a this which and it are They Health Examined WIS Hi nil l To and for ills lit death one ally is the fop bush y Jr buy it at re for and Inert the f NEWMARKET FRIDAY MAR CHINA A s ut on Red Cross Knitting Ton -V- SEED field and Garden In paokago on bulk Clover and Timothy just now buying is In favor purchaser With tho demand later when spring opens wo would not bo surprised if price goes up MANGEL and TURNIP SEED in fact our stock In all lines of seeds is now complete The requested- hoi to for get the regular- Knittihs Win be Church next af ternoon commencing Ladies should go prepared to purchase the new Cross Hook- which will be on at the Review Sunday In the regular course or events next Sunday is review day the Sunday Schools- At the Methodist Sunday I School it will be served as Pe nsion Day There will TORONTO LETTER as he two ad dresses and two special well as the usual singing leii the Orchestra Direct Importer of Staple and Fancy China China Hall Grocery mini FOR THIS WEEK 3 lb cans of Apples 3 for 25c lb cans Lobster export Quality 20c 2 lb cans Beets very choice fop 2Jc Canned Corn 3 for Canned Peas 10c 3 for 25c Canned Boans 10c 3 for 25c 3 cans Asstd Vegetables 25c pure Clover Honey in bulk 15c lb Pure Maple Syrup 36c quart Syrup Mixture 25c quart Table Syrup in bulk and In 5 and 10Ib palls Petty Thieving The station platform lights are now enclosed in wire baskets and locked to prevent then I electric having been stolen last i month Those who are in the habit of frequenting the It station on Sunday had better stop away as summonses will be issued for pass Easter Blouso Sale Clearcig our Silk Net and awn Mouses Cost at lumiys Free Car The Toronto A Radial Rail- Way Company very generously placed at the disposal of the Ladies of New market on Friday evening last a special car to take the Ladies and their from Newmarket to the Concert which was held the Mechanics Hall Aurora that even ing The proceeds of this concert was go to the relief of the war sufferers in France The consideration and generosity o the Toronto A York Radial Railway Company ihis matter is ap preciated both in ami Aurora Those who went from here were delighted with the concert A fully equipped motor ambulahee will be donated by the boys of the tipper Canada Colic and friends to the tnadUn Cross Society for use at front The Mission Hoard of the Presby terian Church during the past week decided to cut down the grants first by fewer fields and to re duce the grants to augmented charges A number of burglaries have occur red in the eastern section of the City chiefly at houses when in mates hate been temporarily away home and Com pan have on- suit against the City of Toron to for 4353650 for services rendered in connection with the report fin the street railway purchase The plain tiffs were retained by Mayor but the bill has been turned down by the present Council Saturdays parade of soldiers strong It took over hour to pass a point It was a grand spectacle MajorGeneral Sam Hughes Minister of Militia came up from Ottawa to see the parade and left for Niagara towards evening Already 150 competitors have en tered for the common or vegetable and flower garden contest for the approaching season Mrs Mary And si children aged to 16 have teen awarded against the Inland Lines Limited and the P It for the death of the husband and father building a quantity oi foil striking on the terra head A big rally Ward Three Con servatives and their friends in the nature a complimentary smoking concert is to take place in the As sociation Hall this evening when Sir K Foster will deliver an ad dress The City Council decided by a ma jority of to to allow Corporation Counsel Geary to go to the front with the soldiers at full pay during absence he must pay for sub stitute to fill his place while away It is now anticipated the Sessions Court will adjourn today Although full ury panel has been in attend ance at the cost of the County of York less than liall-a-gloz- of th cases were tried by jury dur ing the whole termf Frank Wilson was sentenced to five years in the penitentiary this week by Judge in the Sessions Court on a charge of high way robtery The Private Rills Committee of the Legislature refused to grant Toronto permission to establish a re lief fund 99 his horse on Saturday and a dislocated shoulder Saturday in West Muchly Wanted Mr Tom Kirk our artistic mason has been called to assist in plastering and to do the ornamental work on the Aurora Office his work on the Newmarket Post Office having given bitterness has MajorGeneral Steele was thrown from A fire potash factory on Toronto The steel car ferry Ontario No 2 the largest of its kind ever construct ed in Canada will be launched on Sat urday April 3rd at p at the Poison shipyards The new ferry I will have tie largest carrying ca pacity of any boat of this type on water also accommodation passengers Last Friday night I for many years a pro minent minister in the Methodist Church passed to his On the Monday previous he celebrated the anniversary of his birth A fence feet high which for some weeks has marred Indian Grove and upset the happiness of si dents was burned to the ground last Sunday night Of course the now changed to the A Liberal llally under the auspices of King Association will take place at the Temperance Hall on Saturday evening Mar commencing at S oclock- A