Newmarket Era, 13 Nov 1914, p. 4

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Jr I flE v retting- Symptom 0 ips- Belleville year ego I vu badly with what doctor called 0 fa of I that I hid stay In friends toldmotoUkolydia table and It helped mo from It I only medicine I took that me and It You dont know bow and grateful I am you permission to publish what your good medicine has for Belleville Yarmouth go Ruth warning symptoms as sense of flush6fl chcadrad of Impending mounds In tho ears palpitation of heart Sparks before eyes Irregu larities constipation varlablo appetite weakness and inquietude are promptly heeded by Intelligent wo- oiea who approaching period la Me when womans great may be Vegetable Com pound Invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weak ened nervous system It has carried many women safely through this crisis If yon want special write to K Medicine Co conn- dentlal Maes Your letter will be opened read and by a woman and held In strict confidence The child- i delight The choice favorite CLAIUC Ltd mm POTTED flavored and perfectly cooked make delicious sandwiches of officers of health due to Boards of Also on and after same dote -Municl- aiiiiUunliavn Allan at city their for Hiding in haft auooosor who now fleoof iof 1 Wiutor in bo held from of next pvcntfliaB Hold Itself tar as Ontario iifl iconcenne for year and will lip The Gity will special oTfort to ex hibitors and visitors More than bur of volunteers have boon- for the form in tho second Hut It announced at Ottawa Hint as many as will bo taken and surplus will be available for the force of men to be kept under in Canada I mm pride I have receive frrtm govern- Kivsriafr bo in the- discharge of which rests upon- belief lhat the- will stand resolulo trusting Message ifi i f- A t y 1 rfnv vtf j The dlseovory of ituspects among who have been given places of trust in Canada goes to show that the Germans have been plan ning for a length of linlo on the present An or the at Hal ifax was arrested on suspicion last week rind on searching his rooms a complete wireless out lit was found discovery such spies as Halifax mantis making it bard for foreigners to find employment in the Roar w PAINTER of all natural woods and General House all Latest Stylw GULLIED And Hung on le Most iuuio If you want the very BEST WORK AT THE LOWEST FIGURE You cannot better hung at per roll otter paper 10c per roll Submitted all carried out by our own find men employed All Kinds of Signs Painted Just give Jones a Trial Satisfaction Is Guaranteed ATTEND THE BEST IT ALWAYS PAYS TORONTO a National Reputation for an Shorthand Educa tor commence now Catalogue J Elliott Principal St Toronto Briljsli American College Loads in ago Influence and successful graduates Spe cializes In Gregg Pitman Shorthand and all Commer cial The Fall Term opens Aug 31st Address T Wauchope Prin cipal McGltl Write for our catalogue Toronto Replying to a query the Muni cipal World remarks Man hood franchise voters whose names inserted in part three of voters list are not muni cipal electors and should not tit taken into consideration in as certaining whether there are a sufficient number of municipal electors in township to en title it to a deputy reeve under lie section Thero must bo municipally voters on the list to entitle a municipal ity to a deputy reeve- independent of the manhood franchise voters A complete army division such assvill comprise Canadas second overseas contingent numbers altogether officers men according to the British standard and is com manded by a a To give an idea of of an divi sion we may observe thai when the march it covers a stixlcli of miles from rent to rear are told the lighting force covcrs miles transports miles and and trams about miles The ordinary pace at which it mows for albert halts is iniios hour Marching at that speed a division five hours o pass a given w Notwithstanding the fact that for some years past Turkey has been a wellplucked bird and tho sultan appears to have been blinded to its host interests Speaking of this fact the Winni peg Telegram observes Think of all feathers that have been plucked from Turkey during the last few years The area of her empire lias been largely dimin ished Tripoli in Africa is lost Macedonia with its important port of is also gone So are Monastic Scutari and Drama has more than doubled her territory JJq expense of Turkey Al bania lias her independ ence Crete is W has captured nearly all llii lands in the Aegean Sea All that is loft to Turkey in Europe is the province of Thrace and the of Constantinople too long It will lead to chronic