange Prober 2nd 1st Mrs 2nd Mrs Si John ton Mm P 2nd Young Grape Wine 1st Young Mrs Johnston Mrs W 2nd Raspberry Vinegar let Johnston 2nd Mra Prosier Tomato 1st A Hill Mrs Prober Mustard Pickles 2nd Lena Parkins Mixed 1st Geo 2nd Mrs Preiser Lena Parkins Geo Sauce Mrs Gardener Mrs L Fogart 2nd Miss Cane Maple Syrup Mrs 2nd Sclera Honey John ston 2nd Mrs Johnston Wzocgit 2nd Mrs Johnston Cooked Duckelst fttiong 2nd Thos Stephens Cooked 2nd Pielet Mrs 2nd Mrs T Huntley Mrs 2nd Silas Sennett Cake let Cake let Mrs L 2nd Co3kies Mrs nd Mrs Ed Johnston Biscuits 2nd Armstrong 3rd J Proctor Buns pan- home mede 1st Mi a 2nd A Hill Home made buns with currants A Hill Home made bread lb A Hill 2nd Home made bread Aurora Belle Ut T W 2nd Stephens 2nd Mrs Home made Candy 1st Miss L 2nd J Continued on page will be readily received 2nd 2nd Notwithstanding tie complimentarj observations of a section of the dally press towards Ontarios politicians are to be found throughout the country who arc free in express- opinions that Hon Mr Hearst- does not measure up to the calibre of men like Sir Oliver or Sir J James P Whitney Warm friends of Sir Adam Beck and Hon J Han- na are among those who are reserv ing compliments Pleading for a revival of faith in the Christian Church Rev Dr Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly who spoke in the Westminster Church Toronto last week said The great need of a church is supply of practical those idonlibts who keep the road al ways open to the true and the good Now as never before men and women are trying to get to the root of things A telegraph from Ottawa to Mrs President of the Cana dian Womens Hospital Fund Toronto indicates how the fund is being disposed of It says He Royal Highness the Duchess of has received cable from the Army Council who gratefully accept from Women of Canada and will spend the whole sum in purchase of motor ambulance cars half to bo used in France and hall in England Each car to re inscribed Canadian Womens Motor Ambulance Forty ears can he purchased The Star summaries the now Health Regulations so far as same relates to butchers thusly Instructions governing slaughter houses just issued Dr J I lough call for sanitary condi tions good light ventilation and disposal of offal Buildings must be kept clean and worn out equipment must be replaced jo jo Ihcy realize much more can be done united than individually and it has been taken for two reasons to fulfil a humane duty in raising a fund for ihr- relief work of the Canadian Patriotic Organization and a patriot lo duly in an endeavor to keep a large staff of Canadian busy The too Stores of Canada make an appeal it your sympathy and support in their doubly worthy cause for in creasing the funds of the Canadian Patriotic Organization and for the support of Canadian workmen because The fund thai would be raised on the basis of last years business can be tremendously increased if every man and woman in Canada will help a by the simple process of purchasing Goods at the Stores No need to give space in this announcement lo mphasle the high quality of and goods Sufficient to say that of the leading Drug Stores in Canada Great Britain and the United Slates place heir personal and collective reputations behind ih public in these countries endorse them to tin- of million dollars worth of purchases a year Heller goods are not made and you take no in buying for every Store will return you your money if any Product is not entirely satisfactory and do if without the slightest objection Theres a full list of waiting for you at Store in your town Ask for it kindly pass Ihc word along lo your friends It is the collective purchases of all that will make this lux- all Store Fund for the Canadian Patriotic Organization work a big one The Fund will he collected from each Store in Cana da the United Drug Company Limited Toronto and will Up by direct to the Officers if the Canadian Organization and the amount so collected will pub lished in this paper when paid over Goods are made In Canada and you ran procure Ihcm in your own only from BReOGHTeN The Or by Mail from any Store in Canada United Drug Company Limited Toronto Some Basic Principles of cultural pamphlet has been issued by the Central Experimental Karen entitled The Farmer as a Man ufacturer It has been prepar ed by Mr A Stuart A As sistant Chemist who has present ed a number of simple illustra tions of the chemical processes that take place in vegetable and animal life The processes are indicated by which the farmer whose raw ma terials are but air water and soil is able to manufaclure therefrom an apparently endless variety of products both