Roebuck of Hall Toronto one of the finest speakers the will deliver an dress Kvervbodv invited It is pe I I ted that tin Hall he packed 0 AURORA A public meeting under of the the auspices Liberal Club will be held in Threat re on Friday evening the 26th commencing at oclock when addresses be expected from A Roebuck of Hall Toronto ami Mr J Walton Mr Roebuck has the jtlon of- being orator of exceptional ability It is hoped that Liberals in the vicinity will take advantage of this opportunity to hear him The Reliable Phone CORKER OF Timothy Streets RHODE RED8 first Pullet and Second Cockerel at Poultry heavy winter layers Eggs for for him a name for superior workman ship Mr Kirk is some mechanic peo ple are after him hotfoot He has already booked plastering for I Hose and Collins founda tion for Mr new house to gether with chimneys and plastering cement walks and repair works or Public School Hoard exterior re novating roughcast houses far Mr and Marshall which will make them look like new He is evidently the man Newmarket has wanted for some time See ad FOR Davis Oxygon Welding new engine on at half price Thresher new for at half price Bell Saw Mill near new I Pert Perry Mill near new McLaughlin doubleplated A lumber of Steam EmgimeB Slack in diameter ft A number of Buzz Saws Belts and Pulleys DAVIS Any people bringing ih heir logs can have them cut to suit Transferring to a Former Post Mr Peter Brown who for the past four years has been manager of the A farm adjoining the Pickering College will next week re sign his old duties prettaining to the work at and around the College Although Mr Walter Groves suceeds to the farm management Mr Brown will still continue to reside in a part of the commodious farm residence Mr Brown has been an excellent farm aupexintendent and had devoted much time to the successful raising of stock having been for the past three years a local prizewinner The field crops fences and buildings show a marked improvement in comparison to their upkcep in former due to Mr Browns careful attention Norfolk The following is copied from Your IMs a HELP BY USING Positively a Produot A Trial will Convince That It will Thoroughly Your Pots and Paris Knives and Forks and all Kltorfen to bo cleaned Vow Many Colleges Close for Vacation midsummer Our College does not and Charles Toronto is felly None better In Enter now so as a position in the early fall Catalogue free J ELLIOTT Toronto Herald Last night the Norfolk street League enjoyed a very rare treat Mr Cameron addressed the league and handled the subject Our Empire Our Policy with great success before an exceptionally large number of leaguers A number of the from the 31th Battalion the league meeting every week and often contribute splendid to program Miss A Cabeldu pre sided and the singing was led by soldiers choir which will be strength ened as much as possible by as they find a welcome in the league Mr Cameron Currey is a Newmar ket boy attending the A Re port says that he has offered his ser vices as chauffeur lor the Motor Am bulance at the front provided by New market Red Cross Society his If you do not acquaint us with the items you know of you cannot find fault with the paper for not contain ing them new street lamp opposite the Hall is a dandy Mr Starr the electrician put It up on approval King Council meets at King City tomorrow Palm Sunday is just hero Faster hats will bloom now Thursday of next week Is all Pools Day Mr Harry has told carting buviness to Mr Bananas are coming in by the load Mr 1 Galbraith has disposed of his Tottenham to Mr J Clark of Newmarket who will short ly mpvo to that place Wheeling Is pretty good for this season of the year Skipping ropes and marbles are in use again pavements will soon be free of he again There have been more slippery walks usual the past winter are coming down to eatable prices Car of Portland Cement just arriv ed at Pearsons lumber yard owners of the fence Two lads at Mimico Industrial School feigned sickness last Sunday morning so as not t go to church and while the other inmates were at the service thev ran from tho institution They were recaptured however before night Peter Madden aged years was dead in his bed at a lodging house on King Street last Sunday morning While working the new Imperial Bank building corner of Queen and J Streets on Saturday a section of the flooring on which wm Taylor was standing gave way with the weight of stone upon it and he was precipitated to the floor below stone pinning him fast He had to be sent to the Hospital Mr C Wallace f many years an Inspector of the Street Railway Co while on duty at the corner of and Arthur streets on Satur day was seized With ah attack of weakness and died almost immediate ly In addition to prisoners of the jail there are about men employ ed on the terracing of Riverdale park and the construction of the boulevard drive through the park from Winches ter Hill to Broadview avenue where it will connect opposite Spatkhill avenue The unemployed are engaged in threeday shifts and the work is progressing very rapidly Three ter races are being on the eastern boundary of the park from to avenue A prisoner was up before the police Court Monday charged i with celling forged milk tickets Henry Martin arrested as grant w allowed to go under the protection of the Salvation Army to he sent back to the Newmarket