Newmarket Era, 4 Dec 1914, p. 8

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Hi ill I i Mrs Kelly Advises all teen to Take fniltaTlnes mm down and- will remove It to berg There was a large attendance at Mr It Deacons part oh Friday night nnd all report a moat able -V- The members of It- have ie Methodist I I I J ft AUG highly recommend because they did me an awful lot of good and caunot speak too bout them About four years commenced taking for a genera and they did me a of good We bought a good many dollars worth but It money well spent because they did nil that you claim for Their action Is so pleasant compared- with other laxatives that found only pleasure aa well as health In taking them They seemed to me to be particularly suited to on cad I trust that tome other women may start taking after letter and If they do lam satisfied the results be the same my own case are sold by all stealers at a box for trial or on price by PROPERTYFOn Dwelling and Two Lots on St near Mowinnrkct Ceme tery Hard and soft ami other conveniences Apply John Cain St Newmarket FOR SALE OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good Enquire of YAW MAN Grace Newmarket The Underwood gave concert here 00 Saturday The yihRlng was delight ful and Hie jokes clean and clover About persona attended An oyster supper under the of the Irstltute In of the Patriotic and was held in the Town Hall on evening Nov A comedy in three acts entitled The Colonels Maid was given by the Aurora Dramatic Club to Ml home MOUNT PLEASANT Too Late for Laot Week a Mr Styles as a dlegato from the Pleasant is attending young mens conference In Miss Mary Mould Kavc a very In teresting paper at the P S on Wednesday Night entitle Ten Steps of Our Society Miss Myrtle Hamilton has return- spending a few weifs with friends and relatives in To- her- late home to On Wednesday Nov a wedding was solemnized at tbe East when Miss daughter of Mr and Mrs of was united In the holy bonds of tdMr Hell The was In midnight pcaudo shadow The happy couple on the evening train for Toronto en for Bast Aurora the brides golugaWay ccstuinewas navy blue serge with plush hat and trimmings of white plush al I VIVIAN FOR SALE Church Newmarket Mod- in every way rooms broom and wash room New Convenient to all down town utres Will be sold at a bargain at Oils nfllw FOR SALE of Hoarding and Meal House consisting of rooms fur- in one block Good profits rents Good for quick Vox further particulars apply to Central Hoarding House Main St Newmarket WE A property situated on Prospect Ave A largosited dwelling with all conveniences all in first shape Quarter an acre of grounds with apple and small fruit trees stable and cemuutheu feouse This wo consider best in town so act quickly Terms sou be arranged to suit to P Morton 373 FOR SALE hi IUBU hen house lnl is Electric Light Water and Fur- I have for sale a new house on Andrew St with large lot and small fruits and house there Hard and Soft and it is trimmed Georgia Pin There is also a summer kitchen and verandah For full particulars apply to Win Lane Andrew St or Box Newmarket In the evening after six oclock Tlie Sunday announce their Christmas for Monday evening Dec The firemen held a bampct at the Mansion House last week at which there were persons The Anniversary the Meth odist Church has lccn fixed for day evening 1 The will he a unique character The person who walked through Mr Huntleys store after midnight had better not repeat it as may himself durante vile O O A U HUH A 1 small deposit down You must act quick in his matter or miss this chance mile of Ml Pleasant on the Centre known as the lover Farm I p of North remoter i- This farm has plenty of Water Orchard Hush and Fences convenient to School or Church also Metropolitan Sta tion at Havens hoe P MORTON Lome Ave Estate Co Newmarket OXYGEN PLANV are prepared to weld cast Iron or any of metal Also bearings filled to can be tured put- cogs la wheals or of any kind All promptly attended to call JtUTLRDGE DAVIS A laughable farce Vie Colonels put on by the dramatic Club last Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Hand was a great Larit week who has been in charge of the Gov ernorGenerals Body Guard Jicre left for Toronto with about members troop to loin the camp at lion Grounds Major K L McColl is now in command of the camp and has about men arid thirty horses under Wnv We understand that this be made a permanent camp for the purpose training the recruit of this troop When George Hendry retired farm er- made his will three IdaVS before bis death he ordered his to be interred in the Aurora and a monument to le erect ed at a cost more than I direct continues the will the sum of shall re paid the Methodist Church Aurora in con sideration of the use of their 1 have made during my lifetime The estate is valued at One the oldest residents of town passed away on Thursday after- person of scd