-v- wVifl 1 I MOUNT ALBERT J ONIONS SALE tho has- a quantity of quantities to suit atl per bushel DONT Anniversary Soryicos of IreshytoriQn Church ori Sunday A pastor will preooh at froth and will dollvor an Ajlross in connection Hot Fowl Supper on Monday following If i- Mount Albert Hand played at Fair on A very successful concertwan hold in the Presbyterian Church on Monday owning Mrs Kol- was the attrac tion Rev Dr Moore of occupied the pulpit of tho Molh- Church on Sunday during the absence of pastor Leggolt who was conduct ing anniversary services at Vroo- anion Church Our school had a holiday on Friday so that teachers and pu pils could attend Markhani Fair Mr Titos iiad a most successful Auction Sale on Tues day parties In tho were the items of for the young people on Thanksgiving Day I- i PERSONAL Mr and Mrs Arthur of Toronto were visitors at home Mr for the weekend David Jerry is in town at the home of his mother Mrs Terry Mr Millard Sleeper of Toron to spent the holiday with his parents in town Miss Myrtle Rear of Toronto is spending a few days with her parents in town A number of our citizens -mo- out to Fair on Saturday and had an enjoyable time J and of Toronto were visitors at the home of her brother Mr Davidson- Mrs is visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs Albert instead near Newmar ket Mr Join French of Toronto was in town on Monday Mr and Mrs Oliver have returned from Oxbow where they have been spending summer Mr Val Brooks has from a trip to Calgary and other places in the West Mr David Miller has returned from a visit with his daughter at Indian Miss Pearl Ashley is visiting at the home of Mr John Walton Mr and the Misses Heron of Toronto arc visitors at the home of Mr Shields Mrs Tos Swain spout Thanks giving Day at the home of her son Win Swain at Dr Harry Shields of Toronto and Dr Douglas of Falls are visiting in town SCHOOL REPORTS Report for October of No Jr Division Jr Honours Ivan Douglas Campbell Clarence Florence Ida Dike Eileen Rowland Helen Davidson Morton Ralph First Class Honors Ada Bella Fisher Esther Rolling Clara Rolling Mabel Cora Kjghtley Primer Mary Campbell Br eon Verna Hayes Evelyn Hansford Ross Cora Skinner Roy Man ners Hilda Davidson Jr Primer Ruby Hayes Woodcock Forrest Toole Jack Shields Kenneth Clara Class A Basil Thompson Dike Angus Harrison Vera Mitchell Hilda Kenney Lena King Arthur Har rison Class Morjey Rowland Olive Mai Margaret Harper Norman Harrison Frank Ross Allison M Wallop Report for October of S No 15 Division Marjorie Maines Hon Vera Dike Rogers Cordon Olive Tirisdale Dike Stanley Sr III Anna Hon Ruby Woodcock Merrit Harrison Donald Rossu Stella Rolling Ra chel Mitchell Johnny Draper Waller Carruthers Charlie Clifford Kightjey Arthur Annie Cook Jr III Hon Marguerite Shaw Hon Mildred Dike Bruce Ross Kathleen Manners Jessie Hansford Wm Draper Ivan David James Rolling Her bert Robt Harrison those who were ab sent for one or examina tions Teacher Harrison rtaa all that could bo a Fall Fair on the result was a splendid show at reminded one oldtlmosV All IboplasB- well filled except and poultry As usual exhibit of horses was excellent Cattle Were good and sheep extra good competition show of fruits dairy grain and ladles work was better than for years Altogether thorn wero about entries which wa hundred than last year Tio cabbage cauliflower onions potatoes pumpkins turnips mangels beans bread cakes butter coujei not liolp but command attention while class of Work was good evidence that many spare hours were well occupied on farm It was a regular old show Mr Barrett of made a Hue exhibit of harness display of MrK Pegg of Ml Albert was one of the chief at tractions Mr Pegg made a spe cialty oi the Maxwell a household article that is pleas ing the ladies to such an extent that he has already sold nearly machines It was driven by a small gasoline engine that also turned wringer and had at tachments for running a separat or and also pumping water Mr has a good article to lighten the burdens of the ladies and you would like to lost it at your house just drop him a card Mount Albert Brass Band was in attendance on Wednesday af ternoon which put more life Into gathering but regret to say that the attendance was not so large as usual The Childrens Races took place