SKi i AAA a vv tf A- A 1 MOUNT ALBERT Mt Albert I have for sale a of pure bred Hed that are rod Prices WilIlipe the COKQKIIT A are to ho donated to the Hod Fund wJllhu hold under the of tlie Zephyr in Town Hall on Friday Nov will bo given fey- local and every effort made to an Interesting and attractive program The ob ject la a most worthy ono and we trust that the of ladies will meet a hearty response from all who pari possibly attend The following the committee in Charge Mrs John Mrs John Mrs It Harmon- Mm J and the Pros dent MIhb Crosby ih- Mrs J Cook has ill for the last two The snowfall of aoiHuokplnci on the Inst somewhat later than usual There arc still a few people who have luriifpv out although favored with an exceptionally due fall for getting thorn In Word received from our local deer liunters indicates that they are mooting with heir usual suc cess Our market still continues to draw a largo crowd although prices have fallen off hose last two week They ore still as are paid elsewhere Wo ire constantly reminded thai the price of hogs is away down how does that affect the price of pork In the butcher shops School Reports School for October of Bast Senior Division IV Marjory Muinos Voifl Dike iovilow Minn Dike Olive Alum Br IH Anna Hon Woodcock Stella Rolling Cook Mitchell Johnnie Draper Walter Donald lions Merrill Harri son Clifford Annie Arthur Charlie Maimers Jr HI Marguerite Shaw Mil- Dike Kathleen Ross Jessie Hansford Kenneth Ijtohcrt Harrison James Rolling Hen Manners Herbert Shows those who were absent for any examination Harrison Teacher Junior Division Jr Eileen Rowland Flor ence Dogear Ida Dike Mor ton Clarence Ivan Wood cock Helen Davidson Douglas Campbell Ralph Morgan Class Clary Rolling Hol la Rolling Ada Cora Hansford Vein Hayes Mary Campbell Cora Will- sen Ross Hilda Davidson lila Roy Manners Stanley 1 Ji- Ir Kenneth Carrulhers ftf J I I I I i vMrrahd Mrs Jlerb Sunday in Toronto Crone accompanied by Miss of Mt Albert spent Sunday at Mr A largo number from vi cinity the Chicken Social at Quodnsvllld last Friday night arid report time Unfortunately one number canto home minus his hat Mr Merlon is still on Jury attend night sohool during winter Mr Goo- held burn raising last week largo being present Mr Geo has been with Mr p Wats on during the summer made up his mind to enlist for the front and left on Saturday One popular citizens had a wry experience one morning last week Raving gone to the barn to do his chores ho discovered what ho thought to be a Gorman tying in the hay He wont to house for assistance and summoning his wife and the hired man hey proceeded to the barn armed with an axe and shovel what other munitions of war that wore available Placing a guard the door an advance and called for the intruder to surrender but upon receiving no answer he was astonished to find that the supposed intruder was nothing more his own fur overcoat had been taken from his own house as a joke on Halloween and had been returned and plueed on hay Novel mind Percy you will make a Home Guard While visiting his best on Sunday evening one of our young men was summoned home on account of illness in tho fam ily but upon arriving there ho found that it was all a joke and lie again returned only to two others in his place Never mind its only hard luck Sandy Hank if I for myself by liitn- of Halloween observable about Our deserve v freliugin reporting of a necessity I out my Our potato barons have long faces forty cents a bar 1 SUTTON Mombera on Friday night and ordered lb following counts to bo paid M shovelling vet ditto Comer drawing gravel J work roads Jv drawing sod work road 1 meeting of Mis sion Study Class was held on evening Nov J in the basement of the Methodist Church there jiofug present This meeting cer tainly showed strong beginning and will no doubt be a great with Miss as leader book being studied is entitled The Methodist Church and Missions in Canada and Newfoundland On Wed nesday evening a Geographical sketch of Canada was given by Miss Cain Mr Cochrane gave a brief history of Canada and Knights explained the dlU Conferences Next among other topics Barbara Heck one of the earliest Mis sionaries is to be learned of The regular meetings of the Class are to be hold on Tuesday evenings and all those who interested in this work will be welcome The Lading of the Presbyteri an Church intend holding a sometime in Max will llv Hoys Work Conference oil Nov as flin tho Presbyterian Nov is to be a Patriotic Concert hi Church- proceeds to go mil Madame tie Marro perhaps greatest singer WIH be one Thoad who you will beard hM Is wonderful the style of not More of the very best that night Watch for posters arid further informa tion next week Mias Delia Horner viaited Miss Mortoii a lately Tho mooting of C Monday night will bo in the hands of 3rd ViceProa Irwin Winch be worth your while Ev erybody welcome fill people Aro wo to have decent rink this year If so someone to get busy soon on the bottom of it 1ho President of the