Mary Lloyd and was- n April Her parents canc from the State of Pennsylvania and set tled on the 2nd concession of Whit church where Mrs bom In March she married and went to reside the homestead this place Her hus band died in the old home i 1858 when still a young man leaving four children Mrs resided on the farm until the family had grown up whtn she removed to Aurora and wl with her daughter Mrs Smith- Street ever since Two children survive her Mrs I T Smith of this place and Mr of Olds Mrs respected byall who her and will be greatly missed by large circle of relatione took plac Iq the Aurora Saturday evening we won to hear of the of a Juculiorso belonging to Mr TIium Lewis Glad to see Mr Smart again after lion Neva has returned homo Weeks visit with friends in Newmarket Jack Hooiliuan of Toronto visiting with his father this vvecji Bradford and lady friend of Albert attended tlio special services at Holt in Sunday has returned after a visit with Ins sis tor ami brother in Toronto We sorry to hear of Flo continued illness of Mr Mrs and Mrs Jerry were tlie guests Hen Cook at Albert on Thursday The Sunday School Convention at Churchill is being well londed this week ami reports are good It seems like old times to see Brooks ol Pint View making his trips to Hold Creek Kami Is- there another Minnie then Believe mo Mr Hardy is sonic improvemenls to lift homo with a new chicken house a new sun room and up- todate steamhealing system it makes Vivian look more lite a real town every day Will Homebody Hugo transports motor driven and painted green plowed an other through hall of men and horses followed in the long of army trucks loaded With equipment of all sorts TlioKhakicd Soldiers four heavy kits and with rifles- thrown across their shoulders sang their way through the Quagmires It was moving day The Canadians wre on their way to Sling tlpp the new camp- wooden huts eight miles from this ancient cathedral city They were on their way from misery to compara tive luxury They were going to more than they ever will again until tic war Is Needless to say they were intensely happy The thought et n rout over their heads stoves t give lighting and Place where clothes could he hung up and dried was indeed refreshing over three with never a day passing with out a the had Hod under almost service condi Wet eolWng worn for days It was Impossible to keep dry But this lb mile tramp more rrln a mud thev realnil the on outs of the military Town of thousands of Eng lishmen arc preparing to enter lighting line the Canadians ilvo fro mingle with te Tommies practically their first opportunity slept Indoors toiiifht a d it a week or ten days West Down South West Down North Bustard where the rest of Canadians are in tents will he deserted These are Here are rows them one storey sheds pro bacy feet long by wide All are vlth sheet and are painted green On the hill tip houses wherein the dwell rc the quarters structures Hut divided into rooms with two officer allotted to each never such comfort each room is a fire grate the side of the interior or each hut- arc straw covered with army No space Is wasted The beds are placed close together is a stove which Hid and rporl a n us last evening W Brooks- of tlie Do minion Transmission Co Hamilton is visiting IiIh home hero a couple of weeks Two of sports attended farewell party at Mount veninu- pleasant hoy whoso eyes lire of wliosfe bead might coine from the chisel of feet I New I One boy giWjH converged Inspiration of a dozen liumi will bo an open palm for the iioody and closed list for the oppressor One boy for whose advent a mother waited at and for a father the dead sea fruit of poverty One boy bouncing out of school a and into the woods like a startled deer there to butterfly co coons or to set a wheel in the tiny stream or to coax to familiarity the woodpecker One boy who may some day draw the plans for Clio kingdom of heaven who may write new decalogue of social justice may Moses of a modern who may eclipse Lincoln is Lincoln eclipsed One boy an incipient astrono mer calling- marhlcM the Pleiades and his hoop a ring of an inventor Inking things apart and setting traps for natures sly secrets an incipient turning a mud pie Into a bust of his little sister or mimfciiig the iiightiiigale met lilies of the woods or disfiguring the wall paper with his crude sketches One hoy such as this is higher in Dun and of eternal economy than all the accumulated billions of poured info Hie coffers of all the nations since Bacchus the Devi Im flain- brewed his cups Alex Caiins in American Issue HAND YOU WILL PROBABLY NEED A NEW OR OVERCOAT FOR V THI8 8EA80N NQW THE OP- TIME TO MAKE TRY ONE OF OUR QUITS Up F WILLIS PHONE IfiO A IN SI Frosty dine NEARLY PERISH ON BRITISH BATTLESHIP London Nov 2ilhe British navy suffered the loss t- d of battle ship and at least men in a manner which the pub lic The prercadnought Bulwark of 