on Tuesday afternoon and the prizewinners were as follows GirlsElsie Huntley M Ada Wink worth Edna Miller Smith Vera Flo Marjorie Lewis Glad ys Miner Marie Watson Atkinson Boys Gerald Watson Joe Morton Harford Smith Ross Smith Walter Bruce Evelyn Young Roy Bain Fred West Charlie Milne Terry Kmnia Toaphor Report of Queehsvllle School for September order of Senior Room Virla Robertson Jean Atkinson Bertha Odllng Hillary Peter Milne Floyd Watson Kathleen Moore Ralph Viola Hill Maoklo Wright Beatrice Thompson Jen ny Walter Hill Hill Ralph Alice Smith Harvey Robertson Ronald Mar jory J HI Gladys Flanagan Wright Calvin Gordon Mario Watson- r J V The next monthly meeting of J Zephyr branch of tocW6mn will be held at- the home Mrs lasIWepn Oct at p in Everybody Welcome to the Hall court room week the contained three barges of This R is for I two Vol raftmpfed murder of rape and Mr and Mrs J Hartley and mature v daughter Adolia or- agents in spent Sunday OctUth at City were notified a few days Pleasant an advance for first- being the of class and of Mrs Hannah Draper mothorof week while ton Peregrine Alman Wright Fred Stiokwood A player piano added to the In terest of the crowd in the build ing and the MerryCoRound pleased hoys and girls out side Nearly all the reserved seats were sold for the Concert dur ing the afternoon and there was very indication that there would be a crowded house list of Prizewinners he given in next issue AUTO for a HI Gibson Gasoline on trucks Auto a doubt for or A- QUEEN9VILLE The annual Harvest Home and Hot Fowl Supper of the Method ist Church will take place on the and of October Rev W K Wilcox of Toronto a for mer pastor will preach on- Sun day li oclock and Rev W I Atkinson at in the evening The Church Choir arc preparing special music for the occasion and largo congregations arc anticipated The Hot Fowl Supper will be served in the basement on Mon day night from to o clock followed by a splendid pro gram in the church consisting of Solos ducts quartettes recita tions etc The following will take part Choir Male and Female Quartettes Rev I At kinson and Roy Tlios Go early and avoid the rush A spe cial car will- leave Newmarket- at for stopping at intermediate points The Sacrament of the Lords Supper was dispensed on Sabbath morning to a large number at communicants of the Presbyteri an Church A large congregation was pre sent at the first evening service in the Presbyterian Church f There will be service next Sabbath ev ening at oclock The Pres byterian Guild has completed its organization and will hold a meeting every Thursday night at oclock Miss the President conducts the meeting this week A debate is being ar ranged for next week on Nation al Prohibition The Ladies of the Presbyterian Church are holding their Chicken Pie Social on the evening of Nov A good program will be given by local and Toronto talent League Oct Bernard of the Fath er of Western Mysticism Speaker Vera Smith Reader Max Roane Generosity Speaker Header Scott- Junior Room Class Perkins Lewis Arthur Scott Lena Smith Fred Jr Class Irene Milne Mary Byron Cunning ham Ross Arthur Charlie Edna Long- hurst Glass Bertie Bain Bruce Morton Bond Georgia Hill Jr I Class Flora Emma West Per cy Young Smith Flos sie Wright Orris Maries Primer A Leonard Milne Ross Watson Ada Milne Primer Mary Hill Willie Mr and Mrs Link of To ronto were guests of Mr John A Wright over Thanksgiving Mr Pearson was called on Jury on Tuesday Melhinks if doesnt soon return from the West that fellow with the motor will have ffirl Miss Gertie Hamilton spent a fow days with Mrs this week KESWIck The Keswick Branch of North York Womens institute will hold their next monthly meeting on Tuesday Oct at pm at the home of Mrs Subject What it means to be hoauciful introduced by Mrs Win Maun Solo by Miss Morton and Making Recipes A special at tendance of officers and members is requested but everybody is cor dially invited to attend The Missionary Circle in the Hall on Thanksgiving night was a splendid success Congratulations to Mr and Mrs on the arrival of a bouncing boy Mr Alex Chisholm of Kjllon Hall will take the service in the Christian Church on Sunday morning The Junior arc having a Rally in the Christian Church on Sunday ev ening They are planning to have an interesting service