Newmarket Era, 26 Feb 1915, p. 6

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Si mmmr d mi m J a v iriijaioj JOHN SUTTON for their kindness connection with their bereavement TV WW The League meeting evening will be both Inter sting and instructive Mr Moore rill Pive on Health and solo evening Mr Goon a 1 sleighing but we yearly oone all Itifiitfme are jK j Mount Albert is re presented of our sons who sacrificed his lite and home to servo bis King and Country with the Field Ambulance In the 2nd Contin gent which will soon belong to front Should we not rally around for a gift as a token for our thanks A Resident personal swain has been on her mother Mrs Melon who is seriously I he old lady is Mr Reg of Davidson spending the with his parents in town Mr Hill of was hi town on Tuesday Mr Matthew Porter an old and respected resident of I his town died on Monday in Toronto and was buried in Mount Albert Cem etery on inst The Canadian Order of lows held I heir annual banquet in I he Lodge Room Tuesday evening Although weather eon were unfavorable there whs a good attendance There was an excellent supper follow ed by a good program- of songs and speeches Mr brought his and contributed much to the ev enings entertainment Another feature was an exhibition of club swinging by Mr ere nro ill is nearly Some from inefiiAvdust away from here took in the at Dry Town Sun day ami report a full house The Services were enjoyed It is reported that Miss Lulu came homo from New market Friday with tlienunips CchaJdgnani Vioa Sbker Miln J Wi ifcba Readers Mens wfcW flguivs format They held out fpAJ a little and prices abruptly after fell flat and now the farm sick They an rcaliienaif prices li ia Barber returned Tuesday eyoning from weeks visit Toroiuo Mrs Tommy relumed from the Hospital on expresses herself as much pleased with there and happy that she is well and free from the menace l- Miss Nixon our school teacher her life- The doctors assured that there is absolutely no rem edy but tins surgeons knife has her sister The weather has been around Farm and through the country They a jolly pair tin- all are J The Board of Trade will meet tin Friday evening Feb over J D Rowlands Store Mr Walter Marr has sold out his blacksmith business at Pro ton and may locate in town Dr Smith dentist will be here Tuesday next having too busy in to come soon er Mr French has been moving this week to a farm On St has recovered from his illness and was out this week Owing to rain and bad roads Mr J Doughty a sale was postponed to Saturday Feb On Tuesday Mr Lewis Roll ings horse which was tied in the Presbyterian Church Shed broke loose and galloped up Main Si The shafts of the cutter broken and a collision with oth er rigs was narrowly averted Mrs Thus Rolling was driving on Tuesday and while attempt ing to pass a load of hay the gutter upset and sip children were thrown they were not injured 0 SHARON Mrs of was rislt- ins last week are sorry to see our sleigh ing all disappear although h great many people who were short of water were glad to see it Mr and Mrs Barker of Bond Head visited at Mr Watsons on Friday last also Mr Barker of Dundas Out on Sunday The mumps are all the go- in our burg Miss Marion Ramsay Wallerlate and Herbert Shrop shire arj at present sick lb em Miss Maud of Toronto spiil Sunday under the parental roof Mr and Mrs Fred vis- ML Albert on Sunday Miss Myrtle Ramsay returned to Weston on Monday Reeve Goodwin of Holland Landing visited at Mr John Tates on Sunday Mrs J a number of friends on Friday evening We are pleased to say Mr Thus Shropshire is somewhat improv ed this Miss Ford visited her parents at Burlington over Sunday Mr visited at Mr li Fairs over the weekend Mr Waller Graves and wife spent Sunday at Mr Frank Wid- ditields may venture the opinion that doctors are not paragons of vir tue on the point of truthfulness Mrs was received with overflowing deilglrt into the circle slie rules supreme for this is a homo where domes- lie felioily is a dominating pow er Grandmamma has been her faithful attendant and accompanied her home Just watch the smiles playing cross ing on Tommys physiognomy 1 r I Jiifc rSnttl K fir- to febcli ifai boy IIP W ViOEMtt8MT MR pARftGT I The Ladies Aid held regular monthly meeting in the church Wednesday afternoon of last week Mrs in is spending a few weeks with relatives at sent A of Qucoiisville was renewing old acquaintances on Sunday Mr J of Knox Col lege conducted services on evening The young practis ing for the Box Social to be held here on Friday evening Proceeds in aid of the Church All are W suearas lit fimlul spent Sunday her Miss of What happened to Susie Ra ther early in the season for bath ing Sorry Mr Wilmot our assessor was confined to his house for a few days but ho is able to lie on his daily again Mr Ihas Tomliusou has start ed his again willi Ly- as head There are quite a number Of- logs going in Mr Broome has returned to his old job on the Happy Jack tit J A ill I j fiomptfnd t SiJoiopolecJfd tormi aiidiuiViAbeimadiv on such note at Tne Savings Department Is depository for your money IfiUrrst at rates ja posits iiJ i- iii HJinu i fedlsyi AiKHON ft TERRY St M Mrs Ross- OBrien Christie invited to attend and out hut