In dustrial Home or to Whitby which ever he decided He said Newmarket At the Womens Court last Satur day Mary Leaker was fined and costs or days for keeping a questionable resort Her sister was also fined and costs and another young girl sent to the Industrial fuge Two men were fined 10 as frequenters Another old and wellknown Metho dist preacher in the person of Rev Dr Cade perhaps the best known Methodist minister in Ontario psst away on Monday to his eternal rest in the year of his agel For years he w In the active ministry This week in the Police Court a Chinaman living in Elizabeth street in the heart of Chinatown was fined for keeping an opium joint also 100 for barricading the joint against the police In the Sessions on Monday Judge Coatsworth sentenced John J who pleaded to a bigamy charge to two less one day In the Ontario Reformatory The cost of equipment ol oflicers and men In Saturdays parade includ ing horse artillery is estimated at Unusual Interest was manifest in Carlton Methodist Church choir one of the older boys conduct ed the service An address was delivered by Mr of Central M A on The Training Boys A banquet is announced for this evening According to a judgment given out in the Police Court by Magistrate it is no offense to sell ice cream on Sunday Mr John MaeKay of John Kav and Company had his right teg broken when he was thrown from his horse at the Hunt Club on Saturday Harry Jinks 39 years of age an electrician was fatally Injured Mon day afternoon While at work In TOWN LINK Splendid weather Every indication of Spring Mr and Mrs Fred Webster ac companied by their little daughter Vivian went to the City on Friday morning returning Tuesday Miss Blackburn of Cherry Lane Farm returned home on Mon day after a three weeks visit with her brother family in boro She is accompanied by her sis ter Barbara Blackburn Frank is busy these days with his gasoline outfit as cutting wood and feed arc the order of the day Mr John Cook of the Line lost a valuable mare on Friday night last inflammation Mr Dales occupied the pulpit on Sunday Subject Children of Israels journey to the promised Land Mr Isaac Webster cut wood on Monday last Mrs Ed Blackburn of the Line went to the City on Sunday Correspondent in last weeks Issue the Era takes eficep- to my report of the sheep worry- in issue of March In reply I may state I am not inclined for controversy or argument but that I never make assertion in the Town Line Items that is not true I was not on the scene when the worrying took place but I received my information from those who were Rev McNeal of Markham occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church oh Sunday evening last and preached a very impressive missionary sermon from the tenet Woe unto then that case in ion Our village had a deep gloom cast over it on Sunday morning last when death called suddenly home one who was greatly loved by all who knew her Mrsl Baker She had been sick only a few days with pneumonia but tho Dr held out but slight hopes of her recovery from the first Do- ceased was the daughter of the late J P Davis and had lived here all her life She was a devoted Christ ian wife and mother and all who knew her loved her Her decease leaves a gap will be hard to fill in home and church and social circle She was organist in the church for a number of years and was never absent unless through sickness She was ever on the alert to help the needy Surely works in a mysterious way His wonders to per- orm only another warning to meet thy God She Prepare leaves to mourn loss two daughters Mrs Leathers of the sixth line and Mrs Cook who resides on the old homestead Her remains were laid rest In the Lemonvillo Ceme tery on Tuesday afternoon The fam ily have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community A number of our villagers are con fined to the house with La Grippe We wish them all a very speedy re covery eee Sale THURSDAY March Mrs Oliver will hold a sale of hold goods at the home of her bro ther Murine Virginia at I oclock Terms cash W Auctioneer When sale bills are not print ed at this notices under this heading are charged at for one insertion and each subsequent Insertion cash to accompany order for London March The British steamer Concord of tons torpedoed by a German submarine In the English channel today The crew men were rescued by a patrol boat and landed at Dover Heres Your n For a mere matter of Ten Dollars and Fifty Cents wo will put you In possession of an English Beaver with lining and rubber Interlining handsome Otter Fur Collar and trimmed In Irreproachable manner that no tailor can duplicate for less than Twenty Dollars WE SELL ONLY THAT ARE MADE ON THE BEST LINES AND INSURE LONG WEAR AND SATISFACTION The Overcoat is what puts the finishing touch 1160 at completion to costume of the man Just now Seven Dollars and Ninety Cents Invested here puis you in possession of a really Fur Coat made from variety elegant goods In the seasons best style and trimmed and finished handsomely The Ellen Main St Wool THE FIGHT IS ON Lord Kitchener is telling the British people hat the great war in which they are engaged is a matter of the life or death of the British Asquith and Lloyd George ami oth ers are speaking out in no uncertain terms The British people are patriotic but need to be aroused from their false security They are