Any thai know anything of the juniors work will he assured of an even ing worth while Mr and Mrs Win Marrilt en tertained a number of their nephews nieces and friehds over Thanksgiving Day HOLLAND LANDING The following spent Thanks giving in- town Mr Glover of Mr and Mrs rnage Mr Cook Mr Smart Mrs Mr and Mrs Miss DrurVi Messrs Mort Win Miss Minnie Bell- all of Toronto Mrs and Mrs Marsh moved to the city last week They intend residing there for the win ter Mr Goo Tale is seriously ill paralysis of right side He is still to his bed We hope for his recovery Miss of Toronto who has been visiting her sister Mrs C returned on Mon day last- ooo Draper is yet very active and together with her daughter Edith and spent Thanksgiving Jay with an other daughter Mrs Klisha Mann of Keswick t Miss Frances has return ed to Minneapolis Minn after month with hifj5 this Citi Mr J P Browning was struck by a street car and received injuries to his skull which may prove fatal He taken to the Hospital- Five men whoso motive was supposed to be robbery attacked a milkman cm street The if If You Suffe From flashes or dizziness faint JH spells hysteria headache symptoms and not beyond relief Dr to cane and prompt and end comfort fit prolonged misery sold by for per coated form modified or trial box by one service Sunday night wBSJSi J conducted J fi A up their com- large congregation appreciated Sunday morn sermon The will bo Several taken in the Free Methodist- ser vices and are well deawed with the new preacher Mr forget the at Mr panlon and disappeared Mr J Wilson in charge northern development work for the Sunday Morning etedby Mr Mhddciu Government reported to around here had been expended in road work and thai hot ween and miles roadway had been built ox Improved the past summer settlers had been given work on these Miss 1 1 nt tic was married last our heart iest congratulations SUTTON Miss of Iurou- spent over the holiday in Sut ton Mrs II Allan was in the city oiv Tuesday Messrs Roadway Leo Geo Cultlc J A Cook and Toron to spent Thanksgiving Day in Sutton Miss Dolby of Hamilton was home over the holiday Mr Fountain of was home for Thanksgiving Mr and Mrs Nottingham of Toronto spent over with friends Messrs on Miss friends reports time Agnes Sweet is visiting at and she that she is having a jolly East Township NOTICE Is hereby given that a Court will he held pursuant to the On tario Voters Lists Act by His Honor Judge of the County Court of the County of York at Shar on Municipal Hall on the day of Oct at oclock in the forenoon to hear and determine complaints of errors and omis sion- in the Voters Lists of the Municipality of Fast for Dated at Oct A It Announces that she will sell Potato and Haggles on next years terms I have a number on hand and I want to make room for winter goods Engine gain and If I can give want a Gasoline you a good bar- ALBERT FARM AUCTION The west half of Lot and the east half of the west half of Lot 9 Con cession Whitchurch less Rail road land being acres more or leas will be sold by Public Auction at the Mansion House at am on November The farm Is part the John Estate which Is being wound up and will be sold to a reserve bid per cent on day of sale balance In days This Is one of the best farms in the Town ship 3 miles from and has good frame hams and Flowing well at house Good orchard acre valuable timber acres fall wheat acres fall plowing done aores seeded down given 1st April For particu lars apply to Phono Mouat Albert Were at Monday Mr Tom hi New- market was home for the I Mr Harold s and in the hoot and shoe in the store wish him success Mr M spent Iriday and Saturday wholesalers in Toronto Mr and ar rived home last Thursday from their Western trip Mr and Mrs and Mrs over the holiday in Hamilton Miss Lena who is Toronto- was home over Mr Richard spent few days last week in Toronto Mr Walter Osborne from the Weal visited his parents here on Friday- lie came down to To ronto with a carload of cattle He is in tin- droving business up there Mr has bought out the grocery business of Mr and commenced his duties Oil Tuesday- Mr has taken over the district The Ladies Aid of the Method ist Church held their regular monthly lea at MrsV A Dix ons on Wednesday last Mrs John Peregrine an Auction Sale household effects and