J- K I f a A Regis was instaatlv at McNicoll last Saturday afternoon by crushed a car in the P yards He was unloading the coal and had gone aader the car for some purpose trap came down end crushed out bis life Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA TO THE FARMERS If there in any Implement that you intend to buy for the Spring it will pay you to come and see sue as sell most of goods from my shop As you know J do not go to you trying to sell you some thing you do not need You to me and I will treat you right in thing you need no matter what It is mo or drop card Mr Ramsay is getting the material on the ground for a new brick house this summer It to be erected on the site of tin old Meeting House Mr Shropshire is still wry gerously ill We hope for his speedy recovery Mr Harry White who has sold his farm is moving to Aurora We wish him success Miss Ford our popular school teacher spent Saturday and Sun day at her home in Burlington Mr and Mrs Win Hall spent a few days in this week Miss Flliel Hall entertained a number of friends on Tuesday evening Mrs Graham Wedih spent a couple of days in- Toronto last week Mr and Mrs Crone spent Sunday in ML Albert Mrs Horner and family who have been spending the winter at Mr Watsons left on Wednes day for their home in the West There seems to be an outbreak of the mumps lust at present quite a number are out of school Among the unforttinatea are our popular wood dealer Mr Walter our friend Sandy There was a good attendance at the adjourned meeting of the QueeusviUe Society and the Treasurer reported a nice sur plus ou hand for Ihii year It was decided to hold the Fair on Hie and of October The Pi rs for tilt are A- s J FLOUR Do our neighbor says firstclass Flour You get the ML Albert Flour Mills torn Grinding per bushel Wheat taken in exchange for Manitoba Flour Manitoba am Pastry Flour always on hand Chopping every day Axeseut- ting box knives and skates ground A l IRK Mount Albert DONT EAT Bread and grow cranky Buy Purity or Hoses Flour taken In exchange Bran fiborts Chop and Grain for sale at ALLEN Mt Albert rL PROPERTY good rooms and summer kitchen stone founda tion cellar Also good building formerly as black smith Lot nearly pome fruit trees Apply to Ave sM I Cain Silas Bennett A T Wait Directors Wm J I Moore W T Huntley Wm Laws Win Arnold John Smith exReeve The church was tilled last Sunday ami present In a very able sermon delivered by the pas tor Rev Atkinson The lt was taken from the lriu third vrri At close of the service Miss Florence jit beautifully Soul Mis Florence will find a the whenever iiav come in their midst The Ladies Aid that was held in Hi- Presbyterian Halt on Thursday ol lust week was ft cidd AhOiil snveulv an iea provided My and Mrs le and little are with papa The baby i a precocious lot the object of much attention Your has a large of adopted sisters here who are amazingly kind Apples have been scarce beyond measure this season but a large basket full of delicious pippins from the store house of Mrs Charles Sinclair put the scribe in a most I sometimes get most heartily tired of bakers bread Mrs Richard the last Rose left blooming ill Gum Swamp lately brought me a sam ple of her homemade bread It was No I It surpassed many a womans fancy cake and estab lished her equal to the crack bak ers J often observe our local dames refer toiler su periority in nary culinary arts This section has an abund ance of them Ive never known their superiors Ladies- Aid tea at Christian Church was given on Friday ev ening by Mrs A It was characterized by a very large attendance and ail enjoyable was spent Mr and Mrs well known for their hospitality Mrs Smith was a guest or Mrs last week She his much if say respecting the kind ness of her landlord and her neighbors I see she knows Airs J Foster was looking very much as though she had been at an Irish wedding on Sat urday Friday evening she was helping Mrs A in her preparations and clearing up after tea By a missstep she went plunging down a steep Thump bump jump she landed at the bottom A very landingplace by the way She was considerably bruised and shaken up but not so badly as o prevent her noticing that there was a superfluous abundance of things good for the refreshment of appetites She was lucky to escape so well Mr and Mrs Charlie Owen have made all arrangements to remove from here to Point ward where Charlie has secured a business Since coming hero stranger by her cheerful and so cial disposition Mrs Otfen has Won the hearty friendship ami respect of young and old wish them health and prosperity The Dr has told Mrs Russell Morton thai she will have dlfll- to return Chapman is in the City consult ing a specialist regarding health which is none of the It may be appendicitis Mr Jas departed for his home in Manitoba on Tuesday Ho lingered as long his ticket admitted of as though he wore loth to leave Ontario He loves home of his youth and I venture the opinion that it will not many years ere he rounds up his little pile arid re moves to Ontario We have en joyed his society ever so much Stiles reports having KGYPT Sawing wood is all the go around here Brown and it is reported cut one hundred cords in nine hours and eighteen ii Mrs J Lewis is