1 i Monday and Mr says ho will talk hour iflhV CHINA AMD OUT GLASS Our Solootlon Very and Many Useful voll Ornamental and All Priced to Suit A for A English China Too Sot p locos for An Extra Good Quality Dinner Sot for Boot Quality of In our Hanging Lamps at And an Almost Variety of and Useful of China In from to Our Display of iloh Out Glass will In Our Window Until Sat urday Night GOODS Wo a Pino Solootlon Ask to It Another The hats contribut ed lo Belgian Relief- in addition to but of Fur ther holiday ting- of Toronto delivered a which Was great ly appreciated by the congregation laiit Death of After extended M Mr Pi Moore tailor passed away last Saturday Mooting her husband with care A meeting for and l will ho hold in tho Metliodiet Gym funeral took on Monday on Sunday afternoon at conducted Rev Thomas and to hoar- report Boys interment at Newmarket Cemetery Gonforonco at- relatives In attendance from a distance were two of Mb brothers from 11 of China and China Hall Grocery will ho provided St Pauls Day am Matins and Holy Com special music of of Mm Incarnation will 0 repeated on the following Sunday Reception at which young ladies of College wore entertained by liLem look place on Wednesday of last week and was greatly enjoyed Nearly all the gone away for holidays Poultry Show There was a- show of Poultry bore last week but pat ronage was not what was anticipated the rectors think the will pan out even of the Mctho- Church extends Christmas Young Peoples Societies of our and hopes that New Year may bring greater buccosb all In line of Christian Service The Christian department is planning an interesting and instruct ive Course of Studies on New Santa Again Testament and wishes all members or The kiddies who participated to prepare for the Monday in New Fruits Have Arrived QUALITY California Prunos Poaolios Dried Nov Pigs both Layer Cooking Now old Soleoted So lb Nov turnod down Lomon and Citron Pool Now Seasons and Stravborry Jams teed Pure lb Jar Codfish 11b 2tb of nteo and frosh Also a lino of Hams volghlng from to lb at taking a vholo ham Our Coffee Is still for tho boot brand Leading Phono OP Main Timothy Street Town Hall on Wednesday after noon had llio lime of thoir lives The bunfeed was most heart ily enjoyed There wore Christmas Trees well decorated and heavily laden with sensible for the boys and girls toques mittens scarfs etc also candies oranges The ap pearance of Santa set them wild willi joy and they all went homo with happy About mothers were present and they wore laden with edibles on leaving for home The Santa Glaus Fund has brought happi ness to many hearts and or iginators are gratified at Hie suc cess of their efforts and Ihank- for the of evening service Jan by study ing the Life of Christ as found Matthew the meeting will he in charge of Mr Guy Smith The members of the Society been divided into contesting divisions and the leaders are anxious to have you join them in their study A hearty welcome is extended to all a fhc lOra wishes all its readers Merry Merry Christmas The Christmas mail Is heavy this week but not quite up to last year Mr is distributing an appropriate Calendar to his patrons Christmas poetry received too l generous Mr moved hack into Mr house op St on Tuesday The special Christmas Market last Tuesday was rather small The Public will not he open on Saturday and all next week till Saturday night The Salvation Army had a Christ mas Tree and entertainment on Tues day evening Council crowded out 1 Having removed all UrOk from the Nov YorV The Bargain House and as vo are crowded with Goods ve will soil them off at a Big Reduction Wo guarantee to satisfy you both price and quality of goods hard anyone needing a supply Cents Ladles and Childrens Clothing Boots Shoos and cannot do bettor than invest their money here Sweater Coats Reg for and Childrens Boots and at 20 per cent than Regular Prices p Three South if King Hotel Phone Death of Mr an illness extending over a lengthened Mr Andrew Ego pasod away on Thursday of last week in liis year Deceased a eon of the Into Angus Hie esteemed Clerk and of the Township of for many He came lo when a young man and worked in a Hat factory he foreman in Ha palmy days When the Company went out of Mr Ego went into and made quite a success of for a number of years Finally when llio Office Specially Works located he engaged with them the indoor work lo strenuous business life He rrvarried a Newmarket lady Miss Mary hut lliir three childern are all dead and she is left alone loiourn the loss of an affectionate husband and honorable citizen a member of the funeral took place on Sat urday afternoon and was Conduct ed by Rev II Thomas Ilia brothers Dr of Markdale and Mr Donald of also his Mr Jamsa of Toronto