Newmarket Era , December 4, 1914, p. 2

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ftj tho I Strayed Lot 4 East Strayed Information leading to recovery will he reworded J TO BENT largo the Bank of Toronto Hail ofHcei Apply i the Janitor or J Wesley if J J i A J I if Dll York Radial Railway I r I TO PATRONS in addition to oar Hhown on tlio Winter the following will operated dally Sunday excepted Between Toronto Oars will Toronto for Newmarket and intermediate points at am pm and pm Gars will leave for Toronto and points At am pm and pm Dot Toronto Richmond Hill Gar will Toronto for Richmond Hill and Intermediate points at pm Cars will Hill and intermediate points al am and pm TORONTO YORK RADIAL Traffic FOR Jersey Heifers rising Sharon NOTICE I Hills is prepared to grind Ska tec Kile and Sharpen all of tools saws a specialty St Newmarket fc J i I WORK WANTED Sewing Washing or Cleaning by Hay lira J as Gould rear Mr home North End J From slaughter Aurora about 1st ol October Lambs Informa tion leading to recovery will bo suit ably rewarded KKTTLEIiY Andrew who paasod away at Kettleby Township of King on left no will A Seymour Jeweller of To ronto and Agnes J af KotUrfey will share equally In the in a house in King left by their deceased father Dont forget the Christmas Trcca on Dec and Mrs of Bradford re turned home on Saturday night after spending a couple of days hero Some of our sports went to I ho big Concert at Snowball en Friday night last and report a huge time Mrs Duncan spout Wednesday at the home of her parents and Mrs Stevens guess the roads were good Sunday Krai eis says so anyway Mr and Mrs Geo Walker of Mount Dennis motored out ami spent a couple of days at Mr an 1 Mrs M Stevens and Mrs If Ste vens Week Mr is in Aurora a few days this week Dont forget the Bible Class Mervn on Thursday Dec jo TACTFUL REMARK a lady who did not belie name got thirsty during a social entertainment and smilingly mentioned the fact a group of young men standing near her chair There was a rush supply her want and the young man who reached her first with a to Election Day first Monday in January Iwi bylaw for purpose bringing Hydro Power to V stand in what is known by Hydro people as enabling ByLaw the for purpose of rais ing for what objcot has hot rnadcpublio This question lias been a voxW in our Town for the- last two or three years although it is more than with a few points In therewith in orio article still the result of those will Have such an of foot on the future pros lrity and development of Town seems imperative that every should whplo question their very It would ap pear to bo proper to completely review situation About a year and a half ago a ByLaw was submitted by then Council asking the approv al of ah agreement for electric current from the York Hallway or in other words Electrical Development Company of Niagara Falls who own their own power plant there produce the power and have their own transmission lines and substa tions bringing power direct from Niagara Falls right inlolho Town of at no ex pense to the ratepayers of tho Town That power was Ihpro then it is there now agree ment lhot was submitted with at that was ap proved of as superior in every respect by an eminent Electrical by the Hydro Commission to Engineer who was Town of Aurora as the pro per and competent man to give an opinion on a question of that kind His report was to ef fect that tbereo ways between the agreement sub mitted by the Hydro Company and that of tho York Railway latter haying everything in its favor In of the Town of Newmarket The peo ple voted this down by a row majority The then Council feeling that it was a want of con fidence vote in them as they had approved and endorsed the view as woll as Hoard of Trade of that date com posed of the leading business men of the Town resigned ami another Council was elected to take their place We have had evidence of their ability to manage Municipal af fairs up to time and wo think anyone who has know ledge of how such matters should be conducted will agree that in all probability tho Town of New market has never had a weaker or more inexperienced Council In all its history than wo have had during last year and a half Proof of this will bo forth coming the proper time One of their acts was tho submission not long since of a bylaw and agreement with the Hydro Com mission for the construction of an Electrical Railway running fxom Newmarket to Toronto over some route that was not very clearly explained hut this by- Jaw and agreement provided that the Town should become respon sible to the amount of about which was us near as may bo of the value of Town that in a mortgage to that amount would bo placed if it were passed on the properly of every properly bolder within the Town of New market The bylaw also provid ed that the Town of should be responsible for any ex tra expenditures any mistakes or bad management on the parti of the Commission which would j increase the cost and running expenses of the proposed rail way In addition to no lied up for a long period of years with no voice for influence in the management or conduct of said enterprise Tho ratepayers exercised wisdom and discretion in voting that proposition il by about three times the niajori which the former proposition hud been defeated by and the Town had reason to congratulate them selves on being relieved from such a responsibility as that by law would have imposed One would have thought after this expression of public opinion that for a lime at least the rat payers would not be asked to wo fair map will that an exceedingly row view to take Our first sbdultf be lho the should to that para mount Important and it Is clearly demonstrated that power wo now In Town every will bo more advantageous we should be willing to under in the Tbwnot New- market with tho advantages wo have with power on the spot By not be to tain here evening that the York Ra dial bylaw was defeated a few of leaders of who were opposed to it- considered ft have a torch light coesioHr and a great domonsira- meeting at which very personal ref erences wero to those who supported the bylaw Wo solved the groat majority of who voted against that by law from any such action careful thoughtful who wore opposed to it would take no part in that demonstration What was of It Simply to hurt the of who were in favor of the bylaw and those probably included threefourths of the taxpaying power of the Town Newmarket inoludcd probably the proportion more of lhp80 who are through their business interests and em ployment of labor doing that which is building up Town Wliat satisfaction could any care ful thoughtful citizen have in a course of that kind When the Electric Railway by law was defeated by about three times the majority no such ac tion thai look place Those who opposed to it oppos OUR Mrs ceW Mrs lviit Deacon of Toronto was he guest of Mrs Dr Wesley over Sun day Ex Mayor- Pearson and apeht wedding anniversary in on Monday Mrs Peter Brow of Toronto is her Mrs Cane also Mrs Merrick of Toronto Mrs John asd Rev Addison were vailing on friends in Aurora last Friday v- Miss of House Toronto was the guest of Mrs Hewitt over Sun- day Mrs Dr Scott returned from Trenton last Friday accompanied by her mother who expects to spend the winter with her Wo in iiihue4Hiicin- our for 1 Wo have to dear out ail our Winter Now your opportunity to secure a Good Winter at a bargain i i Bradford Witness Mr and Mrs Richardson and children of New- market spent Sunday with Mr and j Mrs Hi i Century Mere soasons style regular ft SALE Stoddard clerk at Douglas bakory taken to Toronto for an operation which took place on Mon day and Is doing nicely Miss of Toronto cousin of Mrs A fornelli spent over Sunday here Mr Cornells sister left for Lindsay on Wednesday Mens Century Brand Overcoats nicest wo showing regular flO SATURDAY SALE ft conscientiously and for one purpose only that of doing a great service to the Town of Newmarket and they done a service which as timo goes on more and more appre ciated by ratepayers and cit izens of this Town They had no desire to hurl feelings of anyone Tho paramount ques tion was good of the Town of Newmarket If the York Radial bylaw had been carried we would today be enjoying at the lowest minimum cost the very best system of lighting and twentyfour hour power The rate also for light ing houses would be Just what it is today and many other advantages which cannot bo in this article Now a word or two as lo what will happen if the bylaw called enabling bylaw is passed Hy passing of that bylaw the municipality places in the hands of tho Commission entire author ity over power development in the Town of Newmarket that is wo nothing further to say in connection with matter This is a very serious aspect for our consideration May ask if it were passed where power corning from The Hydro have no power nearer than Toronto It would cost a very large sum of money to put a line from Toroi- to Newmarket- especially to Mrs of Myrtle Mani toba writes The Era is a welcome visitor at our house We arc having lovely weather here at present Mrs I John Jackson of Toronto visited at yesterday previous to leaving for to spend some weeks with her daughter Mr Cameron was home over Sunday from A at He was accompanied from Toronto by his cousins the Misses MrsiT A Peregrine of castlo formerly of New market is making a weeks visit with her sisler Mrs Foster Brentford Mr earnest Brooks went to the Hospital at Toronto for an last Friday He was in a critical condition for a few days but Is Im proving nicely now Mens and Ulsters and Chesterfield Coals all sizes up to I Mens Tveod Ulsters Storm Collars all sizes up to OVERCOATS Boys Ulsters high storm col lars sizes to made and trimmed i rep per V- fotontO a limes I f J ft J J IIoneta store J its heigh fa or THE LEADING Richmond Hill Liberal Mrs I Lepard of spent a few ZLIIt 1 Undertaking Bouse Mr also spent Sunday here of Mr of Marie Mich was calling on old friends on Tuesday Ho was in Chicago buying new machinery for his statin laundry and took a run over to his home Town The Hon J Davis accompa nied ly Mrs Davis leaving for Kingston for several days visit Tho Davis Tannery at Kingston is can buy your Cheap For Cash light up Newmarket a-i- and Aurora are both enjoy- to domestic rters EtRes of cheap and j EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at John Millard Phone and are working day and on Mili tary orders A message from Mt Abel Midl and has been received Mr Is with the Infantry Regiment of France He is now at Paris left here last August immediately on the declaration of war and has been in active service alreadj While here be was with the Cane A Rons Co This is the first word that has been received from him since he left Montreal the advantages of cheap excellent light and power on their line as we have wait- us in Newmarket Would any business man consider il was good sines3 to spend the enor mous sum required to build a power line to Newmarket when wc already- the power here This is a phase that we think our citizens should examine very carefully and thoughtfully Then when could get his power The minute an enabling I bylaw is passed we cannot take power from any other source ex cept that one Our hands are lied We cannot move and wo must wait probably be fore is any possibility of power here and even then the cost will be so heavy that il will be a serious menace to the future prosperity of Town We ask the citizens of the Town give this whole matter Ineii most carcful consideration politics any oilier elements except doing busi ness for the Town of Newmar ket in exactly the same careful J prudent economical manner would transacting our Dec Mr Isaac St Mrs si A Dec Mrs A writes without the Era letter from home grand mildfall All the land for another year King of I could not It is like getting a are having a is in Lots of ploughing done this fall Crops were grand and prices heavy or Northern and for No Northern Most of the wheat around this belt went Northern Wishing a merrv to all friends Sale Register glass of water she complimented pro- on his quickness Oh thats nothing he re plied lightly I am used lo il I got into many a circus and men agerie when I was a boy by car rying water to the elephant business Nov Six hundred pinners seven guns and man wounded fell Into Russian hands in yesterdays fighting to the west of where the Russians took ten miles of German trenches London Doc General Christian do Wet leader of the reunion in the Union of South Africa has been cap tured according to a Pretoria of ficial despatch Pembroke Dec I peter White Duck one of the Indians want ed for the murder of Turnkey in the Renfrew County Jail here Saturday night was to night near Golden Lake reserve Alex Patterson of Pembroke and a posse He had separated from his companion Jocko who is Mill at large White Duck will be brought to Pembroke in thfc morning Tim Indian practically gave up hunger and exposure forcing him to seek shelter at a farmers house The farmer the posse headed by Mr who the priest- position This seems not to be the view of the present Council and the bylaws men tioned above are t be flu Dm Hied on next Municipal Election Day II appears the railway project dropped so far as we arc lightened on the proposition and the intention is lo ask to have Hydro Power delivered lo New market for the purpose of pow er use and lighting the Town Now it is clear to observing citizens that during the several years this question has agitated the Town those who in fa vor of Iho York Radial Power or Electrical Development Power stated most distinctly that they were no opposed to Hydro be cause it Hydro that if New market situated many places are with no power thai could be received elsewhere cheaper than the Hydro could supply arid Hydro could be ob tained any reasonable price they would be supporters of Hydro under such circum stances On the other hand does appear that there are in the Town who jure- determined to have Hydro it matters not al whiit expense or cost the Town may be to and Duly ar gument they have is the fuel hat it is Hydro Wo must submit thai E Ewers head of the ford High School has been tp- principal of the Aurora High School lo succeed J Fer guson who retires next January Taylor the rectors warden of Trinity Church has resigned and will bo succeeded by Mr Mackenzie Aurora will send a carload of flour to Belgium Arrangements have been made to hold a whirl wind campaign to relieve the suf ferers of the great European war a special meeting of the resi dents presided oyer by Mayor Baldwin a committee ap pointed to organize the campaign and it is anticipated that over will be raised within a few days to purcbaso lh flour Al ready the collectors have ed 250 and subscriptions are pouring in every day The work was started by tho ladies of town and at the meeting a vote of thanks was unanimously pass- to Iheinauguralors of move ment the speakers v many prominent men including Herbert Lennox MPP Hey Rev l o pan and Ferguson Send the Era to anient friends Fisher will hold an extensive Auc tion Sale at lot Con Whit church at one oclock 10 months credit j I Headman Auctioneer Had Bread and grow SATURDAY Nov Mrs Cain will have a sale of Household Furniture etc on Franklin St east of Mr John residence Terms cash Sale at oclock J D Dec Mr Donald Cameron will have a large un reserved sale of stock implements furniture etc on lot Con months credit or per cent off for cash Sale at one harp J THURSDAY Hoc 3 Mr Wm Hod- gins will have a sale of young cattle on lot 3 in 3rd North mile from Peters Crossing credit or per for cash Sole at one Auctioneer The Cradle YD In Newmarket to Mr and Mrs Boyd twin daughters On 1st to Mr and a son The Altar Nov by Rev Mo Aieer Oak St Toronto Mr lYRricii of Woodstock to Miss Jennie Williams of ville Pine Grove Farm on Wednesday Nov by Rev J A of Ella Whilhelmina daughter of Mr and Mrs J Mount to Robert Geoffrey leave of King Township TERRY Mount At Pine Grove Farm Kettleby on Wednesdgy by Rev J A of Lloydtown Cora Mary second daughter of Mr and Mrs J Mount to We specialize in Teas and Coffees We are still our Coffee al the same 30c and ground Wo would advise you to buy Tea as it is when Parliament meets that there will be a war tax added Great Britain has added a war tax recently and Cansfc is sure to follow We can give you extra good values Special Brands of our blending at 30c Now Currants Raisins Figs Etc have just arrived Last Seasons Raisins at lb New Raisins and Currants pound New Cooking 7c lb New Table Figs 16 lb Malaga Grapes are very sweet this year Try some Special Value in Grape Fruit Pure Clover Honey in Bottles also lb Tim l Richard Harvey Township- Terry of King The Tomb BOYS At on Sunday William A Hoys in his year Hockey A very Mfcwmarket the King for Patrons J J He no Au Vice Trea Manager Doyle tfinager Trail I During Europe as It was the Met hi enter Vims in The cf Mrs J Meeting Scripture Aldison I Prayer ol Mr J to You business of 1 1 a cent a there at quite a lie I Wield and Cod would strength a and 1 ijmpathv t 4 list I the tide Christian I we visitor be at Press Sup PHONE Nov fudge SATURDAY Nov Messrs and Haw tin will have a sale of Cattle oh Lot St South Aurora Wells j creditor cent off for cash Sale at J J his residence Richmond Hill Nov 1914 Thomas Palmer in his year the of daughter Mrs Isaac Brock Rots- ford St Newmarket on Nov 1914 Margaret widow of Mark Wooding of Hol land Landing In her year At on Nov 28th Elizabeth Lee in her year 9 In Newmarket on Deo 1st Rofl Ivan son Mr Harvey ijed Interred at Cemetery PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes- I you tells I S J Main North There are other pipe fiends All Orders Receive Careful plumbers and Prompt Attention Christian A large J evenliif fc Miss La of eting Mr An i Hiss Mi Tie convene for tb tVislian Pres- Pros- Secret fee Out Slower oil Player Program Lit Stewards- Dee A ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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