I t Si nfl Vrr jfc I Levi Sharon I prepared to grind Sharpen all kinds tools Fire saws a specialty 4w43 WORK WANTED- Sewing Washing or Cleaning by day Mrs Jos Gould rear Mr StatlardK home North End Now- market r J i 1 f i Sri fH if i i r ill III 1 J From 1 Knowlco slaughter Aurora about 1st October ft Shropshire Ewe Lambs Informa tion loading to recovery will be rewarded twit INSURANCE I TOWN AND FARM let me know your wants P Lome Ave Newmarket MALE HELP WANTED Largo Mail Order House wonts men willing to work a few or weekly contract given position permanent un necessary Samples The Union Windsor Ontario design has been submitted to the Post- or Consumptives and ap proved The design of Peace over the earth proclaiming or consumptives Local option contests lie ought next January in three Towns seven Incorporated Villages and nine Town ships Included in the villages are Holland Landing and Bradford Li cence reduction campaigns aro being carried in Hamilton and London Alliance Is helping theso Is given out at the Parliament Buildings- Toronto that the North ern Development engaged upon the expenditure of tfao voted by the or open ing lip the North land expended dur ing the past making a total expended of in three seasons Word comes from Ottawa that the Dominion Parliament will convene about the middle of January Al ready annual work of houBC-clcan- has commenced It Is reported that Hon Dr is slated for the before the opening and that Richard for Peel will 1 chosen by Dr Sprouts loessor to the Speakership J or at WORK Anything required house shop Ne WOOD FOR 8ALE AH kinds all prices 2 cords cost no more than one ton of coal Howard No 2 New market or l FOR SALE A Peninsula ln condition with warming closet and hot water attachment Apply to Dr Wilkinson Newmarket 88 A Turkish plot to murder General Sam Hughes Minister of Militia at London Ontario has been frustrated A press despatch dated last Tuesday from the above City states that the arrest of three Turks by detectives prevented the contemplated assassina tion Letters in possession of the prisoners and interpreted by a Government secret service man arc claimed to be a direct indication that an attempt was to have been made dh the life of General Sam Hughes when he was in London on Wednesday The despatch add- One of the letters bearing a De troit postmark on the envelope urg the Turks to do their duty and do not bo afraid of getting the man they had been Instructed to kill will England Franco or Is an question hut there- Is ew cry likelihood movement of the camp will occur a very fey weeks There Hie crack regiment of practically nil the Canadian Infantry Hie and Royal Canadian Ar tillery all of ready at moments notice to join the allies will leave England time be fore These three are not embrac ed by division but separate unit and will got front an The Princess Patricias Pets which trained at Levis opposite lor several convoyed to England with the main body of Canadians and is now Bustard divisional Among the ranks- there are several hundred medals to bo found of tho men have been through Arc in as many as five campaigns and those who not experienced actual warfurc had training before ho war broke out Every officer but one- and he J known as baby fought ill South Africa fricii or In dia It is assuredly a mjiri regiment under command of The dragoons and horse artillery consist of regu lars who were stationed at va rious points in and all times were on war footing 0 All Perished on Both British Crossed Flood ana few friths life WidaV evening- Bbgart visited friends in Town week rMiss Hewitt had party for her chums one evening last week Mlrsj Bessie Jtoss has returned home alter spending month in New York State Mi Mona of Brace- bridge is guest of Miss Elsie Boss for- a couple of weeks- MroMickie of visit ed her daughter Mrs Howard Cane for a week or two MIbs A Cornell Lindsay is voting brother Mr A for few daye Mr wile and family of Tottenham were visitors on Arden Ave Inst week and Mrs Cornell entertained the Public School Teaching Start at their resldcrtcc last night Mrs and Mrs Smith left for their new homo Vancouver on Monday of W week Hon J left on Monday for a trip to Now York and and other American Cities are in our for Overcoats your opportunity to a Good at a bargain COATS SATURDAY 1600 I Mans Century Brand and atera this newest stylo regular 2000 SATURDAY ALE 1 King Council MEN LIVED TO HOLD I of Heroism Marked Last Stand of Hatter A story of