Newmarket Era, 11 Dec 1914, p. 4

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province of Quebec Arthur Caldwell by name was from office by the present Borden ment Ih ground being guilty Of political The aifttem doWn In the oitft the Toronto Star United States In regard to of MglumV AH these nations parties j Hague Convention and honor nil three provisions PURIFIES It it Tbcco Wonderful Tablets Fruit Juices Tho Boat Of All Tmlce To Purify And Enrich Blood I rich blood can flow only In a clean body Now a clean body Is one In which the watte natter la regularly and naturally eliminated from the The blood cannot be pure the la weak when the stomach does not digest the food properly when the bonded regularly when the the territory of a neutral part in a Provincial ejection in This was three years be fore he was appointed tooOloo Will any realty sane man the above a act In Dominion affairs doubt it civil who sometimes before appointment had taken an active part In Provincial elections were to be dismissed probably ninetyfive per violated by Germany and under tho cent now in office would have to itdoes duty of the United StatesQoverrr ment to protest against Germanys infraction of tho Hague move troops or convoys of cither munitions of war or supplies across power The fact a neulr power resisting even by force attempts to violate neutrality cannot regarded as a hostile act These provisions ofc the Hague Peace Convention have teen wantonly i 1 when the bowels do not move are a trained or overworked walk the plank For an alleged political act com mitted three yearn before his appoint ment to office a man Is dismissed from the public this is Government of people by tho people for people under Conservative rule Ahem blood the result of perfect health and harmony of liver bowel and akin by their wonderful action on all these organs keeps the whole system as clean as Nature in our bodies to be cleat Irnitalives tones up Invigo rates Strengthens purifies cleans and gives pure rich clean blood that Is In truth the stream of life is by all dealers at a box for trial sl or sent postpaid on receipt of price by United Ottawa feyii We for of there more than ono for ordinary Id guaranteed to If It does not EFUrJD your L St Kant PRACTICAL PAINTER of all natural woods and all the Latest to Styles WALL PAPER SUPPLIED And Hung on Most sonablo Terms If you want the very BUST WOHK AT THE LOWEST FIGURE You cannot better P Jones- My paper hung at per roll any other paper per roll Estimates Submitted and all carried out by our own supervision and none but exper ienced men employed All Kinds of Signs give Jones a Trial Satisfaction is Guaranteed Now that Manitoba has taken notion to become dry af ter p mi a paper remarks hope thai even Ontario will move on Daily papers tell ui that Canadian customs trade fell nearly in the month from August to Oc tober as compared with last year Thin goes to show that Canadians not only their resources but proves that the people of Dominion have been taking the ad vice Canadian press and buying homemade goods instead of importa tions i British American College Leads In age and clallzoa In A Pitman Shorthand and all Commer cial The Pall Term opons Aug 31st T Prin cipal Yongo Write for our catalogue Toronto So far as we have observed Ontario has had one fatal accident tho hunting season of 1014 hut fatal ties over in the United States have been greater than usual Their record stands as follows killed and Injured The number killed In the States is less than in and tho Injured Icbr than last year provisions Aside the attract which charged and denied tlie tines levied on and on its cities and towns the violation of territory and the levying of fines on Brussels and Antwerp all evidence a flagrant disregard of Ger manys solemn obligations under the Hague treaty On tills point Judge of the United States re marks If we to support tho victims of this barbarity- our Gov ernment should protest against illegal acts of who have been of it Holt stands with those who think the United States Government j4iould now Join with the Allies in blocking justifiable ambitions of the German Kaiser and put an end to this ter rible destruction of human life and property The monthly Bulletin published the Conservation Commission at Ot tawa urges Canadians to buy goods and thus help to make it easier to live here It all Canadians men and women young and old show their patriotism and make Canada strong and prosperous by baying madelnCanada goods thus providing work for Canadas sons and daugh ters The advice is both timely and pat riotic Make Money this Winter By taking on hands and ship ping timber by rail to us WANT HARD MAPLE PINE WHITE BIRCH LOGS AND Delivery as soon as you like Write us saying how much and of which kind timber you will have and we will mail you prices THE WW CANE SONS CO Ltd