Newmarket Era, 30 Oct 1914, p. 7

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a v I J I v v 1 I J J J I iVJ I I I I Our slock of Direct Import china for this fails trade now complete Wo novo not and will not raise iho price of Dinner Bets Ten Sets Toilet Sets or Fancy China as our stock was all in before the in prices came into effect You can purchase top full and complete Dinner Set Of Of quality souiiporcclain very nicely orated In neat and tasty floral designs or a fine quality of China Tea Set of a wry neat pattern for GO Al so wo arc just opening a nice of Wedgwood Blue Howls live sizes in prices from each Our full size Toi let at extra Importer of Staple Fine China During Hot Yoursolf Labor and Worry and Try Us for following COOKED MEATS X JELLIED HEAD JELLIED HOOKS DEEP DEEP BOLOGNA COOKED HAM All kopt on Too and In Glass to tempt Appetite LINE IN POTTED MEATS AT PER CAM Ingersol Cream In and also and Green Loading Reliable Phono Quick CORNEA OF Main Timothy Groat Clearing Sale Big Bargains DRY GOODS CLOTHING shoes Big on All Lines Come and Some of These GOODS MUST BE SOLD Newmarket Three doors south of King George Phono Just as you ere I jvouldnt a That it of photography And with tbe fast plates and fast leases of today the clever can take you just you are Long exposure It conscious at titudes are a thing of the Laving picture taken In a Studio is as pltao- ttt as an Informal call on good friends the today THE IN YOUR TOWN You do belter than attend the British Amerloan College and MoOill Toronto for a Bus iness or Shorthand Course Fall Term is now open ask write for Mr T Principal Dont forget Festival under auspices of Good Cheer the room of the Christian Church on Friday evening Oct 10th at An program of Halloween Ramos will ho in In and refresh served Kveryhoily A small admission foe will ho Day A petition in circulation asking Council to provide for a vote January on Repeal of Local Op tion day of November will bo the day for the tiling with muni cipal clerks of petitions for of Local Option bylawn or Repeals to bo voU4 upon on day of January It Is reported that sufficient signa tures have been obtained to require a voto to ho taken It Is time Temperance people of Town were getting busy to maintain good of Newmarket and secure three yean of Option rule without disturbance on Old As Mr CrMghlon speaker those present enjoyed his address verymuoh The of the AVPAJ celebrating Nov by a Social and Hon The AYPA Aurora Trinity Church on Monday night The speaker was Mr Tea and Talont The Red Society arc holding a Tea and Talent Sale In the on Main St kindly loaned by Mr Millard next door south of Mr A tons on Sat- Nov The ladles are anxious to have It well attended as money Is needed for buying materia to be used In making the lor Sol diers and the need la urgent The ladles have sent this week Balaclava Caps of which were donated by the Womens Institute of Aurora and pairs of They have also sent a barrel of fruit consisting of quarts and 15 plnt3 of jelly and jam donated by Newmarket Womens Institute both contributions the Society wish to thank the Institutes People are on their window and doors Extensive to the of Mr now on Mr residence well in Its new coat Orangemen are making for Box on of Nov Guy One Newmarket lady has knit a dozen Balaclava helmets for the Bed Crow Society and is still keeping- he needles flying Town Band turned out on Mon day for the Meet ing For Only Hello you Baseball Players Tennis Players if you must to dr why up a target and go in for Practice so if the lime conies ami you art called the front lo de fend your country you will he Ohio help as it is your duty The slate some things- are In we not know how soon this cull may come and we should ready to light if we want lo keep and not let the Germans have it for if they do not forget Lhy take with it So buck up those strength and do mil wail loo long for once it is gone wo may never gel it hack again A Header Girl Guides Nearly turned nut for afternoon and had a very cordial reception from Mrs on Ihe old Mil lard farm St where ihcy had a good lime The Girl wore In charge of Truman Mrs Hewitt and Miss Morton and wen welcomed by the the list of which is as follows Proa Mrs VicePros Mrs It Manning Sec Mrs Hull Mrs Atkinson Colli Mrs Addison Mrs