Newmarket Era, 19 Mar 1915, p. 5

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K Up l I rj0 SiSv v v f- a f ThOSJR Vow uLliCAc re T I Si of Contractor 1 Over- tings In i i 1 I j I cleansing is interna lexions a The tat J Vf- IS Wilkinson DENTIST Grocery b and Heal Kstate 11 c r Kli AW A 1 in mm oin Tho Dale Changed 4Tlio cniivass for ViVss the of liav OOslponrd work until if March of lie a- MAIN SI DENTIST opposite the King NEWMARKET iciepwiu dp p Cone SEVU0YAL BLOCK Newmarket t to to t to pm 323 Main Street Hours Boyd Toronto the l0i lhysulans and mem- I surgeon clinical fields I y Ear and Throat Telephone CoD Ho Bert Green PAINTER AND PAPER from Street Newmarket Briefleta The siin crosses the on Sunday Maple sugar time Have you seen the to the sleighing for an other season The Oar Utile shamrock was in evi dence last Wednesday- Boost your home town was illuiml imiKili of the f Ave Toronto when Miss only of Mr lad of Sharon was United in holy matrimony to Mr Mil Rate of old est son of Sir of was ihg a suit navy blue and hat with white plume Mr ami Mrs leaving for their ah out March itcd SUBSTITUTES Town black intend home lidta Ave 2nd Bolton Painter Paper and House Decorator Niagara and tJL Street- S WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER On Wednesday March the home of the bridejs sister Mrs Win Blair Wolfe St youngest daughter of Mr a Mrs Francis Hillock united to Mr Ernest Fair of Newmarket Oat The was conducted the Rev J Ford The young was attended by Miss Edith a niece of the bride and Mr Frank After a sumptuous dinner the Alter a sumpilous dinner the young left for Toronto and other points after which they will reside at Newmarket Their many friends wish them every success in their new life Regular meeting last Monday evening All members present except Mr Forester Following bills passed to A A ace Barker Co to Office Spec Co ace Pay Sheet labor to Clerk Ins on WaterWorks Express on stationery 11 hop pin solicitors services foripjl labor Morrison Brass to A Com J Robertson legal expense to Fin Com Co cars 15165 York Radial m same car Duly on same Hart Co rolls Bell Tel Co a Removed to Opposite Vtoltn p StouYfer NEWMARKET Voice and in all o Mucil THrtot and Repairs PIANO TUNING for Columbia and Records Stock Prompt Service Heavy Penalty It is estimated that the careless or dishonest mixing of had eggs with good ones lowers the value of ana- das product by a year The is trying to force us as a community to- bring our product up to tho highest standard for our own Are you doing your share The Pure Food Law males it unlawful to fell lad under a penalty of to for each offence It is unlawful for the farmer or poultry man to sell bad eggs to the merchant It is unlawful for the merchant to sell them to his customers or to the dealers As the penalty is severe these facts should be kept in mind as well as the risk now incurred by m or dealer in offering under- weight butter or sale Jackson of LICENSES it Newmarket Office Private Papers Issued a private desired NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Call before oiderlag- elsewhere Out atone for Building Purposes lit hi Stock art to GEO W Graduate Chiropractor and iGatcopalh Swedish nays Fraqnaoy TREAT A SPECIALTY SPECIALIST IN Tip in- Gams InvVUd FREE V nd each Box Aurora Maple A am No Number Already Sold Mr K Robertson is a hustler in selling the Fort Autos The reason is not hard to guess The has proved itself reliable machine at a low price and many farmers are in vesting Nobody has a better right to use the roads and the auto is solv ing many problems tor the farmers and the uses and purposes to which the machine can be put are a big aid to the success of the line farmer Heretofore it has been impossible to drive horses that have worked all day in the fields to tho nearest vil lage or city in the evening so the young folks had to walk or remain at home Naturally this condition to a disposition on the part of the young people to go to the city to work The auto truck has come be looked upon with even more in terest by the farmer The man who is unable both prefers to invest his money in a truck in the hope that the returns from this In vestment will it possible to later own a touring car With the use- of an truck the farmer can get his produce t market in larger quan tities and in quicker time than with a team of horses and a wagon and thereby gives the owner and his help more time to work on the farm with the that mote crops are planted and raised than formerly Several auto truck are being pur chased by farmers this winter with just such ideas as these In view ay Sheet A Communication of M Folly re new factory referred to- Pro perly Com Communication Of J re use of Town Hall for patriotic purposes to Properly Com Com from Clerk of Toronto General Hospital re patient re ferred to Town Solicitor Com from I Barrett for use of room at Market to Properly Court summons from Mr Ver non and garnishee for to Finance Com Com from Boiler Inspector showing that boiler is satisfac tory Communication from Hydro- Association asking for membership fee referred to Clerk reply Communication from asking Coun cil to petition Parliament for subsidies referred to Clerk lo reply Representative from Toronto addressed the with re ference to sale of debentures Representation from Northern Electric Co addressed the