Newmarket Era, 26 Mar 1915, p. 8

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I MM TenlDfj- Until Took Jrak Hatha Jak suffering for Jong time with Dyspepsia have cared fcy I suffered so I woald Dot dare eat for I afraid of dying Five ago I received sample of FrultaUrea I did not wish to try them for I had Utile confidence In them but seeing say husbands anxiety I decided to do and at once I felt relief Then I for three boxes and I kept faf until I was cured While sick I pounds but after FrultatiTes I quickly regained wfact I had lost Now I eat sleep and In a am completely cored thanks to Madam M Fruitstives Is the greatest tonic la the world and will Indigestion Sour Stomach Heartburn Dyspepsia and other Troubles a box- for trial sire all dealers or sent on receipt of by Fruitstires Limited THE HUB A very enjoyable event look at llio home of Mr and Mrs Albert Cole Locust Farm on Friday the of March when relatives and friends attended the- reception given to their son Mr Ernest Cole and his bride formerly Miss Hillock of A repast was served in the diningroom presided over by Mrs Arthur Arnold cousin of the bride and Mrs A Molstron as sisted by friends of Methodist Church The bride was the recipient of many beautiful gifts The happy couple will reside the North Half of the Homestead and have the best wishes of many friends for a long and happy life HOLLAND LANDING STOREHOUSE TO RENT a Huron St Apply to An old established MISS 3 ROOMS TO LET And garden en Oak St Apply to Mrs Gray or shop FOR SALE Roomed House with two lots and Stable and hen Cheap Apply to M 3 wo SSIv FOR SALE OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good stable and cistern Enquire of Grace St Newmarket FORJ3ALE Two splendid Building Lots in the Town of Newmarket one Iront on Park Ave and one on Lome Avenue For particulars apply to A A Victoria St Toronto TO RENT- The residence on corner of Park and Lome Avenues Newmarket For particulars apply to Rice Sons CO Victoria Street Toronto or Mr Avenue Toronto 1 1 A Cement Block House newly decorated rooms and bath to C Prospect Ave HOUSE FOR On Church St Newmarket Mod el in every way besides room New Convenient to all down town Will be sold at a bargain terms Apply at this office e j If i ffll i HAVEFOR SALE A desirable property situated on Prospeot Are A largesized dwelling all conveniences all in shape Quarter of an acre of grounds with apple and small fruit Frame stable asd cement hen fcouse This we consider tho beat to town so act quickly Terms be arranged to suit purchaser Apply to P Morton box 373 Given Away 1 s4m lis Land Value to the man who wants a Farm acres of land some choice clay Tins Farm has all uptodate Build ings consisting of a modern also Hip Hoof Barn built from all new material with modern together with all other Outbuildings in good re pair Rural Mail Delivery Wo ask you to go over this Farm Put a fair value on Land also Build ings then come down to New market and we will you as the amount away We must wind up this ness Will accept a Mortgage at per cent for tun years with a small deposit down You must quick in Ills matter or miss this chance mile East of Ml Pleasant on the Centre Road known as the Tommy Glover Earin of North This farm lias plenty of Water Orchard Good Bush and Pencea convenient to School or also Metropolitan Sta tion at P MORTON Lome Ave Estate Building Co Newmarket A very sudden death occurred town last Tuesday March when Mr John Grantham suc cumbed to heart failure De ceased had been a resident of Bradford for a number of years In he married Brown daughter of the late Brown of Holland Landing who predeceased him on December In politics Mr Grantham was a Conservative and was a member of the The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon to Trinity Church Bradford for service thence to Holland Landing cemetery for internment Deceased is pur- vived by six children to mourn 1 their loss Those attending tho funeral froem a distance were Mrs Mrs Marsh of Toronto Miss Marsh of Maple Messrs Win and aimer Brown of anil Air Kester Brown of 0 o A very enjoyable time was spent at Mr Win Marchs on Friday even ing About eighty people were present and gave an oyster suprer The evening was spent in games and music Mr David Cray of has engaged with Mr Win March for the summer We welcome into our all the young people coming into our Mr David Snider lias been under the weather for days but we are glad to see him out Mr Win has sold his ana to Mr of The Bros have rented Mr Bert Mableys arm oa the line and hate commenced moving Mr Harry is going on the Hoover farm sixth Mr Fred March intends to remodel his house this summer Mr Jos Bet I has purchased a Ford car and is anxious lor the roads to get good A of ratepayers and the members of the Board Trade are endeavoring to interest the Village Council in the building of a public library in the village- Those supporting the scheme have already received assurance from tin Carnegie Trust Corporation of New York that a grant of will be made providing the Village secures a site and complies the other conditions regarding maintenance of the building etc At the last meeting of tin- Council a site at the corner of Main and OBrien Avenue which could be secured for