Newmarket Era, 18 Dec 1914, p. 7

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CHINA AND men out glass Our and Many Useful voll Ornamental and All to A Out Horry Bowl for A English China Toa Dot for An Extra Good Quality Sot tor Tho Boat Quality of In our Hanging Lamps at and fl Almost of and of China In Prices from to each Our Display of Won Out Qiaos will bo In Our Until Sat urday Night BRASS Wo a Solootion Ask to It J T E W AR KKT fcjljf A EG j i too our windows and look around Bums Hardware Store n r House Hydro per month space ft 3o4J A list of Christmas music published next week Preparation a under way and music pro mises to bo extra good Loon I Option Campaign Word was received yesterday ttutt Wr S of Toronto cannot bo hero on Sunday morning but will bo afternoon ana evening- mooting at I oclock will bo in Methodist Church and at oclock in Presbyterian Ho In also a wonderful boy soprano from Brampton who will on both occasions I Ilia Direct of China and China Hall Grocery New Fruits Have Arrived QUALITY California Wz Drlod Poaches Aprloois Nov both Layer Cooking Nov Valencia Raisins Finest lb Old Raisins lb Nov turned Lomon and Citron Pool Nov and Jams lb Jar 1lb 2- lb Biooks finnan Flllott of Haddio and fresh Also a of Plonlo Hams from to lb at 18o taking a vholo ham Our Coffee Is still for the host brand Make nice presents Reading Lamps Toasters Hot Irons Hot Plate Lights up at Cash The Aurora for this would bo oh makes Hydro it v g logoff 00 a canUidatea reported to favor the hydro Bylaw are as follows For mayor JJ Hunter for John Curry for deputy reeve for Boyd W A Evens J Hill Smith Geo Forrester and Dr Fop an Iron or Toaster at Starrs Cat It Aurora price for this house ho Hydro is Mr It Osbornes house under Hydro per month Floor space ft 00 at to 10 off 10 All mothers whose children are on Cradle Roll of tlto Presbyterian Sunday School to take their little to the Christmas tree 011 Friday Dec 18th Poultry Show now on The covered skating rink opens to night for the season All the articles at the Presbyte rian Bazaar have since boon sold ft proceed total Mr Ken Robertson Bays the finest Christmas present you can put In your wifes stocking is Ford auto Cash 95 The Aurora for this house would Figure out your own house for yourself Wo have figured out houses and in every ease Hydro price is higher than Aurora notwithstanding Mr Jeffries word Is comparison between a house in Brampton under Hydro and a house In Aurora under York Radial for November the receipts for which we can produce Brampton Rouse pi 00 set feet floor space fo AS A- discount Cash Aurora House 1301 a feet lights toast er and electric iron 01 1 Mrs Atkinson a very in teresting report last Wednesday night at the Wo mens Work Conference held in Toronto Mrs- Atkinson laid stress on the point of Seek- tho Lost Boy and the Lost q -1- i twb the urgent request of of my neighbors who send the Era to their iriohds in other places and who write them Mint tho paper does not seemso In teresting without tho Town Lino items I comply with their request and will again 16 help make the interesting as I It is expected every one will memhor and arrange pre sent at the Christmas Tree En tertainment in connection with the Lino Christian Church which takes place in Hall on evening of Wednes day the 23rd and as the talent promised is known ho some thing the usual and the moon hope will he shining brightly we hall be much dis appointed If the hall is not filled lo overflowing Mr Fred Bogurts new resi dence on Bill Line is rapidly reaching completion and will be one of the most comfortable im posing homes in the Township The artistic verandah adds much to its appearance and reflects credit on workmanship of Mr Little the Contractor of New market Messrs Fred and Percy Chap- pel of pair view on the Lino arc having al ready got their years supply of in the yard ready for tin circular saw Mr Simeon Lemon of the Line was as usual successful with his exhibit of at Fat Slock Show Mr Fred Webster of the Town I has just finished drawing a contract of slabs to Mr Waldock 1 1 THE PAOT THAT THEY ARE WOT PROOF THAT ARE DEINQ HADE RIGHT Change of ad to late for this issue Loading Phono Qulok CORNER OF Main Timothy in all stock from Nov York House to The Market Bargain House and as wo are with Goods wo will sell thorn off at a Big Reduction Wo guarantee to satisfy you both price and quality of goods As times are hard needing a supply of Gents Ladles and Childrens Clothing Boots Shoos and Rubbers cannot do better than Invost their money here Coats for Mens Ladies and Childrens Boots and Rubbers at pec cent cheaper than Regular Prices Rod Cross Knitting The 2nd of the series of Knitting Teas under the aunplccs the Hod Cross Society place in Methodist Sunday School rooms on Tuesday afternoon and proved a very social occasion Notwithstanding the cald wind come were present and the ladies of the several denomina tions are becoming better acquainted with each other The proceeds of the tea amounted to nearly In ad dition to J Cald well and Jones presented to the ten dolls cradles neatly painted which were picked up in a few and were added to the Pond and for which the ladles wish us to extend their The next Red Cross Tea will be in the Church on the of January At the meeting on Wednesday ladies decided to hold another and Talent Sale on Saturday of Jan Reserve the date So far the Red Cross has raised since the