Newmarket Era, 26 Mar 1915, p. 3

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W i Tins Y ONT Weekly Veal Veal 1Co 22 EC I A I- I Back Baton per per hortenlng ia I BY a BREAD so le Chicks J V leeks Hep change of Date order lo accommodate Fair the of S of the dale Sept and and Oct 1st- Siand Theatre management of the Slraud very kindly offer- Id in t oil a benefit show for Hockey Club nub liawbech successful again Ato in winning the chain- Son Hockey League but have fallen financially Send the show on Thursday evening April and let the see thai you appreciate the honor hey have brought lo the Come and bring your DAY J There is Another Man Last week Mr Frank Bailey joined the 3rd Contingent in To ronto for overseas duly Since coming to Newmarket Mr Bailey made many friends and became very popular in St Church circles He was an enthusiastic member of the Choir and took a leading part in recent dramatic performances He will be great ly missed especially- by the young ladies Presbyterian beautiful Cantata to Calvary will be given St Andrews Choir on evening Miss A M will assist choir A rare treat is in store for those who hear this very in teresting work Silver collection at the door Christian Endeavor who were not present at the weekly meeting of the Young Peopled Society last Tuesday ev ening missed what was indeed p great treat Miss True one of own missionaries who has just returned from Japan lo Society on the life and lonis the Japanese and also pointed out the good work the Missionaries arc doing in that At the close of the tul- colored views of Japan shown which with Miss True description of the pictures was interesting is cordially invited to pome mil next Tuesday evening at A t hear the subject v ile Hooks Of the Bible and Why discussed Miss Ada Tri- is in charge of the meeting and a pleasant evening is assured Curling A most satisfactory curling season was brought to a close one evening last week when Mr Luke Doyle was defeated in the finals for the trophy after a game of twenty ends The win ners of the several trophies are as follows Davis Cup Ay lea worth Cup Hums Shield Canes Factory Gain Trophy Geo The latter is a handsome set piece of silverware donated by Mr Thos of Toronto for merly one of the Newmarket hoys Mr Luke Doyle has been in the finals last two years for this handsome trophy Presbyterian Guild On the evening of March tin- the Youilg Peoples Guild Church held their annual St Patricks Social The School was decora ted in green nitd fin setting for a gathering in honor of the Irish Saint Dur ing the evening Mr Alex Eves sang pretty Irish songs and the Thomas gave an ad dress on Si Patrick The rest of the program consisted if games and contests The last event of the evening the refresh ments had a unique feature in the shape of two birthday cakes in honor of the birthdays of Mr Thomas and Mr Anderson Work Commenced A number of men are employed at the alterations and extensions of lie Light and Power The new poles are in I rimmed and framed on the Metropolitan grounds off Park The holes are being and new poles placed along Main Street for the new Power line As soon as the poles are erected fop the main line the poles on side lines will he removed and extension lines present electric light plant will not be interfered with the work on the new line is progressing At a special meeting of tho Council on Monday evening the ini- and Light Committee was authorized purchase whatever supplies are required complete III work The Committee was also instructed to remove the water pip line across Fairy Lake and build a new line on the Fast in accordance with the Ogre ureal with the Office Specially Co ft was also decided to build a Aew concrete storage basin of gals capacity on the Water Works lawn at an cost of to provide against any possible shortage domestic water during the dry season and also to prevent the pumping of pond water into the during the progress of a fire This work will commence aoxt week so as lo provide em- ploy men I for idle men of J G Pulford The following is copied from llo- Advocate deceased being a cousin of Mrs IK- line of St and well- known in and around Holland landing Death came to Mr J of Street with start ling suddenness on Tuesday Motor Club Banquet Between and attended the second annual banquet of the Newmarket Motor League at the King George Hotel on Tuesday ev ening and it was a most enjoy able affair The Menu was served in manner which called forth much praise from the city guests The chair was occupied by Mr A J Davis the popular president Of the League and Mr A discharged the