was suggested but the members look no definite action A slight outbreak of chicken pox has occurred in the village but the authorities do not fear further spreading of the malady About a half docn cases have been reported but all of the pa tients are from a very form of the disease Should Read the Following LetterMrs Slacks Story About Her Childs Recovery Is Entirely Reliable Palmyra Pa Three years ago my girl had black measles which left her with a chronic cough and so awfully thin yon could cougned so much she had no appetite Nothing we gave her seemed to help her at all until one day Mrs tola me how much good Vinol had done her little girl so I decided to try it for my little one and it has done her so much good she is hungry all the time her cough Is gone she is stouter and more healthy In color and this is the firstwin- ter she has been able to play out in the snow coasting and snowballing without any ill effects Mrs Alfred Slack Palmyra Pa We know will build up your little ones and make them healthy strong and robust therefore we ask rents of frail and slcklychid this vicinity to try a bottle of Vinol our delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil If wo can Induce you to try a bottle of as a bodybuilder and strength- creator for your child and you do not find it is all we claim we will return your money on demand J Druggist Scott Agricultural Socie ty held their regular meeting at oil 1iiday disposing of the usual busi ness Hie officers proceeded with their holy escorts to the dining- room where an oyster supper was the hostess Mrs This King an annual af fair it Is looked forward to I the directors as a small pensatioir for their years work The Fair this year will be Inld on Oct 1st Mr J wishes to announce that he has secured Miss of Hamilton to manage his millinery department this coming season Married On Wednesday Mar by Rev Itcminglon Miss Albert to Mr leitch ol Zephyr LOCH BUNK On Saturday evening March 13th the Womens Auxiliary M mot at the home ot Win Stewart and presented her with a happy surprise a beautiful black- silk coat Rev Wilson read an ad dress i which the auxiliary expressed their regret in the removal of president and coworker Mis Stewart from their midst also wish ing her prosperity and long life in her future home Mr Stewart made a suitable reply in which he thanked them one and vail Alter lunch was served they all join ed in singing be with you till we meet again Mr Billiard and family the funeral of the late Mr of Holland Landing at King Sun day- Mumps are prevalent in this vicin ity The Kind You Blare has borne the signature of Fletcher and personal for years Allow no brie to deceive you in this Counterfeits Imitations and Justaagood are bat Experiments and endanger tli health Children Experience against Experiment What Is CASTORIA is a harmless substitute lor Castor Oil Paregoric and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance It age is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays It cures and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It as similates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep The Childrens Panacea The Friend The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of 5- GIRL ton KAIL year old girl was arrested for stealing mail from post office boxes the girl hid SO hahilof I office and when anyone would happen forgot and leave their key in box she would gel and remove their mail when suited her had secured keys in this Way and a consider able amount of A trap was set for someone pur leaving a key in a box and she was caught in the act of tak ing the mail The case was tried at the Childrens Shelter was sent to the Reformatory at Toronto Only her age saved her from at least a threo year term minimum penalty is three years and the maximum ten years IS- f Do you know can as much crop off acres can off acre not drained and save half the Its pa to4 to tta awy tia rality of JaV ni a aubjaet to that much rrTon thttroei tor Tilt If Writs Tew It Dominion Sewer Pipe Co Limited fc- In Use Years TWO BITS m Hello Youve gob a giant here said to my as wandered through the little mili tary Vineyard at Camp and stopped by a big mound alone in one The old fellow touched his cap in salute the tall white headstone dropped a haul- ful of blossoms on gravel no man sir its a hoss its old Two Hut why is he buried with the soldiers questioned here sir Win you must be a stranger sure I thought odv knew about old Two Hits an two March in- lingering for two days George Sutton a farmer residing on the j Concession of Vaughau Town ship near here who was kicked in the forehead lftst Tuesday by a rstivo horse died early this morning removing the harness from the animal pp to stabling it when it became- restless and before could get clear of the stall ml the lashing hoofs of the madden horse he was kicked heavily in the right temple The of blow crushed his skull reft him Unconscious and it wis some lime later that- he was found by a of his family who became anxious at his long ah Deceased came from a limit family in Vaughan and bad in this township all life Me was years old and was a faithful member of Summit here for many years it were difficult to find a safe and reliable remedy for