Newmarket Era, 26 Mar 1915, p. 2

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s TWO E A ON AY I tr H0U8ET0RENT Oh Court St Apply to J faraJtb Arden Ave Newmarket WANTED Carpcncfing or millwright work by J VahAHen opposite A York Radial Station Newmarket j SOCIETY COLUMN A- wirp family lie last Perrlns Greenhouses Easter Lilies but draw salaries of inot Ministers SPIREA DAFFODILS CARNATIONS FRESH PARSNIPS LETTUCE 3 10c PRICES Phone 135 S PERRIN HATCHING Bred Barred Rocks Single settlings or per Ap ply to Willis NEW HOUSES TO RENT Bad Newmarket Apply at Hamilton Bros Store cor Main and MR LENNOX ON THE TEMPERANCE QUESTION At the Conservation Meeting in Newmarket last Saturday Mr T J lo Lennox repudiated the statement K is in reference to his Mr will soon a com- number of ladies last Friday alter- ssfon In do almost Mr Michael left this week for Concord to visit a sick sister Mrs A J Hughes left for West last owing to the serious illccis of her son Mr Job Hughes Mrs A King of writes Wo look forward every week to the coming of the Miss True returned missionary tun Church from Japan was the guest Miss Morton while in Town Inspector Houston is spending three days this week the Hljjh School Tflcre is large attendance of pupils this term ISO the roll Mr Alex Mortimer o Detroit over attending the funeral of his bro ther late Mortimer Mr Mortimer of London and Mrs Shoemaker of another brother and sister of deceased Twentyeight nurses have been selected to go with No University of Toronto General Hospital Corps to the front with the second contingent stand on the liquor question- Wis remarks were not what one would expect from the representative of a like North York a a period the Ontario Government pro of ten years Parliament The monument In the late Jnmes lowing is an extract from tec report J Whitney ami to grant a life oMhc meeting in the Toronto Stat J skill of a year to his The total estimates tho At the last election this champion of temperance received a defeat If Main St North All Orders Careful and Prompt Attention The Cradle St Thomas March to Mr and my late oppenrnt weie so to the people in other ridings I would not have to canvass at all This Christian op of mine knew he was creating a wrong impression when he wrote that letter do not pretend to be a Christian and if I want to tell a he I tell one straight I would not con ceal it and then go to Church the Legislature is asked to sanction amount to 1 Of this sum about for civil government next day- month month Price and Also rooms at S3 per per From a humanitarian or Christian standpoint do not meas ure up to my but when- the occasion comes to promote the cause of temperance will do it In Concluding ho said that a I election might lake place within two or three months in the The Toronto Globe of Monday in leading editorial makes I he following observation Just think it over ami take nolo of what it means Had the Ontario Gov ernment able and willing In consider landtax proposals they might nut he under neecssSlv Mrs Caldwell Karl a son SUGGEST A FEW THINQ8 THAT YOU CAN BUY FROM US FOR North York Hiding I even with their extravagance of levying any x ion the people of the Province Mr Howell pointed put that if the increment tax had taken up I in a ten per Cent levy for Toronto would have yielded This could have heen obtained without any burden NEW LIQUOR LAW COAL FOR SALE Best Anthracite Coal at bar gain prices Orders IHIed at all hours Telephone No CLASS Millard Ave tf CARD OF THANKS Mr Mrs A Rogers wish to than the friends and neighbors for their assistance and sympathy during the illness and death of their sister Mrs Smith nee wMV TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to oclock on the let day of April to supply the Industrial Home until March with Bread Groceries and Dry Goods- Parties wishing to tender for any of the above mentioned supplies can get blank forms from the Home also necessary information respecting ten ders A E FIELD 2w7 Inspector Flour Mi mm Glenville Roller MILL Manufacturer of the famous ROSE PASTRY FLOUR WATER LILY BREAD FLOUR CANADAS PRIDE MANITOBA FLOUR These brands make the delicious Pastry Bread and Huns ask your grocer for our WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR for Brown Bread and MOSS ROSE MEAL for Porridge All Made From the Choicest of Wheat H ROBINSON Proprietor Phone 181o On Tuesday last the Ontario Gov ernment predated To the Legislature the long anticipated Bill making changes in the Ontario Liquor Li cense Act it proposes the establish ment of a Provincial Commission of five or more members with full con trol over the license system of the Province said Commission clothed with to refuse any license or to revoke any license issued but limited in issuing licenses the pre sent number in any municipality Another change proposed is the closing of all licensed shops through out the Province at oclock in the evening and the prohibition of sale to soldiers in uniform either over the bar or in the shops Another special feature worthy of notice is