Newmarket Era, 27 Nov 1914, p. 4

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ri to Health by J Canada j hi I for tea years female trouble a and did not got well J its si Nova Gonida Woman wm ton years organic lafi i BOI a fa fourtlayant a time not eat sloop crddld not to talk to mo Sometimes I Ifferent doctors did beat for me until began impound atrial end now I good health Mrs William If Pleasant Auburn Now York above are only two of the thou sands of which are con- Medicine Company of Mesa which choir deadly what great things Com pound for suffer womans Ilia If you want apo dal Vour loiter will bo opened read and by a wo man and held in to individual or to of men the Canadian expeditionary force Will be into I A T I SOUPS Highly tin a lurat and Order RA110 i sttfjiry soups i tlio sickness bo to the digestive organs or inactive bowels you can rely on beet knowa corrective I Box St Eaot PRACTICAL PAINTER of all natural woods and Qoneral House Decorations the Latest Styles WALU PAPER And Hung on the Most Terms- If you want the very BEST WORK AT THE LOWEST You cannot K hung at fie per roll any other paper per roll Estimates Submitted and all work carried out by our own supervision and none hut lenccd men employed All Kinds of Signs Painted Just Jones a Trial Satisfaction Is Guaranteed British American Leads In ago Influence and Spe cializes In Gregg Pitman Shorthand and all Commer cial Fall Term opens Aug 31st Address Prin cipal llcOIII Write for our catalogue Toronto t4OVEH OS MnflQ New York ilk Validity or by the Ontario iu added tax on to In courts The that said tax Is ultra have advised that pay same Actions speak louder than words and tho of IV United Stales in sending the llcahin to tin of of Iho allied nations by the Turk demonstrates sympa thies of the American turn thoughtful neutrality will ho by lite Allies A sort of political blizzard obtained at byeelection In Hamilton last week The of that city states It is safe to say Hint If election in West Hamilton had been a clean one without corruption or trickery on cither side Walter Hollo have elected by a majority running up into the hundreds remarks Geiu Hughes may ho military genius as ho himself believes but ho Is assuredly the most uncul tivated in all Canada The same journal adds If Sir not lak his bump tious Minister of MMItia In hand he will mighty near Government paused under the hotel cochore last effort to pierce Vera walled dutifully behind north of Kutnorc- In their averv lions getting a cross from Russian ehtrencbed A press from Ottawa dated says Inland re venue returns for Dominion it October totalled In the name month last year were This a decline in consumption of li quor boor cigars and tobaccos It also indicates that the people who use liquor beer cigars and tobacco more means to purchase the necessaries of life The position of Canada in the money market is said to bo ex cellent A press despatch from Ottawa states that the Minister of Finance was able during the week to pay off in London Treasury bills amounting to which had matured Canada is now in such a favorable position that there arc no out standing Treasury Hills and no loans maturing until For flapal year just closed the succession duties paid into Provincial treasury of On tario amounted to 1287033 as compared with for previous year an increase of over Amendments were made to Succession Du ties Act last session of the but the increase in re venue this year is not specially attributable thereto Eighteen months are allowed in which set tlements can be made by estates hence the augmented revenue under the now scale not be apparent until another year Intemperate habits stained the reputation of fortytwo misfits and caused them to be sent back from the Canadian contingent fn Salisbury Plains last week Wo arc told their names will not be published thus saving their families any dishonor that would otherwise attach to such a pro cedurc A press despatch re ferring to the above says The men being sent back is not taken as a reflection on the Dominion but wholly upon men them selves Men who drink to excess are capable of any kind of in subordination and are not recruits with support German were Wit and wounded on the field Doughs Isle of Man Nor Five alien prisoners were killed end twelve others were seriously wound ed a riot at the deten tion Camp here The Hot was when of the prisoners attempted to escape affair at oclock Thursday after the midday meal Thero were 00 alien prisoners at the time The guards national re servists were standing In a which the diningroom from At arranged- signalthe of a window with chair the prisoners suddenly attached the Runrds cupSjsauocrstables and anything that hanpencd to ho handy The guards a In the air This quell the riot and a volley as a result oi which four of the tell dead or that thoy died almost Immediately Twelve others were so badly wound ed that they had to he conveyed to the hospital The then When quiet had been restored it was discovered that one alien had through a window and whllo running along a root had fallen through a llgnt to stone floor below break ing Ms skull i i POTATO Six potatoes three pints water one pint rnilk one egg one ounce or more butter Pare and cut in to small nieces potatoes Put with the water to boil When the potatoes have cooked to pieces add the and eggs The egg after beat ing should be mixed with a lit tle of the soup before it is to It Mot water should be added from time to time to replace thai IofI by evaporation In nil for oar SOUSiVlSKRwlKhnmisrnt On Friday last Sir Wilfrid leader of the Opposition In Parliament at Ottawa cele brated bis birthday He re ceived congratulations from all over Canada to the good wishes of Sir Wilfrids friends Mr leader of Opposition in the Ontario Legislature made this observa tion His devoted and unsel fish service to the interest of Canada and the has won for him a unique and command ing