J v MA ABOUND HUB TO RENT or good airy rooms unfurnish ed on Joseph Ave north 1 now Inst week frame House and Stable on Pros- The A Y P A held a social at It in Ave opposite Apply to rectory on Tuesday night too Glover Box ffjffttd ooo affair which occurred on Friday after- ground first noon Ferguson who left VYAtrituakeThttt for Scotland en the was Clerk be to to given a pleasant surprise A number Wilton Manager 1 It Co acknowledgment excess of Labor to hold statute labor tor On motion Council adjourned to meet at Armstrong Hotel King City on Saturday Nov nth of friends gathered in Mr store and presented with a Mr Thompson movod into his of gold amounting to The amount wra sulscii by a large of nco and testifies fully Lauding v KING CITY Anniversary services were hold In King City Baptist Churoh last Sun- FOR OR TO RENT Brick on Prospect Ave day when excellent sermons were All modern conveniences good preached by John and cistern- Enquire of Toronto to large and appreciative YAW MAN congregations The music too was to the high esteem in which Mr Ferguson is hed came to this country about nine years ago and has made his home in this vicini ty all the time except for a months spent in the west Grace Newmarket specially good FOR Contests of Boarding and Meal House consisting of rooms in block Good profits Low rents Good Bargain for quick sale For further particulars apply to LOCKE Central Boarding House Main St WE property situated on Prospect A largesired dwelling with JI conveniences all in first class shape Quarter of an acre of rounds with apple and fruit trees Frame stable and cement hen This we consider the best hay in town so act quickly Terras can be arranged to purchaser to P Morton box 373 Mr market HOUSE FOR I have for sale a new house on Andrew St with large lot and small fruits and hen house Hi the house there is Electric Light Hard and Soft Water and Fur nace and it is trimmed in Georgia Pino There is also a summer kitchen and hack verandah For full particulars apply to wm Lane Andrew St or Box Newmarket Call in the evening after six oclock 25 I PAPER OH CLOVER by Mil LINTON in I Away in Land Value to the man who wants a Farm acres of good land some choice clay This Farm has all uptodate Build ings consisting of a modern prick House also Hip Hoof Barn built from all new material with modern Stables together with all other Outbuildings in good re pair Rural Mail Delivery We ask you to go over this Farm Put a fair value on Land also Build ings then come down to New market and we will satisfy you as to the amount given away We must wind up this Estate Busi ness Will accept a Mortgage at per for tun years with a small deposit down You must act quick in his matter or this chance mile East of Ml Pleasant on the Centre known as the Tommy Glover Farm of North This farm had plenty of Water Good Orchard Good Bush and Fences convenient to School or Church also Metropolitan at P MORTON Lome Ave Estate Building Co Newmarket A home guard contingent has been organised here with a membership of about a hundred of the Boor war will act as drill master and rifle practice will he carded on Maple Leaf Park At a meeting of the Board of Trade a committco was appointed and steps were taken to mate pre parations for the annual Christmas market which will be held the week Christinas By the will of the late John millionaire lumberman of Ottawa James Turner of has bequeathed the modest sum of 000 o speakers Permit me to quote to you the summing up of the matter In that publication- sub stituting the word Ontario for Ohio Sweet Clover has a work to do in Ontario It will help to solve the problem of the aban doned field It will make profit able Agriculture possible on sterile acres It will stop the waste of the hills heal the scars on washed or gullied Holds make green pastures possible where now no grass is growing and hold for prosperity the priceless heritage of a productive soil A COMPLETE LINE OF fen wi STRANGE St Andrews Manse Strange was the scene of a quiet though pretty wedding on Wednesday Nov when Mia Christina of Tompervanoovillq was united wedlock to Mr Edward Payne late of Orillia The bride looked lovely in her travelling suit of blue broadcloth with velvet hat and white plume Miss will bo very greatly missed by a- large circle of friends including congregation of where her services as vocalist highly appreciated Mr and Mrs Payne will eventually take up their residence in Toronto where the good wishes of their many will follow them AURORA The Citizens Band have secured the services of the Aurora Dramatic Club to give a play on or about the of November The production will be their new comedy The Colonels Maid The ladies of Aurora invite to attend the Progressive the Mechanics Hall Thursday evening 2Cth at oclock the proceeds to be given for the Immediate relief of Belgians Tickets cents each remains of the late Mrs Jo seph Snider of Tilaton arrived here for interment on Wednesday eve ning The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon from Dunhams undertaking parlors to the Aurora Cemetery Deceased was a former resident of King Township riCnOMHERG The Holland Mar Syndicate that control the Moll and Marsh lands are evidently handicapped by event In the European war campaign for a