Newmarket Era, 19 Mar 1915, p. 6

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AGENT ALBERT J a SRI I j as fi MOUNT Can sell you a tailored to or- for We are holding a clearing sale of Spring Hals at from to MOUNT PLEASANT McCordick left on Saturday to teach the village school at Maple Lake in County OYSTER SUPPER The officers and members of the No held their an nual oyster supper on Friday ev ening last They had an excellent menu followed by an interesting program of speeches songs etc All spent almost enjoyable and Social evening FA CLUB The postponed meeting of the Farmers Club will be held Wed nesday evening March in the Hall Ml Albert at pm An illustrated lecture will be given by Mr J Kewmarket on Live Slock Poul try and Fruit Kyi wel come ARK YOU GETTING EGGS IN WINTER If not you should order a set ting from my heavy laying Reds While breeding for eggs is my hobby I never neglect color This is the record of pullets and hens Doc Jan Feb and up to March I pens mated prices per MountAlbert Red Feather Yards Mrs Willbee Prop Mr Watts was able to be out this week after being confined to the house with a severe case of la grippe Mrs II has been suf fering from la Grippe but is now improving Mrs John Graham is suffer ing from pneumonia hut is re ported to be improving slightly Mr Graham is also on the sick list Mr David had a sale of some household goods on Tues day and is prcpuing to leave for the West shortly Our band has been practising regularly late and will be bel ter than ever this summer Eggs dropped to on the market on Tuesday but butter is Steadily going up 33 to being paid Fields in this vicinity are al most snow and hard frosts and cold winds are injuring the fall grains The annual spring robin was seen in llw village a few days ago but got cold feet and disap peared i UNION STREET NORTH Two bad but the Little Grey wont come down to farm much longer Sweet Twentyone FIRSTCLASS FLOUR Do as our neighbor says buy first class Flour You gel it at the ML Albert Flour Mills Cus tom Grinding per bushel Wheat taken in exchange for Manitoba Flour Manitoba and Pastry Flour always on hand Chopping every day Axes cut ting box knives and skates ground A DIKE Mount Albert The and Bible Training Class was postponed this week un til following Friday evening March on account of Rev Atkinson not being to be present The topic entitle J Our Laws Bearing on Morals What are and how to en force thorn will be taken by Mr Wo hopo for a good attendance Service will be held in this church next Sunday evening at on account if illness a large number of our church members have been kept at homo Mumps measles and then buzz saw are the order of the day around Ml Pleasant Miss of Queens vilk spent last week vis iting at Mr Hamiltons Mr T is entertain ing his brothers who have re turned home for a visit after a period of fifteen years if the snow keeps on going it wont be the cause of any more pigs being spilt all over Gum- swamp Dont forget to come to endeav or tonight to the demands for wood They out prices as Well as wood Tramps had best stear clear of our burg for a lime Tomlinsori has- about one hun dred and fifty or seventyfive cords of wood to buzz or buck Herman Pringle readied his natal day on Sunday of consideration for this vory im portant era his girl permit ted him to Stay till Monday morn ing When the wood season opened Geo Crittenden hied him to the woods and whirled into the fell ing of timber Willi such vim and viciousuess as to astonish the natives and is unsurpassed in all annals of Baldwins history He laid the to the the FOR SALE acres Lot Con Bast Owned by Win acres under cultivation Other Improvements Apply on the premises address Mrs SUTHER LAND Holt FOR SALE PROPERTY IN QUEEMSVILLE House good rooms and sum mer kitmen stone foundation firstclass cellar Also good building stone foundation suit able for warehouse workshop or other purpose Lot nearly halfacre some fruit trees Cen tral near Churches and School Apply to WM 3 Ave Toronto A quantity of Seed Oats fur Hale early and late varieties Prices moderate Terms Gash Apply to Toole Bros Ml Albert Service Sunday night was con ducted by Mr J The congregation was not as large usual Miss Smith Mrs Win Barkers no ice is spending a few days around here Miss Pugs ley of spent Sunday with Miss Winch Master spent a few days visiting his cousin Mas ter Harry Horner Mr Devil has started to work for Mr Morion Mr Vein Barker has purchased a new Ho may not be the only one to get a fresh one this spring Why not get a black one like Verns theres no looks so well Mrs Washington Winch and family of Bel haven desire to ex press their sincere thanks to the neighbors and many friends who assisted them in the time of their bereavement Mr John Anderson tapped bush last week which shows signs of spring wonder where the fairies have folic from Mrs Frank wards was call ing on friends in town last week Mr Stevenson is holding revi vals north of Bel haven As he is a good upright man we all wish him good success Mrs Frank Edwards and Sun shine came up from calling friends in town last week Our gone LoVs of buggies out Wood culling is the order of the day now Lovely weather for culling wood but ilis taking the snow off fast Mr Edwards and Mr Will Abbs are rushing business buzz sawing these days Mr Pollock has his mill running now We wish him good success 0 0 BALDWIN BREEZES My budget this week will con sist a