position not only among the makers of Canada but also among lot great statesmen who have helped make the British Empire what it is today a group of free selfgoverning nations owing al legiance to a common sovereign and working sympathetic and hearty cooperation i common destiny A press despatch from Ottawa during the past week indirectly furnishes evidence of the serious illness of Hon Mr which caused hint to resign from the Horde Cabinet The despatch says In view of official statements given out last at the limo of Hon P retirement from the to the effect that be was a very sick man and urgently need of an extended holiday his appointment last week to the Quebec Superior Court in an to Mr of Montreal who has retired on I superannuation comes as a j prise to those outside the Cabi net In this it is- a I so affirmed that Mr appointment to the Bench wop arranged before he resigned hi office as PostmasterGeneral In view of all the in connection with this shuffle public confidence has been shale- en in the of whole I transaction GOOD we American Silk Amerioan Cashmere American CottonLisle HOSIERY have stood the lest real foot comfort No scams lo rip Never become baggy The shape knit in not pressed in Guaranteed for fineness stylo superiority of material and workmanship Abso lutely stainless Will months without holes or new ones free OUR to everyone sending us in currency or postal note to cover advertising and shipping charges we will send postpaid with written guarantee backed by a five million dollar company either Pairs of our American Silk Hosiery or of our American Cashmere Hosiery or of our American Cot toriLisle or Pairs of Childrens Hosiery color size and whether Ladies or Hosiery Is desired DONT ex pires when a dealer in your locality is selected International P Box 224 DAYTON OHIO A spot Vera dear Mao Alloy sounds dubious mo like Gerald even New- lias Us Latin quarter one might say but I do hope its not tip hill the one In Paris IYfiB mamma always so quaint and contric arid still so wonderfully boyish scanned the address ogam crammed in one corner of Ger alds letter gave it up and hand ed it lo the chauffeur If youd Just go there please you know where it Is did And all Iho way down fifth Vera listened with a little amused smile to the old neverfalling chatter about Gerald Thoy were to soil following which was something of a reliof alio thought It wa Just like Uncle John to start them looking up Gerald at last minute She had had Gerald and his quaint interesting ways and possibilities thrown at her by family had left Ban and all tho day she carried Jacks pic ture nicely tucked away in her travelling case If- III arch the car turned into MeDougai Alley and slopped was the prettiest and roost pic turesque place Vera had seen in New York like a bit of old Paris transplanted The old bricked court half a block long with Its old trees gnarled pines and low onestoried studios all caught her fancy But Mrs Faraday picked her way cautious A most peculiar place for art lo flourish she said Vera dear havent these places been stables Im sure they have I have never been able lo see- the affinity between art and stables I do hope poor dear Geralds health is quite good Im so very glad I added fifty myself to Johns allowance for him I think your Uncle John is very- hard on Ger ald Its because he looks like our side of the family and Im sure its a great blessing for all of Mosleys had fearful noses Is this the place Geralds name was on a tiny brass inside the dim halt- way There were several plates and no bells to ring so they climbed the narrow stairs and found the studio Vera lapped and Geralds own cheery voiee called to come in My poor dear boy began Mrs Faraday taking in the cool baroness of the studio but Vera looked at a little pink kimono lying over the bock of a chair How do you ever exist here Bully Aunt bully laughed Gerald Hello kiddie You look fine both of you Where did you leave your aeroplane You neednt think because you live in the clouds the resl of us do Vera returned Are we dis turbing the trend of art Gerry Not a bit not a bit Bit down Heres a chair Aunt Vera can lake that one He slopped short Over tho back of the chair was the little ft d Iff f J I on I you from 3oto to to quantity In and of BROUGHTOHG Buy hop tho I telltale gown and their eyes met Vera lifted it deftly while her mother scanned some sketches and dropped it back on a tabou ret How long arc you staying in New York Only until tomorrow dear We sail at ten Will you give me a glass of water please Its very stuffy down here Isnt it Is there any nice place where you could lunch with us Ger ald Gerald hesitated Vera thought he threw a look of appeal at her Why I guess so be said Wo thai is I get my rneals usually right here but theres the and the I guess youd like the though Surely well all go over m and have a oldfashioned reunion He stopped Outside on the I steps there came a call Then on hands and the- door swung open and on the by rail lo us threshold stood a girl her arms laden with parcels Vera heart warmed to her instantly She was and sweet with dark appealing eyes and rum pled chestnut hair and a few WHITE freckles and she stared from one to the other with mirth in By taking ping WE WANT BAUD MAPLE PINE AND Delivery as soon as you like Wrileus saying how much and of which kind of limber you will have and we will mail you prices THE CO Ltd her eyes and pure dancing fun curving in her lips But prided herself on her tad in emergencies Your model dear said pleasantly Gerald crossed the room and slipped his arms around the girl My wife Aunt he said TO THE LAND OF and K gently Sybil this is my Aunt and Cousin Vera from California Vera was the first to waken from the stupor of amazement She went to Sybil with i hands and kissed her Im so glad for you both and I think Geralds awfully lucky My dear does your father asked Aunt Marcia No he doesnt Gerald feel apart hands