Newmarket Era, 26 Mar 1915, p. 4

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IB- LING WO WINDING UP vVh it to the statement Hon White Minister of Finance- on the floor ot Parliament there has mi IS Canadian imports Of hundred million dollars in the Symptoms During past year with the sequent fall on Change of Life and How j In revenue He estimates the total She Found Relief expenditures during the coming year over including the Belleville Nova ScotiaCan Three estimated war expenditure of ago I was suffering badly with and he told Parliament and what the doctors called Change of I he Proposed to I was so bad row the whole of the latter amount that I had to stay in As the Canadian Liberal Monthly bed Some friends states On the present the told me to take a revenue would yield about Vege- this it is apparent that table Compound and new tariff and special taxes will it helped me from the first It is the only medicine I took that did help me and I recommend meet only part of the deficit The special war tax imposed it is estimated by the Hon Minister ol Finance will yield about eighty mil lions of dollars dependent course upon the volume of imports being I maintained The fact that the Premier has in- that the House will hold morning sessions commencing this week indirectly tells Parliament and the session is the Annual Meeting of the To ronto Reform Associalon last wee a resolution was adopted indorsing Sir in bis stand against increasing the duty goods and his that there should not be an election now with the great struggle on with fighting for her life A re- solution was also passed endorsing Mr Howell K l as leader in the ire s V fc it mi You dont know how thankful and grateful I am I give you permission to publish what your good medicine has done forme Mrs Smos Yarmouth Co Nova Scotia Canada Such warning symptoms as sense of country that of impending evil timidity lo a sounds in the ears palpitation of the heart sparks before the eyes constipation variable appetite A I MAT EC weakness and inquietude and dizziness I f I Mi IVI I are promptly heeded by intelligent wo- VmxAJ a men who are approaching the period in life when womans great change may Word has ien telegraphed from be expected Ottawa thai the Militia Department E Vegetable Com- orders to begin pound invigorates and strengthens the a fourth Contingent for the war De- female organism and builds up the weak- jtails to be issued later are now in nervous system It has carried course of preparation many women safely through this crisis J The Expositor ob serves Mr Howell calls the new government house at Toronto The Conservative journals beginning to slap the of tha Federal Government fox its tariff pol icy The Ottawa Citizen Conserva tive rises to remark The pre sent War Budget- has mutilated the preference absolutely out ol recogni tion bearers are now so high again imports that the very use of the term preference by Canada is a piece of cant And yet this is the kind of Govern ment North Yorks representative holds up his hands for A day of reckoning is approaching however ASTHMA COUGHsl SfASHODC CATARRH COLD SOAPING ft GEYSER A tad The allpil2TiforInhilcd tad the to with been to from Aslhmt If yon special to Medicine Co contt- Li Your letter will be opened read and a and held In strict confidence fir Ufa JONES St PRACTICAL PAINTER PaperHanger FirstClass Graiaer of all natural woods and General House Decorations In all the Latest Styles WALL PAPER SUPPLIED And on the Most Rea sonable Terms If you want the very BEST WORK AT THE LOWEST FIGURE You cannot better My paper hung at per roll any other paper per roll- Estimates Submitted and all work carried out by our own supervision and none but exper ienced men employed All Kinds of Signs Just give lones a Trial Satisfaction is Guaranteed Castle of Folly The term aptly fits a building of monumental extrava gance which has been erected on a site selected by monumental stupid- It is stated in the City papers that Hon Ferguson has provided for Ontario increasing its area of crown lands by acres at the valuation of per acre understand this represents the acquirement Indian in Forest of the western boundary of the Province Speaking of the boots supplied Canadian soldiers by the Militia De partment the Globe of Friday marks The Minister of might have been excused if as report ed he had threat to shoo who eer was responsible for the rubbish leather and scamped vyorkinanship in the boots supplied for the Canadian soldiers Government sup port men who have polled a Liberal vote confess to a sickening sense of disgust at what openly assert they knew to have happened En connection not with the boots but with uniforms with with saddles with equipment of Va rious with the letting of con tracts and the purchase of horses on the advice of party managers with division of excess charges te- twecn the contractors the party fund treasurers and the whole hu miliating carnival of ant rascality of which the revelations at Food that Round fury of of the larger gey vers In Zealand will not piny they