Newmarket Era, 20 Nov 1914, p. 7

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i ON FRIDAY V AX I Q A Our Of Import ihis falls trade now Wo not and will not iho of Dinner Set Toilet or Fancy China as our stock was nil In before advance In prices camu into effect You can purchase for a full and complete Dinner lei of pieces of host quality very nicoly flrftcl cat and tasty floral fin0 quality pes China Tea Bet of a pattern for an- just opening a nice line dies pyramid requested attend an meeting at Oddfellow Hall 7 jj i homo from Specialty an Monday evening Mr Herb slipped on the pave ment owing to the snow and foil backward sttfkingjdB head lid was taken homo and concussion of brain was feared but ho Is doing nicely now and will be around again In a few days j Blue Howls live in orfcos lo Our full size is extra good nn of Staple Kino China Mrs Geo Thompson cut her thumb badly while at her or dinary household work Not a very large at the theatricals in Town Hall on Wed- night Willing Workers of Presbyterian Church will hold their annual bazaar on Friday Doc followed by a tea In evening Presbyterian Choir Concert to- night Friday Several vouldbo purchasers of pro perty from purchasing hero recently on account tax ation and went to Aurora Will town please note High School Commencement concert will bo hold on Wednesday evening Deo Tomorrow Ik the shortcut day in year Wm Co 1b reviving quantities of logs from their at French River Earn money this Winter by supplying Co with timber all kinds or which a good price will be paid Guess wo will have Indian Summer now An Paper Qlve At ohombei wo can the building ot we flrat know what mean by Mrs Dp Kay at a of tho Womens By we ntan inner life of a human being and the ideas dreams actions arid habits of the as character to early agoand we form a airly estimate of the future man or woman If wo study closely the child As we all know every child is born inherited ten influence of all generations of his progenitors transmitted to that little being and slumborfng latently in the infant but wakenpd to life as years go and child Borne of those ft grand whold and of these I relationship to thefother units We are all more or loss affected by the ly In by people with whom we meet in our dally Intercourse so Is a child affected by such things haying tho mature Judgment and discernment of adult- years with select the good ttom the bad tho civil and to the This is where the parents duly again plainly manifest See your child forms good cpmpan- these whom yolir child knows and if sirabliv carefully and gently di vert the childs V attention into other channels until perhaps un consciously to the child himself the Companionships which would injured bis characlor and therefore bis future usefulnest have beer broken But let us not Isolate ourselves from any com munity lit which wo live It is our duty to lift up to reach out a helping hand to scutter sunshine and cheer everywhere to try to bolter all those with whom tendencies may be very very come In contact Let us do all New Fruits Have Arrived FIRST turned down Lemon and Citron Pool Now and Strawborry Jams Guaran 20o lb Jar Codfish 1lb 2lb Finnan of always and fresh Also a lino of Plonlo Hams weighing from to lb at 18c laklnn a whole horn for Our is still best brand 17 The Loading Phono Quick CORNER OF Main Timothy Streets Great Clearing Sale Big Bargains IN DRY GOODS CLOTHING BOOTS Big Discount on All Linos Come and of These GOODS v MUST 1 BE SOLD Newmarket doors south of King Qeoroe Hotel Phone 232 Three Time Card NO NORTH am pm 00 a 1080 IS SOUTH 688 SOO one of the successful in the Brad ford District was held in lliu Mllndisl Church on Wednesday about i0 delegates being present At the afternoon session Air Herbert I of Toronto llov Dr of Aurora and Mr Isaac Marritt of llvcrod enthusiastic and Inspir ing addresses were served in Hie yyjn by the Leaguers The Session was held in I ho Sunday School Rooms which wore by an appre ciative audience Mr emphasized the importance of spiritual power individual charaolcr In Leagues Rev Dr address on Japan was very interesting and instructive Music was furnished by a Male also beautiful solo by Mrs Mr J was elected of the District and Miss Annie Meek as Secretary for the ensuing year Printed Butter The of Agriculture at Ottawa for putting Into notice an Act known us the Dairy industry Act 1914 lias given much dissatisfaction to the farming community Hud previous intimation been given to when the Act would go Into force thousands of dollars Iuivj been saved throughout Province to farmers Owing lo considerable wo wrote the at Ottawa and received the fid- lowing reply The underlying principle of the law is protection to the consumer the honest manufacturer and the trader The whole object of the law is to prevent mis J presentation A new subsection in the Act reads as follows Nil person shall sell offer or have in his possession for sale any butler moulded or cut inl prints- blocks squares or pats unless such prints blocks squares or pals are of the full weight of onequarter pound onehalf pound one pound or two pounds at Hie time they moulded or cut Nothing in this paragraph shall held to apply to butter in rolls or lumps of in discriminate weight as sold by farmers The Regulations made under authority of the Act came In to force on September 1st and provide that when dairy butter is put up in blocks squares or prints and wrapped in parch ment paper he paper shall be printed or branded with the word Dairy in letters at least onequarter inch square in ad dition to any other wording that he may