Hunter Stanley lanes Mrs Mrs I J Jackson Mrs Keith Mis The tildes knitting on Saturday for tin sol- Home Guards for Tim patriotic meeting In the Town Hall was not largely attended Monday evening but no doubt the result will be eminently satisfactory Brief were made by Messrs Keith Cane P W Pear son Rev and Dr Boyd After some discussion the meeting appointed Messrs I Pearson Br Clark Aubrey Davis A A ana C Watson to act with the committee appointed by the Council who Reeve Hunter Deputy Hunter Dr Boyd and Mr It was unanimously decided to form a Home Guard The corps will he recruited among the young men and will num ber about It was also decided to raise a fund for war relief pur poses In the municipality Thcconimltees were instructed make arrangements quartered near Aurora fodder for the horses during the period of training on the A Outcast The am a tour theatricals on Wednesday night was a great success The Town Hall was jammed and all Ihe performers carried out their parts lo per fection The three young ladles Miss Floss Miss Lulu Col lins add Miss Thompson deserve great praise Not only was Ihe enunciation distinct 1ml the actions were perfectly natur al This was equally true of the young men Messrs Doyle ft Pritchard and A The latter especially had an unenviable part but played true to life The costumes were wellchosen and the scenery very appropriate The audience was very patient during the changing of the scenery Ihe Orchestra in the time The proceeds will reach over SI GO all of which will be given to the Pa triotic Fund The Young Mens Club desire us to thank all who assisted lo the contribution a success espe cially those who freely donated everything thai was required so that there was absolutely no ex pense farm The committee will meet again this evening Pauls I On Sunday evening he meat hers of the Scarlet Order of Lodge attended worship at SI Pauls Church the rector of being Hie preacher text was taken from the 3rd of the general epistle of A great and stirring address was given- The speaker was glad lo address he members of Scarlet Order as a member of Ihe Church of England for he history of Orange Lodge shows tot I bat il was founded on the to the I articles of Christian Body Guard The Orange Order was not with sufficient flood because some of its mem hers were narrow Thai was why Ihe should he Stephens J collection Plu1cottilepiMQit -Wun- Stephens Iriah Cob- fitop- Thompson of Verme Stephen any other kind Win long carrots W Stephens car rots globo mnpgol- Cans Stephens yellow any other of ft Hun- Wm Thompson hort y ruga- poets J John ton to beet J V yellow onion J common mammoth mammoth titephenaj common squash Stephana J red onion- W pickling oolon Stephens eab- hagc J Calhoun Nixon red fltehn ft Plunkejtl J V Child celery At Hob- J citrons plunkott adio clHVn Stephens hope J V Child of field roots PKUIT HI J Calhoun A Spy J Dole A Lloyd A Lloyd King oi AX of Oldenburg palmer fallman Sweet- J Calhoun A A J Cal houn J Calhoun Mann Miss Strang ways j Mi Mvt Plunked Sum Ha tings fpltnbuin Mrs John J J It I Bros Snow J Atkinson fall pears crab apples J Comb honey Davis ex tracted honey Davie Maple- D of winter lea A J It collet cap ped fruit Mis dis play of fiutt AND DAIRY PRODUCTS Homemade Grant Mrs J R bread Hour Mrs Geo Vomer of Walter potter spotago cake Mis J Afra J Calhoun lb roll of Mrs Mr Merchant Mis I roll of butter Mrs Mrs John Mrs Walter potter lib crock of butter Mrs Mrs Wm Mrs J display of potted plants Robinson hanging packet W P Nixon Puchsa W P Nixon- I Robinson asparagus fern Robinson P Nixon begonia rex Mrs Cooper P Nit- 1 on colored land Robinson of ger anium land Robinson Mrs John McDonald Mrs T iff -7- r J a 1 How many of us appreciate the many have boan upon us In this wonderful country of ours VJo have been so with good crops and industrial activity that many of us overlook other reasons for thanksgiving Would you like to gp back to tho days when you could only buy heavy poorly made footwear Pine shoes as we know them were unknown then A J I y Wow with Improved faollllles and greater experience footwear has almost reached the stage of perfection No more concluolvo proof of this can be found than In Shoes Wo are thankful that we able to offer you a largo to choose from I I Youll bo thankful