time least This company had we understand Intended commencing op erations this fall hut the resent war crisis have indefinitely alKrd their The options on lands expire in and as the com pany has already invested of dollars on the purchase of parts of lands on the survey charts etc there is no doubt liat will see activity on the Holland lands These marsh lands when drained will be the national home for the Beldams whose little country largely reclaimed has been When Holland is drained there Is no dou hut the u Your ect assigned to me Mr President The Clove is not an come one Before entering it permit me to remind you that introduction of a new variety I correcUvo to Insure of crop is to every man an exper iment even in the placing of ordinary crops on your farm you find one field bettor adapted to a crop than another The same rule holds good in the growth of sweet cloy- or- A valuable feature in its favor is that it will grow antly on laud too poor for other farm crops either hard and bar ren clay or shifting sands bus providing an easy and means of enriching the sandy soil and loosening the stiff clay On better soils it is a fast grower and gives off a CDod health and strength Success Is impossible for weak ailing Enjoyment la not sick Impaired health vinous sicknesses usually deranged conditions of the liver kidneys or King Council controlling these lands will amount of pasturage or at least to some of these farm- two crops of hay and being a bi ers from the Dyke country to take up it may be pastured the these lands and become citizens of a year and hay or seed in the country that it- to them a second year iu fact- a crop of helping hand their dark homes- hay may he taken off the second Witness I year early and seed later Like any other strange food cattle do not take to it directly do so very soon and are very fond of it ever after and I may add that it is a strong fodder though I have never found any taint from it on the milk For hay it must be cut before it reaches the woody stage whether the first or second years growth and the same holds good when using it for be higher than in ordinary hay as it docs not sprout from he ground but stem Its use as a Held crop is neith er new or local it has already Council met at Hotel on Saturday October all Reeve Wells in chair Min utes of last meeting read and con- iQ50 1666 on account Rutherford work A Palmer firmed fleverai received read The following pres ented and ordered PjWj- cutting the stubble shou pay J Phillips damage to plow J P rep a J Billings shovel McLean gravel Lloyd reps Williams re pump Williams culvert Municipal World supplies J Campbell gravel Davis hardware J repa J Chapman gravel Hunt gravel and Tool Waldock 18 WOW ON HAND VOU WILL PROBABLY NEED A NEW OR OVERCOAT FOR THIS 8EA80N HOW 18 THE OP- PORTUNE TO MAKE SE LECTION TRY ONE OP OUR BUSINESS SUITS FROM UP F WILLI TAILOR PHONE MAIN ST FIRED BY rile decimated the KILLED 700 OP- THEIR MBfl I Paris Nov British guns did their work lessly The Germans were back helterskelter leaving piles dead Their guns were also the globe Its native place is to be in Central Eastern Asia and reports of its adoption as a field crop come from China India Hungary and westward across the conti nent of North America where it adapts itself to a broad range climate from to the farthest point north has been sown in Canada In our climate it does winterkill as is the case with almost all other leg uminous plants It is not a A weed is a plant that A wH council do hereby confirm lions of Reave to crop is KwukJ to pay amongst ts habit pre flams the sum of THE BEST TIME TO i Our wore levelling up main street which was badly in need ol Some time ago a company inaugur ated a contest among dealers whereby the dealer who disposed of the of their products won a free trip to California and the Canada Pacific Exposition The agents were grouped into three divisions We are pleased to report that In the territory Mr Geo Court ney who was entered in the three di visions in which there were made good and won this desirable trip along with lour other agents On Monday evening Smith Toronto District No visited the local Masonic lodge where a third de gree was exemplified for During the course of the lug sum was voted the lodge for the Belgium telle fund After the lodge id r re to agreement Ike- parties named bo paid the for Jurors J Hoover Webb J Jen kins to on your Money NEW Trimmed in and Ash desirably situated aide Good Frame Houses the Hotel where large gardens with waa prepared Mr fruits Must be sold at slaughter in a lifetime Act Ual can point to it only in waste places and on the wayside when cattle are forbidden What are its benefits That is too broad a question to answer fully here and 1 can only give a few first it is a great soil builder restoring the humus Watson That I lard and making be instructed not to humus has collect special for exhausted or washed and that the resolution in regard flnn to petition for of grass so vigorous that and that the tLe mnn couM through it Corporation be MbHl thai through a Campbell That the lowinVgant of and Vaughan Plowmans repeatedly during the past sea- l payable to 1 gain information regard- con- a clover and look of X6 be given pies from my farm which is a Lloyd to repair