Canada Municipal men will bo interested to learn that the Department of Public Works Is sending to municipal clerks and Ontario a valuahle of all the legislation up on the statute hooks with reference to highway construction or mainten ance The volume has been prepared under the direction of Mr A McLean Highways Engineer and Is expected to prove very useful in high way construction Local Option to be a felt want about the Exhibition Camp at Toronto The lint of men struck off the camp strength says the Moll of Tuesday shows that and his are out their expressed poli cy getting rid of soldiers guilty of overindulgence In Intoxicating and other miodemoanors Among the list we notice were simply The Rock of which the Germans boast they could take from the rear Is a fortress the Kaiser will not attempt to capture At one time it was considered the western Ijound- of the world and called the Pillar of We are told the rock rises feet above the en trance to the Mediterranean is three miles long onehalf mile broad and seven miles circumference Its sides arc nearly perpendicular and pierced by chambers galleries and portholes for oer one thousand guns STORY OF THE BELGIAN KINO A talo is told about Albert the gallant king of the brave Belgians Some time ago be was visiting a fashionable French wateringplace and morning ho went down to tho bathingground to have a dip When coming out of the he by mistake collided with a portly gentleman who in very plain lan guage told his majesty that he must he more careful in future Do you know sir said bather that I am a member the Paris city council Oh if is the Bald King Albert I must really beg a thousand pardons for I am only the King of the Belgians Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS ASTOR Winter Term opens Jan De cide now to enter lornouo LjLlOTT This Softool stands without a superior In Canada Write for Catalogue J ELLIOTT Principal St Toronto Down in Province of Que bec the citizens decided on Monday of last week to go dry forever A press despatch says By a vote of to the Town of on the south shore some five miles from Quebec City decided to go absolutely dry Tho municipal bylaw passed stipulates that there shall he no sale bars or hotels for the Bale of liquor after the adoption of the by law never shall there he either the many families who have been benefited by local option in Newmarket since its adoption here the next vote on the question should he even more decisive than on the last occasion If TO THE LAND OK Sunshine and Summer Days THE CANADIAN Time Between MONTREALTORONTO DETROITCHICAGO Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or Write M Q Murphy Pass Agent Cor King and Sis Toronto ATKINSON Agent Newmarket A holiday scheme to make money by an increase of trade Was ventilat ed In Toronto police court last week and was conducted by a Queen St druggist Tho police called it a game of Change end had the drug gist summoned accordingly The pro position was entered upon for ad vertising purposes With every purchase in the shop the pur chaser got a key Alter a stated time a cabinet of silverware would be produced and the purchaser of goods who had the key that open- id the case would win the same The ease was remanded until today Fri day when the court will decide as to whether the scheme can legally be denominated a game of chance i You do better than attend the British American College McOill Toronto for a Bus iness or Shorthand Course Term is now open yon to write for particulars Mr Principal Children FOR FLETCHERS CANTOR l A According to a statement i tic City press the future workings of the Compensation Act of last session of the legislature will cause quite in working circles The exclusion of certain classes of in dustries in lines especially where only a limited of hands are employed is sure to cause dis content The which mad public this week makes of whole series of Indus- lies where less than six or four hands employed As a result the posi tion of those excluded is than soy time during the past 1 when the old Compensation Act was passed inasmuch ft which eon nn rights were without any substitute 7 GOOD MORNING WE ARE INTRODUCING American Silk American Cashmere American CottonLisle HOSIERY They have stood the test Give real foot comfort No seams to rip Never become baggy shape is knit in not pressed in Guaranteed for fineness style superiority of material and workmanship Abso lutely stainless Will wear months without holes or now ones free OUR SPECIAL OFFER to everyone sending us in currency or postal note to cover advertising and shipping we will send postpaid with written guarantee hacked by a five million dollar company either 3 Pairs of our value American Silk Hosiery or Pairs of our valuo American Cashmere Hosiery or Pairs of our value American CottonLisle or Pairs of Childrens Hosiery Give the color size and