i minutes I Who was the young gentleman who upset on the night of the Carnival We arc see Mr Wil fred out again after his recent illness number of Baldwin sports are intending to take a sleigh load to Sutton some night to skate- Our Choir is picking up won derfully since Mr the highclass Soprano and Mr the tenor came back We hope to have a good choir here before long Miss Alary of was visiting her lady friend Miss one day The Hum The which Feb shock to death of Leslie W Ward occurred here Thursday 1915 came as a great his many friends ceased was taken suddenly ill of 2nd con with appendices on Friday and underwent a surgical operation on Sunday evening but owing to bis weakened condition and intense suffering be was unable to with stand the attack and passed away at early age of years and days The funeral was held at the residence of Mrs If Rose on Fri day afternoon conducted by Rev Remington of Zephyr who preached a very impressive mon from I Cor The remains were conveyed to Sut ton Cemetery for interment The pallbearers were six of limale friends Messrs Stanley Rose Herbert Crittenden Miller Clarence Wilson and David Deceased will be missed by his classmates of our Sunday School We desire to express our sincere sympathy to his relatives the other side of the Atlantic who prevented by distance from being present Leslies gone I Ob how Well miss him Never shall his memory fade Loving thoughts shall always linger Around the grave where Leslies laid MOUNT Tho Womens Missionary So- of the was organized with the following officers Atkinson VicePrcs Mrs Secretary Mrs York Treasurer Mrv Fred Hamil ton The book of study for the year is The Child in Midst and Mr Roy Is back from his honeymoon Irp Miss Rhea Atkinson Spent the weekend with Miss Atkin son at the Miss Qcrirude Sprague spent Pearson spending a few days with relatives in the City The Zephyr boys come down last Friday night to play pur home team The score was The Methodist Church intends holding their Anniversary next Sunday of Feb The Tuesday night the Sunday School Tea will be given A good program is being prepared I afraid the sleighing is- not going to be very good for the fancy dress Carnival at Bradford on Thursday night is to he our young people who ore going will not be stranded on the The Ootid last Thursday jjeti a splendid success A papei by Miss well written The lesson was read by Master Mi Max Aylward of TYionlo spent ovci Sunday with friend lit town Miss a lady friend from the Oily spent Siu- Mrs There was quite a crowd at Ilia rink on Saturday night Mrs William of Eg- lington has been spending a few- days with friends and was a guest at the Ladies Aid- Miss and her friend Florence of Toronto spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs Linskill Mr Andrew had the misfortune to cut his foot while working in the bush He is do ing nicely Mr Henry- Balls farm has changed hands again Mr Henry Manning having sold ft Woodsawing is order of the day A common question among Hie farmers Have you hired your man yet L tfkiUf I LINE MOCKS We have secured In Sutton for the Walker make of Overalls and Smocks These garments are made of best denims and are guaranteed against any reasonable test With every six pockets which are stamped that are returned to us we will give you a now garment They are sold at 126 per garment j GENTS OUTFITTERS Issuer of Marriage Licenses J SUTTON News The dale of the Methodist Choir Concert is March the The program will consist of readings quartettes etc Council adjourned to at on Saturday March at P HOWS THI8 One Hundred Dollars boys sweater Outti tor any case of Catarrh I that is selling for The regular price of these was 1 The Carnival last Wednesday evening was a fair success The prizes were won as follows Rest Allan Rest Lady Kathleen McKay Rest Boy Douglas McKay Best Girl Helen McLaughlin Judges- M F Lee and A Bo- The ice houses at Jacksons Point were finished on Saturday just in timeto avoid he rain of this week A case of theft was tried Wednesday The prisoner pleaded guilty The parties came from on OddFellows At Home The Sutton p F have ar ranged for an At Home to In their Lodge Rooms on Wed nesday evening March the 3rd Brothers- are requested to bring their families or lady friends cannot be red Halls Catarrh Cure P J Cheney d Co Toledo i Vic the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable in nil business transactions and financially a le to carry out any made by his NATIONAL RANK OF Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken acting directly blood and mccous surfaces of system Testimonials sent Price cents per by all Druggists- Take Halls Fanily Pills for con stipation ttAYKNSIIOK t 3w2 Toronto J League My Ideal for our Speaker Rose Reader Freak Wucatlon A Factor In Social seen a flock of wild geese last week They were going South Probably they had been on a wild goose chase What prodigious piles there awaiting the buzz saw J J Foster the buzzer will soon have to get on the road and make bis everlasting fortune Very just pres ent but before there are many more gray hairs in your wig therell be some March blusters Our boys most certainly having exciting times in their af fairs when half a dozen smitten on one girl They do if