Newmarket Era, 20 Nov 1914, p. 5

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I y- J t Robertson Notary Public to on good farm So- I AND Wilkinson DENTIST SI f J A t J A- i it WhtV1WlllDo Have you tori Wends capable of appreciating he Era A dollar will pay Tor ten subscriptions to the end I it duty and to the advantage of Canadian to buy goods as tor for bio Instead of going to the enemy R- DENTIST opposite Kins p Main I tho around we have the kind of weather right in this province that makes- a man changes arc needed to make charac ter Variety tho of life Making- no this la the beat in the Dominion her weather the tost her are the fullest ones and her people are the Bait of earth to to pm pm Boyd In Toronto also of he mem- Hospital Main and Timothy Telephone HO Green AN PAPER Ave Queen Newmarket Bolton PttC Painter Paper Hanger and N S AND JEWELLER farmers of Wellington have contributed over 30000 Association North York armors doing at Young Peoples Guild Presbyterian last week was Warring Nations of the world navy being taken by Mr Shaw and aeroplanes by John Bingham both of which were well rendered A young man at Thompsons ma chine shop found the advertised In last weeks Bra and returned it lo ho owner The Annual Convention the Township of Whitchurch Sunday School Association will bo held In the Christian Church at Churchill and Wednesday Dec 1st and 2nd zed Bowels Digest that after suffering from Chronic Constipation for J have been cured Vhile I mi A student atBerthisr College I 111 I was forced to leave lha the college Severe the tortured me and ii a point when I could not down at all Mid ray I Come to take at once I great bad our or five I that was cured ad what me glad mis they were causing with Chronic follow tar example and take are tint at a box for trial by Wnrltcd Ottawa 9 V y- w At THE OF I A r ft T the Gin They for At dealers he most of our hunters got home ing next few months to work tho Cobalt express early Sunday out the details From The on morning they report a good outing but weather wan unfavorable sev eral days There were In Davis party and they shot eleven deer LETTER PROW view the in Saskatchewan of Belgian refugees who have been engaged in pursuit In their native land have boon submitted by the Bolgiun Consul- at Ottawa Belgian Government In the communis by Gaston Pott Consular Agflht in General that tho spring of will ho tho moat favorable lime lo plans for settlement anil that there will be ample time dm- A Wretched Day Last Sunday was the day wo have had for months and months Contrary to tho expectations of tho young peoplo it was Stay athome Sunday They will have to try I and see if the elements will not be more favorable to I ark Ave Methodist Church A Ttacber of Voice and Violin is all TUNING lor and Prompt Service Lotlflo The annual election for Lodge No took place on evening of last and rcshltcd as follows Master J DMoKay M Nelson Draper Chap Thou Treasurer Marshal Ho James Marshal Fin Direct of Ceremonies Mar shall First Green Sec John Booth First Committee Man J Sec Com Man Julius Rogers Third Com ManHro Fourth Com Man J Fifth Com J J Mac- Donald Auditors A and Industrial Homo Following are accounts passed by the at last meeting Food light and fuel Clothing and drugs Wages Hired Labor Conveying Inmates MificcllaneoUfl 1250 47 CO of To His Brother at ft who has been employed in Mr at lef week for Scotland to enlist for service at tho front Mr Fergusons father and brother have seen service- Fiance and foiling ere- a taken letter his was in the during the Antwerp I back to camp yesterday seven days home You have about naval division in Antwerp by this time We left Dover On Sunday Oct ar rived at Dunkirk prance on Monday morning lay all day In and boarded train about p for Ant werp arriving- on Tuesday at We Had a great deception neatly mad with Joy at teeing We played our Battalion march through and com ing to a halt wo played the Belgium Frenoh Russian and our own na tional That was the last we saw our Instruments We left tbpm In a school and took over our Red Cross work We should never our Instruments so far bandsman are ambulance men during Next morning we went to the trenches were there all Wednesday to Thursday night The were being continually with German siege Of course they the torfo replied and too The splinters and falling about us and we prepared to go any minute as there were no saying when a shell would land amongst us it was hell on earth right enough We heard guns firing the shells whistling and knew where ttey were to land It was certainly agonizing to sit and wait but we kept the fun going singing joking etc our beet dinner made under shell lire We out of r a jvij v Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Gars from August 1 to and I Unction -if- TOURING i an m 590 I Cooperative marketing of stock is suggested by the department of agri culture as a moanB of reducing the spread between the prices paid by the producer of live stock on one hand and by the consumer on other hand Coopera tion has been found in actual practice to bring very real bene fits to the producers of grain and of dairy products in Saskatche wan staled A Mantle deputy minister of dealing with this subject and can bo Ford Ontario fully equipped In Dominion of PuUIiop wo to pay from to pop car on op 1 toovory In dominion of Canada a Ford end that two on tho datos which output will on ua to obtain maximum In oup factory minimum coot In cales dopartmonto runner thoco low and plan tho noapoot