i liltlirtii II t you 4 Editor and JACKSON wM HOT REDUCE PER CENT COAL BILL A V THE PATENT ROCKER I it Rockor Motion or backbreaking shaking md room for lb spread freely in dumping scuttle imiiiiU littlKlti- hinged Ml of sifter with time It will hist then ami labor it will save thou the J ill i i ittifi V jiyilli I t CUM MntlM fuel eliminate you to have Mi users of this In Town all satisfied win on liu beauty 14 18 and Inch In without in all trial foivn week arc proud of is i 2600 OP 3000 HARD WAR Paints and Varnish wewiviarket A Store that PHONE j EhUU South End Lumber Yard t Jj Before an in Price P PEARSON Carters Alfred Bishop Ontario J Murphy i ORDER NOW THE Prices Go Too IO BEST MANITOBA FLOUR BEST RELIANCE FLOUR BEST PASTRY FLOUR Also got Your Coal Bin Filled THE PRICES MAY BE ADVANCED SOON WK EVES by Phone 22 or Garters Ben Manning Miller or Boyd Edi BANK INCORPORATED OF Capital and Reserved Making Prosperity Sure If MM 111176578 future prosperity is a matter of present thrift Every or woman who earns money can and should have a Savings Ac count into which saved dollars can be put readily Bank of Toronto receives de posits of and upwards Interest is added to halfyearly on Daily Balance in Ontario and the West BRANCH A Manager SELL AT liflttl08 Stftii in Posts Veneered Gelling Pino Hardwood Flooring Maple Oak etc Verandah Columns etc NO BETTER LUMBER EVER GREW THAW THAT WE HAVE FOR YOU DRY AND SOUND AND The Kind Thats Mr of Hamilton now in Toronto at Thp reception will take fir a In tho CoUrt the wore handed out by County yix Albert Crit tenden year In Control lbot A Lapp utter nig forged note- Snider 10 ami Antonio theft from Hay Tree Hotel -one- month each Clara Smith theft five day Mary an employe of a private hotel was arrested by Roster on a warrant her with tin theft of a Of jewelry from one the uests A brace let several and rings found on her peiv son whoi she was searched Of course she was sent down VAinan- named A Holland was sent to break stone for represent inft himself as for Patriotic He had no lliorily and the patriot he was working for was himself- The story about alleged at- to blow the It bridge over the second subway entrance to High Park on the night of the Inst Is garded liV the authorities as a joke highly Amoricui millionaires passed through ioroutooho last week on their way to bunting grounds of New Bruns wick and Maine from the Status of Ohio and Michigan Corporation Counsel lias reported Id the Hoard of Control that the hat no fare over emit shall he taken by any railway company for a distance not ex ceeding Ihrcj lhis may in securing a live Cent for night workers Toronto Premier Hearst has Mayor Jhc will ratify the action of the city by the construc tion of Moor Street car line but must not be considered a precedent- people should given an opportunity to pro nounce upon the project but em ployment is needed and the ex penditure will be sanctioned During the past twelve months the Nursing At Koine Mission worked for different doctors There were nine nurses in train ing and patients had been attended entailing some Ml visits The Toronto Patriotic Fund Association up to the beginning of November in Us report last week shows that payments been made to families wholly or partially dependent on men who have loft for the front A total of men have Toronto and York County on act ive service and for Sept and Oc tober has been paid out- An innovation in response In a- deputation was granted by Hie Hoard of Education last week when permission was given for the use of School House four evenings a week for the pur pose of entertaining children in order to keep them off the streets at night Fifty per cent more books were used in the public libraries of Toronto in October than in Hie corresponding month last year Itccrniting for the University is still progressing Fully have now enrolled and the instructors have as much as they can to handle the men who turn out faithfully to drill every evening Sand in water mains has cost Toronto about hi the past year said Acting Mayor McCarthy to the Hoard of Con trol Word comes from Ottawa that the Post Office has again consented to the use of Christ mas seals in aid of charitable in- but only as stickers on the back of letters They mfln oyer miles within ene my- Aftorl dropping a few bombs on Hol land by Urn reached and dropped the At dor they succeeded damaging a day formally the mabh1noBhop near W fc My aviators returned in aominallv formed a the starling- point unharmed t Their appearanco had been between sudden and Unexpected that they Croat Britain- and Turkey upon scarcely at ali annulled outbreak of No such raid by a number of the British chines appears to have been ma Id was appropriate by the Germans although the In order