Newmarket Era, 11 Dec 1914, p. 3

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lefts Hems Changed North end grocery Mr old stand had changed hands- Mr Watson who having Hold out to the supply Home Co ConBono bo of Hon Bona given away CASH Purchase at One fiukmlt figures regarding In a to bo In Town Hall evening Dec Doors Complete Glass nil fchcapi Finns Hardware pig shipment Davis Leather Co Ltd have this received six carloads rifsMns from New Zealand a B of British control of the tea enables as usual htlatmaa SKntertalnnicnt on on Tuesday evening and afoul Mi- ok represented On motion io the room n lofted in as Chairman which ho was Newmarket him Quito Success Presbyterian AQENTthPOR Annual Bazaar and the th alternbon th fit lc showing that in fur was tiufficiqnt to pay annua dividend of leave a balance on hand to next account orapout under the present the country la romapkoblp v i he annual report of the Directors was by tho Presi dent J Wesley and is as follows Ladles and Gentlemen Jubilee Singers put up a good program In the Town Hall last Fri day evening and- Guild cleared about for the Belgian Rel Correction i busings to bo carried i of Mr Isaac A figure wad removed from midst on Sunday by death the weaver who lis been a cripple from for 25 years and residing In managed to move ground a wheeled chair He was liiins at fine Orchard when he first and remains lurinl there on Monday Rev K J- Webb conducted service Deceased earned a liveli hood under strehuoua He a widow also one son and jbree daughters all married Buy for a 1001 Washing Machine make wash day a pleasur- at Hardware ling Mil lain I The paper Riven by last Thursday evening at the taureh was a very excellent char acter Her slogan was The the Twentieth Century it was one worthy of the people this century and not In anyway a slid dream to which you should not attain Do you want to anything history of the Quaker Come In on Thursday Inst at ft oclock and you will very welcome Com Christian We were all very interested last Tuesday by the short paper given Mr J Booth on Jems from My Readings while it v as very en couraging to see such a large number respond to the discussion Miss was in charge of the meet ing week Mr the Held of the Christian for Ontario will give an address on Using Your Hod This is a challenge to Christian Service Those who heard Mr when last in town will come those i ho did not will want to come A wry cordial invitation is extended to ill The old and new executive will wet Mr at l sure to bring one or more ques tions to ask Com Another Bargain Kitchen Saws for cutting meat in long steel Cranio make for Hardware Newmarket were engaged in mortal conflict with liquor traffic and wore successful having a Local Option ByLaw put into effect by Council whereby sale of all spirituous and fermented liquor In shops and bars was During the progress of the campaign the friends of liquor interests raised objection to the doing away of licenses by saying that proper accommodation for public would not bo provided and all hotelkeepers entered Into a combine whereby they publicly assured people in case carried they would at once close their respective places of business This was met by a very wise move oh part of temperance people and a Committee formed of lie publiospirfted men of town who promised in case carried and fused to furhjsh accommodation to the public that they would buy or build equip and maintain a hotel for the of the public Local Option carried by of the voles of ralepayers The HotelKeepers were ready to intending lo be as good as their word Guarantee Com stood to their guns and bought the Forsyth House which to Ibeir minds was the most popular hotel as well as the most conveniently situated The Company has paid a dividend on stock and every year There has been a good hotel for Ihe people and it lias made Its dividends without debauching the customers We claim that has been well tested in Newmarket during the last live years has been an unqualified success every poirt of view and the old saying that a hotel cannot be run without whiskey lias been ex ploded fllio unbiased observer needs no argument to convince him that town is belter today for five years of No The tradesmen acknowledge the people have more money to spend and arc more prompt In their payments and is in a to be credited for it In view of foregoing facts trio friends of temperance should do everything in their power to prevent re peal of The directors scarcely expected sufficient funds for usual dividend this year on account of general depression caused by Hie war and feel hat great credit is due to Mr and Mrs Drown for their skilful management of the House the critical time Our