FSA Club culls a mcotirig of week from tonight Dont forget Special business twentyseventh thats thebaic pulpit down away back in your anjl watch for opening of plan at A I Mortons Jhe York Womens Institute will hold their meeting the homo of Mrs Jesse on Tues day Nov at oclock pm Topic What aChild should lie taught before going School introduced by Mrs Muriitt Solo by Mrs Willou- and members are ru by The Law of Opulence in troduced by Mrs All quested to be present all ladies In the township very cordially invited As lliese meet ings an growing more in tercel wo can you all a wellspent afternoon so In to come one mid all Mrs Win Mrs Nel lie Morton also Mrs J paid are delegates at W I Convention this week We extend olir sympathy to Mi John Smith us he bus lost three valuable horses lately with Our new butcher Mr Win Innis is doing a splendid busi ness we think he is desorv dig of all the patronage of villagers as we will not only he able to get meat all the year round and at belter prices than formerly but everybody should patronize home trade He neighborly and slay by our own boys Mr proceeds a the date yTiwSundftj School Uarrantog for this Kntertainmrot on i Tlie service was- conduclod A fain congregotioii listened is EliirHnation of Waste Mf r- of Prery fxf thy of til a very stirring sermon plowing pretty W43Rdone around here- Anoth will about finish it It Is reported are lakingiiiUid Free Methodist services virellj -v- I duly if no 26 12300 P Grant drawing gravel account cement J Silver gravel Municipal World supplies ExpressHerald Mrs W attending school f A Taylor lumber AJ Son lights las work J gravel A Mitchell gruxl Society grant Special Constables oil Sanders Noble Mi If printing A Public Library grant A letter was from lie Chief Health Officer of asking for the appoint- of an Inspector of Hread was appointed on motion of the Council The Agreement between the Village and Messrs A J low iV Son re town light was tak en into consideration and every thing being found satisfactory the Reeve was Instructed to sign the same A Petition was received for Hie Repeal of the Closing which was rejected The Village Constable was In structed to see tbiil this is strictly en forced hereafter and ail stores open for business after pm on Monday Wednesday and Ruby Hayes Jack Shields Forrest irma Woodcock School i Presbyterian Sunday School will hold its- Tree Dike Angus Harrison on Dec 22rid Harrison Vera Hilda Ken I ley Lena King Mit chell Class Rowland Thirsk Margaret Harper George Will- Honor Hearst and Mrs Hearst has coneented to open the Patriotic Mllltarv Bazaar under the Canadian P A on Monday November at pm In Foresters Hall Dr Franklin Johnston at Con vocation Hall last Sunday evening stated that 2000000 people are liv- below the level corded wellfed animals and the Unit ed States The warding he threw out was that Canada causing a mingling of the social classes may prevent such poverty Orders have been received from for formation here of a Field Ambulance Corps of men and officers to go with the contingent One hundred and six will be recruited from Hamilton which city will supplj five of the nine of ficers the balance drawn from Toronto Hundreds of public entertainers make Toronto their headquarters and on Saturday evening Nov these professionals will hold their annual banquet at thp Walker House Two Turk got Into a desperate fight last Saturday In the Reach One air was stabled in the eve and will loose the sight pot his arm slashed and his stole from him Up to Wednesday the assailant had not found People hi the County at York will surirised to learn that Toronto has moving picture shows gathering ducats in all sections of the corporation although thous ands- of people arc out of A General Manager If You Live At A Distance from this branch of The Dominion advantage ol cur system of Banking By Mall will save vou many trips to and the same rime give you all of the advantages of Savings Account Deposits made and cash In fact any banking business transacted- by mall trouble delay The manager will give you full particulars of this BanWngby Mail MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S TERRY L fill Be Here Next MR T B the H0U8E OF bo at our store on MONDAY NEXT NOV to of Fall and Winter Goods Suits or Overcoats Will Chicken Pie Social in oil NoA was a decided success An excellent supper was served the Hall after which a splendid programme was given in The proceeds to efforts of those be received by the undersized l lu Program were Nov Mm- Sam I is l l congregation and those o charge of the amounting to drawing par cent Interest payable principal and interest ten equal annual in stallments A Clerk The Junior Bible Class of the Methodist Sunday School met at the homo of Miss Mabel Wright on Thursday Nov to proparj fur their second annual to he held in the corner store in iuesdiy Dec 1st oclock p in where there will he a largo assortment of upon the premises of the iersigned lot Con about Oct 23rd Heifer about 2 years old