Newmarket Era, 27 Nov 1914, p. 8

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17 DAY I i- I great for period of fifteen year a having to alt up for at a time I began the use of These wonderful tablets mo of Indigestion mid lb tough the continued use of came I no longer distressed with Hint terrible disease to which ore worth their weight in gold to anyone suffering I did would heartily recommend iJierii to all fliilTerera front Asthma which I believe Is caused or aggravated by Indigestion a Tor for Hay r for any excessive due to Impure Mood faulty Digestion or take He trial At all dealers or from Limited Ottawa J On Sunday- Forty down In his own home and was fcndlyAbnilsedwni Si It i i i PROPERTY FOR Dwelling and Two Lots on Franklin St near Mewmrkct Ceme tery Hard and soft water and other Apply to John Cain Hindoo St Newmarket 2vi2 FOR OR TO RENT House on Prospect Ave ah modern conveniences good and cistern Enquire of YAWMAN Grace St Newmarket HOUSE FOR SALE On Church St Newmarket Mod- ru la every way roo besides and wash room New fur ace Convenient to all down town Will be sold at a bargain terms Apply at Contents of Hoarding and Meal House consisting of rooms fur nished In one block Good profits rents Good Bargain for quick sale For further particulars apply to LOCKE Central Boarding House Main- St Newmarket WE A desirable property situated on Ave A largesized dwelling alt conveniences all In first Quarter of an acre of grounds with apple and small fruit Frame stable and cement hen This we consider the best my in town so act quickly Terms tan be arranged to suit purchaser Apply to P Morton box 373 Newmarket HOUSE FOR 8ALE have for sale a new house on Andrew St with large lot and small fruits and hen house In the house there is Electric Light Hard and Soft Water and and it is trimmed In Georgia Pine There is also a summer kitchen and hack verandah For full particulars apply to Lane Andrew St or Box Newmarket Call in the evening after six oclock Away in Land Value fro the man who wants a Farm 150 acres of good land some choice clay This Farm has all uptodate Build ings consisting of a modern Brick House also Hip Hoof Born built from all new material with modern Stables together with all other Outbuildings in good re pair Mail Delivery Wo ask you to go over this Farm Put a fair value on I and also Build ings then come down to New market and wc will satisfy you as to the amount given away We wind up this Estate Busi ness Will accept a Mortgage at 5 per cent for ton years with a email deposit down You must act quick in his matter or miss this chance mile of Pleasant on the Centre Road known us the Tommy Farm of North This farm has plenty of Water Good Orchard Good Bush and Fences convenient to School or Church also Metropolitan Sta tion at P MIITQN Lome Ave Estate Building Co Newmarket OXYGEN WELDINQ PLANT We are prepared to weld cant iron Bankable Iron or any Mat of Also bearings filled a that they can be turned cot la wheels or of warty any kind All promptly attended to a A DAVIS Newmarket evening a terrible no- the daughter Mrs James White of the Ninth Con was preparing a rath for the had put turned water to to it- At time Utile girl was on the room but ran across and tell wiljT her head in the She Sunday when death came to release She would have been two years did on Monday met at the home of Dean on Thursday lost of tho Institute con vention held in Toronto was given telling and what the other In stitutes were doing in the Pol Cross work A paper was given by Miss Kate on Canadian Poets which was verv who collected for the for lied as follows Florence Fry arid Florence Miss Alice lewitt Ilia I looker girls succeeded in collect the sum The ladies of this place have formel sewing clrclo to meet two weeks All are welcome o The ladies of Methodist Church shipped a box of castoff to the Homo In Toronto on Messrs Kulc I yon and Sam MeV- returned on from hunt in the northern woods each having sect red deer Mr Lyon also shot a fox people numbering thirty- five gathered at tho homo of Mrs Fred Graham to nrescnt her daughter bridetobe with a shower- She received many beautiful and useful presents was spent in dancing till twelve oclock when all dispersed wishing the long and wedded happiness Miss Gertrude Gould arrived home after spending a months holiday with friends and relations in Kcttlc- Mr J Walton of this place was appointed Grand Treasurer of the Grand Division Sens of Temper ance for Ontario at their con vention held in Toronto High Concert will he held on Dee 1st when the pupils will provide an program the elder items of will tie the of The Merchant Venice The death on Wednesday Nov at his residence Avenue Torot to of Mr David in his year Deceased was the only brother of Mrs T Stephens of Whitchurch An organ recital will be given by Professor Howard of Toronto in the church at Friday Mow A male quartette Aurora soloists from and Newmar ket and local assist Proceeds aid of organ fund liaaboiiiotlioi etcher an made ii6rixm you but and endanger health of Experlenco Experiment is a for Castor and It leaiant It neither nor other iiubstance ago la iUaarante It and aUays It and Wind It Constipation and the Food regulates the and and natural The Friend III Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of I In For Over SO Years root if you want to know Pills will do for Just drop a lino to Mr at He will tell von what Gin Fills did for him after with Kidney trouble for yean Here la Waftlttr J ftuffercd it years J fee J not ttUSOlA A LAUD I t I I 1 A tv I