that proper possess easily throe times as vision might bo made for its govern- many aeroplanes us add its London Nov A despatch to since the AngloTurkish liie Times from Dunkirk Franco convention of has been occupied Saturday night says and by Great Britain I After a desperate attack last- though it had remained under the week the- German ARE of the Sultan AND TURKEY OFFIOIAmy AT VI AH London Nov was oflicfally announced London to-Uy- that attempt to break the allied line at Ypres has failed The Germans made a Human and filial effort under cover of a fierce bombardment of positions They had stato of war Treat Prepared a and Turkey Masses of men were launched proclamation to this effect at chosen points on which was gazetted was met reads as follows j a supreme way Two Owing to hostile acta committed nccoUis1 and one of by Turkish forces under W hay- officers a state of war between Great Britain and Turkey from to day and all proclamations and Issued with reference to state of war between Great to stem the advance It was the most terrible bayonet charge of the whole war It suc ceeded liie break in the line was repaired and the German attack was once driven back Parts The Eighth a Of Prussian Infantry Great Inan Turkey wJU was ffi captured in a fog near ft W infantry th la At Its conclusion talions One- battalion George signed documents Germans- 5 while the other silently worked to the rear of their posi tion and they were overwhelmed announcement was made GERMAN THICK WAR WITH before they could deal a blow Not a single man escaped All London Nov The contention attempted to run were shot British and Foreign prisoners numbered and Turkey was forced into the war by were taken German intrigue and against the Home Nov The Russian wishes of the government here announces that is borne out by information received Oil thejtiver San re in Odessa from Constantinople debacle for describes a fraud practised on forces at Constantinople by tho captured guns 10000 rifle German officers of the battle cruiser and ll thousand Prisoners taken at Jaroslau The had been sent into the captured Black Sea with Turkish war- lba Derations at vari- as a precautionary measure After the attacked Russian Wnil Nov sea coast towns and ships her of- fleers sent a wireless age to 1l troops J Constantinople which asserted tTia guns rap the Russians had made a treacherous vasl am- attack on Turkish ships and that been forced to take munition and stores is stated thai Ports and Kuril Kuleh in the Dar danelles have been completely lestroyed by the P and Trim in properly kiln dried THE RATE THEVERVBC8T BUY IT S0N8C0 LTD must resemble postage stamps or bear numerals or in dications of value The Toronto harbor commis sion will open a restaurant and boo I bouse at According to Glen chief inspector of Indian agen cies the northern Indians are not to suffer any hardships as a result of the slump in the fur trade caused by the war but will earn quite a comfortable liveli hood by hunting game and to which pursuits have been urged to devote ener gies for time On Thursday of Iffst prisoners were transferred from the GeiUral Prison to the Prison at John Roland bad better re mained in North York where lo cal option is in force He was up before the Police last week for being drgpk He told the court that Tie bad work and had been picking potatoes for ft farmer near lie was allowed to resume his potato picking job Turkish fleet had defensive action The Ministers fell into the trap After a Cabinet Council the defenj measures were approved It was THE TURKS ARE not until the Turkish ships returned to that Bedouins had knew entered Egypt The Porte fell into reasons thai confusion The Grand Vizier Prince was at war A battle is rag- Said fell ill On t the Russians and II- morning the Russian Ambassador tier of enable to- see tins Grand Vizier on of the latters illness asked claiming advantage I lie Anglo for his passports i fleet continues to Friday evening the Grand Commanded tile At- ffraSce sooboast the tide of war in WelgiUm has flowed Wards south For two days now the Gormans have been the allild line heavy- for first lirie of troops haying Ihurriodup frora Ghent and and thrown at once into the zone- the German attack was especially severe at two our long and line Am enormous mass of German infantry was hurled Armenticreft Round Ar ras the Germans launched two army corps against this section of the allied defensive position Both at and Arras enemy was supported by a number of guns of heavy calibre At they brought 16bear our trenches a new type of mortar which throws a projectile hundredweight The projectiles from the mortar fell plump into the trenches but the shells buried themselves in the mud without exploding Their de structive force