Pord or Ford Dealer Home of The Ford Water St Newmarket AGENT J V1HH I i I a made to id 1c MM lot It great When you of live dont Always Dry Free and f1VV4r It out A report reaches us that some High School who return homo on tho four oclock car not only behave but smoke those abom inable Cigarettes For of boys wo hope the railway com pany will put a atop to such per formances it not the High School Hoard should interfere b LICENSES Era Office Private leaned at private rut- if dtilred NElWMAHKET LATKHT DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering elsewhere Out Stone for ift m Stock and made to Order GEO made to observe Tuberculosis Sunday Nov more widely than ever before throughout the Province of Ontario This is the Third of the Govern ment In Canada and Lecturers the National Sanitarium Association operating the Hospitals for at and Weston will enlist hundreds of Churches and Schools throughout On tario in a simultaneous movement against Turberculosis on the 20 and Nov The Hon Dr Minister has again approved of holding Tuberculosis Hay in the schools on Monday November 30th following Tuberculosis Sunday in churches and has sent out a circular to Jil Principals of Public Schools The movement is endorsed by the and many of the principal of the Province Only Weeks Till your shopping early and that it to shop where you are to shop Look over the columns of this Paper for the invitation Mothers looting Will not be held in the Army Bar racks as heretofore but there will important part the producers their fair share of the price no matter to which of the markets on this continent the producer desires lo ship This much at least has been amply demonstrated and cannot be gam- said namely that a small local group of farmers can largely in crease their profits from live stock production by banding to- and forming for them selves in an economical and way essential service which is ordinarily performed for them In a wasteful and way by a local buyer drov er or butcher Mr Mantle iV further dealing with the pointed out that every group of farmers in province who were dissatisfied with prices could form and operate a local shipping selling organization co operative linos If war lasts one year it is estimated that fteglnns contri bution to the patriotic fund will amount to sub scriptions lo this fund most ly on a monthly basis as it is fell Ihat this is the best way to meet needs of the situation The citizens of have pledged themselves to give monthly for the maintenance of the families of reservists and volunteers serving in the war The Dominion Council of Agri culture have now called a joint meeting with representatives of the Canadian Manufacturers be two Mothers Meetings on Tues day the of Nop commencing at to discuss the possibil- p m The reason the change is this We intend after business and devotional part is over to Ullt a quilt in each place one at Mrs Boyds on Joseph Ave and the other at Mrs- Albert on Queen St Come Press DR EVAN LEWIS Chiropractor and Osteopath Hydrotherapy Swedish Movements High Frequency Electrical Treatment Specially and Nervous Condi tions Spinal Diseases Bright Disease sago Sciatica and Diseases of Women Etc Chronic Gases Invited FREE BY APPOINTMENT visited Wednesday and Friday of ach Aurora OfffeaSor Maple A Hprucs fttt No Another Vote Suggested Toronto News on Thursday last week has the following paral graph with reference to anoTher Kill peal to the electors of Oxbridge and travlllnfi a Newmarket to accept the proposition of the HydroRadial Railway which was rejected recently The muni cipalities of Newmarket and Ox bridge by which the Hydro radial project was defeated recently will be in accordance with a decision reached by a meeting of municipal re presentatives held at Hie of the Commission yester day to take another vote the pro- it Is that In view of the general given the scheme these municipalities will now he prepared to lend support which is all that is required for an early start on this work At the yesterday the subsidy was discussed and steps were annul do belter than attend the British McGill Sis lorn for a fihorlhand Course Term is now open iik you lo write for Molars Mr W Principal Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR A meeting taken to apply to the Federal au thorities for the a mile grant that is regarded as showing the minions approval of the project Will the HydroRadial Commission pay the expense of taking another on the question Or St will the Council again submit the question without a petition sufficient ly signed to warrant the supposition that the electorate have changed their views on the question Newmarket has the opportunity of Retting Niagara current for both light and power from the York dial cheaper than the Hydro j will supply ft If this York Radial connection Is made the have a complete control of the rates charged to consumers whereas under Hydro the standard set com pels a service cnarge of floor space Which is not satisfactory The flat charge in Aurora of KHlowat hour for current used instead of as charged in Newmarket given satisfaction to electric users that Town which Is supplied by York Radial power Why place the Town of Newmarket at a disad vantage to prospective buyers of real si ate Mr J Stewart moved ls family and household effects from to Newmarket last week into the e on mam t travelling for the Wood Co- of Smiths Falls crowd Id Town last Saturday Our merchants report the busi ness day of the season County meets next ay f ft