In the you Buffer from miserable headaches ner vousness dun and eailow CHAMBERLAINS TABLETS They re lieve Indigestion gently tot iruan uv It In Meilcto Co Toronto la TAKE THESE lore is an extract from an ar ticle iu a recent issue of- to which we take occasion to draw the special attention Of farmers in North York It is woAhy their serious consid eration would grow only the best varieties of winter apples- would cultivate and fertilize their orchard would prune ami spray their trees and would pack their ap ples properly they would never have any trouble in finding market for their fruit This has been the experience of Mr Paul with his now celebrated Woodlands orchard made up of ten acres of Spy trees and fifteen of Ore acres On Church St Newmarket Mod- In every way 9 rooms besides and wash room New Convenient to all down town centres Will be at a bargain easy Apply office Baldwins and other less noted variotios Woodlands is a the intersection of the Middle Road and Milton To ronto and Hamilton There is nothing exceptional not to say about the viewed as in a stato of nature as the result of intelligence and contin uous treatment from year- to year it has reached a state of of which few other Canadian orchards can boast a necessity of national we aid In- determine SUBSTITUTES MINUTES MOM AND THE KAISER WOULD HAVE BEEN ADa London Nov officially confirms the fact that an attempt to dor the headquarters of the German general staff at While Kaiser and bis chief generals were in tho building failed by only twenty minuter Having a report that ho Kaiser a part troops in Vicinity British aviator proceeded to the scene very They swooped down across the chateau which was oc cupied by Duke of and his staff and launched half a dozen bombs completely dcmolisliiirg the building Twen ty civilians and two minor staff officers were wounded and two soldiers killed The Kaiser bow- ever had left twenty minutes be fore in his armored car to ensure theflafolydf this flag honor and Canada hove often declared the Mother Country wore danger or if danger even threat ened Canada would render- as sistance the full extent of her powor Wilfrid Leader of ho Opposition b is no for bo Ism on the part of any Britisher in this war The outcome- is Tri to make Fund a bin All the help you can to make icon that we can be proud of MADE IN CANADA AND ARIZ THE BEST THAT CAM a snred wo shall win and win completely The gage of the Kaiser and of his Prussian hurled in the teeth of Christian civilization has been up and the fight will go oi until Democracy Law among tho nations will triumph But those cheery optimists who foresee a speedy end to this strife and who picture a joyous Jaunt inter dor Linden for the Allies can hardly be regarded as harmless lunatics for harmless they are not Tho- sooner Cana da realizes war is a stern serious business and that will grow in desperation as the long weary months drag 1 V not well BEFORE THE STORE f f j good WE ARE INTTiODUCINQ American Silk American Cashmere American They have stood the test Give real foot comfort No seams to rip Never baggy The shape is knit in not pressed in Guaranteed for fineness stylo superiority of material and workmanship Abso lutely stainless Will wear months without holes or new ones free 8PEOIAL to overyono sending us in currency or postal note to cover advertising and shipping charges wc will postpaid with written guarantee backed by a five million dollar company either of our 70o value Amerioan Silk Hosiery or ft Palro of our value j Cashmere Hosiery or of our valuo American CottonLisle of Hosiery Give the color size and whether Ladies or Cents Hosiery desired Offer ex pires when a dealer in your locality is The International Hosiery COMPANY P Box DAYTON OHIO ft A wiped out of existence and they know it Hence tho des of this conflict There is no lruo nor can bo No Is Two sets of principles are locked in a death grip Force as an empire build er against the Will of a free peo ple Justice as an International arbiter as against the word of the mighty international Honor as an eternal obligation rather than as a mere temporary con venience These things peace impossible and these things make war worth then is Canadas im mediate duly It stands clear as the morning sun above the prairie rim The Empire stands today for Liberty Justice Hon or among nations as among men BEAVER I to scarcity of Good Fruit decided to In in lh terrible length through wintc and Canada stands with the Em- Hake Money this Winter By taking on hands and timber by rail to us WE WANT MAPLE PINE WHITE AND BOLTS Delivery as soon as you like WfliS saying