sldelina another Lota 30 and Con the w banquet tddrnied the VeatttDg of ad dress gave off blow sand for analysis A bulletin will bo issued later from ell pl by the College on the subject towing- re It la said to three re Trees Campbell limes as much- nitrogen as or dinary red clover As a stock food I have already spoken Clerk be each paid the bee food the of consulting being extra and ro for very fin6 Being farm I natural selffeeder it may be of growth and with without a crop to to go on In their Sand lln orchard fadaotfiereetoiaaa in faolff Were to read to you kind He stated that over 67ooo had been distributed to the by the laat It to report a and thin what to be taken regard to No of or if ho I would seriously the go over the impose on the time of other are all over world to bo beat corrective of troubles of digestive organs They tone stomach atimulate the liver reg ulate thobowela They tho purify the blood and act in- the best and safest way Pr mi SaU Any I In t VciU T IK ALCOHOL AND MENTAL DI8EA8EG A recent report from one of the Glasgow Dlstrict Mental Hospitals gives the usual testimony as to tne influence of alcohol in producing men tal icaability and deterioration On this point it says In cases al cohol was put down as the determin ing cause of Insanity out of ad missions and in combination with other diseases in ten other cases made per cent of the ad- missions As usual the Indirect in fluence of alcohol In causing insanity was very The cases in which a history the abuse or non- abuse of alcohol by the parents was obtained gave percentage of parent al abuse of alcohol of 516 cent Hut when these cases were separated into two groups namely those who were above and those who were not above the age of years an their first attack of mental illness they found a history of parental abuse of alcohol of per cent of the whose first breakdown took place be fore they had completed years of age while of those whose first break down took place after the age of years there was a history of parental abuse of alcohol 3C6 per cent The Presbyterian t evidence now beyond dispute that more Insanity Is caused by al cohol than by all other causes put to gether and saddest of all aa the above article shows that it is not so often the drinker that suffers as his innocent offspring M P up to October were approximately The British casualties in the men of all ranks tie of which fleh is to Coated bitter taste la mouth nausea to ft burden The tue liver cure Moms Indian Root o to the root of trouble put the liver riht the torn ach and ckw- the and taVa away the Utter mouth At the firtt a of take looking after nearly one thousand Gorman prisoners The German shells fell on the railway station where they evidently hoped to blow up one of the armored trains At mo- J fi ment were awaiting the ar- rival a special train to convey oe- them to south of They in were killed in numterB T unscathed One hundred scn6efd and sixtyone were wounded and con veyed to the British base hospitals The others are still at railway station The Germans began a night on Monday and on Tuesdgy morning were well on toward The town seemed to be at their mercy They had met little opposi tion for the thin line of khaki had retreated before them and occupied a position on the slopes of a hill Hardy today to ten years ment in Kingston Penitentiary fct grave offence With the will thirty IS now and six months hence OXYGEN WELDING PLANT We are prepared to weld cast brass iron steel kind of metal Also hearings CI eo that can be turned doro British infant rv opened a terrifying cogs In gear wheels spores i pulleys of nearly any kind All pairs promptly attended to Work W Plumbing i r 3 of Our See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop LEADING TINSMITHS ft SONS Next to Smiths Grocery Km DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE VAY Toronto Montreal Homes Root Pills International Limited Canadas Train of Superior Service Loaves Toronto pm daily arrives Detroit p in and Chicago am MORNING Toronto am arrives Detroit pm and Chicago pm daily out of Toronto at Might Leaves pm arrives De troit am and Chicago 300 p in dally assuring important connections with principal trains for Western Slates and Canada MOHTIIKAL Leave Toronto am pm and it pm daily Berth reaer- SECURE countries Ask for KVEX- Tons MAii NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE1 I Thai of the City of Toronto he County of York will apply the Parliament of Canada at next session thereof for s j of Divorce from his wife Gertrude Young of the said W of Toronto on mounds of adultery DATED at Toronto this Id day of Sept A A DUFF Solicitors for NOTICE IS William Robert of the Ottawa the County of Province of Ontario apply to the Parliament of Can the next Session tjiereof for ft J of Divorce from his wife of the City of Toronto County of York and Province on the ground of adult Dated at the City of the County of York and Ontario this 1st day of WILLIAM his Solictors Godfrey and 3m33 Adelaide ffe3Jj NOTICE la given Louise formerly of tha City of the County of York Ontario to Parliament of next thereof for a from tea of w vations etc at ticket of- j of fl j Full particular and tickets ram at Toronto J Ageqf f A hone JO LOUIW J Phone 1 1 m St- I J TORONTO