Newmarket Era, 26 Mar 1915, p. 1

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K J 1 9 Boxes chronic for chrome he had suffered FOBS For Ladles and Wen ASSORTMENT AT JEWELLERY STORE to v The Leading County Paper as well as the Oldest and Rest copies each week Circulation during I G JACKSON Editor and Proprietor AssistantEditor J NEWMARKET 0NTRRIDAY MAR April of years by a try Gia f f S Oat health Me loatSS ALEX MOORE Gin Pills is sold guarantee of back Made In Canada a box for S the name Co of Canada Hardwood Floors To look right must be treated right It is a very simple matter to properly care for them if yon JOHN SONS PREPARED WAX the most satisfactory and reliable prep aration for finishing and polishing floors furniture and woodwork It produces artistic lasting polish to dirt will not adhere It brings out the the wood and preserves it It prevents from and will not crack Because LETTER A BILLION WHEAT DEFICIT According to reliable statistics there are tied up the present time about two billion bushels of wheat the production of the count lies at war This is In tine vicinity of halt the worlds production wheat I A members the Legislature to dinner reco J ar fS one last week the warring nations The Hanks arc taking united action to punish all frauds who issue cheques without funds to cover The Fines amounting to about were imposed on at the Police Court en Thursday the fines imposed weekly it is a vender that motorists are not more careful The municipal men of and New Toronto arc holding meetings and informally talking amalgamation into one corporation Human weakness even policemen sometimes With at out J an for Ml Wood more polishing wax lo the pound acid the best quality it produces the best most lasting sanitary finish and polish with the least effort and is the largest selling wax in the world For furniture woodwork oil cloth and it is Try it and see produce a onehalf crop in the coming year a million bushels will still be The three tries upon filling of this deficit of one billion bushels will rest are Canada thejtjnited States and The output of these countries in only their exportable surplus would course be much los so it easily be seen that the is not one to be easily solved end I in cash distributed through his Canada to increase James was as much as she possitly last week in a departmental store on a charge of stealing cent purse itself and the During the past week Toronto j nations undergo a process of re-hab- Control mad which the demand for all bread- is intended to prevent the war stuffs must be enormous widows Toronto lelne prey- JOHNSONS PREPARED WAX is sold and recommended by not give your opportunity to make their study and Give them the same chances to win pro motion and success J as the lad having the advantage of WEBSTERS ITERNATIONAL in his home This new with final author- Is of puzzling questions geography biography arte The place to buy good Paints and Varnishes PHONE NEWMARKET South End Lumber Yard J Colored iiciT7 with liter Is equtrlent volume encyclopedia Accurate than Dictionary REGULAR AND INDIA- PAPER WRITE Map4 Pit i G C C0 MASS SMALL CEDAR POSTS AT EACH PEARSON Carters Alfred Bishop St Harvey Ontario Murphy upon by deliening persons who them all kinds of investments as as th over to the widows the in surance on their husbands who died BRITAINS HERCULEAN TASK The Official Eye Witness with British Army has issued a warning fighting Britains The Hoard against the suggestion that the report on a of mans ate a beaten He says visions that they are well organized In tie tointy dav last have resources are fed up week jury awarded Mrs Jessie illusions and are received of ultimate success No a seat in ret was needed the on Centre Island collapsed her the task that is before the Allies For Era SASKATCHEWANS EXAMPLE Now Hint Saskatchewan Government has announced that they are going lo all bars during the war and that a vote will bo taken on a majority basin after the war as lo whether these places will ever bo or not the temperance question litis become acute again in Ontavio Although some of the details are different these main features of Saskatchewans proposal cor respond to Mr proposals here which arc to close all bats during tho war and then to sub mit to a majority vote of electors they will ever he reopened or What will the Ontario Gov ernment do on the question is thus again the live issue of the day The Temperance are none too confident owing to Hon Mr Hearsts avowed declaration that be prefers a zigzag Saskatchewan has chosen a very straight road Nine Million Dollars Short Ontario Expenditures Main and supplementary estimates looido Further r 3468955 based on last years TERMS per annum if paid in advance lo United Slate paper sunt out of North unless paid in advance J Vol No I Single Copies 3 conts each ANNUAL fflETINQ OF NORTH YORK CONSERVATIVES North York Conservatives in goodly numbers foregathered iu the Newmarket Town Hull on Sat urday afternoon be ing the annual rally of the with a representative gathering from all parts of the riding The presence of the fed erul member A YEARS AGO From Era Kyle March 31st i- P with Lennox M A and Hon Maciliarmid on July 1st last Judge l re served judgment to whether or Mrs lessee of the place should pay the money The premises of the but if there were this surely supplies it In addition there is also vivid in dication that the area the war will spread in the near future and that countries now experiencing unrest in Mattress Co rr of their attitude of in on one side or the other This of course means farther with drawals from agricultural and in dustrial activity It also indicates were destroved fire last week Loss on building and contents is es timated at At the Polite Court King before Magistrate last shortage in of all week the charge of wet of foodstuffs giain goods into a opticn municilnd live stock and of horses This against lames A of will have to be made up was dismissed Ho was able to prove that it was for his own use and not for sale On the inst the Toronto Wo mens Patriotic shipped cases hospital supplies through the from countries that are enjoying the blessings of peace One of these is Canada It is our duty to Je that Britain shall not as far preventable suffer from a lack of foodstuffs or of such other useful Total est expend 319376704 Total est receipts Estimated deficit pro- Even in to be isumers At these con- lists who have and the best Rasing in Canada information is to the vegetable her producers The Canad- of Agriculture I of these Con- for other lis newspaper Food for the urges dairymen jeers to make Free Bulletins nadn Clip oat he coupon below these bulletins tht to yon t now Do not ma the envelope ill be On His I am now located in my new office and store house opposite the old eland and I am In a belter position than ever to supply my many customers promptly and satisfactorily Call and Inspect our plant Larger and better stocks than ever- H EVE Order by Phone or Carters Ben Manning Nelson Miller or Boyd Red Cross containing material as this country can produce sorts of necessaries and comforts for In other words both men and the sick and wounded The ship- are called upon to put their ment will be made as soon as possible rives any can be for the Toronto University Hospital The accomplishment of this If there is one thing we are best efforts so that when the time troubled with hoard it is the does not necessarily imply extra la- faddist it is time we cut out but it does particularly suggest fadsf This was the t more care in preparation of the of Trustee Vokes at the and in the selection feed and In INCORPORATED 1 BANK ofTORONTO Capital and Reserved When You vel Tae money with you in form of Bank of Toronto Travellers Cheques or letters of Credit are absolutely safe and suffi cient and are a protection against loss theft fire or other Their coat fa Obtainable from any ot the Hank Toronto Blanches In Ontario Quebec and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH il A LISTER Manager J V J1 it of Apiculture for Distribution l Material and Ash Cypress All properly kiln dried THE WM CAN Doors in Veneered Trim in Ceiling Wainscotting Pine Hardwood Flooring Maple Oak etc Verandah Columns etc NO BETTER LUMBER EVER GREW THAN THAT WE HAVE IN FOR YOU DRY AND AND NEATLY DRE88ED The Kind Thais RATED THE VERY BE8T U Y IT meeting last week Plans srecifications lor the new Building at the farm- were submitted to the Hoard of Control last week au ap proved There is a feeling anions some of the residents of the Scarlett Plains that the explanations of the council regarding the insurance of soldiers should be accepted and J hat it Is more the duty of York County and still more the government to lok after the disabled and the dependents of the soldiers killed in With the finders of his hand lacerated lames Reynolds Weston was removed to the General Hospital Friday afternoon Rey nolds was en ployed in a planing at West and had his lingers caught in a shaving machine Three men were precipitated from a collapsing scaffold at the Poison Works last week and had to be taken to the Hospital Busy day in the Police Court last There were two cases seven cases of fraud nil eleven charges of Ihfft be disposed of Also a lot Of Chinese rounded- up in an opium joint attention to the breeding and rearing of live stock Towards this end conferences in connection with the Patriotism and campaign and the bulletins rhets and reDorUs that are to be had on application to the Branch Department of Ag riculture will greatly help ooo DONT KISS BABIES For the first tew months the Lube should do little but sleep and eat It should not be and tickled nor should it he hawked a out its feeding hours should be regular and between times let it alone lh persecution these little ones suffer at the hands of silly relatives family friends is really pitiful Leave the babies alone and let them grow The death rate iu the first three years of child life is greatest and after that every added year increases its safety The most frequent cause of Infant mortality is improper teed and im pure milk stomach of the new born babe is a very small and a The Local Council of Women decided ls through the to ask the action of this snail and delicate 0 Directors that the Midway comes and the cleaned up and have all objectionable prc for the shows eliminated One lady pointed stomach lhe mothers milk out that freaks etc could be sent lThe will insist upon for and cents while it cost a nursing her child not only for quarter to the Art which was of real motherfed child is the one J P tor almost a the a so that w escapes a hundred dangers to which century a rcsdcnt Township Is exposed follow passed week He was the ls oldest J P in York bounty He w 0 and born in Ireland on January and came with Ids parents that year to Canada In religion he was Methodist Virtually he has was Iced her ciuiu no In the City tor the last thirty lake lhis w0 for child it is when we stray from her that In fant mortality begins The mother must be well fed It she teed her child make no Weston municipal Council on Fri day last decided to retain K to work connection with W J Douglas acting for the petitioners to recover sums said to have overpaid on the sewage work of the corporation Mrs Lily claims life SG0 LT so many food fads and eat so many things that have really no food value that often the mothers milk is de ficient in certain essential elements necessary for tho childs Think of all the elements required bone muscle energy nerve we cant live today without nerve the heart lungs in all the thoracic viscera Insurance from the Metrofoftan 1 abdominal viscera the Co Her husband was re- tra must be fed and kept killed in Flanders and as the tfrnw the must crowing and City insured the lives of volunteers lho f laVcs provide here Mrs Neat claims the Insurance chill The Company reply that deceased re- lo understand sided outside City limits and that that a most generous diet Is requited These are not the deficit which have been mentioned dur ing the last few weeks which were for the fiscal your of 1911 These new figures based on the estimate of this year the fiscal year of and it shows that the Province is still running far behind Taking out for the Hydro and for the Railway may he revenue producing it still leaves a net shortage When the Premier was asked how he intended lo meet this big deficit he said that for one thing there would he a new borrowing bill The Government and the War It is to be noted that none of the expenditures nor receipts for include war items As a matter of fuel the Government have now passed their estimates for the fiscal year of and have not se cured from the Legislature a sin gle dollar for war purposes Any money have spent this year has been obtained under special warrant In view of the that the Dominion and Imperial Govern ments did secure big voles from their parliaments for war it rather confirms an idea which is becoming prevalent that the On tario Government does not intend to use all the proceeds of the war lax for war purposes In spite of the arguments of Mr Howell and his colleagues the Government led by Mr Hearst refused to pass the Leader of the Oppositions amendment to the War Tax Dill slating specifically that all the proceeds from this special tax should he applied for war purposes only The Govern ment did accept one or two Oppo sition proposals among their proposal that exemption of industrial concerns from luxation should not apply in this case There will be no exemption ex cept statutory ones such us schools churches and similar in stitutions Notes Mr bill to reciprocity in automobile li censes with the American States although introduced by a Con servative member was opposed by Hon Mr and with drawn The Government is broadening the scope the succession du ties to provide more revenue from litis source Hon Messrs and Fer guson now Ministers of the Crown are in attendance at each meeting of the Committee coaching Herbert Len nox MPP the new Chairman and showing him bow to follow their example and shut off inves tigation There lias already been one stormy meeting on account of this John new Liberal mem ber for North Middlesex is in troducing a Dill to provide reg istration for in rural dis tricts us well as in Cities as a to moved responsibility Housekeeping expenses are on increase Owing to tariff difficulty and extra cost freight and so forth all to ol and demands Every food the mothers to meet these frtif should be daily rations from the time con ception untll the child is weaned Thee is no better resting place for marmalades brought in from tJmn ft caTr will show an excess ocr las- vcranuah sheltered from winds or in the south room of cents a eoien or there Marmalade of a wellknown which cost last year is to and most lines show an Increase of or three cents more than cost house well ventilated warm 1 winter time the the the Send the Era to absent friends STAR OF FATE Dr Almanac for tells us that if a person is born between March 22nd April their sign Is Aries Hence they are earnest and sincere full of life and activity are quick tem pered ambitious impulsive and fond of power Men are drawn to polities and women are very ex- and fond of entertain ment Jealousy frequently be longs lo this sign Tuesday Is your lucky day your flower Your mate Is found Taurus person born between April and May minister of public added interest to the meeting This was the ministers first vis it to the riding and his recep tion was of lho most cordial na ture The officers elected Were Lloyd president Or Clark first vieepres It 2nd with executive composed of has West Aurora Hal I id ay A Button and Button Henry Son net was reelected secretary- treasurer Dan ford of New market occupied the chair Responsible for lho War speak advisedly when dure that the action of lho Can adian Senate in rejecting the na val proposals of Sir Bor den at dictation of Sir Wil frid was in a large mea sure responsible for tho present European war said J A 1 in his opening re marks He read copious from a German paper published in New Hamburg Out to substantiate his claim He charged the Lib eral party with being untrue to their professed attitude the opening of the present session of Parliament and declared that lhe course in attacking the extraor dinary financial outlay and lh outfitting of the troops savored of disloyalty Heady for the Test Touching on the question of the possibility or otherwise of a federal election he said I Jo know whether an election is near at or not hut 1 am ready and eager lo lest the feel ing of people of North York on