rtnUghioa up I vsu Til all rlrtti no o O The 1 Aid the Methodist Church is devoting one afternoon a week to sewing for the Belgians The meeting last week was held at the parsonage and this week at home of Mrs Thos Bradford Hunt Club returned on Monday with their spoil each oie of the twenty bringing his deer with him The fourth annual of Howling Club which was held in the Orange Hall on Thursday evening Soy was the most successful i the history of the club Thirtyone ladles were present and after a hot dinner a most en joyable time was spent around tie board Another night fire broke out or rather Sunday morn ing at oclock when Mr Fred barns wero completely de stroyed When the alarm was given the buildings were a mass of flames and it was useless te try to save them consequently all work was con fined to saving the house which thus without damage There was no stock in the buildings other wise the contents were a complete loss f f After an illness extending over some considerate time death claim ed Mrs of on Nov at the age of years and months All tin comforts a family could provide and medi cal skill could perform to stay hand of death For some time it was certain that the end was near and the family was summoned home from far away points and when tile end came sir of the eight children were at the death bed of their be loved mother Deceased a daugh ter of the late James of a who Id his day was known far and near This Is the death In the family besides the In deceased was married to It P of and since then has resided there Mrs Harmon was a member nf the church and up to the time of her death was active worker She a woman of a kindly deposition and was highly esteemed by her many friends She leaves to mwoT her death three and three I Wade Toronto Mrs A Mrs Philip Sam uel Sunderland Man also a husband and four daughters and four sons Mrs It J Mrs Carl Vernon Mrs Shier Toronto A home F Harmon Winnipeg 1 Medicine Hat It Winnipeg and J A at home for US Pills Trial treatment if you write nation Drug Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto WOT SO DAD NORTH YORK WANTS MAGISTRATE Deputation on Acting and Premier and Hon it Lu cas acting AttorneyGeneral waited on in the Parliament Toronto hat Friday by a York by Mr Herbert Lennox aid made to them that York was in need of an ad ditional Police Magistrate duties of the having grown to such proportions that delays and incon venience were una with hut one authorized ti act The Govern ment promised consideration and the at tho probability is that an appointment will be made in the near future TELEPHONE EAUE8DROPPINQ Listening to what the say over the party lino telephones Is he subject of an article In the Liter ary Digest for lost month Accom panying- this article is a cut of a woman who has the telephone re ceiver fastened to her oar means of a cloth wrapped round her head while she sits at the sewing ma- hire Apparently she does not In tend to lose a word of her conversation All party line sub scribers know what a nuisance this habit has become It is very com mon thing when you ring up a neigh bor on a party line to hear many re covers I if ted oil all along the line and consequently you can ear child ren trying or dogs and many such to your conversa tion CANADIANS Ottawa Nov 22 Premier has announced an increase of twenty thousand in the til strength of the force which is to be kept in constant training in Canada during the pro gress of the war Instead of thirty thousand men in training there will fce fifty thousand exclusive of the eight thousand now on active service on and outpost The announcement in brief is that Cana das prcraratlons will not fall short of the limit of her capacity having regard to the of Winter ac commodation equipment and the pro vision which can he mado for addi tional training in the British Ides Canada will thus then have no less than 1000 troops on active tivo service in Canada In England and in Bermuda the Royal Canadian- Regiment when the second expedi tionary force is sent to and a further enlistment of takes place the total will be brought up to increasing thereafter by ten thousand at a time as succeeding con tingents of reinforcements are des patched A girl can have so many reasons for loving a young man that it does nt matter whether any of them ar logical or not A little girl sent In a hurry for tho doctor the other day and when she reached the steps of the physicians house she found there a doctor of divinity pastor of the church which she attended Well my little girl said the minister who recognized child whats tho matter Nothing serious I hope I dont know for sure Bald the girl Only we cant find my tennis ball anywhere and wo think perhaps the baby has swallowed it Dear me I exclaimed the reverend gentle man much amused And so you want the doctor Well Im the doc tor Wont I do The little girl him for a moment In a brown as though the Idea was new and might be good No she said at last shacking her head with deci sion We want a doctor that prac tices not one that preaches Canadas Mining Industry Or Morsels Indian Root Pills owe their singular I curhur Sciatica to their power of strengthening They enable these organs to thoroughly titer from the blood the uric acid the product of waste matter which gets Into the Joint and and cauiea these painful disease Over half a of constant UK ha Moved conclusively thai Dr Morses Indian Root Pill strengthen weak and Cure Rheumatism The importance of Canadas nickel mining industry may he more fully realized when it is considered that Canada