duties of toastmaster in a very efficient and pleasing manner Splendid speeches were by Mr Digby President of On tario Motor League Dr 110 exPresident J Gibbons Chair man of Meijibership and Mr Robertson Secre tary all of Toronto also Firth of Pickering College Mr spoke of the work the Ontario Motor League is ac- agita- of Mrs Qlbney After an illness of over months Mrs has pass ed away at the Western Hospital Toronto on Thursday March ll All that could be done for her here was of no avail so she advised to go to the Hospital in Toronto but she steadily weaken- the end came and she ws taken to her rich reward Deceased was a member of the Methodist Church and one who was much respected by all who knew her She leaves a husband live sons and two daughters lo mourn their loss The funeral look place on Sun day afternoon from her home on Charles Street to the Newmar ket Cemetery and a great deal of this is due to Hie abuse and neglect which thvy are subjected lo In the evening a very well at tended meeting was hold in the Laskny Temperance Hall where an interesting illustrated lecture was given on various farm prob lems by Mr J Great credit is due lo the executive of the Farmers Club in get ting such good attendance at the meetings St Johns Special tor Peace was made last- Sunday by order of the Pope Palm Sunday will be duly observed next Lords Day and special services during Passion Week Brlefleta War stamps will come in to force on the Mr Moore the tailor has got onto the ground again Next Friday a holiday Coed Fri day Messrs havt got their logs all converted into lumber d Police Court A case of considerable interest in volving shooting of couple men Was called at A oclock yester day just after we got to press Developments were anxiously ancipated AGENTS FOR PATTERNS ALL USE BAKING ev- New Prints New rep Now Linen Raja New Vestlngs Also the very latest creations In Black A White and Fancy Vollles Boots and Shoes ffl mm yam New Stook for Tbo Largest and Most Data In Town to From Tho Workmanship on Evopy Pair Guaranteed And We Sayo You Money Every Palp- of Mens Wo mens op Childrens Shoos You Buy on tins Sardines fop 2 Pink fop porn op fop 2Bo 3 Taloum Toilet for 2 Wheat fop 3 Quart Jolly fop 3 tins fop Relish fop 25o 2 Onion Salad fop 26o Epsom for 26o lbs Sulphup fop 26o iAi St A P A Rev Canon Gould Secretary of the gave a highly in teresting address on Palestine and countries of Ihe Orient last Tuesday police Court Canon Gould was before his coming Canada resident medical missionary of in Palestine The genlleinan showed and described many pic- lures of people and places in llie Holy Land portraying in vivid word pictures the customs and habits of those eastern countries Some very line pictures showed how the gospel has enlightened the people of those countries how they have in some cases S S Convention than half a car load from attended the Con vention in Aurora en and report an excellent program well carried out notably lion for good roads which is be coming epidemic and will shortly be product of great good to the country Work is progressing oil the pavement between Toronto and Hamilton and is promised to he completed by Dec 1st To ronto to is getting a start and end of Ihe line should agitate for Toronto to Newmarket He also referred the visit of motorists to the On tario Legislature on Tuesday to urge the recognition of license be tween Canada and the States The feature of the evening however was the Admirable ad dress of Or on The adopted Western Gaines Etc One very good picture was that of a large school which was built and is maintained by the congre gation of St Pauls Church To ronto hearty vote of was accorded Ihe spanker and it is hoped thai at some future da Canon Gould will return and give us further reminiscences of life ID the Orient Last week Police Magistrate fined Geo West and John of King Township and costs cadi for feeding the carcase a animal to their hogs Death of Mr West The circumstances attending the Owing to trade depression through so many Men being out of employment We are forced to dispose of our Mens Wear All goods at Cost and Some goods Below Cost Rather than carry too heavy a stock as the Bankers Bills must be Paid Automobile in Peace and War In peace the auto had done much lo cement the bonds of friend ship hut in war its usefulness was most striking The fact that French troops were trans ported 38 miles in three hours from the gates of Paris lo the firing line at tho most critical time in the history of the war was cited as a tribute lo the effect iveness of the automobile while the loss of life among the sick and wounded is being reduced lo a minimum Air-craft- and its signal success in the present struggle is also the outcome of Ihe perfected motor power Much information was also given about the new Canadian armored mot or car which will soon go lo the front in the service of Lord KiU I The election j of officer- for Newmarket League resulted as follows A J Davis Pies A Br union ViceProa P Firth J Patterson Treas Iff It orison A and Verne Cane Acknowledgement The following letter was re ceived this week by Miss Nellie Forsyth from the Head Office of Canadian Red Cross Society Miss Nellie Forsyth Can lied Cross Society Newmarket Out Dear Miss It is willi pleasure acknow ledge the receipt of your letter of the inst enclosing a bank draft for to be dispos ed of as follows lo be paid to Mc Laughlin Company for mo tor ambulance so kindly giv en by the people in your dis- Icicl to pay expenses of one nurse tr000 to pay for the cost of cots Dutchess of Hospital at Cliveden in payment of an ac count rendered March Hi In all I need hardly assure you that the central Council of the Cana dian Cross Society deeply appreciate the good work lliflt lias been done in Newmarket You will he glad to know that the ex ample set by you is being follow ed in many other parts of the country Faithfully yours death Mr- Benjamin West last week are rather sad He was formerly a farmer Bradford and too up his residence in Sharon en account of 111- health the result of an accident some years ago He has been an in alp for tho past year attended with great devotion by his only daughter dust week previous to his death they removed to Newmarket for the sake of modern household convenienc es Five sons survive only one at home The funeral service took place at the residence on Lome Ave last Sat urday afternoon conducted by Rev Thomas and was quite largely attended there being a large connec tion of relatives in this vicinity The remains were interred at Newmarket Cemetery High at Cost Price At very close Cut Prices lower than the City Prices Brought to Newmarket On Wednesday the remains of Mrs Ootids were from Toronto by in terment at Newmarket Cemetery accompanied by her husband Mr formerly of Bradford and other relatives Deceased was Ihe daughter of the late George of Newmarket and wife of the Man ager of the Head Office of the Home Hank of Canada A week previous to her death she the hospital for a minor ope ration pneumonia developing on Wednesday following sud den death was great shock to a large circle of friends A boy two years old and Hie husband her mother and two sisters sur vive Her fattier has feeep dead nearly years pi fcAAJAAAJ A O Nearly attended Grand Lodge in Toronto last week and it was Ihe most harmonious and in spiring meeting for years Every proposed amendment to the constitution was voted down except Ihe one to eliminate Option clause which was carried almost unanimously members took advantage of option lo exchange their certificate for a paidup policy for amount contribut ed to the Beneficiary Fund which lessened the liability of the Or der by nearly and out of this number 1 died during the year thereby effecting a say- IS The morning last While wailing for lb- Pulford to join break he passed away without a moments warning Mrs Ins the sympathy of many friends in her sad and bereavement John Pulford was horn at Holland Landing OnL years ago and was the son of George ami Martha deceased some years ago His first en trance into business life was us bookkeeper in tier fields Foun dry Bradford A few years later he entered into partnership with Mr Fisher of Walker to ii Ihe foundry business years ago he retired from firm and accepted trie district agency of the Co for From Ibis he re signed a couple of years ago built a comfortable- residence on Gondii street and lived a quiet retired life on account of O health hi lie mar IM of Holland Lunilinrr who survives him logelher with One Mr A and an adopted daughter Mrs George Woods of Alia His only sister Wis Williams of died some time ago The funeral took oil Thursday to Kirk wood Cemetery where bis mother was I buried and was largely attended Mr wan a Past Master of augeen Masonic Lodge Walk- and was buried with ftOrtic honors by the members of Lodge Tin pallbearers were six phst Lodge Pruning Demonstration On Monday afternoon on the farm of Mr Cameron Walkington King a very interesting Pruning Demonstration was held under the direction of the County Branch of Department of Ag riculture These demonstrations are being held in various parts of the County and are proving help lo those who are par ticularly interested in the culture of fruit Too many of the or- a place in Hie front rank I of this province are be- in the Province coming useless an early age Tlo gathering about midnight by singing Auld Lang Syne This League is a I y- young organization but for ami FINE IRING VATCHES CLOCKS j0IAMON05 cut g I ENGRAVING THE MAN WHO Cannot afford to be care less of his eyesight It often means the difference between advancement and loss of oc cupation If you experience headache or eyestrain when doing close work you should call upon us at once and ascertain posi tively that your eyes are all right or if not get glasses that will correct the defect It is often surprising what an immense degree of com fort may be realized from cor rectly lining glasses ATKINSON COMPANY Jewelers and Opticians P TICKET AGENT- MARRIAGE LICENSES Qvswwvvm Doath of Mrs Smith It is with sorrow that we record the death of Mrs Annie Smith which occurred at the homo of her brother Mr Albert J llogers on Prospect Ave I at I Sunday morning after a painful illness of several weeks borne with great Christian patience Deceased was well and favor ably known having been a resi dent of Newmarket and vicinity all her life She was a dough of the late John lingers and was born Oil homestead On St While making her home with her sister Mrs Phoebe Vernon of the latter passed away just eight months ago and Mrs Smith continued to take charge of but just before Christ mas she was laken down with a Stroke During her temporary re covery she was removed to the home of her brother hero and gradually grew worse until the end came which was pot unex pected Three brothers survive Win Rogers ami Albert J of Newmarket and Jona than of Toronto The funeral look place on Tuesday and was largely I Rev J Webb conducted the service assisted by Elder the remains being in terred in the family plot at New market Cemetery Many beautiful floral tributes adorned the casket from Mr ami Mrs Vernon of New market Mr and Mrs J Rog ers of Toronto Mr A Vernon and daughter of Mr Rogers of Newmarket Mr Mrs Oar Hold Rogers of Newmar ket Mr and Mrs Ell Armllago of Toronto Mr and Mrs Rog ers Mr and Mrs Johnson Jr and Mr and Mrs AJ Rogers of Newmarket Among the relativcsnud friends from dlstuney who attended the funeral were Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Jonathan Rog ers Mrs Eli Mrs Mrs Walter Rogers Miss Johnson and Mrs all of Toronto Mr Ver non and Miss Viola Vernon of bridge and MreOwens of Barrio NEWMARKET i ing of over lo the Bene ficiary Fund Notwithstanding all this gain lo the Fund Hie actuary figured that the Fund suffered a reason of- the Option of about Since the 1st of January more have taken the Option Those who have taken the Op tion arc still members of the Or der and unless their lodge dues are paid within days their policies will he annulled Hie same as if assessments were not paid The Lodge voted I the Canadian Patriotic Fund In the case of a deceased mem ber whose Certificate was an nulled owing to nonpayment of assessment by a careless son who promised to look the matter a grant of was made lo the widow who was reported lo be in destitute circumstances I his shows the fraternity side- Nearly all the Officers were reelected The AOUW is now regarded as the oldest safest financially and best fraternal Insurance So ciety in Canada and prospects are bright for a very successful year notwithstanding war conditions I 7 only Cream Not Blouses for Tailored Blouses In Silk only In Black and Colors for 298 Fancy Silk Blouses In Navy and White and for 198 and Lawn Blouses and 1 for hi- cJ iH r Toronto Markets March 1915 per bush ft Barley per bush Oats per bush Rye per Hay per ten per lb do Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Ducks pec lb- Geese per lb Turkeys lb OF- iO 30 0033 38 0 CO 0 0 13 0 24- Having on hand a largo of Mens Wo mens and Childrens Boots and wo have do- elded to dear them out at a low price Also a lot of other goods that will bo soiling at a big saving We wish you to and see these goods as you will be sure to derive a great benefit If you do If i Si mm Newmarket Market 3 Doors 8outh of King George Hotel Wain Street Newmarket it Hay ton EStes per per lb Potatoes per LIVE MARKET Wheat per bush SI Chickens per Barley per bush Oats per tush Buckwheat per bush Bran per ton Shorts per Ducks per lb 500 p 70 0 7 a 30 00 Turkeys per tb lb 0 IS The highest prices paid in To- this week were ji o 180 20 3860 o butcher o 10 o Calves Sheep I no 1100 Send the Era to absent friends Hogs off

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