for foot comfort when we have sold you a pair of I- no v The Men Main West Mew market I- I color centre- Wade Mrs Mrs I coarse Miss Fisher Miss niecn Mrs machinemade j The lood for fair play and bis to all It has no ill will Catholics i is up posed lo Papacy which rig Methodist Church Last Sunday was j a great crisis Day In the Methodist Church at Spain where there is trouble In being the Silver Ani Iween Ihe Papacy and the the I in fi There was a large congregation in morning and In the evening the large church was almost to its seating capacity sermons by Neil Toronto a former pastor were ol a high com manding the wrapt attention of his audience from first to last and In- spiring high ideals of manhood and citizenship Tlie efforts of Mr Fair organist were also richly rewarded Papacy is making a headway England and in Canada and there is danger for Protestants l- slumber while things like thai arc going on In Canada the Mm est jewel in the Empire a Roman Catholic refuses liberty to Rr- In Montreal lltey have a public library unless Ihe chooses the hooky Tradition in the Roman Church same standing as Miss silk ton Mrs panel tainted V Eons tell dawInK Lowe ton drawing ton V babys piRbw Remade Mrs Graham Boasted ndfai Miss five oclock tea cloth coy of next Cot A son was born g to Queen Victoria Queen Victoria of Spain SfSil rvu- mu flannel Miss Mrs Kersey Victoria of The son born has the same standing as In the morning Mr Oscar of l0 South America where the Toronto a Newmarket boy sang a Roman Church has ruled ver1 fine baritone solo while the years Ihe millions under their contralto solo in the by Mrs 12 millions are illiterate Western was also well rendered fa country would have been the evening the singing was led by a in its natural stole Home men Male Choir of voices There werej regular attendants also two choruses a male quartette and two exceptionally fine soloa by Mr Oscar Barker At the reception in the to and Mrs Nell which follow ed service a piano duet was rendered by Hewitt and Miss fanning a lovely solo by Mrs Wiley and a trio by Messrs A Western and Miss McCarty The Jdles Parlor admired Mr Neil also addressed the Sunday School the over be ing in attendance Taken together It was the most I Coin successful day the opening the new church I Meetings and some to Church once or twice on occasions such as this It Unnecessary to lead a Christian life and take a stand to of tip hen we will he a credit ii we hold fast to the faith the saints The Church needs you and me as much or more than thai Lodge Meeting Above all be consistent Take lime to be and Gods blessing will upon us all During the offertory Miss Weir sang with fine expression Will be Done- the Era to aWnt friends ink With Mrs and ink Mrs Miss burnt Mrs Strang- ways buint leather work Mrs Mrs burnt velvet Walker Miss Strang ways collection of amateur photos Mr Mrs fcofaCualudn Mrs Miss Judge Mrs J Humphreys LADIES WORK With ftilk on I Mrs Miss with silk on flannel Mrs Graham Mrs Kersey Bulgarian Mrs Fisher French Miss Mrs Mrs Miss Miss Flaher Ker sey Miss Fisher Mra leftist Eyelet Mrs Miss Cutcheon V Mi ton MI is 1 1 her Mrs lie- ahlrtwaiat Mrs MU voile shljtwalsl A If handker chief Mrs Miss table V Mm Mrs pi low Mrs towelii Mrs Mrs sham j ftotoMll Mrs Kersey lino the others Fisher Mra being three sons and two daughters kind of five oclock te cloth j V Miss Fisher pincushion Mrs V pillow shams Miss Mrs hemstitching Mrs Mies McCuteheon try Mrs Miss Fisher work Miss her V Italian drawn work Hafst Mrs toilet set Mrs Lowe Miss eheon braid work Mra Kersey Lowe Alias glove and tie case Mrs Mrs scar Mrs Mra apron Mies McCuteheon Mrs embroid ered collar and Mlss Mm lace and Mies Mrs work basket crochet Miss shawl Mrs from the noted Orchards consisting of Spies Greenings crochet slippers Kings Snows and Tol man Sweets The will be Mi and boxes will be ml barrels Obexes Included net Miss Miss J knit Jacket Mrs Graham Order by Phono are oil Mis knit slippers Mrs I Owing to the scarcity of Good Winter Fruit In thi have decided to ship In Carload of Good Winter Apples knit slippers Kersey Miss- Fisher knit shawl Miss Miss knit 1 Mrs Lowe Mrs hand TERMS STRICTLY i ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO hFIV

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