the fact that penal ties for infractions of the Liquor License Act are ly increased Local License Hoards are wiped out and the hours of sale will be entirely in the hands of the central Commis sion but the present local adminis tration will be until the close of the current license year Lo cal inspectors may be continued for some months The Bill also contaius a provision shutting up all places of sale on Labor Day The penalty for infractions proposes a lino of instead of for the first offence with a maximum of and the second offence a maximum of our months in Jail In introducing the above Bill Mr is credited with having made the following observations I think I m fairly that while it has been my duty as it has my Among the number is Miss May I of Newmarket additional instead coming home two weeks as they anticipated the Misses decided to acconpany their GIFTS GREATLY I Mr of i j loo and his daughter t Bermuda In No A Co No Platoon Bahama Islands Mr is Kb Bait Is lirijriuV health and it was thought a 1st CaMulei Contingent change of climate would le beneficial British Force Ierbort Ken Franco J his friends know he March 3rd wUWn lno sound of the great guns He- can not the Secretary of the to all he would to to kid lied Cross Society thank for re mem fieri rig him He went lust August- with Dear Mr or Madam- York Bangers a the 1st I must now thank you for the parcel you so kindly sent to me when we were on Salisbury went to Plains it was a splendid gift and wish you all every good luck Newmarket March 1015 to Mr and Mrs Leonard Parker a son St CLAIR In Newmarket on March to Mr and Mrs Noah St Clair son At Sharon on March to Mr and Mrs B a son In past on March 1915 to Mr and Mrs Chas Boyd a son KING In East on March to Mr and Mrs King a son WILSON In Newmarket on March t Mr and Mrs It Wilson daughter Whitchurch on to Mr anuMis a daughter The Altar At Detroit Mich on March beloved husband of Annie daughter the late Samuel of 3 Cans Peas 3 lbs Prunes 25c 3 Bottles Essence 3 Boxes Cleanser Boxes Lye 3 Boxes Ammonia 3 Boxes Cornflakes Tins Salmon JiTb Tins Salmon 16 Cakes Toilet Soap Castile 3 Pkgs 1 Good Broom PROMPT SERVICE OUR MOTTO I Pure Clover Honey In Bottles also 10 market and prosperity in the good work you are carrying out We are at last up at the light ing line and I am sure that all of us will do our best as the rep- Canidian Contingent A number Newmarket men Toronto Wednesday to bid goodbye to Allan He expects to leave for the front any day but does not know definitely when it will he The Nickel Express of Cop per Clin New Ontario- says Mrs J Allen gave handkerchief of a great Dominion for Miss Jean Caldwell of Blind toward keeping tip lie ancient glorious traditions of a noble Em pire Also I must say we arc proud to know we are fighting to keep flying our grand old flag which wherever it waves is a sign of loyal freedom truth and justice Once more wishing you good luck ami success I remain Yours very truly Mountain c J ACCU8ED OF FIRING HIS BROTHERS BARN AND THEN KILLING HIS GREAT RUSSIAN VICTORY Prisoners Captured March 23 The Russians have taken at nine Austrian generals of ficers and officials men guns of which arc heavy cannon besides great supply of war material The garrison originally consisted of privilege to introduce on several men of whom were bills of importance in regard to the license during the past ten years at no time has it been my duty or my privilege to introduce a bill more far reaching in its results bill more farreaching in its results of theadmlnistration of the liquor li cense law more farreaching la mini mizing the evilft of traffic or more In doing what Sir James Whitney In opposition said ho would do and in power attempted to do to remove as far as possible this question from the field of poli tics LOST HIS HAND WHEN a ft fie ftv Owen March through the back the body of James Edward Nicholson aged was found on the roadside two miles out of Owen Sound this ev ening by Reginald Guardhouse a local resident who was driving with his mother to visit friends in country Coroner Dow was notified and ft was teamed that the lad had been asked about eight oclock to go out driving a stranger for the purpose of holding the horse They went together to Mcintoshs Livery where the horse had been hired and together they drove away Herbert Thackeray King an Englishman only nine weeks out waa alleged to be the man who had hired the rig- An hour la ter P Thomas Carson arrested htm as he was driving in town and locked him up In the police cells Kings passage to Canada paid by his brother King Thomas aged son Isaac Ivy was tho victim of a serious accident on Wednesday morning A sawing outfit driven by Portable steam engine was in opera tion at the home when the governor belt broke and allowed engine to race at top speed It is said that the man feeding the saw pressed stick heavily against it to slow up the engine Whether or not this is to the reporter- could not learn positively At any rate the saw flew to pieces and Thomas who had been removing the blocks