heroism that will go down in history among the annals of bravo deeds of- Englands soldiers is told a number members of who have returned from the front for a short respite in Woolwich while their guns arc being prepared and their sadly depleted strength is regained Battery haf been Instructed to cover a retreat of the allied lines from In the bravest manner menders contested every foot of ground with the Germans for three long weeks in a rearguard action The fighting was so heavy and continuous that the members of the batten did not have time to sleep Maaj- of their members while riding their fell asleep and fell to the ground to a rude A splendid example of good work is the fact that the army whose retreat they were covering was able to perform its duty without any molestation Just before the general order to advance bad been given at tho L received in structions to be ready to retire a along a of French cavalry who when night fell wore occupying a ridge opposite them During the nights mist fell over the battle ground and the bat tery was to retreat at the time appointed but no orders came Order Went Astray At oclock still no orders had Council met at Armbtronsa Hotel Kin City on Saturday Nov all present lent mooting read and appro vd communications The following bill wore J Billings pay 37j0 Casey road work J Hair cedar posts MM WX teaming work Williams on account Watson Kaake That treas urer be instructed to receive from 8 for or bo instructed to pay to th- in road No amount of charged them In their each having porlormed tae upon presenting their tax bill paid recalled satisTac to tho WaleonKaakeThat Miss Tinlino bo paid ths sanx of for use of gravel pit for making tile for years and Treasurer accept cash from of material at bridge amounting to cash and note total giant of bo given to 1MJ Canadian Wbrary for the r0ceivcd and shorU afterwards Rotterdam Nov A German who came from whither he gone from the trench es on the has been Interviewed by a of the Dutch newspapei the He When got order to leave the trenches to advance from we wore reinforced by 2000 cavalry After two hours marching on heavy roads in a Utterly cold wind we veered oil to the left in direc tion of the enemys line We met hundreds of our men returning in the direction of and wet through and most of them ill It was our work to replace these wearied men We met with a sur prise The enemy with wonderful skill had crossed the floods on rafts tak ing advantage the darkness and had succeeded in occupying ground just to the left of front of our trenches When we descended Into the trenches just left by our comrades we came under withering rifle fire and before we could judge the position had heen killed Wo not sec that our fire had any result on the enemy AH at once wo heard the blowing of bugles behind anil the tramping of horses and there were cavalry coming to our assistance The horses at a mad gallop dashed over the trenches towards the enemy Many fell never to rise again in tho boggy ground but the charge pressed on ward Then we heard the devilish tantap ot the British Maxims We bright sabres of cavalry men flash but the became less and less Then there were cries for help and our captain shouted For ward With fixed bayonets and bowed heads we dashed to the rescue fell in a ditch hurt and nearly drowned My comrades advanced J and found none left of the cavalry The entire 2000 had wiped out together Mr Douglas Hamilton a student at University Toronto was the of- Mr Andy Davis over Sunday Tottenham Sentinel Mr Harry returned from Parry Sound on Monday after a very successful deer hunt He and Mrs and daugh ter lert on Tuesday lor their home in Newmarket Hceton World Wall- win arrived home on Monday ac companied by her Miss Mabel Morrison Sutton after visiting relations at Sutton Newmarket and Aurora Mr Warren Drown o Acton and grandson or Mr Michael of this Town is training at as a member of the Second Canadian Contingent He had ocen pursuing his as a civil engineer Mr and Mrs Allan Howard Mr A and Miss Volma and Mr and Mrs J Walton attenhed a Jewish Wedding in Toronto on Sunday which was fol lowed by wedding feast and danc It was quite a novel experience Mens Century Brand Overcoats nicest goods wo showing regular SATURDAY Mens Storm and Roll Collared Uloter3 and Chesterfield Melton Coats all sizes up to I SATURDAY Mens Tveed Ulsters Collars all sizes up to SATURDAY flf Mrs B La popular joom and if Few- of tin vev I ill ai k OVERCOATS Heavy