business has been slightly affected by an opposition house being opened up in fact that we feel confident the Newmarket Hotel Co Ltd under its present efficient staff of man agement can continue lo do business as usual at stand on the basis even should be defeated and the town revert to the license system When We made arrangements lo take over the hotel for temperance house live years ago and promising Ihe buyers of slock dividend we hud no idea where the money would come from but we had faith it could be done result of the lest has been a flourishing success from the start and is a grand inspiration lo all temperance workers To keep Ihe property in good repair requires the spending of a largo sum of money ovary year and we can thank our managers for an eagle eye in looking well after the comfort of their guests in keeping the whole place orderly and free from offensive odors a condition so common in the where the sale of liquor is tin chief object of business and where the dividends are derived from men who spend their money in a more legitimate way While our building is not the most modern it is warm and homelike and healed with steam throughout We have a fine large lot well located on the business section of Main Street ex tending west on Timothy Street to the T It It and facing the Market Square The new properly bought from the Misses Forsyth enhances lire value of the hotel properly by completing the block It enabled us lo arrange the new stables to the best of advantage adding greatly to the yard accommodation and Anally the original stable Still standing is rented lo pay a good revenue on the whole investment The new brick stable and yards have been rented at per month we paying for light water and taxes Feeling us we did that the yard and stable of Ihe Hotel Company should be a greater in the production of revenue and also the means of bringing new business lo the we have taken over the stables and yards to be managed by Mr Brown As it is at present with this large new brick stable under- the direct management of the Hotel we can cater lo tire horse trade of the country expected that some of the horsemen will stand some of their stallions in this stable during the coining season We carry Insurance on buildings arid contents a premium of The Company pays out nearly a month for supplies and general running expenses Following is a comparison of expenses Electric Light for last weeks paper we at that the raised the rate of inter est In both the Improvement and Hydro Bylaws This was a mistake Only first By- Law was changed from to per ALL GOOD BAKING Ladles From to A U The annual nomination and pldctJon of for 1015 will take next Monday evening- A full attend ance the members is requested This will be the only meeting In December as one falls on nomination night and has been can celled on this account j- Collars From STAPLE BARGAINS Apron Gingham yard yd Still Boots 8Hom at NEW NEW old have advanced In about Warm i Uptons 20o lb Just rcoolvcd Xmaai for Our fllook of For of the fain fly in very complete- Hiring Our Own Quaker Tea Onion Salad loo tins for tin Pork and tins for tin EtUNTON The now cement bridge over the stream near crossing south of Newmarket Is completed and the road again for traffic Mrs A West is laid up on ac count of slipping on Hie hardwood floor in homo Milliard Ave and spraining her ankle Only two weeks till Christmas The management of the Strand Ihcatre II put on special pro gram Tuesday Dec a for the Newmarket Club They have secured first- class films which you cannot afford to miss Show the hoys that they have your support being present on Tucsdaj evening AM t soon be Toasters yino Irons Heading Lamp Stoves 8i50 make splen did presents See Ihihu at for the Two of the employees of Canes Factory Messrs MacDojiald and Granger are with the Overseas Contingent and last week their ship mates decided to send them a Christ mas Box The suggestion met such universal approval that the contained a wrist watch for each of them besides pipes Married In Toronto On Wednesday of last by Bov- Cohen at his residence Beatrice St Toronto Mr of Thorn bur was married to Miss Ida Gladys Penrose daughter of Mr Penrose of Newmarket They were met at oclock by a number of relatives and friends and escorted to her home They remained a few days before leaving for their new home in TO MAKE ROOM FOR A o o Corded Velvets Silk Finish wide width rich shades of Brown Tan Grey Blues garnet White and Black for Heavy Wavy Blue Coating Cloth inches res- for Good Patterns In Fancy Tweed and Plain Clothe SO Inches Reg for Ladies Satin Underskirts In all Shades good value at Sate Price GOODS EVERY DAY I r is I Pauls A P A The rrgular meeting