house and lot on Wednesday Oct The piano and house and lot will he offered subject to a reserved bid The members of Lodge are arranging for the dedication of their Lodge on Oct by the Grand Officers Messrs Schmidt and M attended New market Fair last Thursday Those at Fair Friday Allan Murell Kaiser Brown M Schmidt Mr and Mrs W J Kay Mrs Mrs I Brooks Mrs J A Cook Mr and Mrs Roy Taylor Hoy Thompson A Fountain L Loneigan Lonergan Mil lard L and wcll Billy Sims took third in the race at Newmarket and Parks second at Markham in the freeforall Sec those Patriotio Ties at They are beauties with the Maple Leaf and Union Jack worked on them Dr Noble had chicken for din ner on Sunday as it was run over by a car and had to he dis pensed with The Public School Teachers of To ronto at a meeting last week decid ed to give every month one per cent of their combined salaries to tho cause of relief work in the City as long as the present depression lasts One per cent means about per annum Rev John Neil Westminster was nominated for Moderator of the next General Assembly of the Toronto Presbytery The Dominion Alliance is preparing for an aggressive campaign along lo cal option lines this fall and winter The new Veterinary College build ing on University Avenue was open ed on the 5th Inst County are endeavoring to round up a of chicken thieves in the vicinity of Weston J Another scandalizing srap on the the holiday University campus grounds took place last week The lasted about half an hour and took place between A Qonoral Manager The Business Of Farming of Manufacturing should done In a practical business way Proceed should In a bank- be made by Cheque A certain of the profits be put In a Savings Account as an emergency fund The man who has a cash surplus In a bank Is protected against bad seasons and hard times MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S TERRY and i IV p the freshmen and second year men to the number of about weapons were rotten eggs and little authorities should lu- them from the institution stall- car of fish over the Grand Trunk Pacific from Prince Rupert reached here on and consist ed of pounds of halibut The railway traffic during- the Thanksgiving holidays notwithstand ing war conditions quite equalled year The bulk of the travel left the City Saturday It required no less than ISO coaches to accommodate the outgoing crowds It is estimat ed that between and people took advantage of the cheap rates Tomorrow night Mine Van- dervelde representative of the Queen of Belgium is announced to lecture in Moflsoy Hall for the benefit of the Fund PublicoWnership in telephone opera tion in Bruce County has been so suc cessful that the Ontario Railway and Municipal Commission Board after inspection has granted Immediate ex tension of the lines Will Hi- colons each oihei the of soon heKin to and will We must they will up and down our hacks or Scully blow lhiinirli those wloi wear HE WHO IS PREPARED nothing to receive these breezes has prepared who has a suit Of in nice to him or one of those heaV his manly chest Sec me for winter to fear and warm underwear nest- GENTS OUTFITTERS Issuer of Marriage Licenses SUTTON WEST IS of hav- lier Bank of Commerce after October in Torontoon Boynton of The Doctor pays to and also a till The Canadian Government has plac- the Hospital for an operation an order for 5000 shrapnel shells Commencing next Monday evening a with Canadian Car Foundry of lectures on The War ad Company j its Causes will be delivered in Rev A Winchester of Knox Toronto The Church In a special Thanksgiving extend each Monday till the sermon deplored the fact that a day appointed by the Government for thanksgiving to God should be used for the holding of sham and military manoeuvres end as a general holiday declaring that use was little less than an Insult to our Mak er A great for experienced next month Pharon Oct The regular mooting of Council of the East was held above date All many farmers are asking enced a read and confirmed In an endeavor complete the Dale number are willing to accept In- communication from the the carpenters roofers men though lacking in ex- of and OVER YEARS WW mm and decorators are following in the line of the layers and giv ing their services free They began work last Saturday hunting is fast ap