fighting a prepared alert united coura geous persistent foe It is hard for many of the people of England in this time of stress to give up their sports Football matches have drawn crowds of thousands No wonder thai many patriotic women are go lo the front In some way the peiplc must he aroused Thousands of churches are at the present time perfecting their preparations for revival campaigns Everyone knows thai a good deal of the success of the Sunday campaigns is be cause of the organizing ability thai is able to concentrate the religious forces of a city on mighty purpose How many will lo compete with socials and clubs and much else that may be all right at the right time But the fight is on The author of that ve- chorus has the spirit of the matter The fight is on and in thousands of places the situ ation is absolutely critical lie that is not for me is against me- The work of the next few months will have a decisive bearing on the fortune of many churches for years Ah aged member of the Church was present at an evening meeting in a Methodist Church He asked the privilege of presenting a pcacepaper be acted upon by the congregation The paper was really a pe tition to Hie President- The hymns had al ready been solected As it happened the clos ing hymn wus Onward Christian Soldiers The minister was gently joked by a newspaper friend because of his choice And yet the hymn was grandly appropriate the Church of Jesus Christ will fully become awakened to the need and inarch and tight and die if necessary the awful bloodshed that is today the shame and condemnation of will become a thing of the past is right in saying that the devil is not run out of townvery easily He does not the running business Sure I must fight if I would win The enemy also has the latest weapons and methods of warfare He also learns by ex perience and knows where his Adversary is weak Put whole armor of Cod Selected irons and eliminations of plans it visits to the teachers and letterwriting and con sultations with the pastor and members of the session it means Ihe proper adjustment of teachers and classes and it furthermore calls for a more or less complete knowledge of the lesson or lessons taught in the various classes He must interest himself in the new things that are being introduced elsewhere and of their possible application in his own school In fact one of the busiest and hardest worked men in the church if he is faithful is the Sabbath school superintendent He needs encourage ment as well as pastor and a word of en couragement now and linn is too seldom given His- influence in the congregation is only sec ond to thai of the pastor He is a preacher from another angle than the pulpit He has the budding souls of hundreds of boys and girls under his care and is to see that they have the right sort of husbanding live your super intendent a word of cheer Let him know that his labor is appreciated THE 8ABBATH SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT A word should be spoken for the faithful superintendent of the Sabbath School who wearies himself in multiplied endeavors to build up the school numerically and in effi- pi J i ft v lit Vrt if si iVM J KB Why doesnt the church a lot of things To be sure many of them are doing a splendid big work Perhaps it is only fair to say that nearly all arc living up to their ideals Yet perchance ideals might be a bit more in clusive in many instances The work sure ly is not a gospel for the individual it is not purely a personal salvation In the great broad human way the churches of today must certainly reach out to help and serve a com munity and the people forming it whatever be their creed or color It is not to make a few more Methodists or a few more Presby terians or a few more Baptists or or what not It is not to add a few members church lists It is not to enable any minister or church member to say We have the largest church or Wo added greatest- number to our rolls last year These are not to be the efficiency tests to be applied to a serving church Rather its efficiency tests will be expressed in terms of service of service to people whrover they are found our groat cities in our smaller towns and villages in our camps and mines and in our great open country a Christian service nit in things foreign and distant but in terms of things near in terms of the community in which each church finds itself Advocate M mm siisc a if you like your own church best I ell em so youd have her Help her grow When theres anything lo do Let the pastor count on you Youll rejoice when it is through Dont you know Hes a pretty fair helper when some that will produce best results super- share of responsibility is not very ambitious Ho is usually a hardworking man during the week His business is his living and calls for his attention but oftentimes at nights he sits at his homo desk thinking out how he can best promote the Kingdom of Cod in tho vari ous classes committed to his means prayer and it means reading methods adopted by other schools and it means will always sticjc in the helper class He will always follow some one else He never will know pleasure of leadership of mastery the joy and pride of being at the head of any thing Responsibility be it small or great carries with it certain strain and weight but it also brings strength and power of which the ordinary helper never