a process only a too miicb weaken the Paul Id New Zen bind describes the soaping of a named be being present at author that officiating was a Maori known as Kathleen who was clothed In a flas rata QUEER ISNT IT Statistics recently compiled fihow that fathers who send thjir son- to college generally have their offspring follow a different occupation iron their own The sons of dueor lawyers prepare themselves to rlculturists and the sons of fanners engineers want to become doc tors and lawyers Well distant field are always green Men looking on their careers im agine their sons will have an easier time of it in some other profession But reasoning on the part parents is unsound and is unfair to sons who must the parent al decree Every known occupation crowded crowded with medi ocrity And there is always at the to plenty of it jsiasni aptitude ate as to- a young man as a sounl J ledge of his prohiession It Ottawa are suggestion hut a foretaste and a The first demand for yeas and nays this session in the Ontario House took place last Tuesday when Conservatives voted against giing the franchise married women Yes North Yorks man went with the majority and against the married women if PHOTO STUDIO Tltose old pictures of Father and are very dear to you Price less In fact Just bear In mind that your children would cherish Just such pictures of you We are also prepared to take your picture In the evening Studio open every Saturday or other nights by ap pointment Photographer Studio One Door West of the New Post Office I announced that Sir Wil frid is to visit Toronto month and will he the guest of the Liberal Club Federation Ontario at its third annual meet ing Mr Unwell will also be a guest on thai occasion De legates In this annual meeting are expected from all parts of i J Province Sixty Clubs will be re presented Dale of meeting will be announced later ASSEMBLY NOTES In reply to the member for Prince Hon J stated the Legislature that the pamphlets containing the addresses of Mr circulated as election material i B i 5 f v IT f1 is Tie Every to toot Dd home In HO likely rortD- some word A k jtcivr- New of Q r j i Word a COOO Pasta u A Stroke piper a own I convenient to One On taper Wt J The Government of Ontario and its supporters by a vote of to 20 de feated a bill before the Legislature to grant married women the municipal franchise as is now by spinsters and widows The comments as follows The trial the serpent is plainly apparent in this vote The liquor interest fears every extension of womens political influence the Government tears or or the liquor in terest Saskatchewan Province it- gone dry Beginning with Do minion Day ami continuing till the war is over the sale of intoxi cating liquors anywhere in the Province becomes unlawful The Provincial Government has com mitted itself lo this proposition and in May will ask endorsement from the Legislature for its pro posal to issue no or club li censes till after Iho war is overh and no holdup about it either etc CO 1XTV M Eavetroughing i is Hero is something lor Township Councillors to take into serious con sideration On Tuesday Chief Jus tice Sir John gave judgment in an brought by Little Co agcinjt the Township of Dereham He awarded complainants who are a wholesale dry goods firm for loss to goods which were damaged on ac count of the had A rig of the company was upset and all the goods carried were ruined on the of January The Chief Justice found that the road was dangerous and un fit for travel Indications are becoming more apparent as the days go by that a Dominion election will be held an early date Globe of Sat urday states thai a meeting the Liberals of West and Smith York was held last week in the rooms of the Liberal Associa tion of Ontario There was a largo attendance and the -Lib- showed thai they were en thusiastic Organization work was the main ilern for discussion and some arrangements were mabe for the three ridings riding will hold its meetings with in a shorttime during last campaign an printed and circulated partly at the expense of the Lrovincc were so distributed upon his own instructions Used pub lic money to further a political- cam paign- Was it According to a remark from premier Hearst there is no intention at present on the part of the Gov ernment to establish a provisionally owned telephone system in conjunction with the service Supplementary estimates presented to the Ontario House call for an ex penditure of S3 this is amaz- ing as compared with last year The bill of Mr Hook of South west Toronto requiring the Hoard of Education to to the old sys tem of terms was referred to the Committee Hon Dr Minister of that there was a great deal of con troversy over the point The amendment to the Telephone Act submitted by the AttorneyGen eral and providing fine for us ing indecent obscene or unbecoming language over a phone passed the House without a dissenting voice On Thursday of last week the Leg islature instead of lessening the num ber of ducks any one person mav kill during the open season actually ex tended the time during which ducks could be shot to fifteen days longer Mr Irish P for Toronto has a bill which reads The fare to by taken by a company of a railway operated by electricity for each pas senger shall not exceed five cents lor any distance in an urban munici pality and in the case of children un der ten years of age shall not exceed three cents lor any- distance but children in arms shall in all cases be carried free Mr Owens P P has a ball to amend The Municipal Act giving Councils power to regulate removing or wrecking buildings and to enforce spraying to prevent dust arising therefrom difficult for him to succeed in en oc cupation toward which he Is Indiffer ent and it is assuming a rather ptivc to force on a toy a profession without Consult In clinaions Fathers are of only The farmer likes to think of his sonittiner in well fur nished office and the doctor or thin his toy would le health ier and happier farming it than in supporting the Intrigues and Worrits of professional The unpleasant realities are not however to le avoided The old custom of the son Follow in the footsteps of his fath er may not- always have been right nut it was at least logical than the modern tendency to have cliil dren try something different re gardless of inherited or natural apt ness In no walk lite has the sup ply of earnest able workers ever ex ceeded the demand 9- covered with pigeon feathers The caretaker approached Kathleen with a big white bag In band was foil of floap cut into small cubes Are you ready Kathleen be asked Yea she promptly answered Taking out two or three of soap the caretaker threw Into deep throat and then hat iled bag to Kathleen Grasping the string handle at the bottom of the bag opened mouth and out poured a saponaceous stream Ten minutes passed but there was only a slight Increase In volume of steam at moutb and there were do subterranean signs of an Im minent eruption Fifteen twenty passed with very little change When thirty minutes bad gone there was a rumble then a splash of water The people Dear the geyser backed away Two or three more splashes followed and was higher than Us predecessor then came a hoarse roar a rush of steam and up past a low sulphur dyed sinter wall flushed a column of water carrying up clouds of steam Soap just wash ing soap bad conquered and forced It from Its loir Dp it continued to sixty eighty feet Walroa would gone higher If It hadnt been for the wind the care taker told me It ban been known to go ISO feet While played It played magnificently In shaft rumbled It flung Its hot breath upon the ven turesome and for more than feet around It shook be ground until earth trembled For ten minutes It rose and fell Then down It went like a tbermometer on a frosty night nntll It was a mere splasher mat com riwl and Why It Pays to Use Tungsten Lamps P Carbon tamp consumes IU watts and gives 32 WATT Tungsten consumes 100 watts and gives 80 cp 100 WATT I watts and gives HO WATT Nitrogen consumes wall and gives Coat of Burning a 16 P Lamp for Coat of hrs 26 Total Cost of Burning P Tungsten for 1000 Coat of Lamp 35 Total Cost NET SAVING DEMONSTRATION IN MY WINDOW I ELECTRIC WIRING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS I REPAIR WORK PROMPT ATTENTION AH lo puss Utiles and Regulations HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMI8SION OF ONTARIO of Market Building ALFRED R Contractor FOUR GREAT HEROES Their Fall From tho Oiddy HighU of Ambition and records that Alexander tbe who was the pupil of Aristotle at fourteen nod who over Macedonian sixteen while bis coat shown town Tittle for that new Spring Suit and Over- The of Suitings and overcoatings this season Is finest ever in season other was absent and who succeeded Whitby hit March Itf Philip when he was nineteen after last niiflit the jury Hie brought in a a former who was indicted for serious crime Chief Justice Sir Win who pre sided prill- climbing the heights of his ambition vrdioit from bis lofty eminence Alex- f guilty against Why sbder with his temples bound In chap dipped In blood of nations looked upon a conquered world and wept that there was not lo one for him to then in Penitential died amid scenes of debauch Hannibal one of greatest soldiers who ever lived after baring possed Alps to of Rome and having successfully fought and con- the armies of mistress of the world stripping three bushels of gold from fingers of her slaughtered warriors fled from bis country He died by poison admin lstered by bis own band In a foreign land Caesar considered as a general a statesman and a ruler has bad few equals and probably no superiors Aft er conquering clUea and dye ing his In the blood of mil lion of his enemies after having pur sued to death the only rival lie had was assassinated by those whom be considered to be his best friends the greatest general of modern times after having Oiled the earth with terror of bis name del uged It with tears and blood and clothed world as It were In sack cloth ended his days In banishment upon a lonely Island In A t- Suits and Overcoats made to