Council with reference to Electric supplies Petition of Miss Gertrude Iry and five others annoyed by dogs in close proximity asking for the nuisance lo be removed Referred to Property Conv- of Com on Finance recommended that for Patriotic purposes ho considered later That the request the Audit ors for increased remuneration he granted That no change be made in the price of license ffff selling pea nuts and popcorn Report adopted The on Fire and Light reported recommended that tie tender of the Northern Kleotric Co for wire meters and trans formers he accepted Report adopted A bylaw was passed provid ing for borrowing money from the Rank of Montreal and the Toronto to meet current The was instructed to take necessary steps to col lect he taxes Council in my father who is a Captain in the Essex took me to the Middlesex Hospital Belgian were being cared for- Sonic of the sights saw were little less than horrible It seemed incredulous- tho na ture of the wounds caused German shell and infantry fire One could not hut swear -revon- without pity to a nation who have dared to acknowledge civilized The artillery division of the 1st Canadian Contingent are a lino collection of Canadian man hood and there is no doubt what ever after their complete train ing will prove themselves a cre dit lie Motherland In fantry according to Kit chener are the hunch of soldiers he has witnessed Speaks well for First Contingent doesnt it Al though in the first Cong myself it is quite correct what I have said and Mr Jackson I am sure your opinion would bo likewise you were lo see lis now I shall never forget the pleas ant times I spent while in New market white on the staff of the Era I am very much afraid 1 really had too good a time How- the memory lingers with me and my is that pros perity and good luck may contin ue with you for all lime can register no complaint whatever regarding the way we being used We have good sound tola of it and isjhv mail able Later on at the opportuni ty I will write you again At present there is really nothing worth recording- Sending kindest regards to you and all Newmarket friends I am Yours faithfully Stuart Quick THE OUTOFWORKS As spring approaches the question of work for the unemployed becomes and more acute Those who re member terrible- in Lancashire during the American Civil war when close upon men were known to be out of work in that country alone will tremble with ap prehension At that time the spirit of the Britain arose nobly to the rescue no less a sum than being publicly sub scribed This fund was so well ad ministered that although the distress lasted for a period of nearly five years remained in the of the trustees and was expended in the erection a convalescent home in Things are different in Canada to what they were in Eng land at The country not arid although prices were and tficJ was wide spread people been called on for aid to the almost inaumcratlj works of charity that they are now While some of the money lor direct the bulk of it was invested in public works that command th greatest amount- of individual labor a fair estimate to presume that at this in Canada there arc Mayor Mar tin of Montreal has placed the number of outofworks hatCity at In Toronto there are known to toe hall as many In big cities especially Winni peg and Vancouver there are pVo- ably another twenty or twentylive Kb that- We ate not Ion in arriving at total It is not a question of statistics however so need for in stant resolute and sustained action Work must bo found It not a matter of 1 dig and to beg I am ashaned all are willing to work The is that they mainly belong to the construc tive trades There are of course many clerks operatives in factories and salesmen and women them but the hardest to be suited are those who have been employed on buildings and which are now almost at In the the land thing that can le done is to separate the wheat from the chafi and en deavour first of all to employ the wheat giving preference as far as reasonable to the en who have others to support For this purpose and n tact lor treatment of the whole situation committees should in every and town and regis tration embodying suitability strict ly kept Then such public works as are in any way possible should be proceeded with When we arrive at the matter of farm labor we come to the very crux of the situation The large majority of the unemployed have never seen a farm except as they have been travelling past To section the work is uncongenial mm mm mm i- m MADE IN CANADA Ford Touring C Price 590 at of this state of affairs is crying for labor- One Prices of Ford Cars are ias Guickt 1150 Ail cars fully equipped Prices IS Oat Buyers of all Ford cars will share in our profits if we sell cars hot ween August I and August 14115 All Ford ears arc on exhibition N ROBERTSON Ford Dealer Newmarket ats happily it is shown that even under stress men and women will not do work for which they feel completely unfitted Hut these can not be left to starve They must be employed but how is a matter for the decide As to demand of the land farmers must be appealed to patient as they and to be as lenient and generous as possible to such laborers as they obtain As has been said over and over the times exceptional and no call upon US but mand of all of us that we shall practice selfdenial and thus bear in some measure a