deep in Ibis pockets Weve only been married about a month and I knew dad would cut off my al lowance and maybe you would too but Ive studied a hundred limes since happened You dont know what means when you work for and love is your steady model Sybils an artist too and were mighty hap py I didnt mean to tell you all for a while wanted to a success you see- j think you hove said Vera positively I think Sybils your success and Uncle Jobp will simply adore her wire him to come at once and see m your masterpiece Gerry By George believe I will Gerald exclaimed Come ami cat now Sybil you havent said one word Sybil blushed and laughed as she laid nor parcels on the table I want Aunt Marcia to like rne looked at the lovely happy face of the little studio bride and something stir red to life within her something that very nearly approached hu man kindness Dear child Im very Very glad for Gerald that he has some look out for like you Im sure living in these strange places does moke a man eccen tric and unsettled It would even make so And I dont care one bit what John says or does I shall love both of you Youre a grand old champion Gerald said lovingly No Im not Im a foolish sentimental old woman com pletely taken in by this absurd dove nest and this childs big eyes Go ahead Vera the stairs are narrow They lead to the stars Vera smiled back over one shoulder and she added seizing the pro pitious moment Mamma Im engaged to Jack Do go on answered the mother happily 1 wouldnt bo surprised now if your Uncle John said that he is engaged Its the proper slate Sybil child give me your arm And Sybil smiled as she pilot ed Geralds aunt the only one in the family that she had really been afraid of out into the sun shine of Alley the lit tle old alloy where love dwell TEN NEW COMMANDMENTS Thou shall not wait for some thing to turn up but thou shalt pull off thy coat and go to work that thou prosper in thy affairs and make the word failure spell Thou not be content to go about thy business looking like a loafer for thou know thy personal appearance Is belter than a letter of recommendation 3 Thou not try to make ex cuses nor thou say to those who chide thee I didnt think shalt not wait to be told what thou shall do nor in what man ner thou do It for thus may thy days be long in the job which fortune hath given thee Thou not fail to maintain thy own integrity nor shall thou bo guilty anything that will thy good respect lor thyself Thou not covet the other fellows job nor his salary nor the position he hath gained by his own hard labor Thou shalt not fail to live with in thy Income nor shalt thou con tract any debts when thou not see thy way clear to pay them Thou not be to blow thine own horn for he who to blow Jug own horn at the proper oc casion iindest nobody standing ready- to blow It for him Thou not to say no when thou meanest no nor shalt thou fall to remember that times when It is to bind thy- self by a hasty judgment Thou slialt every man deal This is the last and great commandment and there is no other like unto it Upon this com- hang all the laws and profits of the world That the future telephone user may be able to person with whom he Is conversing Is a prophecy that seems to be justified by the ments of Prof Rosing of a Techno logical Institute Metallic cells or elements that vary the an electric current under variations In light intensity are being improved in sensitiveness and with a fled receiving apparatus a pencil rtoi i o j a Oil Corn and Gluten Meal its a longway to 9 Out Its a way to Goring I Provide now lilndo of Coal and Wood fll PAID FOR GRAIN LOWEST PRICE FOR FLOUR AND GEO LI FORESTER f Phono for Pall mi Winter Overcoats ready for you to set about ifel will like a of at 910 to 9 Mens Outfitter End Flour And Feed Store Opposite King George Hotel ROYAL WORLD BEATER FOR BREAD Special Pastry Flour Made of All Wheat Also Graham Whole Wheal and Buckwheat BRAN AND SHORTS ALL KINDS OF mixed Chicken Feed Grit Meat Scrap etc Leave Your Order for and Heavy Teaming a h w Office llmi Phone ft Repairs Foot In the Air MOAN AD I AN Feat Time MONTREALTORONTO Purlieu from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents op write Murphy Kinft and Toronto ATKIKSON Agent Newmarket While engaged in dropping All bo intend l bombs upon Antwerp one of the Newmarket or any German Zeppelins was made or Closet on target for a Belgian battery built the result that one of her propel- to Health tad frames was badly damaged v This seriously interfered with w operation of the ship and al though is said lo have been feel up one of mechanics of the crew climbed out on lhe injured framework and in the course of half an hour cut away the damaged parts that prevented order DR S SCOTT Medical light Is made trace rapidly on screen picture any Image that may be facing the transmitter Two of compound mirrors move bo as to project image a or the light sensitive In successive small portions electric current excites Invisible rays in a special vacuum tube of the receiver and as these rays in a point over screen following the movement of the transmitter the vary ing reproduces the light and shad of the- original image The movement of the mirrors also con trols through serious of electric currents the movement of the over the screen A complete cycles of transmission take but an and repetitions give a continu ous picture NOTICE TO m Klectrlo Light the machinaery being operated nil After this feat while Ihehpwn ftI racing away at high speed same man repaired a long lent in j he hull that had been made floori shell Scientific I JJ n AS I A Winter Term opens Jan now to the Famous In an J may w from Chid at wwff ho must lAi Da- TORONTO i I Mis Viocl roucert J f the Toronto Tfile stands without a is now ope superior In Canada Write and Catalogue I jj W J etc Kindly get Yongo Toronto phone or P Queen5Vi I i I TORONTO

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