Newmarket Era, 11 Dec 1914, p. 8

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RICE A ft to be- held in Andrews on December driving a tow weeks ago has driving horse a few ago has purchased TO RENT In the Brink of Toronto a large Hall fieveral oITico modern accommodation Apply Janitor or J H Wesley Mr Robert of Toronto baa booh buying up carload turnips arid cabbage Mr Edward driving Minnie ran away from him last Monday night The telephone put Into use and was found at Mr Mrv Hiram Hamiltons bain which was burned on the 4th of August has boon replaced with a now one Rf are often I I FOR OR TO RENT House on All modern conveniences good and cistern Enquire of Grace St Newmarket SALE Oh Church St Mod ern in every way rooms besides bathroom and wash room Now fur nace Convenient to ill down town centres Will be sold at a bargain easy terms Apply at this FOR SALE Contents of Hoarding nnd Meal House consisting of rooms fur nished In one block Good profits Low rents Good for quick For further particulars apply to LOCKE Central Hoarding House Main St Newmarket WE SALE A property situated on Ave A dwelling all conveniences all In first shape Quarter of an acre grounds with apple and small fruit trees stable and cement hen This we consider the best buy in town bo act quickly Terms be arranged to suit purchaser Apply to Morton box Newmarket HOUSE FOR SALE I have for a new house on Andrew St with largo lot and small fruits and lien house In the house is Light Hard and Soft Water and and it is trimmed in Georgia Pine There is also a summer kitchen and hack verandah For full particulars apply to Lane Andrew St or Box Newmarket Call in the evening after six oclock Womens Institute will meet on Dec at at home of Mrs J Ballard Mrs Dew who attended the Institute con vention of Toronto give a report A number of girls will give and will also have some candy receipt In giving report of Cross Work for November meeting there was some error one name left out which was that Of Miss who collected the sum secretary of tho Institute takes Mils means rectifying the mlntako Snider an opera tion at Victoria Memorial Hospital Toronto on Tuesday In which he had his loot removed Mr Snider had his log broken just above ankle some time ago and It lias since been giving him much trouble UN TOW Mr has been remodel ling the poultry house of Mrs Jen- ale A few of farmers have taken advantage those fine days to harvesting their turnips Mr and Mrs Nelson Scott spent Sunday with the latters parents Mr and Mrs North- viow Quite a number from here attended the oyster supper in aid of the Bel gians in on Friday even ing Mr Morrison o Averting and Mr Gould of spent Saturday with their uncle Mr Geo Atkinson The young people of this vicinity the loss their lead ing Violinists Mr Stewart who has gone to Toronto o music was The Baptist Sunday School announce their Christmas en tertainment for Monday evening Dec Citizens Band will hold a concert in Auditorium on Friday A good program will be presented consisting of solos and readings by Mrs P A en Miss Mrs son Miss A Collins ai- so selections Hand and Land Value to the man who wants a Farm acres of good 1 Given Away land choice clay Thin st yesterday with fire- all other necessary equip ments for a hunt When going north on the tenth line Markham just south of met Dr his auto The horse did Farm has all Build- consisting of a modern Brick House also Hip Hoof Barn built from all new material with modern Stables together other Outbuildings in good rej to be frightened hut on pair Mail Delivery We alongside the auto lie holt- ask you to go over this Farm Put Jed across the ditch and turned the a fair value on Land also Build- j rig upside down throwing out the then come down to Now- occupants and getting away from market and we will you as them He ran back towards Mongo ls veil away a swift clip cutting his Kidneys Bowels and are human sowers which cany the Impurities In lie blood When these are Add sedi ment lodges In the muscles- and Joints and Rheumatism follows A remedy foe of tlj terrible checks the deposit Acid For rnany years I suffered with Rheumatism I old but am to say that using- one bottle of UHKTJMA the Rheumatic pains are entirely gone- I dally re commend my friends Willis J Patterson will return your money if It falls cents a bottle Mrs Lukes spent several hist week in Toronto Mr and Mrs Eves of New market were in town on Sunday Very successful anniversary ser vices I were held In church last Sunday when Rev Mr Buchanan preached ex cellent sermons both morning and evening attendance waa largo at both services the Methodist Church withdrawing its- morning service Appropriate furnished Mr Kramer has gone south for his usual winter trip as lecturer on Agriculture I at present in South Dakota This is the third winter which Mr Frasor to this work winch would indicate that our American cousins appre ciate ability as