they crack each heads Merlon mid Ivan seem to have heart trouble in an alarming degree Ivan watch where youre driving There are snow banks A couple of weeks ago a war- rant was Issued and- Constable took Have 16 the I castle Don for safe keep ing He appears and able to look after No Ills vagaries amus ed the boys Lost fall some or our farmers will bo taken up at the meeting Tuesday March 2nd at the homo of Mrs Phillips Raven- shoe at pm The Keswick League visited the Ml Pleasant on Wednes- day evening and provided a splendid program Opportunities for Service was divided into four pails At In the Church In the Community and Abroad and was well cussed by Miss Smith Sir Isaac Marritl Miss and Mr F Marrill The of the LordV Supper was observed in the Pres byterian Church on Sabbath last Tho congregation was well rep resented and four new members joined Mr I has returned home after spending a few dayj In New Ontario CEDAR VALLEY The CoiUiil held in the Meeting limine Inst Tuesday night was a splendid success hose who look part in the pro gram m to be highly congrat ulated especially Miss who was kind enough to come up from he The boys did well too Poor old Mrs Butter milk I wonder is at yet had a most terrible time to understand her and Johnny will be able to go these days while it is raining A wonder If was told many fortunes lately and if her feet are dry after going through the ice Ha I Ho I Poor Loo is having a terrible time Well lie has my sympathy Mrs Mike Hopper had com pany last Sunday from Newmar ket Miss Feasby was the guest if lauru over Personals Hughes of Toronto spent over Sunday with friends here Mr Ross- of Toronto was up last Saturday serving witnesses in the trial which is to come off next Satur day Miss Lina Treloar of Toronto was home Mr and Mrs J A Lake Miss Lake and Mrs left on Monday on a trip to Toronto Washington and other points Mr Arnold who has spent the last few mouths in the West was a guest at the home of Mr day or so lost wee Miss A Doyle was in Toronto on The Free Methodist District Quarterly meeting held in the Church on Sunday I was a grand success The crowds of people were such as have nev er before bean known in this place Seven preachers were pre sent and more clever ones are not to be found The amount of money raised at the three meet ings on Sunday was about one hundred and twentyfive dollar- Clear gain and no tired are sorry to report that Mr Angus Hamilton is again us- lug his Mr Garfield and Miss Florence McMillan spent the with friends in Newmarket Jennie spent week with friends and relatives around Mount Pleasant red Too for Last The young people are enjoying themselves at he skating rink It is great sport Get In the game Is One A few of our friends the Oyster Supper at Cedar Brae Miss J Draper and also her sister Miss Draper visitd sister Mrs Frank Smith a few days last week The sleighing is- very good around Zephyr hut walking is belter Mr Norman Horner spent week with his in To ronto and Mr is very good lured letting that black horse go up tho pike- Miss Smart has boon visltiiiB her friend Frank some hustler at his wood COUNCIL Rojjular of above Council held at 0 Feb at Members all present of former meeting read and adopted A number of communications accounts were received and laid leiire Council Auditors report was receive and accepted and 100 copies ordered to bo for distribution The ofTer of the Herald to do the township printing for current year for was accepted Representatives from the Sawyer and Good Machinery were and ex plained the merits of their Road Graders Council entered Into con tract for the purchase a Climax Road Grader to b delivered in April price cash Reeve and Councillor Stiles were instructed to enquire into t circumstances of the family el that were suportel by the Township Atoputatidn waited on Council and asked that be di at the Con line as this had been decided upon at a public meeting the ratepayers ot Said section the Clerk was instructed to give the necessary notice that such a would be raised at next meeting of Council petition of the Council the township of Albemarlo Assembly that all money collected for I distribute to the dlflerent rural municipalities to expended on the reads was concurred In and the Clerk ordered to forward same to the Representative for North York A number of accounts was ordered Children FOR FLETCHERS our Countrjf Needs feu HELP BY USING I Parliamentary Commons Committee appointed to Investi gate charge of defective hoots furnished to Canadian sol diers found much to condemn Here is a sample vralf I this week Did you see the seal ed sample boot Yes it was a hideous looking thing covered with dust half worn out and with the soles slashed Was this what the Manufacturer had to go by Yes that was the Gov ernment sample Did you have before you any boots from Vnl- Wo were from Kingston and Toronto What lo North York people think of a representative who supports a Minister of Militia running things in this fashion Answer polling day Si i ir a Send Era to friends the Era to friend i Positively a Canadian A Trial will That It will Thoroughly Your Pots and Knives and Forks and all Kltehen Utensils to cleaned four

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