deal of small talk and gossip Mr Glover is going around on one foot- report is that he fell down and stepped on him self sprained his ankle Mrs Glover had a quilling bee that was largely attended by ladies of the neighborhood week It gives opportunity for a good social visit lea on was something unusually nice Ive long known Mrs clever ness at catering to the needs of a hearty appetite Her- delicate lunch cake corroborated my pre vious experience Our old lime social organisation ill days long ago when I was a kid way out at Tory Hill Hie elderly ladies had a social association whereby they would meet by turns at others homo on Saturday after noons and have a social visit They would take along their knit ting or sewing and make a pre tence of working These meet ings sealed friendships broken on ly by death Some of the women were Mrs Win Wilson Mrs Jer ry Graham Mrs Mrs Doan Mrs Geo Mrs Draper and other casu al friends Regardless of this being Lenten season I bore have been an unusu ally large list of dances hero of with such effect that ho had a great stock Henceforth his name shall bo Hustling George Good hearted friends turned out and teamed it home Mr and Mrs Christie Owens departed from here on Wednes day for their new home at Prince Edward amid the good wishes of a host of friends Mrs Owens came here almost an en tire stranger but by her courtesy and sociability soon made of firm friends As proprie- tor of the icecream and refresh ment room she became popular and established a reputation Mrs has been advised to go to the hospital for treatment for appendicitis Robins linnets grass birds and nearly all birds have come back again Has Spring come No Wail till Shall I those charming bells North is admira bly adapted for apple raising Give If J Lepard agent for Stone Wellington a trial order Go into it on a large scale as a com mercial venture Sir Win Mis took had faith in it He has set out acres It pays When does Mercury slick in its bill Soon I guess suitable reply after which re freshments were served The amusement continued with music vocal and instrumental also re citations and dancing when Mr Williams demonstrated his ability the violin in music for the- light fantastic The floor was under Iho vory able manage ment of Mr Wlme is ground till y in and morn Sams Friend ROACHS POINT Mrs Lester Kelly is improving nicely also Miss JovCo Sherman is lo bo around again Roches Point Ladies deserve credit for the interest they have taken in- the Red Gross Work al ready nearly forty pairs of have been sent to the soldiers There is hardly a homo where the knitting needles cannot be found Mr and Mrs Pratt were the guests of Mrs on Tues day Jesse hangs around pretty well He thinks the spinsters are right It takes years some times for a fellow to make up his mind which one ho wants think the Boston Spinster is ahead Talk about your fish stories at the Keswick Theyre not iii it with Milt What you think Cauldor Sorry lo hear Mrs Karnes is under the care Hope she may soon recover Miss Good of Keswick spent Sunday with Mrs P J Cola Morton Elm Morton Laurel Terry Alien Ham ilton May Tilled Essie and Messrs Cecil Jr King riros Huntley and Council Doors open 730 at I The Sunday School Institute will bo held in the Methodist on Friday the of March Session at 2 and pm The program is an in teresting one but received too late for this week iiwuitpB up mi o A General Manager Dp me Mr Washington Winch es teemed resident of passed away Mfurch 2nd very short illness The deceased was born in town ship of in Later family removed to the farm at where he dted In he married Miss Morton who with five sens and two daughters mourn the loss oi kind husband and loving father The de ceased was worker in the Keswick Christian Church and a neverceasing worker in the Sunday School where he acted aa Superintendent for many years His faithful service and gentle disposition will long be remembered by both old and young The funeral on Thursday was very largely attended bv a large circle of relatives and friends Interment at Cemetery If You Live At A Distance from this branch of The Dominion Bank advantage of our system of Banking By Mall It will you many trips to town and at the same time give you of the advantages of a Sivlngs Account Deposits may We and cash withdrawn In fact any banking business transacted by mall without trouble or delay The manager will give you Jul particulars of convenient way of Banking by Mail MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S TERRY Manager W LINE TO THE If there is any Implement thai you intend to buy for the ttprfag it will pay you to come and tee as I sell most of my shop As you know do not go to you trying to you not need You conn to me and I will treat you right in any you need no mailer what it Is Phone me or drop me a 5ei DONT EAT Bad grow cranky Buy Purity or Five Hows Flour tic An taken In exchange Bran Shorts Chop and for sale at ALLKN ML AB lute They are all or nearly Slag dances as a rule held out in the various local wood yards Enoch Brown and have come to town with their woodbuzzing outfit and Bay they do lift and make the boys step lively Brown Is a professional and ItniK since establish ed a refutation as fld- hard times and they will ho accorded a rousing reception if they return next season Many of J J Fosters friends are Ifuo lo him and his buzzer is busy buzzing Whilst at work last week at Job stops his buz