the saw received some of the flying portions in the hands His left hand was cut almost com pletely off just below the wrist and the right was cut one third across The unfortunate man was brought to Hut f hospital where it was found that the left hand could not be saved and amputation was performed The right hand will probably be sav ed but it Is doubtful if Mr will over regain the complete of it London- March Penny post age which has been for some time in effect between gland and the various British colonies has now extended by extended by a special order the owner of the burned barn from the PostmasterGeneral to a latter claims that owing to the dozen former German colonics which are now In the hands of the British military of naval forces mans indolence ho turned him out and the brother threatened to get even Arraigned as a va grant ho was allowed to go condition that he enlisted but after five days ho was discharged as an undesirable The accused is charged with murder the allegation being that he set fire to his brothers bam and afterwards murdered the lad to hide the evidence of his Incen diary act- The prisoner gave his age as and his brother hadnt seen htm for years prior to his arrival in Canada and knows hlng of his Send the Era to killed The number of men ex ceeds all expectations The fort ress which now resumes its old Russian name Perinyal was mag nificently equipped in the way of engineering artillery and was de fended with greater skill and de termination than Austrian had shown anywhere else Day attacks were Impossible ami night attacks difficult owing to the many searchlights but the Rues fans sapped steadily for ward getting their guns gradu ally into a dominant position they could choose their own Lime for the completion of their vic tory Nearly a quarter of the garri son had suffered with typhoid and scurvy Although the rations were growing more and more lim ited none but a few of the higher officers up to the end of Janu ary know that actual starvation was impending The real con dition of affairs was learned by troops when an aviator who was starting with messages for Vienna was shot down by the Rus sians and fell within the defend ers lines After that there was much grumbling in the garrison and almost a mutiny Some of the Austrians slipped through the lines at night and surrendered to the Russians The investing Ruasian force increased the intensity of their bombardment and the strain on defenders began to tell more rapidly during February Many were rendered insane by prfvaj lions and disease They filled ev ery available place but were with out medical attention The death list was very high Civilian inhabitants who had been to escape when the siege began swarmed about tho forts begging food and refuge but the commandant was unable to care for them death of two prominent generals in Febru ary from typhoid tended to weak en the determination of von commander of the fortress the end of February actual River Thursday Feb when a few of Miss Caldwells old Copper Cliff friends her with value- able pieces of linen and good wish es Miss Caldwell is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Caldwell former ly Newmarket Martin L of writes We look forward to the coming of the Monday- I notice by your paper that the ratepayers of the old Town have had several opportunities of using their franchise late Was glad that Option was sustained such a large majority and trust that the new Council of will strictly enforce it We have had a wonderful fine winter The month of February was very mild The thermometer just reached zero one day during whole month and then only fell to below We have had very little snow all winter and now almost goner- The weather is bright and warm and from all appearances the farmers will soon be on the land Tho Tomb Attention I The cups and prizes for this season will be to tho winners oil Tuesday evening next March 30th at at the Young Mens ClubRoom Main St which they have kindly In vited the Curling Club to use or that purpose AH curlers are request ed to be on hand lie sure you come St Pauls Church Service will be held V on Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday of Holy Week at in the morning and at in the evening- Short addresses at each service On Good Friday commencing at twelve oclock will be held the three hours service with addresses on The Last Seven Words Lindsay March The sum of property of the famine scarcely a Rank of Canada was stolen after its arrival torday by express from To- and Connie Heart a local dri ver for the Canadian Com pany Is being sought a suspect fleam who is years of age has always lived In Lindsay and his father Is a volunteer for military service Today was pay day for the local troops and it Is understood that the money intended for that pur pose to a late hour tonight the chief has received no reply to his calling for the arrest of Heart animal was loft For weeks virtually the only sustenance was obtained from smalt supplies f concentrated foodstuffs brought by aeroplanes A council