of the pallbearers Mr Arrnilage of who was a partner of deceased in life business was also among the friends from a dis tance At the- public meting 1611 last weekwin Town Hall for the purpose of bearing Mr an the- on of their poweror- the Town of ho that Hire contraotof to Town by llio York Radial Railway cheaper than per Power hut while makiiig admission he made the Statement that the werciot oir the basis Ihe that the Hydro that the York Radial people would their power Munioiality while the cole ael di rect lo Ihe users at were hot on the same basis Ihe difference being according to statement that the York Ra dial People would sell heir now- or direct to the Municipality the figures quoted and in that case you would have the privi lege as a municipality of resell ing this power to householders and and out of this resale of power those at the meet ing were to understand Hint some advantage could be obtained by having Hydro over the York Radial proposition Now we do not suppose Jef freys would misrepresent the sit uation but certainly ho display ed in making this statement lack of information as to the proposition of the York Radial Co was Town who read contract which was voted on a year and a half ago and which holds good today will distinctly remember that their proposition was for the purpose of selling power to the Municipal ity and they bound themselves if the Municipality entered into this agreement will them not to sell power for any purposes within the Town of Newmarket ho that at once the whole foundation on whifih Jeffreys tried to make the people believe the Hydro pro position was hotter in their in terests has disappeared and his original statement remains true that York Radial Power is cheap er for the people of Newmarket than Hydro Nothing is to be gained by misrepresenting ihe facts of the situation The citizens of Newmarket want lo gel at the truth and but Hie ruth on this power question Who Shall Wo Believe Or or Mr Jeffreys The of Leather la decreasing as fast ao the demand Increasing with the result that Leather of any hind but particularly good Leather has become vory high priced a matter of Shoes now coot more to make but tho price you pay only represents a fair value of the finest ever made In Canada i i I nr nj as an honest term applies to because the makers have faith in the altitude of Canadians tovard good footwear and they feel warranted In maintaining the quality of Shoes with prices as a secondary consideration i OBTAINABLE AT Dims The MolnStWOI 9 Winter Session JAtiuary all of the end Our explains our In liyuipmtnt and Result You ore Invited to write for It If Interested In kind of work which best Ad dress SHAW Free Methodist Church Chris tolas music Sunday as follows Morning Organ Mendelsohn Invocation Anthem Shepherds Dream if mn Wo Prayer Solo Lesson Announcements Offering Anthem Peace Miss Parr on NOTICE Hilts prepared to fcitM Kile Gave and Sharpen all tfl of tools Fire taws a specialty rc Newmarket per bushel at ihe Knights Simper Soloists Mrs Mr Young Hymn Wo Sermon Anthem Shepherds of Bethle hem Hymn No 143 Benediction Organ Evening Singing led by Choir Organ Prelude Processional Chorus O Little Town of Beth lehem Hymn Wo Prayer Solo Night of Nights Jlerdd- Mrs Double Trio Twilight Annouitccmonts Offering of Hodney Mrs Weelcrn Hymn Wo- HI Sermon y lo Iho Father Meredith Hymn Wo WHO MISLEADING Ihe meeting on Tuesday Mr Jeffries said some things about editor of Iho Era because En the cost of Hydro and York power we made the statement that there was no expense lo York power in New market Neither Mr Jeffries nor Dr Boyd know oil about electri city and we are prepared to stand behind our statement Wo no intention to mislead anybody on the public questions we dis cuss We slate emphatically there will bono cost lo the Town for polo lines stepping down transformers or substation as the York power is deliver ed direct to the Town Power House the proper voltage Un til further arrangements are made York Co will loan the use of a motor to run the present electric plant for and Ihe street load will be taken off The streets can be lighted and lighted good as far as the lines go from the Queen St pow erhouse of the Company and we are informed that there will he no expense for transformers or other wiring Deny the prop osition if you can or stand con demned as trying to mislead the public When the new distributive sys tem is put in which has been advised the cost would he prac tically no difference between either system except that under York power the Town would csave per cent Hy dro Commission foes which is no small item We are too well known in this community to be charged with an attempt to deceive the people LOCAL OPTION It is currently reported that