Tveod Ulsters high storm col lars sizes to 33 voll made and trimmed SATURDAY mm jl ifimnimR O Whitchurch Council Council met at Saturday Nov with all members present Communications presented on the The In Newmarket on J C A Nov 19H to Mr Mrs J A Burlington a Blind payable to Herman Treasurer That tho Council pay to Bone being halt of contract price for cement Culvert on Townlini and King BobinBviv J Watson be paid sum of qpacla commiesloner by vioui passed by Council re Council adjourned to meet Suttons Hotel on OecpmVT ton District Representative Ontario of Agriculture requesting Council to obtain through the assessor the collection of cer tain farm- statistics for the use of Department From Johnston Chair man of for Canadian Free Library for the Blind questing a donation From Fred claiming being half value of one lamb killed by two dogs one- of which was unknown to him Bills presented as fol lows Williamson 105 yds gravel for roads STALKY In Newmarket Nov Mr and Mrs Gilbert son The Altar THOMPSON In Town on Wednesday Nov by A P Addison Mr Ernest of Toronto formerly Prince Edward Coun ty to Miss Vesta A eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Ceo A Thompson of Newmarket T H J J ditto witness fees and other service re Pipher with the whole who Cherry sleepers ibis at WOMEN PLEAD FOR HUSBANDS executive Victoria chamber of the buildings has probably never witnessed a more affective scene than that which place late yesterday when upwards of women and mothers the imprisoned miners from Wellington arid ap peared before Premier and appealed lor clcmenCv on behalf of those tor participation In the riots of last August Premier Mc would make no promises with regard to clemency pointing out that such a matter lay with the authori ties at Ottawa a deadly gun fire was poured into their midst from the ridge they sup posed was occupied by the French When the mist had risen they saw a company of Germans with ten lield and two maxims on the ridge They as quickly as pos sible but owing to the nature of their position they were only ale to train three guns on their enemy It was three guns against but that did not dampen the spirits ol the With magnificent cool- and courage the British gunners returned such a lire that one German after another was silenced The British gunners were so hopeless outnumbered and the firing of the Germans was so accurate that in a short space of time only one of I Batterys guns was left in working order By the time the Germans had done this verv lew men were left to bad made the daring onslaught on our trenches The English Maxims were captured but at what Pce WHAT ONE BELGIAN ACCOMPLISHED During the Siege of Liege He Killed an Entire Battery of Men Paris Nov 23 No Belgian soldier is receiving more acclaim in Trench press than who at the age of has received decoration of the Order of Leopold land the Cross of the Hon or Matin confesses it could not believe all the brilliant exploits at tributed to this man who was u private when war was declared and who was made a corporal only a month ago it 1 1 OS been Invested through enquiries not only of himselfwho is now in a Cherbourg hospital but also of many others and it cheerfully recognized the fol lowing achievements the siege of was in the fort at lonctn for bridge con Grose ft cedar plank for Marsh Hose damage to fields by winter road A Clark assessor post- ago and at Court of Re vision Clark postage sta tionery and express Raker delivering culvert pipes at NY 90 loads Dr Williams visit and for Resolutions were passed Hie Treasurer to the the 373 The Tomb In Aurora on 19 ISM Sarah relict of Samuel in her year DUNN At Trenton Nov 1 Dunn father of Mrs Dr Scott of Newmarket in his year At Nov 11 John in bis year THOMPSON At on Thurs day Nov Viola daughter of and Eva Thompson in her year I We specialize In Teas and Coffees We aro still our Coffee at the same price 30c and lb ground We would advise you to buy Tea as It is almost when Parliament meets that there will bo a war tax added Great Britain has added a war tax recently and Canada Is sure to follow We can give you extra good values Brands of our own blending at 30c lb New Currants Raisins Figs Etc have just arrived Last Seasons at 8c lb Nov Raisins and Currants pound New Cooking Figs 7c lb New Table Figs 15 lb Malaga Grapes are very sweet this year Try some Special Value in Grape Fruit Pure Clover Honey In Bottles also 10 lb Tins in- pay hills presented lW0Ulird3 of the sheep