of officers daily con sidered the situation but not un til they were convinced that there no hope of help from Aus trian relief column did they reach the decision to surrender With fail of Russians can now advance west ward with entire railway sys tem in their hands TORONTO LETTER At the annual meeting of Cana dian Automobile Federation held at the National Club It was decided to accept the invitation of the Royal Automobile Club of Great Britain to affiliate with body On Tuesday last the jury in the County Court awarded Basil Dale and his- wife 1935 damages against the Toronto Street Railway Mrs Dale was injured by a street car starting while she was alighting from It While on his way to attend the funeral of a deceased friend on Tues day Dr A dropped dt Avenue from heart fail ure A light engine smashed into a Ca boose a short distance west of Sunny- Bide Station last Tuesday The life of a Grand Trunk freight con ductor was saved although his escape bordered the miraculous Throughout the Counties 0 York Ontario and Peel thousands of acres will be let to pasture Instead of seeded or planted because farmers have been unable to hire the help needed for cultivation Reciprocity in automobile was urged upon the Ontario Govern ment this week by three hundred motorists Both Conservatives Liberals of this City are looking forward to a Dominion election at no distant pe riod Crocuses are In full bloom on the front lawn of residents of So was sentenced by fudge In the Sessions this week to pay a lino of go to Jail for six months on a charge of obtaining money by false pretences Last Sabbath was Passion Sunday in all the Roman Catholic Churches Special prayers for peace were Work has been started on the P It Subway on upper Street CAMKIUINKHNNIODYAt the resi dence of Prosser New market on March by Rev II as Mr Pert Cameron of formerly of Sutton West to Miss Ethel Edith Kennedy of Toronto On March 1915 at her late residence Home King Township McCallum aged yrs Interment at King City Cemetery on Wednesday of last week Deceased was the mother of Archie who well known in connection with the municipal affairs of the county March 1915 at Wellesley Hospital Christine Gladys dear ly beloved wife of Charles Ken neth 51 avenue Toronto Interment at Newmarket Cemetery In on March 19 Charlotte Granger on March 1915 Smith in her year Interred in i Cemetery on Sunday March March Floda Foster in her 2nd year SMITH In Newmarket on Sunday March Annie Smith daughter of the late John Rogers of St near New market 1 KIRTONIn Scott on Monday March 22nd 1915 Mrs William Kir ton aged years Funeral Wednesday to Cemetery In Pine Orchard on March Leonard Marshall son of Win J and Bertie Mar shall In his year Sad and sudden was the call Of our dear Leonard loved by all Ills memory Is ever dear And Is shed silent tear He bade us each his last farewell He waved his hand to His spirit flew before we knew That he from- us had gone The Family In 26o lb- Tins a AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Attention Given All ician and Family Recipes NEWMARKET tind Photo Supplies Fresh Hurlers Weekly Store Phone a T In loving memory of Vin dearly beloved and only daughter of Daniel and who departed life at Raven- shoe on March So gentle In manner so patient In oain My dear Vina left ire for Heaven to gain With nature so gentle and advice so kind It is in this world her equal to find Her memory Is as dear today as In the hour she passed away Sleep loved one sleep and thy vest God calls home first whom he loves beat We loved her much no tongue can tell How much we loved her and how well I God loved her too and thought It best To take her home with to rest Mother Plasterer Newmarket PLAIN AND WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CEMENT AND OF Concrete and Stone Foundations Cellar Floors and Sidewalks BRICKWORK ROUGH CASTING A SPECIALTY of Any Distance no Obstacle Drop a Card j J mum SOME OF OUR MEAT BEEF I BEEF BEEF I Rib Roast of Beef per In Roiled Roast of Youno Beef 16o per lb Shoulder Roast of Young Beef 14o per Blade Roast of Young Deaf 15o pec Rump Roast Half or Whole 17o par Wing Roast of Beef 16o per Brisket of Young Beef to Boll per Plate Boll of Beef per lb PORK Lean Roast of Young Pork per- Side Pork to roast VEAL 100 lbs Lean Stewing Veal Rump Roast Veal 10o Fillet of Veal to Roast and EXTRA SPECIAL hllldOurod Bacon per lb Half per Sliced per tb Shortening tb Al ways Pure Leaf Lard Beef and Pork Dripping 134t Bologna ORDERS FOR ON REQ OR US BY sour SB THE LEADING House Yun boy your Per Cash UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence Millard Then aid SI Is the Place to Get GOOD FLOUR FOR BOTH PASTRY AND BREAD Every Bag Guaranteed FRESH SUPPLIES CONSTANTLY ARRIVING LOTS OF BRAN AND SHORTS ALL KINDS OF FEED FOR FOWL Chtok Feed Is Best For Little Coll mid Leave Your Order or Phono a PROMPT DELIVERY A HOWARD Team Work of All Kinds Promptly Attended To ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO I I i I

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