Hatzard of Las been New market for enral and is likely to bore voting in January in tie Liquor from Toronto a to be reinforced by helpers ltwe end poll ing day- If this is case it cer tainly requires every wellwish er of the Town of Newmarket should be on Odd question Option has bee a great ad vantage to the beta financial ly morally and Interest in the Town because we have had it in operation for four years The intereata of the realize It would be of treat to if could defeat local- in this Town at flame it be a great a the Town to it defeated every effort therefore be to the repeal by law r majority and if this way resent Send to alht Mr Jeffreys at the meeting the other night took occasion to refer lo the report prepared hy Or for the Corporation of Newmarket as between the ad visability of taking York Radiol Power under the proposition pre sented them or Hydro their proposition Mr Jeffreys was candid enough to admit that Dr is a very clever engin eer He also staled thai ho did not appear in tlie same class or to put it in his own words he could not hold a can dle to Dr so far as ability was coiicnrned Tins is absolute ly true as Dr has a con tinental reputation for being one of the very best engineers that can be obtained Hewas man recommended to the Town of Au rora by the Hydro Commission themselves to investigate into the situation there as lo whether York Power or Hydro Power under the circumstances which they were placod was the most desirable Newmarket had experience and judgment of this every man and his re port was conclusive and em phatic that situated As was with Niagara Power Aero and on the basis at which it could be obtained there was no com parison in the interests of the Town between that and Hydro and that he must recommend the strongest way that Town enter into an agreement with the York for Power Hut Mr Jeffreys says Mr did not make any proper investigation That perhaps is the most dam aging statement thai could be made against an engineer the standing of Dr Does any one that a man who a continental reputation would examine into a mailer and make a report without availing him self of what he considered to be all Ihe necessary data required lo arrive at a correct conclusion He signed his name to this report and be stands by his report his reputation as an engineer is at stake and he values that too highly to produce and sign an ill- considered report on any ques tion which he is asked to deal with Perhaps we might ask how much time Mr Jeffreys spent in examining into the situation and preparing Che information which he gives What does lie know in detail about is required in connection with the Town of on this question We feel sure hat the i Newmarket will trust the judg ment of Dr with his ex perience and knowledge of elec trical matters preference to that of Mr Jeffreys an far as Newmarket is concerned l Essie is the girl lo smile She really docs feel good She knew her Daniel would turn To claim his little Hood Mrs Davis was the guest Mrs W Irwin on Sunday How pleasant that will be The hoys all say Oh wont have lyal the Buffalo House on Friday night Come one come and have a good time The School Concert rrij A dandy charivari re- day was a grand success John James has lost his by were greatly n horse It nowhere can be joyed and also by the Allen Ladies found He says he does not care of We will be pleased to have them for now he has moved lo come hack lo our concert own lr Miss Lizzie has re- taken in at the door turned home after spending a twill he sent lo the poor in Del- couple of weeks with her sister gium Mrs Smith in tho city There was a large turnout Miss Jessie is visiting the Methodist Church last Jier sister Mrs Geo Hood day morning Do not forget the farewell par- Tlie wedding bells soon will ring What takes Mack and nut West Tho electric i Iff cur rent turned on Is for fires iii r MONDAY Dee J Lot W Scott will of a number of cat- pigs etc at oclock months credit A- MONDAY Jan 11 fir las Hamsderti east J lot Con Kfcg near Kettleby will have an extensive sale of stock furniture- etc- Usual terms Sale at one sharp J Headman LOOK You Caw Make This Picture a Reality by Sending Home or Sending Your Friends a I I COLUMBIA DOUBLEDISC RECORD A small initial payment places any Columbia in your homeland on Christmas morning if you wish- Balance can be paid at your con- Any one of the dealers below will gladly demonstrate any Grafonola from the one at a real Columbiato many other real uiodels ranging price to 6S0 the holidays There is a full thousand 85c Columbia DoubleDisc Records in the Columbia Catalogue YOU CAN GET COLUMBIA AND RECORDS FROM A Stouffer F Os Columbia Record are Made in Canada J I i r ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO