Newmarket Era, 30 Oct 1914, p. 3

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ladles in ft Ii street on flcnlii lodloB come realise haven lMAnK St Pauls Ohiifdh fast Sunday vAftn meeting next Tuesday 3 1 willsend any donation or clothing IF to directed fc Mini I new lias new arks new Kiiw wellknown father before ft arc ami wore Whew you need UK and 7 v A letter read from Mayor anpuiuunb Hunter uh Mayor during his ab sence With the 2nd took Iv- Fire Alarm read report of the Vivo arid Iilght ittfvinktUd power it Wednesday November AU- help a UUIe and we It will it hours Devotion in St AT Church on Tuesday was well attended through- On Sunday evening Rev A Toronto Kav Father the CUB Of of Question the minority of the tci presented by Council to idyojatov the Bytaw A beautiful Bowling Trophy was defeated The waldrUyot one Of show windows thia the people who opposdHbeuawVwMkvft forced to pay In advance the team in the Northern Howling Town to this punllb of teams from m that money not bo places Newmarket Brad fordAllanMale and Orillla played Previous to this the shield was wontwice the Y M T A and on Tuesday Presbyterian church holding a Halloween social Church annual fowl lown Wednesday evening down Town last Sat the wJcs who moved to some time have moved lias opened to Mr J NV an lioe next door south of Messrs A butcher shop over half taxes In were paid on or before of October League llini- whs fairly last ImiI Hi place should have ah crowded hi hear the adirtlr- of in- all who had pleasure also gave tin experiences in lieinK of a York at iter disturbance two yours ago is seldom Up people have an lo obtain information ilrsf band reicardinft missionary told in an manner Now Fire Alarm System At a special meeUng of the Council Allondale Newmarket will make a last night Fir and Light to win next year Committee reported that the present Pearson with System not reliable Public spirit has donated as conductor wires are but ofc the South for the and toe Board Worn Newmarket sufficiently The Committee estimator that a Ja to allow ten teams to at complete modern Fire Alarm levelled and seeded would cost considering the building will be erect- present state of money market did- tobe used as a rest and refresh- pot think it advisable to ask for room with pfovisloh for- tho for this amount bowls of tho members The Chief Engineer Mr Morris auhmittod a proposition to construct Distribution of a Alarm System at a cost of asked By Instructions of the Hon advice of a couple of expert clec- of distribution of and are of the opinion superior sorts of grain and potatoes that the will work well io made during tho coming would be cheap to construct and winter and spring to Canadian to maintain samples for general distrlbu- asked the Council tlon will consist of spring wheat to allow the amount to stand an about Its white oats about overdraft at the close of the year barley about lbs and field and recommence that the work be about lbs These will bo proceeded with making conre out from Ottawa A distribution with the three large factories potatoes in 3 lb samples will bo to make sure that the scheme In carried on from several of the and afterwards extending It peridental farms the Central Farm over Town Ottawa supplying only the Council concurred in the re- vlnccs of Ontario and All As Andrew of catch the train the Barrio atation on Saturday evening ho slipped and hod It Ik loft arm ho badly injured that- necessary at the Hospital Our have the reputation of wearing We are the of the maker In workman V The In Mrs Fell on Friday morning when to get ber 2yearold son as Usual that morning and did not notice anything with fellow After older child went to but found him cold death life evi dently haying been extinct fur some lime aa cheap as ever i corlet It How Ralilnt Itfo a Wow lOoa ivn if Pork A Beans In Chill large tin 1Do ni A i port and Is proceeding with the work First Play rink UK Musical and Social Evening have com- fin- a Musical and Social Evening of more than ordinary under of Aid at thy Parsonage ibis at following local lalenl will to pail in I bo Miss I Mrs J Ilollings- Mrs II Western Miss l Miss Truman ami Mr and in Mrs of SI Church Toronto and Miss of fium Toronto will lie will he made A freewill offering will be door samples will bo sent free by mall Applicants must give particulars In regard to the on their farms and some account of their experience with such kind of groin or the first peace play to toes as they have grown so that a le produced in Canada will bo that promising sort for their conditions given by the Dramatic Club on may bo selected Wednesday No v In connection Each