If J i i J J- otety Public St good Farm se curity to Prank Duncan AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR Dr ft Wilkinson DENTIST Grocery Newmarket A at L Terry to Buy or Sell See Me The regular ll meeting will bo Tuesday day March in the Dr Webb on Main St commencing at fl p A large attendance quested OFTHt 2ND J V -J- or DENTIST almost opposU the King George J NEWMARKET MAIN er alb OWES- of all MftROi Ac 1 I Cane Things are looking no fur the prohibitionists l month of February without the moon getting full March comes in Monday Next Tuesday is Court Day in Newmarket DP OVFICENEW ROYAL BLOCK Kiin Street Hoots9 to to J Boyd Graduate la alto Licentiate Royal College Physictass and or the Royal College ot Surgeons at England Former clinical In Moorfields Eye Hospital and College Ear Note Hospital England Office Cor Main and Timothy Sta Newmarket Telephone HO Military Band Mr Fisher proprietor of tfce Marathon Rink Bradford was in Town a few ago and extended an Newmarket people to spend an evening there- The ice he said was in fine condition there have been as many as on at once Military Band Music provided every except Friday which is a great inspiration to skaters 3w Com Arm Blown Off On Thursday of week a telegram was received here slat ing that Private Granger had been wounded in action hav ing his right arm shot off Pie Granger of Newmarket left with the Rangers in the Overseas Contingent and was promoted from the in fantry Id a machine gun which shoots cartridges a minute Rent AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd W Street Newman Bolton Practical Painter PP and House Decorator Niagara S JEWELLER pte Phillips Dead The demise of Phil lips of King is reported to have taken place at Salisbury Plains He was with the Battalion first Canadian contingent io- papers that deceased was employed a year ago with the I Dominion Messenger and Co of that city When the pre sent European war broke out hi joined the 8tli Highlanders He was years of age an leaves A widowed mother Phillips residing on homestead near Maple The the trenches was described greit fQr Red Cross work Out of every men sent inlo the there not a toft in condition in lire weeks is why so many men are needed to take liieir places ambulance train cannot go within or miles of the and needed lo bring the sick wounded to the hos pitals The Canadian lied Cross Society has provided of these at each and they are sav ing thousands of lives by getting them to the trains and hospitals as quickly as possible after being hurt Each hospital has attendants arid tors but the service altogeth er as there have been as many as soldiers wounded in two days The lied Cross Motor Kitchen goes right near the firing line and carries soup and coffee for men for 3 days Many details were ex plained and interesting incidents recounted which must have ap pealed to the sympathy of the The Colonel desired that everyone should feel a per sonal interest in the Canadians at the front and strongly com mended the action of the ladies of Newmarket in providing a Motor Ambulance for the front No greater gift made for the saving of life and of the wounded A hearty vote of thanks was moved by Mr J Robertson and seconded by Mr My for the excellent instructive and practical address by Col and also Hie thanks of the audi ence to the entertainers a JUNIOR FABLERS- OF YORK J fc A eto RH i3tffl i AGRICULTURAL OF NEWMARKET ON WEDNESDAY MARCH 10lh mr MORNING 8E88JON Address Addressi Accounts V Win tteor KeUleh Discussion Impressions of Short at by Angus Raymond Keswick Points gained by Feeding Hogs ion Walter King and Frank Marrllt Keswick gained by Acre Profll Competition Davis Harold Murray Kettleby and Lloyd Queeiisvillo MADE IN CANADA Ford Price 540 v x a e 5 j Prices of other Ford Gars- Two- passenger 850 Touring Car 590 Five- passenger Sedan Ail cars fully equipped including electric headlights Prices F Buyers of all Ford cars will share in our profits if we sell 30000 ears between August and August All Ford Cars are on exhibition i rr I i ESCI AT- AFTERNOON ROBERTSON Ford Dealer Newmarket ft Use of Fertilizers On Fairbnrn Sharon On Potatoes Fleming Young QueonsviUe On Hope Newmarket Address J of Agneul- lure Newmarket a Points Short Course which are use the farm Win Hill Jr Floyd lloss Discussion by other members Flection of for the year PR Hi 1 j wr Violin NEWMARKET ot Voice and Beater In 11 Repairs PIANO TUNING for Columbia and Records I O O P The OddFellows had a time on Thursday night of last week it being the loth of the organization of New market The took lh form of Lodge of for this District un der the direction of District Dep uty Morley of Aurora About were pre sent including 30 from Aurora from Bradford 20 from Hill and over a dozen from Toronto the very ceremony refreshments were G of LICENSES t Era Newmarket Office 127 Papers Issued at private ficslred NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call ordering Out Building Purpose ra Stock and made to mo rvedin the dininghall by entertaining- speeches by the visitors Tho Horrors of War That was a truly patriotic ami inspiring evening which the Rod Cross Society provided Jivrri- day but it is to bo regretted that the Town Hall was not packed instead of being a little over ha Hied The chair was ably flllea by Hon KJ Davis who the worthy efforts of the of Newmarket for their noble a- in the Red Cross Work the greatest war the world has ever known A number of patriotic selec tions were rendered by mule Of the Choir with Mrs as which gave an enthusiasm the audience Their best were Were from A COWS INDIVIDUALITY ftjs still possible to find dairy men who never dig deeper than the surface knowledge of whole herd giving so much milk counting simply the total weight sent to the factory one day or per month or again simply the average yield per for the fac tory season A plain fact that cannot lie im pressed too strongly is that cowh have individuality people have personality- What makes two cows yield quite different weights of milk and fat when all con ditions arc practically equal Even supposing a cows interior economy were made visible and luminous has any man the re quisite knowledge to fathom all the mysteries of We do know this the yield of i IMUCS1DKNT J STEOKLEY WINCH AS Newmarket MX Kin TIVE COMMITTEES DAVIS Keltleby HILL Jr Quecnsviile a si Farmers our Seed Corn Now v I have the leading varieties both shelled and In ninetyfive germination guarantee Win bout Some Fertilizer feSIr LETTER A BUNCH OF CARNATIONS and The Soldiers M well Master Hatch also his debut patriotic character DR EVAN Graduate and Swedish Movements Rays High A SPECIALIST IN aad Nervous Woai Spinal Diseases Disease Lum bago it Diseases of Women Wednesday and each week Addles Box Mil Maple I Phone Let FIRE TYfN PROPERTY FOR we wasts P MORTON f Ave Ma ALL FROM NEWMARKET til who attend the poplar Toronto receive not only superior business education but to secure choice positions now Write for Catalog- J Toronto songs and sketch event of evening how ever was the very interesting iiil admirable address on lied Cross work by Col of who for over one hour rapt attention of the audience and his hearers a better Idea of the horrors of war than could bo obtained from books and newspapers He Outlined the origin Of the Bed Cross Society which was formed In in Geneva and emblem the Swiss Flag reversed out of com pliment to that country The Canadian Branch for the Society was organized in with headquarters in Toronto the Canadian Society was incor porated by Act of Parliament 1909 In the last Convention at Washington nations were represented in the present war all correspondence is carried on through the Geneva which an many as letters a day in all languages In the of ficial roll call of the soldiers all absentees are reported as dead or It is the Cross So ciety that out what has be come of the prisoners and minis ters to their need The Germans have Utterly disregarded all con ventional rules and have not only destroyed hospitals and trains but have shot sur geons while at their work of mer cy and have taken between GO and medical officers as pris oners of war who should no more be interned than any citizen in Newmarket Tire- Canadian So ciety has given a cash donation of to the and for one coach in an ambulance train so that they have some claim on the services of- life Cross Society who have taken of In the milk and its percentage of fat are apt to vary from day to day most strangely The first half of the milk drawn may not contain more than half as much fat as the latter half the cow may have some slight sickness some of delicate nervous functions may be deranged temporarily extremes of weather undue ex posure excitement may all in fluence the yield of milk and Lin test Hence it is clear ifiat sensible way to judge a cows per formance is not by any one test or weight but her total yield for the season A Cold matteroffact average doesnt give necessary information cows have individuality which is worth studying so that they may repay their owners for intelligent hand ling If you are not already testing each cow you Own write the dairy division Ottawa for forms for recording milk yields and feed- CKW It A strong ple lor cooperating among the farmers greater produc tion and less waste was made by J A Maharg president ot the Saskat chewan Grain Growers at the annual convention which is commonly known as The Farmers Parliament Agricultural produc tion comprises approximately per cent of Canadas exported surplus consequently they pay that part Canadas debt regardless of how is contracted said Mr lie went on to point out that the present was Canadas opportunity from the point of production and it was up to the farmers of Saskatchewan J das biggest grain producer to do their utmost to increase the ag ricultural yield Altogether Gram Growers were in attendance at the annual convention the Sas katchewan Grain Growers Associa tion at There Is every indication that farmers of Saskatchewan will deavor to produce the biggest crop grain in the history of the province in cent Of the A good deed is never tost he who sows courtesy reaps friendship and ho who plants kindness gathers per acreage acres has hem la ready for the crop according to Saskatchewan agricultural depart This was made possible Nearly thresh last fall giving the farmers time to prepare the land for the season following was greatly assisted also by rains in the drier district acreage prepared for the next crop Is follows Fall plowed iU work good The divided as per cent summerfaUowed In per cent an amount equal 10 cent From made the department learns that per cent of the acreage sown will be In wheat per cent in eighty per cent in barley and per cent in depends how ever on spring the of All to let Klbert Hubbard says you examine the Present European carefully you will llnd it Mad too Furnace Work Plumbing February and March Bring Out Unsightly Spots How to Easily 3 of Our Specialties f the Bathroom Outfit at Shop J a OSBORSE to Smiths Qrooery The woman with tender skin dreads February and March be cause they are likely to cover her faco with ugly freckles No mat tor how her veil and winds have a strong tendency to make Her freckle Fortunately for her peace of mtmt recent discovery of new othinc double strength makes it possible for even most tJ freckles to keep their skin clear and white No mailer how a of froklos you have double strength should remove Got an ounce from your drujf- big kitchen was full of the clatter of dishes and the hubbub of voices Somehow in spile of the heavy work the others al ways had things to talk about But Lottie Summer over in her corner worked in angry silence She was angry- at fate because it had given her so little choice in life she was angry at other girls who scenied to so much fun out of things she was angriest of all at herself be cause she did not know what she wanted she only knew that did not intend to wash dishes and boil eggs In a hospital kitch en all her life Maggie OBriens voice drifted across her sullen thoughts there was a little sob in it like the quick glint of tears that sometimes came into her laugh ing Its a saint she is Sure hoard Doctor Cameron talking to her his eyes were that soft ye wouldnt have known Ibim For all the pain she bears theres a word of com pi a it out of her lips Miss Bennett has a different voice when she speaks to her Id like to see Brooks said enviously Lottie Rummer half listening bought idly that she would like to see this inarvellonjs patient too But it was a careless wish and she had forgotten all about it when one Of the nurses sent her on an errand to Room a few days Inter It was only for a moment but it was long enough for a pair of dark eyes to meet hers with a smile she could never forget She longed for another errand that would take her to but it come and the weeks pass ed until at they brought the day when the bestloved patient was to leave hospital All the girls who hod ever served wont to say Lottie poring apples in the kitchen crowded leare Then suddenly before her eyes came a blur of wonderful color a wave of frngranco swept about her and somebody she never knew who It was said She sent them to the girl who cooked her eggs so nicely for her Lottie flew up- stairs her tiny room hands trembled as she thrust the carnations in to her waterpitcher They were the first beautiful gift that had ever come her life they were more than that across the gray monotony of her days they flam ed like a torch illuminating alt future She bad her first glimpse of the great privilege of service S3- This Is a year to grow a bumper crop 8tone8 none better or cheaper Enquire I good Goose Wheat Barley and Oats FOREST Phone I handle have some if TERMS as ife im IB Act of I 319 CAPITAL PAID UP UNDIVIDED ASSETS it all Is Canada Is No York Spokane Mexico Every of INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS BRANCH G Manager mm Sa KS5C mffm fe mm IS NOW in All Goods Saved from the Fire will be Sold at a daerlflee COME AND i r Good actions do not make- a good man but a good man willdo good actions i time short To spend that shortness basely too long