how much and of which kind of iiOJen you will and wo will mail you THE CANE SON 8 CO Ltd Newmarket Canada Kingston Out Nov There now a tegular viltag6 at Port Henry of war having brought to Kingston from Montreal making the total enrolment The men are putting in the most of heir Mine at soccer football and hare of given heir guards no trouble BETTER BREAD Without Extra Coat I At less than one cent per bak ing of eight or nine loaves you can Secure better results in your Bread Making- VIROGERM HOMAYDE makes bread of a texture and flavor a better color ami quality and will produce a loaf from Hie same Quantity of flour its action on the dough causes It to even though chilled and thereby shortens the of breadmak ing HUT OK ALL WILL NOT DRY OUT so has been analysed by Analysts and perfectly pure and wholesome TRY A PACKAGE For Sale By A Newmarket A McDonald J McDonald Solo Canadian Agents JAMKS MANNING and perhaps through and through winter again the hotter it will be Let us make no mistake No sudden rage no fluke of diplo macy not Austrias greedy am bition leaping at the chance of war afforded by the wicked act of a mad Servian student not these things nor things like have caused Germany to plunge into this war Never did a more deliberately a purpos I aim longplanned step for ty years Germany has cherish ed ambitions has fed upon phi losophies has extended her com merce built up her indus tries has established her fort resses has perfected her siege guns has built her navy has con structed her aerial fleet has hoarded her gold has drilled her eight million soldiers has flred her men with lust for the glory of war with one purpose and one purpose only thai she war in supremo effort world inci dental to which- is the crushing of France to the position of gal among theKuropoan nation the absorption of small countries like Belgium Holland and Den mark and the extermination of holed Britain Upon this issue Germany stakes her existence thai Eu rope may be Germanized and a World Empire established great er than the world has over seen with colonies on every sea upon highly brute force that knows no law hut that of might and derides the Christian virtues contemptible and utterly unworthy of the superman For this enterprise the Kaiser believes himself God- anointed and God appointed With him today stand the haughty aris tocracy of Prussia and all the war caste of Germany and be hind thorn united in a rnad and deluded enthusiasm stand as yet the German people to a man Victory for the Allies there fore means the dethronement of the Kaiser and his military he annihilation of the war caste and the smashing of the war ma chine Nothing short of his Will be accepted as victory by of ths allied nations Nothing less than this be worth fighting for Hut what does this mean It means bat he Kaiser burl into tin I as I deadly flghT every German every German ship and gun and every Gorman dollar while i true that Germany will survive this war Hie Kaiser and his will not pirc for these It is no longer a question of a colony giving sup port to the motherland Wo have gono for past that It is a ques tion of whether Canada shall stand with the free nalionswho believe in government by free choice justice among nations honor as an eternal obligation and with her last man and her last dollar fight for these things that determine a nations charac ter and its place in history I repeat that it is no longer question of aiding the motherland in a fight for national or Empire existence Canada is herself a nation with a proud sense of na tionhood Canadas future is in volved in this conflict and w Ill every instinct of her national soul and with every throb of her na tional life she hates and opposes the spirit ideals the meth ods for which the German Kaiser with bis Prussian now so desperately contending And how is Canada to fulfil her obligation as a nation this world crisis Our Government has done well has given a splen did exhibition of efficient dis patch in mobilizing equipping and to Englands shores between and men in the short space of two months Hut it is not I repent a matter of contingents one two or three- Rather must with cairn deliberate cleareyed purpose raako resolve that she is committed to this conflict to her last man and her last dollar not for the Empires sake alone but for her own sake and the sake of her national ideals And when once Canada has clearly con ceived it as her obligation to throw her entire national life and resources into thin conflict the problem then a verv simple one namely one of ad ministration If it is clearly understood that every fit Canadian