the general record of Sir Itohert Borden with absolute confidence Ho touched briefly on the mut ter of extravagance as charged against the Conservative govern ment ami contrasted it with the Liberal dealing at some length with the Transcontinental which he charged entailed a legacy of debt for all time to come the people of Canada From Quebec to be said the railway for the next years would not earn I per cent on the investment The Quebec bridge was also cited as another in stance of Liberal mismanage ment Hon Macdiarmid do- voted the major part of his ad dress lo a refutation of the criti cism levelled at expenditure of Si 000 000 in the building of the Government House the sit of which he said was well chos en and the money for which was obtained from the stile of the old government house on King street The building and furnishings would he wholly the product of Canadian us such serve a commercial and patriotic pur pose Progressive Measure He dealt at some length with the workingmens compensation board which he characterized Olio of the most progressive inci sures ever introduced in the pro vince Tho the act was designed to eliminate in a large measure much of the litigation which hith erto accompanied any claims by workmen for compensation it was to the credit of the bar of tin- province that not a member of the legal profession had the passage of the net Lennox dealt almost en tirely with local affairs refer ring briefly to lho kindly senti ments enunciated by preceding speakers In reference to Jus re cent selection lo the chairman ship of the public accounts com mittee As chairman of tin- committee every honest attempt lo investigate the public accounts of the province whether by Lib erals or Conservatives will be af forded every facility so long as I am chairman of that commit tee said the representative for North York He paid his compliments Hon Mackenzie King the Liberal nominee for federal honors in North York whom be character ized as a proGerman I violating no party secrets said Mr Lennox when I say that Hon Mackenzie King will not mo the Libera CQpdidatc in the next Dominion election in North York Died In Pickering on the wife Mr dames JVoodrura and daughter of tie lato of Newmarket Mr lone and Armstrong ably known in Newmarket Merchant Tailor has remo Cook stow Dr with residence on Hill has returned to New market to practice his profession Mr Henry has the Hoot Shoe trade at 0 his father Main Newmarket hilds Co are adverting they want to purchase hones within the next ten days for can remounts Mr Lukes has recently pur chased the Steam Mill is now refitting it for custom work Flax Culture the subject for discussion at the Farmers Club meet- tomorrow By a majority of 565 the rale- payers of Peel County decided to separate from York municipal and judicial purposes Brampton is to be the County Town Fall wheat promises well all over the County Of York this year The Mechanics Institute was a great success last Friday even ing Mr Trent occupied the chair YEARS AGO From Eta March isi Insworth- ti Ella Mcrttns of on as lho Altar the 16th Mr of Whitchurch to Ml of Charles Perry on the of 1eby at the residence of the brides parents Wesley J White to Miss Rachel K Watsonall of King in residence of Mr Henry Mr Thomas Oak Ridges to Miss Hose Aurora The TombAt Sharon en the Mr Amos Ludy Crook the William of Mr of New marketaged years Sugar making Commenced Keswick people report the lee Retting shaky lake J he Methodist Church of Keswick was completed 0Il and leaks fine Miss Gertie lea for Toronto en Monday to fill situation Miss McCaulev is spending couple of weeks with friends in the City Miss of is- visiting the Misses on Pros pect Ave Newmarket Mr of St Thomas who was here for a week on account of the death of his sisterinlaw left for home last Mr Hughes was called on Tuesday owing to serious illness of his mother Messrs Fred Pirn and of Toronto were in Town on Tues day attending the funeral of the late Amos The many friends of Mr Samuel will be pleased to know that his health is improving He has teen very poorly Miss of was visiting with Mrs Sax ton a few this week Mrs Davis who is living with her mother in Victoria Avenue left for on Wednesday- word hav ing teen sent to her that her grand son had leg broken Mot Minnesota ar rived last Friday She had been call ed here on account of the serious of Mrs Phillip her mother who gradually sinking from grippe Mrs Eli has been confined to bed for five weeks Several to inn have been seen in Town this week The Town Hand now and is good Disturbance at the post inf ceased the presence of a couple constables did the business Ol i to the of We but faith we cannot know For if of things we And yet wo trust it comes from thee A beam In darkness let it grow- Tennyson on Rats clears out Rats Mice etc Dont Die in the and at Drug and- Country Stores YOUTH SHOT AND KILLED years loam was shot through the last week by his friend Guy Williamson while the two were- out shooting in Township The two were renting a couple stuafAS a feet from each other when Booth suddenly exclaimed to his companion Theres Tb other boy swung his gun round sud denly and it exploded prematurely the bullet entering Booths left side Dr Cody of Mount Albert was CM yet he pronounced life extinct Coroner Shier decided that an quest was unnecessary as occur- was purely accidental CASTO For Infants and Children In Us For Over 30 Year r mi t r 5 I ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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