outbreak of the great war including the grant ol from the Town Council Of this amount M000 has been forwarded over lias been paid for wool besides what donated and there is nearly in the treasury The ambition the ladies is to pur chase a motor ambulance which will cost They should pleased receive donations from persons in sympathy with this object AH the wool is made up and the ladies are waiting for another ship ment the Tea the p Newmarket Three Doors of King Qoorge Motel Phone 232 Winter Session Opens January 4th In all Departments of the CEN TRAL LUG If Yonge and Toronto Our Catalogue explains our su periority In Equipment litaff Methods and Result You are Invited to write for ft If Interested In the kind of work brings best euooes dress If SHAW That Family Compact editor of the Exp res a- has been looking up the au dited accounts not the ones that cost the ratepayers solid cash to outsiders but lo lo cal men and finds that in the Era received for cor poration work and the Express Herald only That sounds very much in his favor hut it happened that in there came a time which will oc cur again in The audited accounts for the flye years to show the following fig ures Hal in favor of Aurora in Another feature we from I tramp Ion is that if attic is fitted up for leaping purposes floo span is countjc as an other storey and likewise the cellar or basement if it is partly used as a kitchen or livingroom In the house Hydro thorn arc only three months Nov Dec and Jan that the charge for current ex ceeds the charge for floor space and the latter is a standing charge every month Under Metropolitan power there arc nino months of the year that the charge rarely exceeds the minimum of fiOc per month as you only pay for the current used at per kilowatt hour In figuring the cost of power watts arc equal to one kilo watt Under Hydro the corporation agreement is for years Under Metropolitan power the agreement may bo for one or five years By this contract the Town would save from to per year in fire protection and each consumer would from lo per cent of his light bill A retired farmer who is living on his income would jump at the chance of a per cent in- vostmcnl why not support one thai promises a 20 per cent sav ing in expenses Miss I of Ringwood is spending a couple of days with Mrs Fairies Mr and Mrs Rogers of London are visiting at Mr Smiths Mr and Mrs Jones of Markham and Mrs Rev M of To ronto called at Mr on Miss of and Miss Paisley of Churchill a of days at their aunts Mrs Mr Kennedy of Toronto spent Sunday under the parental root Mr Barnes arid Mrs Kidd of were visiting brother Mr C at Kcltleby Grist Mill A cold snap set in here J The Supply of Leather Is fast demand Is Increasing with the result that Leather of any kind but particularly good Leather vory high priced As a matter of course now coat more to malco but price you pay only represents a fair value of finest Shoe ever made In Canada r I I fin i as an honest term applies to Invlctus because the makers havo faith In of Canadians toward good footwear and they feel warranted In maintaining quality of Shoes with prices as a secondary consideration Farm with Dec An exciting shooting affair took place in Darling ton township yesterday afternoon and was repeated again this morning when the men Shaws school- house section turned out to assist Richard Jar vis High County Con stable to arrest Austin on a warrant charging aim with with Intent lives on a farm owned by Joseph Wight and has Icon act- ftlg strangely recently as a result of religious hallucination Yesterday his landlord served with notice to leave the House Mr Wight has some live stock stabled on this farm and when he and his son went to feed the stock oclock appeared at the front door with a rifle aiid alter some words had passed between them it is alleg ed he shot at them the bullet their horse and cutting a furrow over his hip Another shot just grac ed Fred Wights throat The ran away badly smashing the buggy and leaving the two men to run lor their lives 0 OB 0p I AT The Men Main Weal SNOWBALL Mr White vlth friends at Snowball Practising for concerts are all lh go A number of the young from Snowball intend to the concert at Kettleby on the 21st Snowball Methodist Church has put In a new organ Mr Morning and Ferguson took flying trip to Newmarket We arc sorry to hear of Mr Hiram Davis illness and wish him a speedy recovery 1 This kind weather it look like Christmas Quite a number people attended Guild at Eversley evening Chief Jarvis- was called and drove of last week and a good DOWNHEARTED Our Factory on Avenue is working double said Dorian of the Columbia to town for one Evening Dec consisting of this morning with drills recitations and songs posse of men with rifles they were Silver collection Era Mi il 27014 15422 5511 31491 the large the Es- 0 Hilts Is prepared to grind File Saws and Sharpen all of Fire saws a gAroy St Newmarket w3 FOR 8ALK bushel at the Arthur Knights A rom 21 Information to recovery will he rewarded John Hodge Notwithstanding amount received in pressHerald in the last live years of audited got more than its share As a matter of fact everybody will tell you that the Era is far tho best news paper of the two and should have the largest share of public pat ronage nut how do the pay ments of stand In Ihe Treasurers Financial Statement to be issued next week you will see that the ExpressHerald has already received more than