produces over per of the worlds output of nickel lit The Canadian Copper smelter at Copper Cliff in the district treated tons of ore containing over pounds of nickel or about per cent of the total output of Canada The nickel was recovered as matte and shipped to United States refining Pure nickel is employed in amounts for a number of purposes cause of Its strength and durability and its white colour which resist tarnfnhing Though the importance of pure nickel Is likely to grow the chief use of the metal is in production of alloys particularly nickel steel in which the greater part of the nickel now refined is employed Steel containing to per cent of nickel has certain of its properties greatly improved so that for many purposes it is replacing ordinary structural Its valve for ar mour plate has long been known and the rivalry of the great maritime nations in the building of dread noughts Is one of the causes for the recent increased demand for nickel In Canada exported -13341- pounds of nickel contained In ore or matte to the United States and pounds to the United Kfng- J RHYME IN Tin rfu miner is over retired is the plow the millet and closer are safe in the mow the corn field is yellow in sunshine awash the pumpkin is mellow and so is the squash and so is the singer who warbles with to Autumn the coolness and rest us a number of ardent delights including a slumber un broken at nights How sweet is our sleeping- how tuneful our snore when Autumn is keeping her watch at the door no fly or moskeeler to break up our rest no chigger to teeter around on our The pests are all when Autumn arrive theyve scooted and vanished dad swivel their lives The evenings arc I linger and slowly they pro the winds growing stronger and whispers of snow pleasant I find it to- sit by the lire tin backlog behind it and punish my lyre or read a good novel by while round my cheap hovel the storm makes tur moil But soon 1 am yawning ami bed ward creep then till the dawning like thunder I sleep and rise in the morning as good as when now when cool sounds the warning that sinkers are due I How sweet is the reason of and squall we surely have rea son to stand up for Fall Walt Mason Urn A FEW CASUAL- INQUIRIES PROHIBITION IS is in Hussia that no la drop of vodka whiskey brandy gin or Blrjng liquor hiYt other of a territory populated by i6O00000Opeople and covering tho habitable story of how strong baa been utterly Vanished from the Russian Empire was related to the Associated Press by Michael the man directly responsible for pulling ah end to Russias great vice the Means No Sale in Russia is a word to bo taken literally mean that a vast population who Con sumed year whoso ordinary cpndftion has been described by Russians themselves ranging from a flight degree of stimulation up ward has been lifted almost in day from a drunken inertia to sobriety The nation has been compelled virtually over night abandon enormous daily of vodka a liquor al most pure alcohol and become tbHtcmious to of let ting no liquor pass its lips On that day when the mobiliz ation of the Russian army began policemen visited every public place whew vodka is sold the supply of liquor and placed on shop the Im perial seal From the day this was taken drunkenness van ished in Russia The results art seen at once in thb peasantry al ready thoy arc beginning to look like a different race The marks of suffering the pinched looks of Illness and improper nourishment have gone from their faces Their clothes are cleaner an both the men and women more neatly and better The destitute character of the homos of the pour has been re placed with something like order and thrift On holidays in tc Wrnsaw inebriates always flla the police stations and often liny lay about on the sidewalks and even in tho streets Things so different today thai unattend ed women- may pass at night lhri portions of these cities where for merly it was dangerous for men Wanted Vodka Marked Poison This miracle has been virtually accomplished by one man He Michael a peasant by birth originally a house paint er by profession then Mayor of the city of Samara and now a mil Physically ho is a standing over six reel four inch and of powerful build Although he is fiftyfive years of age he looks much younger move ments display the energy of youth his eyes are animated and his black hair is not tinged With gray A selfeducated man early in boy- hood he determined to abolish vodka in his country The Man famine of the eighties show ed him the economic and social results of alcoholism Rut it took a personal experience to move to action One night a drunken father in one of his cottages his Wife and Tchclisheff if I induced a bill his City providing Mi city pre sent all vodka revenue Treasury demanding in re turn prohibition of sale This the refused vis SOUTH END Main Street x Newmarket 7 Having opened fl New and Tin In Dr Clarks New Building nearly King Hotel I am now pre pared to do all kinds of vork In this lino Now la tho Time to Buy a NEW STOVE and for the Weather Given for Furnace Work Wiring ELEOTRIO SUPPLIES KEPT IN j Promptly Attended to Give a Call J WRIGHT r and a lire in the the babies The second month of madcthe manifold advan tages so clear to everybody that when we called upon his Majesty to thank him for his recent from the fell cancer demon drink Id thank the Almighty for th privilege of doing it It had the greatest appointive powers in the country no man would get even the smallest appointment from me unless he showed proof ders he promised that the vodka iff absolute