your special measure guaranteed to fit and wear well ens flitter A N T Spec TINSMITHS ll is now stated that the beating appliances the now Government House for of Ontario cost When premised come lo occupied of the cost of feeding ibis plant with coal will ho propor tionate The Liberal organ It would pay elect ors to spend some money and lime making warm for the Govern ment that planned Ibis waste The for North York alands and voles for this expenditure mid has the fancy that Iho Tory picnic at Jacksons Point next summer will endorse Ufa action Will lliey- see in due time Now la the Time to Oct Rid of These Ugly Do you know bow easy it is remove those ugly spots so thai no one will call you Simply get an ounce of doublestrength from your drug- and few applications should show you bow easy Is to rid yourself of freckles and a beautiful complexion The sun and winds of February aud March have a strong tendency lo bring out freckles and as a result more is sold in these sure lo ask for the double- strength as Ibis is sold under guarantee of back if it fails lo remove the freckles r The loss three battleships in Thursdays attack on i the interior forts of the Dardanelles was received with regret Oeorgo Sutton farmer of the concession Vaughan Township near now lies at his home in a critical condition suffering from a deep gash on the forehead He had been found unconscious in the stable attached to the farm having been stunned by a kick- from a restive animal when stabling his horses lor the night Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR A Train Improved TORONTO MONTREAL OTTAWA Via Lake Ontario Line Fast time to Whitby Bovmanvllle Port Hope Belleville Trenton from OIM Agents or vyrlto Q Murphy Toronto ATKINSON SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE IN MORTGAGE OF LOT NO 10 ACCORDING TO PLAN TOWNSHIP OF VAUQHAN Under and by virtue ol the powers contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of the sale there will be offered for by Public Auction on Saturday the Ten day of April the hour of Noon at No Carlton Street Toronto by Messrs Townsend Company Auctioneers the follow ing residential property lteing In the Township of In tho County of York and Province of On tario hall a mile north of the Village of Elgin Mills and No Man No County of York TO BR with a light of way oyer Number Twcntyfnnr ill said plan comprising acres upon which is said to be situated a two- storey unfinished house store stable and driving shed Well Pump and about Trees Said property Is five minutes walk from Yongo Street and the Metro politan Car The proporty shall be sold subject to a reserve bid Terms per cent 0 purchase price to be paid down at the of sale balance within 30 days thereafter For further parti culars and conditions of sale apply to Messrs McWhlnney A Brown Sun Idle Building Toronto solicitors for Mortgagee at Toronto this day of March 1915 Anotbtr Way to Qt Evn want to Dr Blank for heavy said angry citizen en tering lawyers otnee What has bo at torney When bo oporated on mo ho left a pair of In me How much can I one for dont him at all the lawyer just tend him a bill for 8tranoe Works to Him The asked solid man of her guest list to tako a talkative young woman In to dinner The girl did her best to keep up the conversation rang ing from Wall street to the and back Only once did the solid man de sert unfailing affirmative and that was when oho asked Do you like Boo worker Never visited them be replied What doe bo Argonaut Why llotbor asked Tommy Hi It cor rect to say that you water a horse when be Is Yes my dear said his mother Well then said Tommy picking a saucer Im going to milk the cat Ladles Journal the Line simply fine to wake up In the morning and bear the leaves whispering outside your window City ManIts all right to henr the I wive but I never stand henrlng the grass mown ill NOTICE As the season is comingoh for up you will no old Copper Bras Iron and Bags for sale Let know by mail or otherwise when you want to dispose of it and I wit call I will pay you a fair market price Wo also buy Fowl Wool and Horsehair Wo will pay an extra price if goods delivered our house- I have buyer on roads but Box WoWinarkot THEYRE FINE FOR KIDDIES of Chtmberitlna and Thalitlleolk SO often i mild and they do appreciate Initcad raUtut For atomaeh trouble and si to bed All or aeod to CO fte oven quickly I ten fret Oldest ioriccatiCf Scientific weakly Journal toe prepaid Jfl3e3Brod Li EL 5 eres Your Partner DID you ever consider the need of a good live partner in your business a partner with a goodwill and standing that is indisputable Do you need one Then look to your tele phone Use it intelligently and systematically if you want results More and more its wonderful and far- reaching powers are being understood The Long Distance Telephone is just the partner you require f Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station f E The Bell Telephone Go OF CANADA a ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO

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