application must be separate with the 3rd Annual Itzaar of and signed by the applicant Only Christian It is entitled In one sample of grain and one of the Vanguard and will be presented can be sent to each farm If la the Town HalL with both- samples are asked for in the full complement of characters same totter only one will be sent numbering about Applications- on any kind of printed This truly inspiring and high class form cannot be accepted play is written by As tlic amply of seed Is limited ft was first produced In farmers arc advised to apply early ton Mass on the of this but the applications will not neceor cooperation with tbo saHly Ik filled In the exact order Hoard- of Trade Citizens Com- in which they arc received of city Various peace nice will always be given to the most Societies Untied thoughtful and explicit requests showed profound Interest plications received after the end of the undertaking and it will doubtless J January will probably be too late attract international attention All applications for grain and ap- Church Union plications from the provinces of On- instituted by Mr Carnegie and Quebec for potatoes has sanctioned A and is now be- should be addressed Jo the Dominion taken up in Canada It inspires j Central patriotism it is appropriate to Farm Ottawa Such applications these stirring days when war is in require no postage If otherwise ad- air and it Is suitable for the dressed delay and disappointment may occasion Dont miss the chance of witnessing In the Vanguard the Applications for potatoes from Play Wednesday Nov farmers in other province should one week from next Wednesday oven- he addressed postage prepaid to Watch for posters and Superintendent of the nearest particulars Experimental Farm in that province i The farmers are busy those days getting up their potatoes and roots Mr Chris Lowe of liii-ming- spent a few days at Mr A Starrs pjf Head visiting their son Mr Mi and Demy mo- lored to the city on Sunday Mrs of Maple was vis aing son Mr Hold for a few weeks Mr John Williamson bud a hooting match Saturday af ternoon Mrs A in King Mrs of Moll is spend ing a few days with daugh ter Mrs ly Sunday has been decided a Sunday in hi Nov I Bill- the Third f This has in various oilier places wonderful success and he undertaken here on lhe Every effort is being for by different churches Peoples Societies 11 wake this day one never lo hi forgotten in in Town is to to church thai Sunday does matter church but go lo wurcli anyway There wlN ho services and lei every he tilled yes packed to Odours and oVcrilnwiUK- of us can help in this by one little share us tall all we can everyone and be result will be llir Day for Newmarket Us encourage this worthy ini- certakiiif and we will ail have our Ilememlier day Nov I 1 Keed Nothihe ftloro wa r WATCHES CLOCKS ft CD J CUT GLASS than tho statements of those whoso eyes we have examined and who have worn v Our Properly Fitted Glasses to convince you that it would be a wise courso for you to follow ASK SQME or Acquaintance tit I ja mo Christian A was the of lhe evening last WWhen Society of III Church held Ibeir weekly service Tills novelty proved be a success Waii enjoyable hour was spent errt the topic rirR Keeping Out i J Bessie Morton fa- ls a piano here will be no meeting next WCttd there will be a and one service From plans by dm Executive Commit J for improvement of our and Community there loiioid a dotoCburch onlay- in Newmarket on Nov TIiik with ap- bl ami are lo undertake this e Sunday in November a tfJi to do are lo Newmarket go that day for at n5 the Sunday Nov loth Com Jewelers and Opticians TICKET AGENT TOWN ITEMS To the readers of the Era who have Celt the loss of the Town Line items during the past few weeks we wish lo that all is well and times arc among the citizens along the old Town Line Many were lhe city visitors in our community on Sunday last The weather and good roads afforded Many opportuni ties for those who ride in the- way of easy travel Farmers are busy Idling their abundant supplies stores Already we have seen he snow sifting down and we realize lhat one more sum mer has Mown Elijah of Hasi County- is visiting with his brother on Hie old homo stead Mr is busily en gaged in the his now home in which be and bis com panion hope to settle down in comfort and quietness and then we I rust they shall reap lhe Irar- vesl of the seeds they have sown Wedding bells arc ringing down our line We realize that by 1 time this reaches the press that Ibis reaches lhe press two young friends will have taken that stride that leads front lhe Joys or single blessedness in to what is termed matrimonial bliss The best