plant and animal It is shown however thai their composition is to he easily under stood consisting as llioy do of employes may not be employed hut four principal constituents soiled meat must be Condemned The nature of the raw materials butchers may not hold knives in their mouths and spitting upon becomes an The present government of Ontario In point of age as a whole is the youngest since Confederation and premier Hearst is the youngest mem ber the Ontario Cabinet save Hon Mr who is fortyseven years old and Hon Mr who is fortyfive The ages of other the process of manufacture and the products are discussed Under the heading Maintain ing Fertility it is pointed out that the farmer must exercise extreme care if he would keep his Nol in the highest condition of productiveness Soil is the real of the farmers capital and the security is absolute Try as he may lie cannot Break the bank He may bring about public men generally to maximum of employment with to relieving the distress the closing of many factoids result of war Obviously adlan factories cannot be operated is- lees there is a demand for their pro ducts the appeal on hand to Canadians to patronize industrial orders would coree to many Canadian factories that ain been placed abroad and of a slackening in factory the wheels of industry be operated with accelerated during this period of trial Manufactures other large em ployers of labor have agreed themselves to maintain their worth staffs 6 fully as possible even if operate at cost or in some low cost In so doing they are wi actuated by any for welcome as these would be but with a view of relieving which unemployment always Probably two-third- of a troubles come because she with her heart instead of her of the Government are as follows temporary derangement and J fiftyseven Hon may for a while be sus- fortynine fiftyfour Hon eight and Hon It four Hon J Han- 1 I Dun Preston fiftv- On Tuesday evening Mr was suddenlj attacked with appendicitis He was removed to To ronto Western Hospital later in the evening and was operated on during the night We understand the opera- lion was successful and there Is strong hopes of his speedy recovery but invariably under bel ter management prosperity can he restored and perhaps even larger profits than ever secured The pamphlet which is It appears to be current report at tinNo of ihe Second Series Ottawa that the Federal Government has a strong nation of solving the present Parliament and ordering a general election referring to this part the Hamilton Herald observes At present the Government has the good will the Canadian people If it should try to take ad vantage of the present crisis to secure a partizan victory gt the polls it would forfeit much of that goodwill And deservedly so There Is no need for a general election this year 0 will prevent the illness of today from becoming the big of tomorrow and after trouble of the organs you rely on There is only one way to find ease In your work and that is to put your heart Into it Si I I We are now making a canvas of the town in order to end every person a chance to from 9160 to Co photos representative- will call at your door and explain to you the great bargain Ho a holder a coupon which will en title you to the cut prices and re mains good until Nov BUT YOU MUST BE A COUPON- EH Secure It Nov Phono The Porous Studio Cor idaford is available to those lo whom the information is of interest application lo the Publications Branch of the of Agricul ture at Ottawa ooo THE QUESTION OF WORK The war has had a sudden and pro nounced elect on the Made-in-Can- movement which has car ried on in Canada during the past few years Hitherto educational campaign to promote the sale- of goods has been viewed pretty much as the concern Canadian manufacturers and has for this reason been denied the sym pathy and support a stion of people The war has changed all this and today the Canada policy Is no longer looked upon as a matter of and patriotism but is regarded an economic neces sity The manufacturers and other large employers of labor are being appealed to by pulpit and For Infants and In Um For Over Always BETTER Without Extra Cost At less Hum one l ing of eight or loaves can secure heller Bread Making- VIROGERM BREADIMPROVER f the makes bread f iiul and flavor a quality and will produce a loaf from I ho same pianl flour lis actum causes it to rise though chilled shortens the inf I WILL NOT on and DRY OUT My SO has boon by Government Analysis a perfectly pure and TRY A le By W A- A McDonald L J McDonald Sole Canadian A MANNING Agents r AReHlVES OF TORONTO At

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