10000 tons and built at a cost of blew up at her moorings Sijeerness in estuary of tre Thames- and barely miles from London The known facts arc that tre- explosion occurred while of ficers and crew were their or dinary duties and in three minutes shattered hulk of the great ship had disappeared beneath the surface Of a of at least the minder may have been nearer alt except were killed the explosion or drowned after a lew minutes struggle in the water Sick Headaches He daughter of olm and In Land Value to the man who wants a rami acres of good laud some choice clay This Farm has all uptodate consisting of a modern Brick House also Hip Hoof Barn built from all new material with I modern Stables together with all other Outbuildings in good re- pair Rural Mail Delivery We ask you to go over this Farm Put a fair value on also Build ings then come down to New market and we will satisfy you as to the amount away must wind up this Estate Busi ness Will accept a Mortgage at per cent for ten years with Is a long to le re lb in eat tie ordinary army hut Stan- from a are lumcshit will install- led within a days Abort men will lie in but Teuemeit era sai that conditions in this had but the men think that anything is teller than He tits on the plains a- Will You Hospital for Sick Children the Groat Provincial Charity arc not caused by anything wrong in the head but bilious ness and indigestion Headache powders or tablets may deaden but cannot cure them Dr Morses Indian Root Pills do cure sick head ache the sensible ay by removing the constipation or stomach which caused them Dr Morses Indian Root Pills are purely vege table free from any harmful drug safe and sure When you feel the headache coming take Indian Root Mi Light wtresuN lj to to masts y Aay mm- ttmi M4f tor NINTH LINK KINO Most of the young people around here attended a dance at Mr Deacons Lloyd town on Friday even ing A large crowd attended the W T meeting held at Mrs Arthur Hills on Thursday evening A dance was given in tie hall the young people of this place on Tuesday night of last week A large crowd attended and all re port a good time A barn on tlie corner of the line of King owned by Mr Sol At kinson of this place was burned to the ground on Thursday evening The origin the fire is The farm was leased by Mr John- Harry who lost a quantity hay and straw winter feed and most of his imple ments Mr loss on the building which was will be about On Thursday morning the death occurred of Mrs Henry Miller at her home on the ninth line King Deceased had beta ill and through all her illness man id W a Christian spirit and was when the end Tbe Mrs Miller who was in her year was native this township A and one survive The took place from TORONTO And Return FARE AND ONETHIRD Stations in and West thereof Good Going P LI Trains Deo 10 and all trains Deo 11 and 12 Account Toronto rat Stock Show All Tickets valid to return up and including December ll Full particulars and tickets from agents J Depot Agent J BROUQHTON Phone It AgerK Dear Mr Kdltor Thanks for the privilege of appeal ing through your columns on behalf of the Hospital for Sick Children The Hospital takes care of sick and de formed children not only In Toronto but in the Province outside of city This coming year of all the years In the Hospitals history has a more serious outlook regards funds for maintenance than any year that has passed Its calendar So many calls are being made on tho inn of the generous people of To ronto and Ontario to help the soldier of the Empire that as I make my dally rounds through the wards of Hospital and see the suffering chil dren In our cots and beds the thought strikes me as to whether the people will as of old with all the demands mad upon them answer our appeal and help to maintain the Institution that is fighting la battle with disease and death in its endeavor to the stricken tittle in tho childlife of Ontario Last year there were inpatients from 210 places outside of Toronto in the past twenty years there have been from places In Province other than Toronto It costs us par patient per day for maintenance The pay for patients per patient per day the Government allow cents per patient per day to from it leaves the Hospital with to pay out of subscriptions it receives from people- of Toronto and the Province The shortage last year ran to Since About cases of club feet bow Use and knock knees have been treated and of these had perfect correction Nearly all these were from different ptrts of Pre of the of Toronto Remember that every year Is a war year with the Hospital every day It a day of battle every minute the Hospital needs money not for Its own sake but for the childrens sake The Hospital Is the where the of Life have grappled with Hosts of Death and the life or death of thousands of little children la the Issue fa lUt war Will you let the Hospital driven from the Meld of Its battle to save the