a speaker while they must Canadian methods Mr head master of Bradford High School has copied the head mastership of the Aurora High School his duties to begin In January Mr of has accepted tho position here made vacant by the removal of Mr He is said to be a suc cessful teacher and it is believed ho will bo a worthy to Mr Ewers who has been one of the best teachers Bradford has had Another old- resident of Bradford in the person of William Spence died in Toronto last Wednesday the body be ing brought here for burial Mr was In the seventyninth year of his ago The congregational meeting and banquet In the Methodist Church on Thursday evening of last week was well attended and a pleasant social evening was spent Fire started on the march on this side of the river on Sunday after noon at an early hour and spread with great rapidity until it was threatening grain storehouses Campbells wood and coal yard and the Luke flour mill The parties interested spent several hours watching the flames as they crept on and worked hard at times keep ing them in subjection By night the whole river front south of the bridge was a roaring masg of flame the reflection In tin sky adding to the threatening but magnificent spectacle However the fire burned it out without work ing any damage and Mondays rain I rovented any further trouble i to the amount must wind up this Estate he went Doctor and the ness Will accept a Mortgage all men in auto started alter per cent for ton years with a at a high speed and overtook small deposit down You must when he was caught The his matter or missjbadly wrecked and the legs mile J of severely cut and bruised Tribune cq act quick in this chance Pleasant on the Centre known as the Tommy Glover Farm of North This farm has plenty of Water Good Orchard Good Hush and Fences convenient to School or Church also Metropolitan Sta tion at P MORTON Lorn Ave Estate Building Co 33 Newmarket OXYGEN WELDING PLANT We are prepared to weld east Iron maleable iron steel or any kind of metal Also bearings filled to that they can be turned down put- cogs In gear wheels spokes or of nearly any kind All re pairs promptly attended to Give a call DAVIS W Newmarket young him him rig was spent Sunday Morses Indian Root are not a new and untried remedy our grandfathers used them Half a century ago before Confederation they we re oh nearly every drug or general in the Canada of that day and were the In thousands of homes for Constipation Indigestion Biliousness Rheumatism and Kidney and Liver Troubles To day they ore Just as effective just as reliable as ever and nothing better has yet been devised to Cure on NOTICE TO Light All new work must be left open for Inspection also any extensions to old New Code wire bo used Meter connections to made on lower floors buildings In an oasy accessible place Any tlieu particulars may be obtained Chief Engineer at Power House who must be notified when work ready for inspection p J ANDERSON Town Clerk WOOD FOR SALE All kinds at all prices I cords no more than one ton of coal W Howard R No New market P or phone 164 OR SALE Peerless Hue In condition with warming hot to Dr Wilkinson Miss Grace Gordon in Pine Orchard The Womens Institute will meet Thursday afternoon Dec Mr and Mrs A Weaver and family spent Sunday in Pine Orchard Miss Walton spent with her sister Mrs Silas New market Mr Jos arrived here from tho West this week on a visit to his father Mr John who has been very sick Mr Warren Phillips of sustained a painful injury on when in getting over a fence he fractured his ankle Roy Palsgrave occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church hero on Sunday and Rev I Titos Scott conducted services Palsgrave Methodist Church The oyster supper held under the auspices of the Womens Institute in aid the Patriotic and Funds The Institutes untiring ef forts were rewarded by the handsome amounting to and ths unstinted praise and congratulations I from more than four hundred people The large hall was filled to tho doors also the aisles were needed to seat the immense crowd The supper provided by the ladies was to the Kings taste In every respect The program which was comedy In three acts by the Aurora Dramatic Club was well received The club individually and collectively are to bo congratulated on their cleverness Aurora Club lelt pleasant mem the minds of the people of and will be welcome again The members and the institute wish to thank all endeavored to assist In way especially who gave valued assistance although not members of the Institute TORONTO And Return FARE AND ONETHIRD From Stations i Canada King ston Renfrew and West thereof Good Going P Trains Deo and all trains Deo and 12 Account Toronto Fat Stock Show All Tickets valid to return up to and including December I9ii Full particulars and tickets from agents J Depot Agent Phone Phone J Furnace Plumbing This however vVas in a Mo clianiCB Close and