desire to use There is nothing in the Art or Regulations to prevent the use of the word Separator in add lion to the words Dairy Butter hut no such grade of butter Separator is recognized by the law The Butler Act of only two grades namely Dairy and Creamery tans a place cream of less than manufactured into weak and might never influence at all or only very slight ly Othors may be more pro nounced and show themselves at an early ago and Influence the future of the child very Strongly for good or evil Thus wo see that in each and every child char acter building has begun long be fore it is conceived We may In despair what cliancc- wo lo combat such influences- if evil On our childs future There is a way fairly safe and sure Let every young man woman cast observ ant eye back over the long line of progenitors or any person in whom he or she is interested him be careful not lo bind lis destiny with that of one whoso ancestors he cannot or respect Then our future gen erations will stand a chance of starling out in life with a clean record may they blot it ever so much on the onward And who is lo teach our youths and maidens this very Important feature in life Who if it be not the mothers For who lias the divine right and privilege of dominating these young lives of teaching them the sacred ideals of right and wrong of purity and goodness of kindness love and sympathy lo their fellowbeings FARMER Homager wealthy armor or was round i a Iffi short distance from the family J on the afternoon Friday wording of see- lions of the Regulations that deal with Ibis mailer of ho branding of dairy butter roadd as follow J No person shall or p hed an into blocks into hit dfalh on Saturday such when A verdict willful prints in parchment returned Who if not mothers A famous Jesuit priest once said Give me a child for the first seven years of his life care not who teaches him after that It Is then possible loso mould a childs character in the first seven years of his life that it will along tin desir ed linos In spite of all the changes and vicissitudes of fortune the Influences good mid evil which all the future years may bring to bear on that This learn ed priest thought so and ho was a very famous educator of the young In my humble opinion firmly believe the what you say of the inherited tendencies over which we have no control But have we no con trol over these tendencies hit us stop and consider for a mo ment For example you may no tice in your babe a very ago a predisposition lo an un reasonable tyrannical temper What are you going lo do about it let the chiW go on and on unchecked until he becomes household tyrant a grievance and trial lo nil about him mak ing himself and all others unhap py with these tyrannical out bursts wise and sore molhcr knows that such a condi tion can be successfully dealt with with much patience love and helping the little fellow to understand his fault and lo overcome it with his mothers loving assistance will doubtless lake boundless pa tience love and sympathy to the little feet out of these ruts in which they run so easily but would it not be worth while if the result- attained be for the childs good and develops his character along the highest lines And what is too hard for a mother lo do for her child oif she knows and realizes that it is for his best welfare It is a very old and wellknown saying I hat he hand that rooks the cradle rules the universe and if Ibis be so why Is it so Is it not because the ones who rock he cradle meaning the mothers of the children control to an amazing extent the destinies those children and therefore of the world in future years Is it not because the mother has it in her power to so leach that lit tle babe so guide those little minds from day to day thai she can make thorn what she will For we must not lose sight of the fact that here are very many other influences which will leave their imprint on those little minds as the days go by And of course of these is that the child have a good father who his example will aid and abet he mothers teaching and plant many a go id seed himself in he fertile soil of his childs heart As I have said before it is the duty of every mother to teach her daughter her son the grave misfortune of choosing an unsuitable lifepa one whom we could not but look forward to with and misgiving in the capaci ty of father or mother Bui even if a child be blessed with honorable and upright an cestors and also good con scientious parents there are still other Influences which may ef fect his character favorably or otherwise Borne of these are en vironment meaning our sur roundings in- which we live for verily no man unto him self or unto himself We are all which po make up We can for the place we live in not sit with folded hands and la- its shortcoming and wrong doing But if find thai In spite of our and prayers our surroundings arc that our childrens and our own characters arc endangered Then ft is time to leave a place so un fortunate even though loss financially may bo great For vhat is a financial loss In with welfare of the I future men and women of homes Let us do our best then to keep our children in an en vironment suitable for their bait development mentally morally spiritually and physically Chief among the influences the home which can Impress the childish character for good arc the church and I School Let the habit of regular attendance be formed very early in childhood even though nothing more beneficial be gained than the churchgoing haint If that ha bit becomes a fixed and steadfast thing in childhood and youth earlyforged chain