urns out buzzing around lo see who was big liuzz Messrs J J Foster brown A John Mil ler are JOOO HOLISM LANDING On Thursday afternoon at 330 an old resident passed away Mr Wm aged years De ceased had an invalid for a number of years The funeral took place on Sunday Interment ati King City of- lloialingv Mrs J of who has been spending a few days with her sister Mrs J return ed home on Monday last Mrs Hood is visiting friends in Toronto Mr spent Sun day last at his home here Miss Minnie Keefer of loii is visiting her aunt Mrs Thompson Mr and Mrs Hoy spent a few days last week with friends at Belle Ewart Mrs Stephenson who has been seriously ill we are pleased to say is slowly recovering Quite a number spent Thursday at city on a pig stealing case Mr Wesley had the fortune of letting his horse run away on Wednesday last wagon was wracked and the horse received a bad cut on the fetlock which necessitated the attendance of the Vet The horse will be laid up for some time Mr Chester Sweet who has been living in lliu city for the past living in the oily for the past month turned home on Saturday lust The mumps appear to be very popular Several are confined lo the house with them at present zQOOz SECOND ST EG A most enjoyable evening was at the home of Mr and Mrs A Second street on Friday evening March 1 when over fifty of neighbors assembled as a demonstration of their esteem and friendship and lo present a handsome morocco case of silver knives forks and spoons expressing their regret that Mr and Mrs Dennis family aro leaving thier midst The evenings amusement com menced progressive euchre which continued up- to midnight when the following address was read by Mr Williams Mr an dMrs Dennis and family Dear Friends Wo your friends and neighbors aro assembled here this evening to bid you fare well but wo feel it will not bo for ever for we hope In the near fu ture that you will return and re new old acquaintances We are very sorry that you are depart ing from our midst but wo know loss will bo others gain We wish you all that health and prosperity will attend you in your new homo As a slight token of our esteem wo ask you to cept these knives not for their intrinsic value but as a remem brance and as you use them may you recall memories of many hap py days spent Second street Signed on behalf of the com munity Mr W then made the presentation Mr Dennis SHARON This io grand weather for March but look out for the latter end mumps are still on the here Mrs Thos Shropshire and Miss Maud laid up at pre sent them Mr Harry Wright had an exten sive farm sale on Tuesday Mr J Kitely was in Toronto a couple of days this week Miss Lillian returned on Monday after vis iting her sister here for the past nfoiilh Messrs Tale and Shrop shire attended the hockey match at Aurora last Friday night Mrs J J went to To ronto on Tuesday to undergo n operation Miss Ethel Shaw left for Toron to last week to train for a nurse We wish her success in her now future The Monthly Mission Circle meet at Mrs M Ramsays oh Wed nesday afternoon Mr Merlon Shaw had a sawing bee last Friday Mr J Graham was under care for a few days last week but is now improving nicely Mr and Mrs Stanley spent Sunday at Mr J Mr Lloyd has- a fine new driver HROWNHILL We arc very pleased lo see Mrs Thompson around after her sickness Mr John Miller is sawing wood around these parts There has been a number of cutters with looking couples in them driving through Brown- hill but I do wish Ihey would not make so much noise at twelve at night Mr and Mrs Charles Owen left here on Wednesday morning We wish them the t vi is vis- Mr and for best of luck 1 think Iho is bard on Miss Susy Sack As long us you feed him he will crack you up I think she is very lively and a real beauty Miss Cora iting her aunt and uncle Mrs or little beauty Mr T Longhursl is spinning round on bis bicycle ires some rider Oyster Pete Mr and Mrs Stiles of ML Pleas ant visited Mr Merchants on Sunday Mr If Crittenden left last week for Sarnia where he intends spending lie summer Mr J Wilkinson of Knox Col lege will conduct the service in the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday evening next We are sorry lo hear of tho-ill- of Miss Jessie Rose hut wo hope will soon he out again Mr and Mrs J Jones visited friends in Zephyr one day Inst week Mrs is confined to the bouse through illness Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery SUTTON Mr Dick has decid ed to open up a garage in town He has not secured a suitable lo cation yet Mr W has now car home It is a is the for these cars in the district The Council had a Special Ses sion last Friday night in reference lo the oiling cart Mr look back Lake lee house last Friday on the Metropolitan freight to Toronlo Mr Cliffs Lavery drove up here from last Thursday lo visit bis brother Mr and Mrs Deacon who have spent the returned to Collingwood The proceeds from the Box Social at St James Hall last week were expenses leav ing a balance of which was forwarded to the Cross Soci ety Miss wishes to let everyone know that she has wool on hand for Cross work See those new spring hats at He has the latest pat terns that can be- secured pur milliners are busy these days getting the hats ready for Faster They are not hav ing any special opening days Ibis season Mr Love representing the Art Tailoring Co of Toronto vi their agent here on Monday and Tuesday During his stay a nice stroke of