man is pledged to this war then first let the Government take immediate steps for the enrolment not of 20000 but of or 200000 Cana dians available for active ser vice Then from these enrolled men let- contingents bo selected for immediate training and sent from the noted Oakvllle consisting of Spies Kings Snows and Tol man The price win si and boxes Thcso will be sold cost barrels and boxoa Included Government Standard Inspect Order by Phone before they are all sold GEORGE FORESTER STRICTLY Phone The models for Fall Winter Overcoats ift ready for you to There Is something smart about them thu you will like We showing a range of Overcoats at prices to Mens Outfitter but now- should the preparation be made With a clear conscience and a steadfast heart we can invoke the God not of battles but the God of Righteousness and Truth to our aid but only after we have made our full preparation and on to the front as soon as they I if by Gods good band our men should not he needed the loss is woes lippers NEW YORK bargain Store COR WAIN A ONTARIO Opposite Grocery Clearing Sale Not being able to attend to the two stores we have decided to Opposite and will offer all goods at A Great Reduction As the Gold Weather Months soon be upon this will be a good to set your supplies of Mens Ladles and Wear A Big Stock of Boots to blear out at Bargain Prices can be equipped and fitted and they may bo needed I am no pessimist but- con fess that that long swaying line locked in deadly embrace on the French frontier is om inous of possible disaster lhese daring raids of German submar ines are suggestive of dangers In a direction where we thought wo were invincible Ho far the war I hey will has gone well hut after all what I signifies the loss of a few hun dred thousand men to Germany out of her eight soldiers not to speak of the uncalled mul titudes available out of her six tylive millions of people And we have yet to hear from Turkey possibilities of Islam as an antiBritish fore arc faint it is true but they are vet uiu explored Then there is Italy A sudden great disaster on the line of battle which is by no means outside the fortune of war a chance and fatal raid upon our fleet an unforeseen combination Of crushing calamities all of which lie within the possibili ties in war might change in one- week the hue of our horizon What then It is the common place- of war that battles are lost before they are fought Let Can ada before it is too late Regrets are cheap and however unavailing Ml Can ada eagerly swiftly surely prepare today that in last deadly crisis of the desperate- fight she may bo able loljitow the weight of her young might upon the wavering line of battle and help to burl enemy back ward in defeat The final touch may be Canadas There is no place for hysteria but there it place for haste Not a contin gent but the whole nation will fulfil Canadas obligation and not when the cry comes for help small but if the day should come when here was desperate for our men and wc were unready not even God could help us then The which may God for bid CHARLES WGORDON Ralph Connor OB- PUBLIC NOTICE All persons who to Newmarket or any Cesspool or Closet on th ready built upon must subnet to Board of Health and tificato before the otherwise costs will Ry order DR SCOTT Medical Health HOWS THIS ELOCUTIONARY Miss Violet A Concert cnatofj for fill Cons We Mid offer One Hundred any Catarrh that be cured by Catarrh Cure J CHENEY CO To ledo We the have known J Cheney for the lait fifteen years and believe Mm orable In all and financially able to out any- obligations made by firm Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure it taken Inter nally acting dlreotly upon blood and mucous surfaces of the Testimonials Prions per bottle Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Pills for stlpattoa Ottawa Nov Official news has been received hero of the ar rest of an Immigration Depart ment Interpreter named Arthur at Halifax for espionage A complete wireless outfit was found in his room He had a under suspicion was ink ii In charge the war broke out but was released on production of naturalization papers He a prisoner of war of the Toronto Expression is now open and winter engagements in nection with churches etc Kindly get in louca phone or P 0il TORONTO NOTICE TO Electric Light All new work must lei inunction also any extenslorJ to old New Code must bo used Meter be made on lower floors In an easy accessible M particulars may from ChW at who must be notified when ready P J over as V A- I 1 Is f v R Oh Mi Vi El Oh III

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