Owner ia request- Cv work and homemade randy to prove property pay expense offered at very reasonable prices take her away CRITTENDEN I- KESWICK all alive Hi Everything is own lliesr snow and rail make Dug Has a full Mock Straw j and price you conill wan to pay according to Messrs Levi and Hoy Morton you want a good Cook Stove I the best and all of small parental roof in stock Come for in I sell end a square deal guaranteed PEOO MOUNT ALBERT Alary at Mis Dorothy spent Miss Sunday locks airs Terrys house looks all fussed up now after MJ Will is things up the Village house these days He has something pretty line See the window display at Bros Christian Kndeavor un- new things There have very meeting j Splendid and everything interesting There is a fecial treat for the people in and BALDWIN Mr Jos Kay lax collector was on annual round last week lie is hale and hearty and promises well for some years to come I very much douhl if any other municipality in Ontario can present such a hng and service If so speak out Formers generally hereabout are hustling to wind up fall work ere Jack- Frost does it for them fifteen days open weather then a Mercury period says enough A cold wave winds November Mr Frank was tali- en with symptoms of appendioi lis last week It has hoi developed very seriously yet lien ami have most wonderful line root crops Some twenty pound Hen ronilinsous turnips find nearly ir00 on ahout one and llireequartet acres honest measure Our oldest resident Mrs Win Ail passed her natal day in tolerable health and spirits Nov 3rd She is dearly beloved hy a large circle of relatives and friends of which Owl num hers one Your humble servant was the honored recipient of on invita tion to Golden Wedding of Mr and Mrs Anderson Neb I sincerely hope the ceremonials were not delayed awaiting our arrival The invite didnt reach us until Sat urday loo late to launch on aero plane Westward I desire to express my hearty hopes for the welfare of my esteemed friends of whom I could tell much of interest had I time and space Another Queen St old hoy gone in person of the late Dan Doan of California Dan was a schoolmate of The Owl May I believe the Mistress of should remember as she and many our schoolmates were en route ini tio train Dan was in old times a promising old hoy in Sharon Children of Peace Hand Uncle Owl was truly pleased to hear from his old neighbor Gal I am pleased learn his heart and affections re main true lo he land oer which the Bed White and bonniest laud under the Would I could say more Time flips A very pretty little complimen tary remark in a Era respect ing W retirement from the teaching I mistake not ho entered the ago Always the perfect gentleman with muscular Christianity sufficient to maintain perfect discipline he a a model teach er indeed Our friend Mrs Albert issued her instruc tions that we must not praise the girls too highly There were others who had smart as the saucy boy replied Well Friday nights during the month- went from November 1st June of the Sir Henry or each year are subject to a fill J Chapter I On motion ad- decided to hold a Got Free The you who ig Itelhaven hauled up by Joseph for Halloween and tried before Magistrate ton at Newmarket were found guilty It cost I lie some money Ladies Aid fea Ladies Aid Tea in connec tion with Die Methodist Church was held at Mrs on Wednesday night last A number of people had to go home for their- lea after till as the attend ance was large was tak en in only and the price charged was each Odds and End was up near recently cnllle which were pasturing there all summer is giving Hire bargains in winter mitts per cent off all lines Mr Agencies for the Bouse of llob- Tailors has made ar rangements at Store on Monday Nov Call in ami his lines Suits or Overcoats may be had from upwards Mrs Cross is a new front put on lier dwelling above the store The boys who broke Chan Leighs dishes settled by paying Si and being told to themselves in the future It does not monkey Willi sharp tools A prominent man in Sutton had a piece of is linger taken off by pulling il into a cigar cutter Frank and Percy returned from their O 0 it was Fair for the purpose of raising funds to provide clothing and Christmas cheer for the poor children of the city False pretences is the charge p White has to answer Police Court today He obtained from for an automobile which was found- to be mortgaged It is announced that the Ontario Legislature will be sum moned for business Three baby monkeys were horn at the Park Zoo on Sunday All are apparently strong and healthy The report in Toronto were from Fort Erie preparing to march Wei land is totally unfounded- fames Carlton Toronto had an arm and leg broken on In a fall from a 14foot cylinder in the yards of the Toronto iron works The anniversary of Street Sunday School was celeVrated on last The auditorium was specially decorated for the occasion Toronto Horticultural paid to your Individual Measurement from up i GIVE A CALL I GENTS OUTFITTERS Issuer