share of the common burden I NEWMARKET Farmers xr I have the leading varieties both shelled and In cob ninetvflve germination guarantee About I handle have some OF ACCOUNTS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF For the Year This is a year to grow a bumper crop Slone9 none better or che aper Enquire good Seed Goose Wheat Barley and Oats A Limited Quantity of O A No Seed Oats for Sole at pec bushol r RECEIPTS Dal from Clergy Fund lot on hand Tax of col in Tax of collected Tax Municipal Tax Timber on Roads Old bridge plank Part Funeral Expenses Mrs Moulds Legislative School Grant Leg Co School Grant Loans from Clergy Re serve Fund Clergy Reserve Fund Int Cash over in bank au dits and 1910 GOV 1 1036 1908J Salaries Allowanced Stationery and Printing Law Costs nnil Bridges Charily County Tax GEORGE TERi8 STRICTLY CASH STER Phone Schools Hoard of Health Sheep and Dogs Miscellaneous Street 10 Total Balance OP Incorporated by Act FIRE FA MM PROPERTY FOR Wow waits P MORTON Are ALL FROM NEWMARKET who the L Toronto recelv not only superior education but to secure choice positions now Write for W ELLIOTT Yonge St Toronto Cow I An event of than pasting in terest transpired at the homo of the brides Mr and Mrs JaS- Sharon on Wed nesday March when their daughter Evelyn Luella was marriage to of ToronVofion of Mr J of The nuptial knot was tied by J pastrjr of the Methodist Church Precisely at the hour of p to the attains of Lohengrins wedding march played by the of Aurora bride entered the tawing lean- fug on the arm of hex father and li ter a hricf ceremony the happy couple were pronounced and wife The bridal couple were unattended The bride was gowned in a suit Belgian Serge with small white hat Persian Jamb furs and wore a pearl sunburst the gift the paring the signing of the register Miss Maude Farr of Toronto sister of the bride sang in her well trained soprano voice Because happy with their lug gage etc securely wired together were escorted to the south hound car whence they left for a short honeymoon after Which they will re side In Toronto The numerous hand some gifts received testified to the high esteem in which the youn couple arc held Ml Children FOR FLETCHERS Li I Hough Bats clears out Hats Mice etc in the and Drug and ANOTHER THE FRONT Dear Mr Jackson First of all I you are well also all my friends in old- Newmar ket I am pleaded lo report thai all is well with me being in the best of health and spirits We had some very wet weath er while on Salisbury Plains and damp foggy climate of Eng land told Considerably on us boys who used to the dry orisp atmosphere of Canada You would he surprised what a difference it makes lo a fellow In many respects after beingover six months in he army on mot ive service or under orders for active service I tell you ft made a change In me after work I have been used to for so long not only mean lh physical bill the- menial it lias one who is not accustomed lo come In contact with the condi tions and methods of being oil lliepo occasions The scenes anil siiihls- thrown before our eyes times Although up to the pre sent of war have not been brought vividly be- fore us are pathetic and piteous lo the extreme- I recall some In cidents while at my home in lononSea Essex on leave of ab sence My hometown has four hospitals practically filled with French Belgian and English ASSETS Office Furniture Old Road Machinery Steel Tile Moulds Climax Drags Sawyer- Mnssey Steel Grader It Tax on Co Hooks Uncollected Tax Due Tp re ditch Lot Con Clergy Reserve Fund Capital Accrued Interest in Hank of Toronto in Hank Cur Ac Collectors Salary Clerk A Sal I mo li ft Int collected due to Schools 1915 1 Hon Ac loans due Fund Due 1 Ritchie Pearson ridge Hal Assets in excess Liabilities of FUND CAPITAL Dec 1st toil Four of Winnipeg Mortgage on Improved Farm Mortgage on Improved Farm Mortgage on Improved Farm Mortgage on Improved Farm Loaned to Township General Acct In Hank of Toronto Newmarket 11007 To the Municipal Council of the Township of Whitchurch Gentlemen We the undersigned your Auditors do cer tify that we have examined the securities and accounts of the Town ship We find the securities satisfactory Cash hi bank fir the amount of balance at si Dec and vouchers for all payments J A M VanNOSTRANI Auditors Adopted Feb 21 1015 J Reeve lit CLARK Clerk v CAPITAL REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS ASSETS all Canad York70btclgV Si Every el bnalcMi INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS of e Ontario Bank Breach will ROSS Manager B Slack Suits We have a large assortment for any kind of wear either or Business Entire Satisfac tion guaranteed F MER6HANT TAILOR Main NEWK1ARMET SOUTH Ml Main Street Newmarket GRAND TRUNK TIME Leave NORTH Toronto a til pm pm pm am pm pm pm Allandale 1 Leave Allandale it v am am p in pm GOING SOUTH Newmarket It 613 am am 310 am pm p in Having opened a Now Stovo and Tin Shop In Dr darks New Building nearly opposite King George Hotel I am now pre pared to do all kinds of work In this line Now Is the to Buy a NEW- STOVE and i Un Arrive I 730 am a pm Be Prepared for the Weather Estimates Given for Furnace Work Plumbing jr SUPPLIE8 KEPT IN STOCK Repairs Promptly Attended lo Us a Call j S WRIGHT ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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