therefore was re duced to a minimum The Germans thinking the al lies were annihilated ordered their masses of infantry to carry the trenches which they con cluded were with dead The assaulting columns came on close formation Our men crept from the bombproof shelters manner trenches afresh a J mowed down the German sol diers Our shells ploughed great rents in the oncoming closely- packed ranks of the enemy The advance slopped dead and tin- survivors of the attacking column went to the earth where proceeded frantically themselves into cover The attack was under Imperial and Royal auspices the Kaiser and the King of Saxony being pre sent at the local German head quarters The Kaiser in his im petuous inspired way pointed a commanding hand toward tie- coast and exclaimed On to Calais The Germans again crawled- forth and again British bullets and rifle fire had no difficulty in finding these human targets Willi admirable bravery the Germans marched calmly and slowly on leaving be hind a trail of lead and dying The German artillery had ceased for its infantry was creeping closer to our trenches A fierce battle fol lowed the Germans were pur sued back to one of their mortar guns and further and this a struggle was captured by the British A From Era Nov I MarriedBy Rev John oh McKenzie Miss Sarah- Ann East two bjrth notices ttiisV week the first announces the wife Mr Samuel of and the second thewite of Mr Isaac a daughter Robert Simpson occupies column- in advertising his store In todays paper also that paving lb for butter and cts per 1 per for eggs It may not be known to some peorDe in Newmarket today that this is ttie same Mr Simpson who started the Simpson Departmental Store in Toronto Aurora figures largely the advertising columns today and Mr Trent Newmarket is ready to bet rail roads Wiat his Buffalo robes are the best this side of Wednesday last while Mr Ro bert Robinson was returning borne from Newmarket bis horse took fright at boys riding down the hill on Water street and upset the buggy very seriously injuring a young lady who was with him In the rig A sad accident at Mr Henrys saw mill in King on Wednes day A man named Geo Lucas was killed his head having been between two sawlogs The Mayor of Toronto states that he has received an intimation that Fenians in the United States will raid Canada this winter On and after Monday a dally mail line will be In operation be tween Newmarket and Sutton Mark the date50 years ago Mr Vsnhenhofl a elocutionist gave an entertainment before the Mechanics Institute last Thursday evening It was a real treat A public meeting of ratepayers on Tuesday evening decided to employ a night watchman The route to be Main Street from Ontario to Water Street The watchman to be paid by private subscription 009 it J Trans side Vizier alarmed over the turn wore taking summoned another and placed before It the request of the Entente powers that Turkey remove German and amen from Turkish ships and re- patriate these persons He suggested also that compensation be offered The lastminute proposal was reject ed and the Vizier resigned A j despatch to the Times says that some of the Turkish Government were ignorant of the fleets attack on the Sea ports two hours after foreigners in Constantinople were aware of It bard the forts of and the British cruiser Minerva fresh from her occupation of port of Abakab lias bombard I the Arabian town of or on the Red Sea Alexandria Egypt corres pondent of the Exchange Tele graph Company sends the follow ing despatch A German officer named Mors was arrested by the on his return Import Regulations Respecting Nursery Stock All persons importing trees chrubs and other plants collectively known as nursery stock into Canada are required to observe the Regulations of the Dominion Department of Agri culture which govern such importa tions These Regulations passer un der The Destructive Insect and pes Act prescribe the conditions under which plants may- be Imported spe cial conditions are attached certain classes of plants some classes are subject to inspection others to i South Rebellion Choked off In Order London Nov A Cape Town de spatch to Telegram Com pany declares that the rebellion of General Frederick in the western Transvaal and the mutiny of Solomon hardus in Northwest Cape Town now appear to be completely Unofficial reports according to the Girls and women of all ages want despatch indicate that something to be beautiful and attractive but resembling an armistice Is being unsightly thin and lifeless hair de served The rebels are still collected half the beauty of a pretty at certain points In the j Free State but all these points are jf your hair is losing its natural marked adequate loyal com- color Is falling out dull streaky mandos