of Marriage Licenses WEST Kemp Minister without Bank will tbe Cabinet tomorrow at Hon A Portfolio in launched the new government steamer at the Poison Shipyards In a the the the spite of the inclement weather large party gathered to witness ceremony- Over men are in camp at Inhibition Grounds part of second contingent During the past year no less than drunkards have been arrested in this city So stated Aid Spcncc at the Mass Meeting the Dominion Alliance Tuesday evening and that Canada paid for during the past twelve months dian Red Society reports to the head the receipt or sub- script ions from the citizens of To ronto totalling McLoan on Friday last It the Assize was awarded i damages against and Mia Forceman j against the former and against the latter Tho damage was awarded to McLean for alienation of his wifes actions She had left him corner of and King and expects to be open for next Monday j to fortytwo cash prizes of each f which defendants were in to working men for floral cultivation at their homes this A man named charged with was commuted Friday fast for trial at the next Assizes The Agricultural Department states that It Is estimated the damage done by the army worm in Ontario last season amounted to who struck down a defenceless woman after load ing himself up with was sent to the Central Prison for six months and ordered to the lash ten at the end of the first two months and ten at the end of four months Before Ward Three Association in St Georges Hall Mr Edmund Bristol P adminis tered a severe castjgallon to Henri Purassa- for opposition to Canada taking part in the present European Sale Register MONDAY Mrs Cop- lot Con will cattle pigs implements etc at oclock months credit J Keater A act AFTER THE WAR Business In Canada will hum The demand for young men and wo men for business will keener than ever The wise are preparing now Get In to ono of our schools and be ready A months will do It It will pay you well catalogue Write for It SHAW8 BUSINESS SCHOOLS Toronto 395 St Shaw AUCTION SALE OF SCHOOL BUILDING I ild School House lit No y half of three tiuth of will he offered fur sale Wednesday Nov mi I he premises Plank building in fair rendition Terms Cash in days order of the School Trustee ti ll And for service at TUESDAY Nov Mr Mount will have an important sale of stock implements grain roots etc on lot JOS St East fie Farm Berkshire and enter from 2nd con Boas Shropshire Hams credit Sale at Ewes Barret Hocks and Whit sharp J j Orpington- Cockerels trip on Saturday the other struggle to aid their mother country members of the party remaining for another week Hurrah For a sleigh ride boys and girls The Box Social Mon eve was a large success I was not there my self but the reports were that the boxes went out of sight in very quick order Everybody enjoyed themselves immensely Messrs Elmer Cutting and Aubrey attended the Celery Social on Fifth Line and report a good time Wanted ttf wired the gate on SoMkht Mrs Harry Mills Sunday with Mr Fred Mills Snow ball spent Sunday and Monday with in Toronto Dont forget the Parlor Social at Mr Next is Sunday Hope to see a lot out Tie correspondent in last weeks was in date of the parlor- Social It la to bo on evening Nov tt the to be annual meeting of the General Reform Association will be held in on the 7th Inst In the Temple It was stated in the on last that within Past month the Salvation Army of Toron to had gathered distsihutM bases of apples to the poor of the Mr sent in ten tons of cabbages and Billings gathered and sent four tons of cabbages eleven hundred turnips Last Sunday being the Gth an- of the first in Toronto services were held In all th willhold flhower the last week In pvenerV menders and friends are asked to comforts of every sort to pn th soldiers Game baa been quite plentiful since tite middle of week lllne at ft wild from to to Quality Plover at to SO Tfce Toronto of the Mr C Willi- ton lot Con East hury will have an extensive sale of ih Cattle etc at one oclock months credit J Kester Auctioneer Sons P AUTO WANTED ABIC THE IS Made in Canada Scour the Pots Pans after cooking operations and notice what a pleasure it will he to pre pare the next meal when you see that all grease and burn has been ho easily removed by lifting iamond Cleanser Sold AllOioceMt in large aif- cans for Diamond Washing Laundry Day is also sold by all Grocers in huge packages cents In exchange for a Engine on trcs fall Also a double head for sale or trade A Sutton ffwt FARM AUCTION The west half of Lot of the west half hot W cession Whitchurch 7 road laud being acres mow less will be sold by Public at the Mansion House StouflvllW am on November The farm is part of the John Estate Is being wound w and Will be sold subject to a it bid per cent on sale in days- the beat stock In ship miles from StouBflUe good brickcld frame barns and J wall at wrea timber fall aorta aede4 down For further r J- I I A i I J I i 1st to Phone Mtta I HAL A ins out throw had It dtmdi i ARCHIVES Oh TORONTO