of little children for the lack of money you can never mfesr dollar way Itself a dreadnought la tie battle death a In fleet that fights for the Ittea of lttUo lteraetaber taxi the of the Hos pitals the tots and your in titer kind stay fee for SOUTH END Main Street Newmarket o Our Stool Si Artie elate the opened a Wow and Tin In Dr Clarks Building nearly opposite the King I am nov pre pared to do all kinds of In this line Is the Time to Buy a NEW and for old Estimates Given for Work Plumbing Electric Wiring Etc 8UPPLIE8 KEPT IN STOCK Repairs Promptly Attended to Give a Call J WRIGHT In fact ttt 1M Will Ml a to I M HA O Success who never comes to the man on a dry box and l I lias prohibited the sale of Vodka their national drink tills to coiiUijuo even the war and visitors say thai there Is such a change the is hardly recognizable who before the war hod fallen ill hopeless indolence and depravity have already become respecting on is already visi- iblcj in neatly brushed clothes in- trail of former ragged and doyoiily attire Huts which wore liluptilaied are now repaired and improved Society has become more or derly ami the peasants indulge ill wholesome amusement iiuw save per cent tit llicii wages which was former ly spent for drink ami their earn ing power has been through sobriety This extra is now spout for neces sities This star ling regeneration of Hie is in opinion of lite authorities have important effect on the social and economic conditions of nil Russia Why cannot Have a similar blessing Arc we not badly in need of COO Lav and Freedom The defenders of the have one argument which ace fond of using They say people cannot made Rood of Parliament and seem to think that puts an end to on thci The is that no one outside an asylum ever said or thoeht any thing hut the power of Jed could make people good Law can and often does remove the cause of a great of evil and thus makes this world a place to live in No intelligent thinks that medicine cures diseap hut it often does move tie cause of disease and allow nature to effect a cure and change a life of into one of happiness and Law can and often does prevent to a the use of a great deal of crime pov erty and suffering lust at present liquors and thus remove we have an example in show ing the marvelous benefits that fol low prohibition of the traffic The of the Outlook says that in prohibiting the of intoxicants has already conjuered a greater foe than the Germans and remans that this is a teetotal war Hut we have examples nearer home Maine Kansas and Dakota which show that after prohibition has teen enforced for a length of time insanity and many other diseases lecome much less frequent many jails and poor- houses vacant wealth in crease taxes decrease and coun try becomes prosperous never Law make people good but the tyranny of one social custom compels thousands to drink to their hurt who would welcome a law that would set them free prisoners in jails are combining to the Government to the use of in toxicants Law can and docs prevent man causes of disease and it could to a extent prevent this great est of all causes of disease Law cannot people good but it can make it easier for people to be Rood by preventing of drug which makes men ten more to do wrong P PLAUSIBLE SIGN Gladys Jack horrid When we out tonight a bug right Into my and I asked him of what that was a sign CI j tie What did he say it meant I should keep my mouth shut Mo matter how good tho coal you buy your furnaco Is not large enough to heat all outdoors Weather Strip Your House Now Prevent leakago of heat and draughty and doors by all wlndovs equipped vlth All Metal Weather Strip This STRIP makes all joints tight Stops dust from coming Into house Stops windows rattling Makes sash unnecessary Saves its cost In a very short time In fuel Now Is the time to have it done P CANE Agent J PHONE 2f 1 Telephone for it Business may be quieter than two years ago yet there is no cause for depression Crops are good and already business is waking up Call your customers by long dis tance telephone Dispel their gloom by the hearty spoken word Keep yourself and them posted on prices and general conditions and there will be no slowing up iu your business The economy of telephone selling makes it a welcome aid to business just now The long distance telephone is the prove of ecttpomlcI business The Bell Telephone Co OF CANADA THE world has been my opportunity during the twenty years to make three extended journeys around Hie world and In addition to visit many nations more fre quently This has enabled me to changes and lendenofe and get a line it were on world situations in the of these repealed Journeys and investigation have no whatever In slating that on every hand are multiply that show world is bettersJohn Molt Mat Ash tic v ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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