claim I HOLMES In the loving In and to A for use room for Council moling The ByLaw was read a lime and llnaSly passed A ByLaw was passed appoint ing- one oclock pm of Monday Dee at Public Library V God in His memory ot our dear mother Mary Ann Holme who departed this life Nov 111 I PHONE holding as He defend this hut the little Climbing a tree and concealed its hand with logged determination According to the all members of the Ontario Cab inet are either Irish or Irish des cent save Hon Mr who is Scotch I In religion there are Anglicans two Methodists two and Catholic stuck to the remaining gun and work ed it so hardily that the Germans wore silenced except dor one gun Only Three Men While this equal duel was going on only three men were left to manage the gun and all of them were non commissioned officers Although they all wouuded they crouched be hind the gun shield and kept up such a deadly ire that the remaining Ger man gun was silenced You keep abreast the times when leaves lie killed an entire battery of heavy artillery said to number It Is claimed that the com manding officer of this lattery reach ed the foot of the tree revolver in hand only to fall as the rest had fallen from a bullet sent out of rifle Second Two weeks later he Captured the las- of a regi ment of Hussars whose colonel he shot Third Near sent out in a company six other men Sapin A precious one from us has gone A voice we loved is stilled A is vacant in our home never wisdom has recalled The boon Ills love has given i though the body slumbers here Returning Officers Poll Clerks The soul Is safe heaven and Polling for the amI ous Polling SubDivisions sad and loving memory Council adjourned to imwl our dear grandmother Mrs Holmes who this left time and place municipal PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Vandorf Hall I at a on m Tuesday Dei- A strong force of was sent in capturing in to relievo the battery and when they one officer arrived they found was the three j of heroic wounded officers crouching achievements Matin does not say hind the shield he gun it adds that General Loe the have been recommended for a Victoria Cross They are PAttery farmers newspaper and that iMajor Gunner and means market reports editorials Driver Osborne The relieving force advanced to the German position where they discover ed- that the Germans bad leaving all their guns in the hands of the allies the three hundred odd men who composed Battery Oply returned and of these than were attached to the battery the remainder in tho column which escap ed in l Hie battle farming articles special for all the family other joples opinions the may their sayand a of of interest importance all Fifty- two In the Sim is on Iheioh you read it yoir for this will he to take fiUbscriiUon lot the army and two Min isters have personally to Cher- to congratulate who is not dangerously wounded ft Nov 20 Thus far during the war the royal navy lias lost and men killed and wounded while men missing and are or have been interned a total loss of Nov 21th Though earthly ties are broken In life well meet no more Our hearts are with you Grandma On yonder distant shore The God who gave- has taken And heaven our Grandma won Although hearts are broken will God be done Grandchildren The Cradle Whitchurch on Nov 1914 to Mr and Mrs Alex Emerson daughter To be blown into the air to sink three times in the icy water of the North andto four hours before being picked up among the experiences in a letter from Samuel Holme of M one of the three British cruisers which were gunk by mines in the North Sea Main St North Newmarket All Orders ReoeWo Careful and Prompt Attention THE LEADING Undertaking House can buy your Furniture Cheap For EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Phones 17 Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes Ill Patterson Phm MAIN STREET NEWMARKET OUT- Agent for Cameras Ihoto Chocolates Weekly- OFFICE House Phone No Store I WAY flEALLY you Mutinied tkh Di ill Mill b eV tot ihiiir ftQVi or for fa It free J DRAKE Shorter trough i oclock urday fcrmerly Id enjoy forget te to old pool will he ha and it I School Hog method an to be ones itae dinted Good he I OU lats Now All to at tea the the The CI it the V I What lerest ii A First At a Home The Home mar form trough tired a the even instr At tt last six ill be i No 1V 2K it been Red Ore tved by horn the of I As Jf date to Inform Jo were Rood com Please loi this to of to The h of TORONTO