will hold the man strongly and tend lo draw him gently back even though he may have strayed far away from the good influences of his youth Another thing which is per haps underestimated is the taste for good reading The parents can quietly carefully implant in the childish mind the desire read and can guide the childs first choice until in adult years naturally and from long habit choose best and dis card the dimenovel va riety so often indulged in by our young people less wisely guided The noble characters and high ideals of good hooks lift the mind far above the sordid things of to a purer air and a broader view And when a young man forms a taste for good reading his parents will not have so much anxiety as lo how he is passing his and his spare llniS because a generous part of them will be spent in the most harmless safe and benefi cial of diversions namely go d reading It would also be diffi cult to estimate the amount of knowledge obtained and training given the mind for do wo not all know wellinformed men and women with whom is a pleasure to converse whose sole education was gained through homereading When a child arrives at school age and attends school his com panions and classmates his teachers in turn will all exert a considerable influence over hi a Whenever these influences are not for the best his hometrain ing will assist in a very large measure to offset any evil ef fects And we must not fortel that school life and have a very great influence on character We in this have been in the habit of sending our children lo Germany for finish an ultimate polish which we thought our educators Ibis country did pot give Our eyes have been rudely by the events of the past few month- We learn to our intense surprise what erroneous ideas wrong ideals the cultured profes sors of the German schools and universities have been imparling lo youthful minds Hie predomi nance of brute strength over lie instincts and morals of our v- Is with result that Leather of any hind but particularly good Leather become very high priced As a matter of Shoes now cost more to but the price you pay only represents a fair value of tho finest ever made In Canada I 1 as an honest term applies to Invictus because the makers have faith in the attitude of Canadians toward good footwear and they feel warranted In maintaining the quality of Shoes with prices as a secondary consideration OBTAINABLE AT The Men Main St Wool Hon was executed and they wore twenty names short It required some strong persuasive power to secure twenty names and it was net until late evening that this was In view of this fact It mutt be quito clear to liquor that they arc playing a los ing gome In With the pre sent monetary conditions and when every person giving of- their sub stance to the Patriotic Relief Fund it Is very fortunate that the town should be put to this unnecessary ex pense at this particular time The temperance forces are quite confident of winning in this campaign and we would not be surprised if a larger percentage was secured against the licensed bar than was polled ago The vote the Proving Election campaign In June Is no criterion as some would assume This is a purely temperance Issue while party politics was the pre dominant factor in the defeat of the Abolish the Bar poller According to figures prepared by the provincial department of ture the value of farm products Alherta will extend in A you No matter how good buy your lo civilized races We are amazed to learn that oven the wisest and most learned in that land gave prominence to the of might over right fel us see that our children are given and noble ideals something lofty and worth striving- for them how little material things really mailer lhat ho mind must be filled with beauti ful thoughts the spirit strengthened by Divine help ami inspiration the heart softened kindliness and sympathy to oth ers and then let us make our bodies lit dwellingplaces for what is within And he we rich or poor in this worlds goods if there is a beautiful character within we shall be loved and re spected Ibis world will be a belle place for our having lived in if and the loving Father will wel come us home with a well don LOCAL OPTION IN MIDLAND enough to heat all outdoors Weather Strip Your House How Prevent leakage of heat and draughty windows and doors by hav ing all windows equipped with All Metal Weather Strip this makes all Joints tight Stops dust from Into house Stops windows rattling Makes sash unnecessary Its cost In a very short time In fuol Nov la the time to have it done P CANE Agent A petition for repeal of the Option has been In to Town by those who are anions a return of the bar-roow- We are Informed on good authority that it was with difficulty that they were able to secure the required number of being twentyfive per cent of the ratepayers It was handed in early last but some person was kind enough to Advise them that the A Clpak or Suit no matter how good its style and tailoring is no better than its cloth A little stretch ing a few wrinkles will ruin the most fashionably cut finely tailored gown ever made lias PRIESTLEYS LIMITED stamped en are used by many of the masterdesign ers of Europe for the original creations with which they set the worlds fash- ions Yet Canadas low tariff on British goods permits Dress Goods to be sold here at lower prices than foreign countries have to pay Arc wide unci very frn I ah of Ibis fall Including Oie new Silvan and Crepes Barbicans Series Taffeta He ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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