wishes of the peo ple in Ibis community go out to lh em no the day of most im portant lime in rite history of I heir lives The details of lhe happy union will he made known in next weeks issue On lhe evening of at the home of Mr C the ladies of the King Christian Church will hold their Celery Social A good lime may he looked forward lo Come each Come all I body welcome with their friends also Some of our young people look in the Shadow Social at last Wednesday evening and re port a large tiine Some fellows could show as many as Ihree shadows going homo some only two others only one and then lhat I Most of the Kvoralcy folks turned out on Sunday evening Arthur Did you see the looks of a couple ladies when he did not appeal Mr George Ferguson spent Sunday afternoon with friends a Davis Corners Mr John Morning was visited by his parents on Sunday- Miss is spending a few days in the city Some of lhe young ladies of attended service here Sunday I Bertha Ferguson visited her friend Mrs Sunday Mr Will Morning is lo ride a motor He now cnrrOSi his arm in a sling Mr Harvey go hi- J Sunday Miss Laura Morning entertain ed several guests on Sunday A number of people from our burg attended the Fowl Supper it They say hey had a good linv- Miss Clara is aloud lo leave for a lime Cheer up buys Christmas is THE I I- Winter Pole Cream Tan Midnight Blue Cardinal A splendid Cloth for Coats Chinchilla Cloth in Panoy Plaids Black also White A splondld velght for winter weather Diagonal In Cream Black Navy Tan 54inch Regular for I fobimy Canuck A full range of Infants and Childrens readymade Coats in White Cream Red Navy Grey from to SOUTH Main Street Newmarket Having opened a New and Tin Shop In Dr Clarks Nov nearly opposite the King George Hotel I am now pre pared to do all kinds of work In this line Now Is the Time to Buy a NEW Be Prepared for the Cold Weather for Furnace Work Eavetroughlng Wiring SUPPLIES Prorrfptly Attended to Give Us a Call J WRIGHT Hello young people of Snow ball where have you been living or have you all given yourselves to the war This is my first lime of writing for the paper so led me if I mistakes I have taken this paper for over six years and like to see lots of sporty news Instead of being sugar down the line it was all I A Thresh er Agent Clara will have watch those girls Misses Jean and Florence Cairns also Miss Jessie spent Sunday with Miss Laura Morning Did Alma and Cliff go to Concert on they go for sugar raised to nine dollars a large boa Hall spent Sunday with Miss Muriel Mitchell Ambrose was in our town last Sunday Mrs John Morning returned home from a weeks visit in New market Some attraction down the Third Line on Sunday evenings It is both good walking and good driving Miss Ferguson has not re turned from Hamilton yet Calgary Alberta Oct About a quarter of the business area of the town of Alb miles northeast of Calgary on the Cana dian Northern was wiped out by a originating through an explo sion of gasoline store in a restaur ant Seven frame business buildings with their contents are a total wreck The insurance carried is said to be greatly below the loas is estimated at mi F M ti A Incorporated by Act of Parliament LIVE STOCK MARKET This week lhe bulk of cattle offered in Toronto were of to good grades and changed hands between and Inferior lots sold as low as Fine feeding steers sold Calves sold all the way from ft lo Usual price Sheep went from lo and lambs from 750 to Usual figure Hogs were steady 775 off ears and country points Q CAPITAL AID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Branches it all important centres in Canada and In New York Spokne Mexico tad Newfoundland Every description of Balking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of Oiterfo Rank Branch will as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH Manager day Eve or did hat Newmarket Market 29 Wheat per bush Barley per bus 0 550 CO per bush Buckwheat per bush Bran per ton W- J per Hay per ton J per do Butter per lb Potatoes per bag Chickens per A a Duck per J JJ Turkeyi per ft A Toronto Market Oct per Barley per bust J per busk per bush Pet to It per per per JO- ChJckieiui W0 W per lb No matter how good the coal you buy your furnace Is not large enough to heat all outdoors Weather Strip Your House Now Prevent leakage of heal and draughty windows and doors by hav ing all windows equipped with All Weather Strip STRIP all Joints tight Stops dust from coming into house windows Makes Saves Its coat In a very short time In fuel How Is the to have It done Agent ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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