f too dry or If the It Is abundantly clear the itches and burns do not bo spateh concludes that the rebels alarmed use Parisian Sage Rub It are 111 equipped and have practically well into the scalp It will go right to the hair roots nourish them and stimulate the hair to grow long and In order that all importers from Turkey with plans for may learn what are the conditions immiling the Suez Canal If governing the importation of trees was sentenced by courtmartial and plants into Canada a Circular to imprisonment for life entitled Instructions to importers of Bucharest Nov 5 Turkish Trees Plants and other Nursery Stock into Canada lias been pub lished as Entomological Circular No by the Department of Agriculture and all persons wishing to import plants into Canada should apply to the Publications Branch Department of Agriculture Ottawa for a copy of this circular which will be sent free to alt applicants Dont traduce your enemies It wont help you then you may want to use them tomorrow Brampton Nov Burglary is rampant J in Brampton three ships have sunk two Russian passenger steamships ill the Black Sea after forcing the pas sengers and crew to take to boats no organization Daring Raids of British Airmen The flights of leading Herman aviators head ed by Maul von to Par is and sudden appearance of their machines from ifcstos and bombs wore above the capital city as well as Antwerp and was offset and greatly sur passed in lie amount of done by two raids made upon and Cologne by Brit ish airmen of these was made on squadron Service con chines led y In a set out from Antwerp for the above- mentioned places situated well beautiful It removes dandrufl with one application stops scalp falling hair and makes the head feel fine Parisian Sage supplies the hair with what is needed to fluffy thick and gloriously radiant It is sold Tn bottles by J Patterson and at all drug counters for the trad murk Tfee With Auburn Hair Accept no by What Is there la ie vale of life com bine To Send to of Air delightful as a wife iiisisUiitf of live nut- w love and pea by K Col- stamp the divine having entered this week About midnight last night the home of Booth Main street south was invaded Mr Booth only at home during the weekend and tlie only accupants of the houtf were Mrs Booth her 13yearold daughter Jessie and Mrs Booths rathe Henry Mrs Booth was awakened by a man standing by her bedside When asked what be wanted a handkerchief was stuffed in her mouth but her daughter Jessie who was In another M grappled with the burglar and called for her grand father Managing to free one arm the struck the little girl in tha lac and broke away Mr Schooley rushed to telephone the po lice but found the wires cut and the burglar escaped The family were so excited with their experience that they could remember little about the Intruder that he was site wore a cap and had a handle round the lower part of his face In Ms baste to I get We burglar kit a calibre The po lice are at work on the case but no clue to the mans identity YEARS AGO From Era Nov The Altar- Birch Armstrong By Rev Percy on the l2tb Inst James to Sarah Jane Armstrong all of Whit church The Tomb- Ireland At Aurora on Nov fith Mary Ann beloved wife of Ire land aged years Culverwell In East Nov the wife Bobert Culver- well aged years and months Machell At Aurora on the Nov Martha widow of the late in the year of her age Mrs John T Stokes of Toronto is visiting her daughter Mrs Crossly of King was in Newmarket on Monday Mrs Lewis Lukes of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with her mother in Newmarket Mr Oldham preached a Hart- man last A new church is to he dedicated- next Sunday on the ird line of Scott Messrs Evans M Held J Ballard returned from Mugkoka Saturday bringing four deer with them The Bishop of Toronto officiated in St Pauls Church last Sabbath Over a dozen candidates were con firmed A character known as Mike Mis souri occupied the soft side of a plank In the Police Station Saturday night for being drunk Last Thursday was Thanksgiving Day A union service was held in the Christian Church An It T of T entertainment held in the Temperance Hall last Wednesday evening W Hill occupied the chair Mrs J Stephens and Miss Lulu a beautiful duet Iters Smith and Bell were the speakers An enjoyable Party was giv en at Liberty Hall on Wednesday evening A carload of woodenware shipped to Hamilton from the tVimn Factory this week mill is now running and day An immense amount of is earning to Newmarket these A big How gas has been struck at Edmontons municipal gas well at Viking giving out more than in twentyfour hours Poor old Europe We hare no doubt Your seat of war is most worn out Wilson Star 1 CASTOR I A Per aid In ls For Over Year Always bears y