the to Say nothing of the three ByLaws now being published in that paper Will the ImpressHerald the above figures in issue and set Ihe right with its read ers If Orange J Dec Fire destroyed virtually the en tire main of the Edison Company hero causing damn go estimated at nearly thai it is reduce the loss to approximately Are you ready for winter not gel busy I What takes a of our sports to the Fifth Line so often Mrs Harry Mills spent Sunday with friends in Toronto Mr Elmer Cutting spent Sun- day in town We are glad to hear Mr Homer is the mend Miss Dora spent weekend with friends in town Mr Howard had mis fortune to cut his foot last Friday afternoon Now he spends most of his lime in the house Hope to see him out again soon Mr and Mrs Edgar niack and family spent Sunday with Mr Black Johnnie Stiles son of happened with a very seri ous accident on Saturday last He was caught in the windmill while throwing it out of gear joined at the farm by a company of young farmers with guns who soon surrounded tne house Chief demanded surrender and then Mac again began shooting The men responded by firing a volley high through the windows and doors Af ter several shots had been fired Mrs appeared at the window and said her husband would surrender The chief and some men entered and arrested MacDonald He had evidently prepared for a siege having cut holes in the floor of one the cellar had barricaded windows and had collected coal water and provisions to sustain him a month During the tiring his wife laid on floor and sustained no but the house was riddled by bullets MacDonald was a messenger for the Canadian Express Company for some years but had a serious attack of typhoid fever three years ago He exploit of the war The sub- will appear tomorrow morning marine presumably was not scratch- Police Magistrate Horsey to answer The escaped gunfire and to a of shooting with intent to do bodily harm AUSTRIA Messrs and Torn Cutt ing spent Sunday evening with Mr Ferguson Mr of Pine Orchard spent Sunday with Mr Evans Jack Frost O DARING MARINE EXPLOIT London Dec The first blow inflicted on the Turkish navy since the entrance of the Porte into the war the torpedoing of the Turk ish battleship Messudich by a British submarine in the naval color to todays war news and was in fact the only striking occurrence chronicled by land or by tea The feat of in diving under five rows of mines in the Dardanelles and tor pedoing the Turkish battleship is de scribed here as perhaps the boldest efforts to replenish the slock The sale of Records been simply wonderful like the proverbial Hot Cakes This condition is not at all peculiar lo us for our London England ports the same thing In England as well as in Canada we a making a donation lo the Patriotic Fund on the sale of many of our records in lnglaiul alone the sum of One Thousand Guineas has already been placed to the credit of the Prince of Wales Fund from the sale of Columbia Patriotic Records these being the same records that have been given to Regiments and Hospitals of- the second Canadian Contingent Are We Downhearted continued Mr Sabine and ho an swered the question himself No I Business with us was never better and if we arcany judges it is going to continue at the pre sent rate of increase for many months to come Path Dec former Premier of France stated today I learned that Austria has twice asked to agree to peace The source that my information Is such that I dHy anyone to contradict it A shuddering apprehension lor the Bear future must have upon Deri in Dardaricllesgavo pursuit of torpedo a manner truly remarkable and more for her crew to endure the ordeal of re maining under water for nine hours on a stretch Russian guns have from time to time inflicted some damage on Turk ish warships bombarding Russian posts but the disaster reported to day robs the Porte of its first big ship The loss of life is not estimated in the brief announcement the given out by tho British Admi ralty but if the was man ned as other Turkish ships have- been then there was a number of German oflicers on board of her tie The German ship Delias seized by Customs oflicers in the port of Que bec after war ws declartd has bee ordered by an Imperial prize court at Ottawa to be detained during the war J While Choice Is Good Christmas Shoppers wilt find a large range of amiable Presents hero for and Vienna for that proud The doctor was summon- IJSmpIro to little and it was found that lit- for peace tie fellows arm was broken three places and his elbow dis located also his little linger en tirely torn out The evening service was not so largely attended last Sunday night as usual owing to the dis agreeable weather Dont forget the date of Mount Pleasant Christmas Tree Deo Everybody come enjoy a splendid Paris- Dec A simple notice that Is of great value a historical document has been posted- at chief throughout It notifies the public henceforward letters to points in communes of Alsace will only a stamp This means that alter years jundev German rule these districts Wf of France and Miss Myrtle Pickering of sees Vies Shirts Pajamas braces Brace Get Collar Boxes Sweater Coats Boots Scarfs Handkerchief to 5150 IJSOtolOO 1 00 to to to to 100 10 9180 00 to BO to BOo to 10c to Ladles Lisle Cashmere Holeproof Hosiery and a box a MOI ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO EVERYTHING PUT UP IN HOLIDAY

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