but its lieic learned that two great men had eaoh had In The Ideas wo were forced to commit to memory for future reference even though ho much trouble- too wo learned that infinity was- a place closely connected problems I I might also add that occasionally wo wished that problems were in Infinity But allpf could and did learn fibotit trigonometry can even yet doflno the cosine and sine of an whereas I dare not even hazard a guess regard ing the binomial theorem Dur ing this trying year our Princi pal Mr proved himself a friend to nil the fourth form And our success in that year is due in very great mea sure to untiring efforts in our interests On behalf of the entire fourth form I here toko the to publicly thank him for his great kindnesses to us and his sympathizing assistance both in and out of school hours Willi Sept came the last Sept we were to spend at And all our class now feels regret I hat we were not worthy of the privilege which we enjoyed scholars then For last seems to me one of the fullest and best our class ever had Surely there never was a class with such a of aims and objects ft was almost impos sible to dud two students taking exactly he same Honour Math Senior both parts of Faculty seemed to have a different specialty This variety the courses made the work of the staff peculiarly difficult and I reflects the greatest credit on all the teachers that there were ho failures last year in the School fli word failure how ever must necessarily bring up in our minds the Basketball sea son Although this was a fail ure in that our team did not win shield yet it was not a failure in many ways It gave those who played Basketball confidence in their own power and physical training which otherwise lliy never might haw received and lasi not least it gave to our lowufolk to off their worldly cares brought thorn more In contact with the student life our And as Captain of the It Team last year I now wish to thank those who so loyally encouraged US by llicir presence matches Wo students are some times prone to think that only our parents lake any interest in our school life only our parents appreciate what a If education means to us But this is not the case More and more those who haw no children in at tendance are realizing what a boon a good is to any community who soon er or later must go out into the world to fight their battles for their daily bread a educa tion is a very great asset indeed Through it we learn lessons of discipline and experience such as later may he taught in the grey er school of life The great ne cessity of life is to learn mastery of ourselves our circumstances and environment lo know how to do something well Many learn the lesson of mastery hut tedious- in the school of life But the best reward of our course here is to learn it within the In a shorter time and when the odds against us are Some will remember the years spent at for the lessons which we learned some of us for the athletic side some for friendships formed during this time Many of us will remem ber them for all three As yet wo are not far enough removed to be able rightly to judge the re lative values of the privileges we have enjoyed ior the opportuni ties that have been given us In after years when distance has removed the minor details and has brought lata more obvious relief the important among the various factors of a collegiate course we may dope to set their true proportions the which surrounded us and had their share in moulding or modifying our characters Now sorrow of parting mingles the Joy of undefined yet hopeful expectation Yet it cannot overshadow our joy or dim for a moment our happy memories The future lies be fore us The best is to he And that our school may ever continue to he worthy of the best ever receive the best from both staff and scholars and ever con tinue in prosperity is the sincere wish of all our class defines trailer Trie who aids an ho my to injure destroy the country Accord- that a groat many traitors in our midst worse nan Germans for those can and if necessary coh- flneiBut here enemy work that is doing harm than spies It is killing arid Iiif especially our young men who ho the of in lime of wien that time of comes thousands have been killed and of those that are left one half are riot ft I to servo In the It many years since a government commission re ported that beer and whisk- wore greatest enemy of the German has for some time been warning his troops that great battles of the future Would be won I present war Germany and Norway have prohibited manufacture and of intoxi cants and England and Franco have curtailed their use to a-con- extent Lord Kitchen er forbad even presents of wine being sent to the soldiers and Roberts with people not to treat soldiers io intoxicants What is Canada going to about this enemy that is destroy ing the nation Are our ruler so scared of lie liquor traffic that they will let it go on murderous course unhindered will they lei it go on weakening the vitality of our young men Mil it will bo easy for a people lo come and make slaves of our children If Arnott O NEW OR OVERCOAT FOR NOW THE OP PORTUNE TO TRY ONE OF OUR BU8INE08 FROM UP g WILLI PHONE y SOOTH EM NEWMARKET ST The saloon must go Willi its crime and woe And all of its evils that burden so careless Church Member Who fails lo remember That duty fchould spur master the foe His actions say No Hut yet it will go him lo Street Nevmarket New re- Having opened a fiov and Tin Shop In Dr Clarks Building nearly opposite tho King Hotel I am I to do all of vork In this lino Is to Buy a NEW and Prepared fer ekl Weather for Furnace Work Plumbing Wiring Etc ELEOTniC KEPT IN STOCK Repairs Promptly to a Call J WRIGHT Art cfalo 7 glee 1 In fact the Hid PHONE 3 of Our Send to frlondb See Bathroom Outfit at fee Shop THE LEADING R A SONS to oe It Isnt every man who can roll in wealth preserve equilibrium to keep from rolling out it Dec tonight consumed the large frame poultry house belonging Malted In which were nearly fowl being fed and made ready for killing Near ly all the birds were smothered by the smoke or burned to The ire la to have originated the hoi ling room where the feed prepared Era to frlepde Awake Face the foe Kan the embers aglow That still in the conscience are slumbering low While victims arc weeping Can Christians lie sleeping For God and His cause strike deathdealing blow The Barroom must go it crime and its woe o CONSISTENCY Consistency thou are a We have very strict laws regarding the sale of mor phine cocaine opium and other poisonous drugs and prohibit ing their use only Under special conditions That is very wise hut why license and encourage the sab of alcoholic beverages that do infinitely more harm than all the others put together The deaths from drink in the United Stales have been estimat ed to be ten per cent of the total If we estimate ours at even one half of that it gives us oyer live thousand deaths every year from drink Physicians generally ad mit that hat figure is much too low but suppose that only Ave hundred or even one hundred lose their lives through drink it not criminal to allow this slaughter go on Look al the trouble and expense we lake over one case of yet here is something that is a thousand times worse than small pox allowed to be sold freely and one man allowed lo urge and even force another lo partake of it Hard times are ahead of US and two millions of dollars are spent every year over the bars of a city for that which does more harm Ihan opium cocaine war and pestilence all put together War is terrible the Out look one of the highest class journals in the United Slates In speaking of Russia having pro hibited the manufacture aud sale of intoxicants- said that Rus sia has already conquered a worse enemy than Germany When will people learn the dreadful fact that beer andwhis- key are our greatest enemy de bauching and destroying the vi tality of the race so that half of our young men are not able to pass the medical examination for service in the army II M THE WHITE By Antoinette it the while white ribbon parlor and street and cars I watch for its flashing message As those who watch for the stars For though it he frayed and ding And worn on a shabby dress It lends to its faithful wearer A chum you may never guess So wear it with pride dear women Morning noon and night Glad to show Wherever you go You are standing for God and right all who have bravely taken vows of our worldwide band To carry Loves blessed gospel To sisters in every land This tiny knot of ribbon Sweet sign of an inward grace Means all that God and woman Can do for the human raoe Then let it shine out dear women Our beautiful ribbon white For you cannot know As you come and go What soul may need iW light- i No matter how good coal you buy your furnace Is not large enough to heat all outdoors Weather Strip Your House Now Prevent leakago of and draughty windows and doors by all vlndows with All Metal Weather Strip This STRIP makes all Joints tight Stops dust from coming Into house Stops windows rattling Makes sash unnecessary Saves Its cost In a vory short time in fuel Now Is the to have It done P CANE Agent No more headache for youtake these causa Chxubikla Tablets The only a tat heal thiol liver Try AH cm If CO Ttiuu is THE I i Your Partner DID you ever consider the need of a good live partner in your business a partner with a goodwill and standing that is indisputable Do you need one Then look to your tele phone Use it intelligently and systematically if you want results More and more its wonderful and far- reaching powers are being understood The Long Distance Telephone is just the partner you require Join NEWMAN ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO tomtit ties I Mat etc

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