proaching and sporting men are get ting ready for the hunt They will go to the Highlands On Friday last when Cairns drove a heavy coal wagon across the pavement in street the pavement gave way and horses wag on and driver were all precipitated into an sewer Cairns saved himself but one of his horses was killed Toronto is arranging to send a car load of foodstuffs to the Belgian refugees in Britain the cost o which will be from to The railways will carry it free Across the ocean the vessel to carry the cargo will he provided by the Admir alty So much Is being said about apples going to waste In the country that the Toronto Motor League have In vited farmers who apples to spare to let them know and the League will organize applepicking ex cursions for the poor of the City to gather the surplus fruit Mr Jack with his car is earning despatches in France At Kew Gardens last Monday Kaiser was burned In people were congregated A new public drinking fountain has recently been Installed by the City on street The first meeting of the season of tlie Ontario Womens Suffrage Associ ation was held at the Frances Hall last week Mrs Ortnsby the president was the chair and a number of clever addresses Were giv en The Works Committee of the Council cut down proposed expendi tures to the amount of 1819400 Rev Dr Tames Rurnbanon of Elm- vale is the new Moderator of the Presbyterian of Toronto nd Last Tuesday was one hundred and anniversary of Iha battle of Heights at which MajorGeneral Sir Isaac Brock and then of Upper da fell even while Ma troops rush- to victor Notice Is give by of tbSorrtla Hank that the out standing aotes the institution will perience About per month with board and washing is tho average wage for this latter clap of help The Hydro lights were turned on at this week Sir John and Lady Gibson who have I em the genial hosts at Gov ernment House for six years are va cating the place at the end of thin was read re one Mary alio the of the collectors were laid before the Hoard Moved by Kelley seconded ty Cole That the submitted George collector Or the year bo accepted a Moved by Cole fiecondd wee and their in ffiSrffiSWVSS companies a the Royal Grenadiers had a very successful day Moved by seconded at Monday ending up with a resolved that it small sham fight At p m the Reeve his men marched back to the city through for payment as a distance of eight Eves putting in miles and dismissed at the Armories Wright drawing tile after an eminently satisfactory days work Accidental death was the verdict of the jury at the inquest held concern ing the death of Wallace Powell aged eight and by Jones Avende and street on ii work Sunday afternoon j OBrien drawing gravel W Reynolds of cutting brush brother of Mr Reynolds on cutting brush WJ the Toronto Globe was killed in F Thompson work action at the battle of the And that the Corporate through German treachery I attached Carried G repairing J A Colo drawing tile J crossing Mrs V to Over a I 500 Council went into of the Home Guards held vhqlo Mr Kelley in a parade on Thanksgiving Hay and Committee rose and reported were Inspected by officers from amendment bylaw to Garrison a time and While playing with her sister on Council adjourned to meet Monday a three old girl fell Tuesday Nov at ten from the table street a In the forenoon broke her Dick Rudolph a former Toronto pitcher won two of the four games of the erl6s for the Boston National League team for championship of the The proceeds of the concert the associated Bank Clerks la Hall tie Inst aid the Red Cross Fund totalled 05 For the week ending Oct of stock were slaughtered largest the opening Tuesday a at head of tit case of You cannot do better lha attend the British American Toronto for Shorthand Course Fall Term Is now open We ask you to write tor particulars Mr Wauohope ft J i Am 11 Chin com Tea into set of very so w of each J I let valu I I i I A fire on Thanksgiving morning did The Reeve Introduced about damage to the basement reenacting bylaw I of University College Thought to be by fire i defective wire time Day was the last day ot Fair record for attendance Hundreds of Becond lM day sightojers were present from loron- carried Imp Di Ydui Try COO All a ao A Us fcj I tin in tj TH lARHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO