Newmarket Era, 4 Dec 1914, p. 5

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r St- I us US I id tie rat- to Low on good entity prank Duncan AUOTIONBKU AND COLLECTOR on Wilkinson DENTIST Tenny and Real Howards It wont to Sell Bee tie Dr Hi Office almost opposite the King George Hotel MAIN ST Dp Main Street Office Monro to to pm to pm Telephone Moore tailor exchanged pre on Tuesday is in old barber The- Hosier ran a shop here for many years It a good position S3 f l v v I MAKES PERFECT BREAD Ladies Aidof too Methodist had very successful Talent on Friday afternoon of last- week Everything was sold that was offered and enquiries for a- great deal more The proceeds were over Salvation Army Staff Copt Toronto ac companied by Martin and from Aurora will give a Program of vocal and instrumental music on Monday Dec at pm public are cordially Invited Kii held A tho Barracks onTuea- bchjftid the line day the of- Dec wmmencmtf at- la Toronto also Lltcntiata Royal o and mem- of Royal College Former clinical In Moornelda Rye Hospital and vorBlty None and London Kngland Main and Timothy Sis market Telephone Green PAINTER AND PAPER Ave 2nd houac from Newmar Bolton Painter Paper and House Decorator and Stre Newmarket WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER In Park Ave Church A StouffeP NEWMARKET Plaao Voice and Violin in all kinds and Repairs lor Columbia and fltiV Prompt 230 Any of the mothers hav ing to or to opt ahd over are requested to bring to the mating will assist them in doing it Press Methodist The Mens Service last Sunday It was learned that a British naval airman had dropped situare4y on a Carman ammunition train which blew up m report is that the Grand puke have utterly crushed Von divided have capture or destroyed have cut off the retreat i tho surviving corps Nov en log drew a largo the which had floated from mooring being pretty well filled in exploded near here destroying gallery and all The ringing was led a boat and killing four men by a Male Choir and the choruses explosion of this mine which is were carried withan enthusiastic saUto have boon one of those plant- At Bra at private reel- if iV i NEWMARKET There was very sociable gather ing OddFellows Hall on Thursday night last week and everything passed line Music was furnished by a pianist from Toronto and the young ladies cleared about lor the Santa Fund there being no expenses except for music Noarly a Ilic house of Mr 1 Street came very nearly go ing up in one morning last week The chlirtnoy took lie when Mrs alone In the house and had it not been for the prompt as sistance of Mr Fred there Is ho doubt hut that the house would have been burned After considerable hard work Fred and Mrs suc ceeded in subduing lie flames Two or three weeks ago an item appeared the Era announcing the death of Mr Ed Jackson at To ronto former proprietor of Forsyth Hotel in Newmarket We are pleased to state this is not the case as it was some other Jackson Our former townsman is still alivo and is running a Picture 1 on Yonc St south ol Tho Latest If you have a Player Piano you order some of that latest mu sic from the Gerhard Co Ltd Queen West Toronto The words of all the popular songs printed on the music so that any body can sing them without piano accompaniment It is just great Send for and try it and you will send for soma more t make home happy during the long winter evenings on War Everybody In Town and surround ing country is invited to attend the Lecture in the auditorium of the Methodist Church Newmarket next Monday evening by Mr E Jack son Toronto University his sub ject being Germanys Naval Pow er Jackson Is one best informed men in Canada on this subject and- his on the Great War have drawn immense crowds in the city It is hoped that the Church will be packed This is the of three lectures on the War un der the auspices of the league A collection will be taken up and every cent will go towards the Belgian Relief Fund swing Splendid solos by Mr Geo Young and Mr Lyons Inch The Is rapidly developing into a good soloist The sermon by the of A Young Mans was abovo the avorage Regular monthly Fellowship Mcotq lug at ociock next Sunday morn ing Preaching at a m and m by A of Totten ham- Newmarket boy The pastor Is preaching anniversary services on the Tottenham circuit TheRoatfoh Why The Editor of the ExpressHerald asks why it Is that the same Metro politan power In Aurora and Rich mond Hill is sold to consumers at in the former place and in the latter The answer Is Each place buys Its Power from the Metropolitan Railway hut the Coun cil has the full control of its rate In Aurora the quantity used lifcich greater than in Richmond Hill the corporation can afford to sell it cheaper and still have sufficient re venue to pay off all as they mature It would he the same in Newmar ket If we had Metropolitan power hut not so with Hydro for in the latter case the Provincial Commis sion and not the Town Council would say how much the citizens of New- market would pay for their light and they would have to pay for floor- Space too in tho Adriatic by Austria baa again aroused a storm of Indignation among the Italian people along the Adriatic coast The Government recently protested to Austria drift ing mines which were endangering shipping Italy received assurance that there would be no repetition of this trouble London Nov It was reported by Lloyds to day that two British steamers were sunk off Havre day by German submarines The steamers were the Malachite and the The crews of vessels were rescued The men from the Malachite were landed at South- and those from the at Fecamp a French port on the Eng lish channel contingent the Columbia Company of Toronto is a lull selection of their records ol parotic songs any hospital corps or other military attached to contingent whose commanding will com with tbem is being made without any string- whatever said Mr J A Sabine of Music Co whom the offer is being- made the News today The Idea originated In a retreat we re ceived from on individual soldier for records We did not consider It the right thing to grant this but decided that If any company would care some records we would be only too glad to let them have a selection our Canadian made goods If the officer commanding would ask us Toronto News Nov N I to In Profits guauct 1 any that I touring RUNABOUT i mo AURORA Mrs Marj A Davay an old resi dent of Aurora passed away last at her residence on Centre St at- we advanced age of eightytwo years She was born In Uxbrldge Township and has resided in tho town for a number years She leaves five children three sons and two daughters Ford Ontario fully la Dominion of Canada only Why Married Every Week i Women Vote A SCRAP OF PAPER It is the interest of Prussia today to break the treaty and she done it She avows it with cynical con tempt for overs principle of justice She says Treaties blind yon when it is your Interest to them What Is a treaty says the German Chancellor A scrap of paper Have you any notes about you I am not calling for them Have you any of those neat little Treasury l notes If you have bum them they arc only scraps of paper What are mode of Hags What are that worth The whole credit the British Km Hon Lloyd George at Queens Hall Sept 19 o o London Nov Russians have defeated the Germans with the heaviest yet Germans have made no advance since I last addressed this House and the British arc touch with Turk ish forces miles east of Suez Canal these were salient points of a speech made by Field Marshal Karl Kitchener in the House ol Lords yes terday when the British Secretary of War summarized the military op eration Lord Kitchener said the losses the allies were great but at the same time were slight compared with of the enemy and that al lied troops were spirits and confident of success Regarding recruiting Karl Kitch ener said he still had room lor men and he was confident that the men would answer the countrys call and see that thewar was to a successful conclusion lie said that recruits were enlisting weekly The time will come when we shall require many more and I will then make it thoroughly well known the Field said and added that in the all the gaps in the British on the continent had been filled YORK COUNTY COUNCIL LATEST DESIGNS Monuments and Head Stones Call before ordering elsewhere Out Stone for Building Purposes Ktpt la Stock and made to GEO DR EVAN Graduate Ohlropractor and Osteopath Hydrotherapy Manage Swedish Movements Violet Hays High Frequency Electrical Treatment SPECIALIST IN and Nervous Condi tions Spinal Diseases Disease Lum bago ft Sciatica and Diseases of Women Etc Cases Specially Invited visited Monday Wednesday and Friday of Aurora Mapio Fairly good market last Saturday Not much change in prices hut every body made a quick sale and the market was all over by Fol lowing were the ruling prices per do to Mutter per to Dressed Chickens per It to Dressed Ducks per lb to lie Dressed Geese per Hi pressed Turkeys per lb lie Apples per to potatoes per hag fiOc Live Chickens per lb to Old Hens per to Live Ducks per lb Live Geese per lb to Live Turkeys per lb to Pigeons per to Live young pigs Hides per lb to He Calf Skins per lb to to Sheepskins to Tallow Wood per cord Rabbits per pr 25 to 10c Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they roach tic diseased portion of the ear There Is only one way to cure and that Is by remedies caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lin ing to the Eustachian Tube When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing and when It is entirely closed result and unless the in flammation can be taken out and tali tub restored to normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which fs nothing but an In flamed condition of the mucous We will give One Hundred for any case of Deafness caused by that cannot be cured by Hall Catarrh Cure Send for cir culars J CHENEY CO Toledo Sold by Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for QHEEfJHOU8K St Phone FIRE INSURANCE TOWN AND FARM PROPERTY FOR Let me know your wants O P MORTON Lome Ave Mies A a CiiLCrl the Toronto Conservatory of FxpreSftion is now open- for and winter engagements in sen- with churches lodges etc Kindly got in loueW by phone or Queensville Out i required about house or Box Whitchurch The nomination of candidates for the offices of and three Councillors to compose the Township council for the year will take place at the Public Library Hall Vandorl on Monday the of December If more candidates are nominated than are required to fill the respec tive offices and continue to candi dates afteii oclock p on the day following the nomination then the Election will he held on Monday Jan in each of the elec toral divisions as follows No In Mrs Knights house P Smith and Arthur Welsh Poll Clerk No In Albert house Alfred llaker I E Taylor P No In Mrs Kennedys house names 1 and Ed gar Storey P No In AIrt house W Williams It and Fred Wesley P No In Mrs Mays Shop Ross Hope and Frank P No In Hall Jere miah I and Mc- PO to flowers for at yery mo- derate Oup i are right PHOTOGRAPHS FOR GHRI8TMA8 Now la the your Photo for rush Is on have Just received our and they are dandle I GOME and see I E ZURBRiaQ Photographer Studio Door West of lb New Post It looks as if the contractor had put it over on the engineer remark ed Reeve Watson of King when the I question of culvert was up for discussion before the York County Council on Saturday The culvert was built this fall the Toronto and York Radial Com pany and although Frank Barber count engineer estimated the con tract ah the account submitted by the company totalled The company is liable for one quarter of the cost of the culvert and when tenders were opened the railway company considered it could do the work cheaper than tlie estimates but owing to conditions the cost was much in ex cess of that anticipated Great discrepancies were found in the cost of laying plank forms and in mixing and placing cement The en gineers estimate for the laying of forms was and for the cement placing but the figures given by the railway company exceeded these by and respectively an advance of in thje two items Mr Wilson representing the com pany explained that due to the posi tion of the culvert the cement had be placed by hand labor instead of machinery and that the workmen had much trouble in excavating because of stone foundation He invited Mr to investi gate the reports in possession of the company and satisfy himself as to the detailed cost Reeve Wallace of Woodbridge was dubious regarding the matter and on the motion of Reeve Keith of New market it was left for the warden and county commissioners in the next session of the council Grants of each to the York Rangers and the Body Guard and j200 was given to the Canadian Cross Society A The salary of Policy Magistrate T H was increased from to per annum to have effect from July 1st l the end of the present year when a readjustment of tho magistrates duties will he A pleasant surprise awaited George S me Reeve of York Township when at the close of the session he was presented with a goldheaded cane by Reeve Wallace and Fleming on behalf of the council on his retire ment from public life The spoke eulogistic terms of Mr work while connected with municipal authority for the last five years In replv Reeve said his relation with members had al ways been of the friendliest and he strongly urged the of the dif ferent townships to do all to further employment in the county during the present crisis Warden Cameron thanked members for jthelr hearty during his term of In Ontario the determining of who shall ami shall not vole at municipal elections the Provincial Legislature About thirty years ago widows and spin- were granted the franchise but it still withheld from mar ried women In sixteen States of the Union in Australia ami New Zealand equal suffrage prevails In British Columbia Alberta and Manitoba married women vole municipal elections Why not in Ontario Wherein lies justice of ex cluding Hie wifehood and mother hood of Province from par ticipation in municipal govern ment except by paying taxes that so vitally affects the homo and family Councils or many muni cipalities favor the granting of this right Last year an influential de putation from tin Toronto Wo men Suffrage Association wail ed upon the Toronto City Council and requested them to submit the question to a vote of the elec torate at next municipal election The Mayor Control lers and members of the Council were unanimous In their appro at and the vote was Ordered The Suffrage Associations The Toronto Local Council of Women the Womens Christian Temper ance Union The Trades and La bor and other bodies supported the Toronto campaign and their cooperation won the day the result being a majority of in favor of votes for married women This result was so pronounced as to be conclusive that the ex- of this plan throughout the Province would be the best means of convincing tho Ontario Le gislature of the advisability of Hie necessary legislation Bodies of women or other per sona interested in the municipali ties throughout the Province should adopt tlm same plan and there is good reason to suppose that in almost every case where Ihe question is put to a Vote the electors would favor it Further we to pay buyers chare from to pap car on or about August 1015 to every retail buyer In tin Dominion of Canada who purchases now Ford car between August 1014 arid August provided that wo sell oafs be tween the above dates which output will en able to obtain the maximum In our factory production and the minimum cost In our purchasing and sales departments For further particulars regarding theso low prices and profitsharing plan see the nearest Ford Branch or Ford Dealer Home of The Ford St Newmarket K ROBERTSON AGENT li W MARKET Arriving Car Oil Corn and Gluten Heal way to jj But its a longer way to Soring I Provide now I All kinds of Coal Wood PRICE PAID FOR GRAIN PRICE FOR FLOUR AND FEEDS Phono 52 ta y Main treet NeWmarket BIG SUPPLY OF ALL KINDS OF l0 CANADIANS APPLY FOR AVIATION Nov A Canadian aviation corps is being organized at Salisbury Plains and will be attach ed to the Canadian army when it leaves for the front Negotiations have in progress between Can ada and the British War Office for sometime and it lias now been decid ed to form a squadron twelve aeroplanes The squadron will in command of Captain of Ontario an experienced aviator Captain flew from Massachus etts to Valcarticr camp to join the first contingent There are two other Canadian avia tors Sharpe and Harry A the remaining posts there arc no less than applicants among Can adian soldiers at- Salisbury Plains who want to join the aviation camp The British type flying machine which has proved so successful along the fighting line in and Bel gium has been adopted and orders the the building of twelve have been ft an- Canadian airmen will likely train ac cording to news received Ottawa at Montrose Scotland which is one of the British aviation centres placed it is understood by the Government- in the Era if CANADIAN ARRIVE IN FRANCE Northern France Nov The advance guard ol the Canadian con tingent has arrived A hundred doc tors have come over to establish a Canadian hospital which to be magnificently equipped The Can adian building s golf club on the edge ol the great forest of where Napoleon camped his army in tended to invade Britain a century ago Children FOR CAS O O O ft PRICES ARE HARD ON AC COUNT OF THE WAR BUT Value WE HAVE fey Small AND CAN Money Toys Molls Fancy China and oilier thai must be sold before Christmas See Our Bargains Before and Do Not Miss See ing Window display Newmarket South End Flour And Feed Store Opposite King George Hotel ROYAL WORLD BEATER FOR BREAD Special Pastry Flour Made of All White Wheat Also Gluten Graham Whole Wheat and Buckwheat Flour OMAN AND SHORTS ALL KIND OF Mixed Chicken Feed Grit Shell Meat etc i Leave Your Order for Cartiny and Heavy Teaming House Phone Office Phone Ontario Married Worn in will fc to the Parliament of Caetdi at thereof for a Bill from her the City of in County York and ok the grounds of adultery and cruelty at Toronto this day of A NORA LOUISE JACKSON by A apply to the Parliament of next Swslon thereof for a of Divorce from ney the of Toronto la County of and Province On tario on ground of adultery tbe City Of la the County of j York tad Provide Ontario day WILLIAM ROBERT Solictors Godfrey and Adelaide St ARCHIVES OF TADAMTA

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