ft j cuts r i c tit Toronto novelties Co Toronto Ont Ities of so altering the condition of settlement on the vacant lands in the west that the capable farmers unemployed may be in duced to take up homesteads with assistance from the Do minion Government which would ensure success Delegates from the Reglna Board of Trade were requested to be present to ex plain the aims of the Closer Set tlement Movement As is now well known this movement aims to organize communities each member of which would have acres of farm land to work It is thought that the financial standing of the community heller than that of an individual Would materially assist in financ ing such a project o Ot- CANADA SENDS MOTORS Britains Call for Is Answered by whats going to happen We had to leave Antwerp on Thursday night and when we left the place was like an inferno From a picturesque point of view it was a grand sight at night with guns going off shells exploding rifles going like clockwork It was as bright as day with fires over We left at eight p m and marched all nignt and arrived at St 32 miles distant at 9 a What scenes saw on the march enough to make us wish to sec every German battered to death The train we left St on was packed In side and out on the as well with refugees We arrived at on Friday night Saturday and left there on Sunday We sailed to Dunkirk and from there to Dover England and to camp in Kent We were not properly equipped before going across but we our teat and are glad to be alive I can tell you we never expected to see homo again A crust waP a at times tout at other times we were overloaded with stuff We got anything we wanted the Belgian people they were good to us well do our best to repay them yet- There are thousands men not able to realize the condition of the warstricken One look Into Belgium would surely move them I brought home some souve nirs as German cartridges and pieces of shell from the Jack John sons German siege gun hope to get a German helmet next time Roodbye A Ferguson Hood Battalion 2nd Naval Brigade no what no m1ler what CLIMATE no what SEASON a dally pleasure to fine dry rail to uso on Gel a from your la pcoor i V MP w f mm in EM k fl I ai End Flour And Feed Store Opposite King George Hotel J WORLD FOR DREAD Flour Made of All Wheat Also Graham Whole Wheat and Buckwheat Flour DRAW AND 8HORT8 ALL OF Mixed Peed Meat Leave Vour Order for Carting and Heavy Teaming I I House IMionr Office QEIlMAfJ EMDEfi 8UWK Phone Nov A combined operation hy fast cruisers against the German Cruiser has been for some lime In progress In has covered an immense area the British cruis ers have been aided by French Russian and Japanese vessels working in harmony The Au stralian warships Melbourne and Sydney also were Included- these movement Yesterday morning new- was received that the which had been completely lost to sight after her action with the sian cruiser Jemtchtig had ar rived at Keeling or Island and lauded an armed party destroy I lie winless station The appeal of the British Red Cross was caught and forced Society for motor ambulances is flgh alia splendidly responded to Sydney on October 23 motors to the number a sharp action took place in of have been promised or deliver- the Sydney suffered the these the Canadian Bed Cross and has provided twelve In ad- wounded The was dition through Mayor of St j driven ashore and burned Her Catharines five motor ambulances personnel ore reported are to be supplied to the very heavy All possible hospitals at Salisbury sUtauce is now being given to Plains has been volunteer- survivors by the various ships from the women of for have been despatched to puschase of one or of these and- the i We are prepared to furnish for weddings at very mo derate prices Our Bou quets altogether the Canadian Red Cross through its supporters is giving motor ambulances The average cost Is or for the total gift From Col Lyons Bigger Director of Supplies and Transport Ottawa the Toronto Womens Patriotic league have received the following list of article with which each man going overseas for duty will bo pro vided a shirts undershirts pairs drawers a pairs socks sweater jacket and thread holdall and pair gloves- In addition the are provided with bootaj overcoat serge clothing and winter cap One sample of each il- Li It G Is being model sent to the as a FOR FLETCHERS A With tin- exception of the squadron now off the coast of Chile the whole of the Paci fic and Indian Oceans is now clop of the warships FOR BRITAIN New York Nov fweaty marines are to be built at once at works for a foreign Govern ment The are not to completed hero but are to be built in sections for shipment There is reason to believe that tie of the plant do not know for which of the warring nations boats are Intended The Steel Corporation- sent the order to The work- men at the submarines are to go to the i Telephone for ito Business may bo quieter than wo yours ago yet there is no cause for depression Crops arc good and already business is waking up Call your customers by Jong dis tance telephone Dispel heir gloom by ho hearty spoken word Keep both yourself and them posted on prices and general conditions and there will bono slowing up in your business The economy of telephone selling makes it a welcome aid to business just now The long distance telephone Is the proven ally economical business ii Station The Bell Telephone OF CANADA Co ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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