whether Ladies or Gents Hosiery is desired DELAY Offer ex- when dealer in your locality is selected The International COMPANY 22 DAYTON OHIO A Ideal Gifts i These are a of the many STATIONERY ALWAYS A GIFT What bo floro FOUNTAIN Violet ox Violet A Our Holiday Lino Is Host In Prices moan more and hotter Stationery than you got to Our MAXIMUM and MONO GRAM Hot Water Dottles and Fountain 8yrlnrjeo are from Rubber THEY I if i v- Hot Water Bottles to GUARANTEED FOR YEARS ARK THAN ORNAMENTAL THEY WRITE to 5600 Whole Brazil Nuts 160 Llggotts Wlllardo Display Box 160 Wlllards Tiffany Box Wlllards Pattersons Prlvato Pattorsons Fussy Pink Paokago 60o it 6ABB THE8E BEAUTIFUL CARDS ARE DIFFERENT They Fittingly Convey Your to 18 In a 16o to a Box iiii mm A KODAK WILL PLEA8E THE ONE YOU TO MOST to i Lot us know howmuch and vlll guarantee Value fop your Money DECORATIONS Decoratod Gift Greetings Xmas Stamps and 10o pkgo Paper Napkins Tlnool Cord 10 yd Spool 16o Gummed Ribbon 16yd 16o Paper HAIR Ebony to 100 to MILITARY BRUSHES Ebony 200 to to TOOTH of and SEELEY8 HARMONY to 26c to oz Rexall Assorted Odors Aeoted TOILET AIDS These Preparations are guar anteed to Satisfy or Back Harmony Florida Water Violet Dulco Talcum Violet Cold Cream Dry Cream CO Dulce Toilet Water J PLEASE SHOP ftLY I WE CLOSE AT EIGHT P School Reports Ramsay Eddie Kershaw Harry Watson Jennie Report of Ravens hoe Public Glover Helen Wilson Arthur School No Glover Muriel Lome bury for November Ramsay Jack Tale Bessie Ker- IV Total to be obtained a haw Fred Ramsay Vera Glover Grace 209 Harold Ruth Fair Burton Glover Jr Total to be obtained Annie Jack Knight Maggie Sanderson Rose Vera absent Jr III Total to be obtained 300 Harold Fred Knight Carl Rose Del imit Philips Lewis absent Jr Total to be obtained Harold Saunders Myrtle Wilkinson L Total to be obtained Kathleen Knight John born Frank Knight Saunders Jr I Total to be obtained Pollard Primer Saunders Inn Wilkinson Delia Philips Jr Primer Herbert Grouch or Jennie Teacher Susie Conneil from suffering means hap- jinc trouble duo to and la removed quickly certainly and safely by AR persons who to build Id Newmarket or any person putting in Cesspool or on premises al ready built upon must submit plans to and obtain before commencing the sar otherwise costs be Incurred By order DR Medical School Report No 11 King for November In order of merit V Lena Hon Rbena Wood Hon Ruth White Class Marshal Hon Dorothy Dove Hon Joy Hon Janet Davis Lu lu Davis Gertie Hunt Willie III Class Ethel Dove Hon II Class Victor Bowman Hon Aubrey Wood Hon Bertie Dolson Hon Wilbur Beatrice Lewis Hazel Dove Gladys Burling Dora Wood Hunt Eileen frib ble Wesley Bur ling Frank Burling I Class Jack Dav is Robbie Hunt Kenneth Primer Gladys Lewis Susie Gertie Burling A Class Dorothy Tatton B Class Warren Jenj No Lewis Tommy Flo- Fast Barnes Marion Foster Fnrm Possible mark Barnes Marion Kenneth Barnes Form Possible mark F Chinas Teacher Gardner Bessie Brown Vera Hall Mari- an Ramsay Jr Form Possible marks Weddcl Lindsay Ramsay Jennie Glover 380 Harry Watson 389 Helen Wilson Eddie Kershaw Muriel Cameron Eves 283 Ada Arnlslrong 203 Lawrence Form HI Possible mark 550 Evelyn Weddei Arthur Glover Lome Ramsay 3m Jack Tate Eugene Parr Ross Form Possible mark 45U Bessie Kershaw Vera in T Time Cord GOING NORTH id 1 10S1 Hi GOING SOUTH Leave 25M Newmarket 13 Toronto ar I a Hornless Talking to i id LIU has been placed solely W DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE VAY TorontoChicago Toronto Montreal The Marvel meet the requirements of a largo pec live buyers who arc looking for a math price It is a type of instrument thai embodies in and equipment all the essentials go feet tone which is what every owner of a talking desires Cabinet Best quality grain ed oak are Its prinolpal points record and while running Glover 381 Hazel Eves Ramsay Ruth Wesley Eves 2i3 Annie McKrill 129 Pt Possible mark 300 Glover Waller Davis Ada Gardner 203 Alfred Al len ICG Leonard An asterisk a llos an missed by the pupil Pupils present every session lhisnie Brown Marian Rrmsay Kenneth Lindsay Unexcelled Train Service Highest Class of Equipment WINTER CALIFORNIA FLORIDA and SUNNY SOUTH The Grand Trunk Railway is the most direct route from all points Fast through Canada via Chicago or Buffalo- Fast TrainsChoice of Full particulars- and berth re servations at llckel -f- Cabinet Measurements inches wide Mi inches deep and 5 inches high Metal Finish AH exposed metal parts heavily nickel plated with exception of tonearm and lone arm bracket which arc japan finished Motor One spring drift durable even running silent Plays any A Agent Motor Control be eed tfil aled dial wiKSl tart stop Equipment Tonearm Ml Reproducer I fluisfcJ NEWWAVE 1 ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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