Took Case to Toiled in his first effort energetic reformer found a in lite Duma where with Leo Tolstoy he framed a bill gave towns local option and also ordered that a label bearing the word poison on each As is my own appointees the mem bers of my not one of thorn touches a drop They know bel ter DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE TorontoMontreal General Frederick Grant a son of the late President Grant who expressed his views in the fol lowing forcible terms Tell the young men through your paper that General Grim does not drink a drop of liquor has not for eighteen years be cause he is afraid to drink it I tried lO drink with extreme moderation because I- knew hat alcohol is the worst poison a man could lake into his system but Last Train out of Toronto at Night Leaves pm arrives l am and Chicago daily assuring important connections with principal train- for Western States and Canada FOR MONTREAL Leave Toronto am and pm daily Berth reser vations etc at ticket of fices Full particulars and tickets Now dont talk too much when you go to call your ljAhhot You may aaswer questions of course That is all I eve do said the child And they ask a great many time they how much salary papa got and If he ever with i buttle of vodka sold in Russia This bill passed the Duma but was afterwards tabled by the Im perial Council and in despera tion its franier visited Emperor Nicholas After hearing his im passioned plea the Czar pro mised to do his best for the mea sure yet Tchclisheff left the feeling that his visit bad been fruitless He was right in his apprehen sions obstruct the measure the Minister of Finance described it as a dan gerous innovation which would rob Russia of one billion roubles yearly Then like a holt from life blue came the order for mobilization and with it the antivodka measure in which the Grand Duke prohibited the sale of all alcoholic drinks except in clubs and firstclass restaurants The New Russia Results were soon apparent In spite of the depression caus ed by the war the people felt no privation the reformer him self says Savings banks showed an in crease in deposits over the pre ceding month over cor responding month of the preced ing year At the same time there was a boom inthe of meals groceries clothing dry good and The 10- roubles a day that had been paid for vodka ware now being for the necessities of life The average working week increased from three and four days to six the numerous holi day of the drinker having been eliminated Women and child ren who seldom were without marks showing the physical vi olence of the husband and fath er suddenly found themselves In an undreamedof paradise There was bread on the table milk for I found out it was an impossibil ity to drink moderately Because from agents moderate drinking is a practical impossibility I became an Depot lute teetotallera crank if you I will not allow even in J my house Phone Agent Drink is the greatest curse be- Z cause practically all crime NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN all disaster are the result of it Nearly every great calamity in the Thai ALBERT EDWIN counlry barring DON of the City of Toronto hi lure are due to drink Ninety-five- Ihc County of York will apply per cent I will make it no less the Parliament of Canada at the ninetyfive per cent of desernesl session thereof for a Bill lions and acts of lawlessness in of Divorce from his wife Edna the Army arc due to drink Gertrude Young of the said CTty If I could by offering my body of Toronto on the grounds as a sacrifice free this country adultery DATED at Toronto this day of Sept A D CORLEY A Dill Solicitors for Applicant- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN William Robert Dilaney the City Ottawa in the County of Province of Ontario Mechanic will apply to the Parliament of Canada the next Session thereof for a of Divorce from his wife Nellie of the City of Toronto In County of York and Province of on the ground of adultery Dated at the City of Toronto ia the County of York and Province Ontario this lit day of August WILLIAM ROBERT DELL A NET Solictor Godfrey and Adelaide St West Toronto Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS to Smiths T Time Card NORTH a at 3 16ofl IS SOUTH Toronto- 515 NOTICE Is given that Louise Jackson formerly Nora Louise of tbe City of Toronto the County of York of Ontario Married Woman will to the at thereof for a Bill of Yore from hex son of the City of Toronto In County of York and Province of the grounds of adultery cruelly Dated Toronto this A LOUISE JACKSON by her Solicitors A PfcfjS of the Government would he given up forever This promise was promulgated in a telegram to the Grand Duke Con stantino There remains only now to find where revenue which to the present lime was by vodka is to come we will find a way A TEETOTAL At the present time when ho much attention la being given to the effects of alcoholic The International Limited by soldiers there is Train to mind the struggle made by the of Superior liquor traffic years ago to J Leaves Toronto pm daih retain a foothold in United Slates arrives Detroit pm and Army canteens and in such other Chicago am national institutions as homes for A old soldiers At that lime MORNING prominent military officials wer Toronto am interviewed by newspaper rep- Detroit 145 pm and Chicago among them being daily THE 1 f I jut fl Plenty Con ven 1 figure the ha We Range 25 PHONE 2 Cart BEST I THE P Busi 1 SELL tfl ARCHIVES TORONTO 14 l55

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