business was done in the spring- suits and overcoats Mr Love was well pleased with his visit here and- in tends coming back again later East Council SharonMarch The regular meeting of the Municipal Council of the Town ship of held on the- above date all mem bers present except Councillor J A Cole Minutes of the last meeting read and approved Wo haye secured the In- Sutton for Walker make of Overalls and Smocks tho Those garments are made of the best denims and guaranteed against any reasonable test With every six pockets which aro stamped that are returned to us wo will give you a new garment They aro sold at 126 por OUTFITTERS Issuer of Marriage Licenses SUTTON KKSWICK There will bo a Box Social given in Temperance Hall on Thursday March under the auspices of the Methodist Church Choir Ladies will please deco rate tho boxes as they will be auctioned off Als a prize will for lie best decorated box A good program will be given and- enjoy a fable evening A grand Patriotic Concert for this purpose wilt bo held evening March in the Christian Church Keswick Selections by the Misses Violet i Communications read from Ml Albert Cemetery Co re tieposts Cemetery Con from Clerk of North re Townline North the follow ing applications from J bonus for wire fence Lot Con Arwed Case bonus for wire fence Fast side centre HO ids FromW A bonus for wire rds Lot to Con 3 and a petition from John Cross and others re work Con That the request of the Mount Albert Cem etery Co for the privilege of erecting lieposts on road al lowance Corilre Road bo granted the work lo be done under super vision of the Carried That i applications of Messrs Farr A Case and A for bonus ro wire fence be granted Carried That the sum of Oiie Hundred Dollars be appropriated for Lois Con and One Hun dred Dollars for Lots la Con ami the sum of Fifh Dollars 5000 for on lVt 1 Con Carried Iho and Treasurer be authoriz ed lo transfer from Hie Clergy Re serve Account to General Township the sum of Ono Thousand Op and twen tytwo Dollars i Carried That Messrs Haines and Proctor be ap pointed to ropOrl on plairjt of Geo Travlss re survey Lots It St Carried Haines Slickwood That 11m and Councillor Cole be A NEW Of now Telephone Directory should reported to our Local Manager net re a telephone who have yon that it precious Why not and Lave your The Bell Telephone Co of Canada pointed a committee to inquire into and report at the next meet- of this Council re claim fur damages Carried That Auditors appointed to audit the accounts of the past year having presented their report resolved that the said report be received and the said accounts be here audited and passed that the Treasurer be and is here by instructed to have the same printed Carried That the be Instructed lo purchase i light grader Carried The He eve introduced a ByLa v lo authorize the Head of Council Treasurer to borrow water internally An abundance It I and the for thi payment of current expenses of Council until the taxes of are collected read a first time Moved and seconded thai Rule be suspended and that the Lnw be read a second and third time this day Carried reported without amendment and passed Haines resolv ed that the issue his order on tho Treasurer for payment follows viz Seymour Andrews Lot Con Ed Williams gravel Lot William drawing gravel Lot 8 Con i John Tale measuring gravel over the affected part- Such litrt- will often quickly relieve indigestion When the congestion I general is often helpful to put sufferer into a hot bath or eve to combine a hot and foot or get into a tub of hot water attack of gall sfones can be rel by getting into a hot as out can hear it while waiting for the do- tor Many specialists believe in tbi I use of cold water for nervous ill- meats Instances are known when nervous diseases of standi been cured by nlhtjy cold It Is surprising how many drink little or no water There is greater purifying agent than plenty 3 gravel draw Con not only Hushes the entire system but improves the action of the skis hence the Complexion Care be taken that the water drant is Ire from Do hot confine outsell exclusively to Cither hot or cold va tcr and do not take either at temperatures Juicy fruits are in addition as they help to the blood and stimulate the liver a New York March The explo sion of a large oil tank adjoining Long Island Hallway freight yards ii the oast Now York Section iiroiV- shortly noon kilW ving four toys and seriously sevei t 3 other persons The force of the plosion for radius of blocks The fowl 3D boys killed were playing near the Frank Milne ditto Allan Theaker re indigent ML Albert Womens Institute Hed Cross Work by sparks from a freight engine A- Institute Cross Work And that the Corporate Sen hereto attached Carried Council adjourned meet Hie Municipal Hall Sharon April at oclock am A Mackenzie Clerk Your Country HELP BY Positively A Trial Product will Convince WHAT THE OLD MAN SAYS on plenty of water In stead of constant drugging many us would to surprised to see what an Improvement there would he In our health For many ills water is better than any medicine For sudden congestions and pains there is nothing more effective than hot fo mentations I or applied That It will Clean Thoroughly Your Pots and Pans Knives an Porks and all Kltohen Utensil to be cleaned Ask Your Grocer ft ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO

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