of the Associa tion on Tuesday evening took the fcnii of a Lecture on Astronomy by P I Blake Astronomer at the Meteorological in Toronto speaker described the stellar uni- Jttse and some of the phases of the constellations how Woe of them as seen by the naked are different in appear- whan viewed through a powerful The lecture was by a large number slides 0 the nebula comets the moon the different surrounding the Sim such as Venus Saturn also some very fine pictures total eclipse of the sun showing the sun and are on the suns surface A large Interested audience were greatly v the lecture and accorded a hearty vote of thanks The closed by singing save i A Proctor- for Taxes for A Proctor for Water for 191 A Proctor for it 1200 Kick Against Hydro is dipped from and handed the us of the Examiner the of the plectric system we were promised and better light which was needed working was placed in the hands J Water upon and since then the the worse started everybody complains some ftfiecud more thai others in K cases the The Cafe is a new departure and fills a public When visitor is in haste or hunger he can satisfy iris needs at Ihe bar with a ham sandwich and a cup of coffee Altogether the successful working this most excellent Tem perance Home with all its attending comforts and conveniences one of the greatest glories and results of Local Option and we have great reason to be thankful for the advent of in Newmarket as well as a Banquet Hall where wo have taken pride in doing honour to First Minister of our fair Province And lo the public spirit and the high ideals of your citizenship is duo the credit of this institution whose history and workings il has been the honorable privilege of your president lo report On motion the reports were adopted as very satisfactory a number of the stockholders adding much praise to Mr and Mrs Blown and the Board of Directors following were elected to constitute the Board for 1915 Dr J Wesley P Pearson J A Cody Aubrey Davis and d Boss Auditor Vale WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY WA DIAMONDS CUT T ENGRAVING U R who themselves the more of the utilities Corn- prices soaring to if not to three times the price for an interior light of the ladies are talking of g an and of wag to lie old method of using It is now up to the I to I P vill afford you tho greatest- variety for the selection of The 1001 Items In Cur Line Diamond A Good Combination Vacuum Cleaner and Sweeper makes a gift worth while Dem onstration at Hardware Getting Ready An and well attended meeting of ratepayers took place on Friday evening last to consider muni cipal matters Dr Wesley was asked lo preside and Mr P Pearson to act as secretary Speeches were made by several gentlemen comparing the cost of Hydro current in various places with Aurora and the burden of taxation the Hydro bylaw would impose upon the citizens if carried at next election Other matters were also considered with the result that following wellknown gentlemen consented to run for next years Council Mayor I Cane Reeve Win Keith Deputy Pearson A number of names were proposed for Aldermen but It was finally de cided to leave the selection to on ad journed meeting to be held this even ing Municipal matters are warming up early and there will no doubt be a hot fight next election It is reported that tho Hydro peo ple will run Mr W- Hunter for Mayor and Dr Boyd or Dr Clark for DeputyReeve Newmarket Markets m Wheat per Barley bush CO per hush Buckwheat per bush Bran per torn per to IT CO Hay per ton 00 per do per 250 Potatoes per bag 0 f With a view of out of business are continuing to sell at the Reduced Prices marked on U by the Mutual Adjusters of Toronto for the paying off or pressing debts Will be found on Tables marked at Clearing Out Prices lg- the cost or value Compare prices throughout the stock with any prices offered In Newmarket or Toronto and you will save Money EXTRA 8PECIAL EVERY d until the whole stock is disposed of PREMISES TO BENT Pins Cuff Baby Pins Pins purses Ear Rings Chains Watches Silverware Clocks that a of can Wool Your Yours etc nson Jewelers and Optician P TICKET 0 Toronto per It Ducks per lb per Turkeys per IK Dec Pall Wheat bush Barley per bush per hush per bush Hay per ton II per Per W Potatoes per tag new per lb per ft 18 lb Turkey per lb 0 0 While the Choice Is Christmas Choppers will find large of hero for Men Ties Shirts Pajamas Gloves Hosiery Braces Collar Boxes 25c to SI 00 SI to 500 to to to to to SI ISO 00 to BO to Sweater J Aio to Skating to to Silk Lisle and Holeproof Hosiery J a box with a Mens POT UP FANCY HOLIDAY Outfitter BOXES i ARCHIVES OF ON TORONTO

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