ailments due to irregular or defective action of the stomach liver or bowels These ailments are likely to attack anyone likely too to lead to worse sickness if are famous world over for their power to correct indeed cause you pro- danger if Pills certain and safely They cleanse tho system purify the blood and a general tonlo upon bod brain and nerved Indigestion constipation might longed Buffering and expose you to dan only St- 3 la ceutt OF lilAUNCKY an I storyteller A day or two later Mr A Story against himself is told by l h Americas most celebrated boy running up to him said speaker At a friends house Mr attracted the attention of a small boy of eight Alter he had left the boys father said to his son Thats was the worlds greatest Know you Really my little man and am I Why replied the lad my says arc the liar en earth I schOmbbkg or The Womens Institute met at home of Miss on Thursday last and a very interesting meeting was held A paper was given by Mrs 1 subject Trench es this paper leave us splendid idia of hardships that our Canadian hoys are enduring for sake home and country Mrs- J gave a paper also on duck and raising which was very instructive Our next meeting will be held in the basement of the Methodist Church knitting hocks and making bandages for the soldiers and while the knitt ers are working the girls will give the songs to cheer Mrs Elamoly has returned home again Mrs eldest brother was buried on March the 3rd in Oak- ville Mr John Dean cannot say at pre sent how the have wintered but all claim bees will not come through strong and the result will be a good many will die in the early spring is here again and some of our young nun are laid up with mumps others with and floed Barley O A I the children with the chicken pox Good Clean seed J the doctors are kept busy Win Harris left here Alt on Tuesday night Mrs Sloan left for her home in Tusford on Friday evenunr Mr Jos Beard left here on night for Winnipeg Tuesday evening at the rink of a very enjoyable lilrio The married people of and vicinity held a reasonable skating party at which over forty were pre sent are just as old as they feel and judging from the enthusiasm exhibited there the married people have retained their and vigor and arc able to enjoy a healthful ex ercise as keenly as friends After two hours of exercise the ladies served substantial lunch which was gratefully received and help ed wonderfully to restore expended interesting lecture illustrated jviib limelight views In the Methodist church on Monday His pictures comprised scenes In tho Tenting the Old tamp Ground and After the Battle carry en his saving Company A it was years ago when them Apaches on the warpath They ambushed lis at Ditty reek twice as many of em as we thought was side of San Carles but wo managed to get a little clump scrub oaks and held them till sundown Then our captain sees it was all up with us if help didnt come from the post and he called tor a Volunteer to ride old Two Bits past them and the word Bits had been the track in his young days an held the leU for longwinded the time Ive seen Cap clean up a hatful of Mexican dollars him again the Cowboys ponies lie was a big chestnut sorrel with white feet and white face an him aiU Cap loved each other like twi brothers Ive Cap to To hungry lots times old Bits could have his and hed hold up his head an drink out of a canteen like reglar It mighty tad tines if that old did not get his share Well a boys ofierrd to go but Cap picked Curly White the toughest and lightest man in the lot to do the While he was getting him Two Bits just and rubbed his nose on Caps arm he was savin that if we didnt hear the old bugles before it wouldnt be his fault Then July grabbed his gun an swung into the saddle an we all hollered an yelled an made a break for the lines on the side away from post like we were bound to go through That give- Curly a chance and he took it Old shot up that valley like a streak there was a trail of Apaches We sec Curls drop DETAILED STATEM OF E NT i Municipal Government Expenditure also various semes on the grounds in the present war and full series of the Play with full Among his wore very good of Lord Kitchener Generals Roberts end French Lord Churchill Premier As- and other noted men A splen did series of our own Cana dian boys while at was al so Illustrated tfie enter tainment was very satisfactory His slews wcro ceav and his concise pleasantly de livered and interesting The enter tainment was a treat indeed -oeo- A man may never discover bow he is if ho doesnt try to tell his wife how to run the house an fall turn in back a his sa hit but behind the reins ddle an the Injuns The race was sessions COMMITTEES 1 c is I I c c i 1 So 3 Darker Root I A 7 37 44 So 00155 120 CO 00113 CO 93 1 Fleming 4 60 20 100 3H So 00 6 Griffith 20 OO 103 00 no III 7 AS a 6 I GO CO So Irwin Dr 2 65 95 00 6240 60 64 Frank 40 00 38 ISO 20106 So I 50 9 w 73 40 A 40 40 40 II 8 20 100 40J So SO 84 I 54 DrWG 6 CO 16 5 95 40 37 40 CO to Wallace K 00 Wells J 3 100 9 105 CO 50 J Treat Co of York OAT8 FOR St imported Old dark iron gray Apply ou Lot Con J It No Aurora QRAINFOR A Bailey No also White Oats clean and tree from all teeds Apply to phone 164 It No Mr and of visiter moth er Mrs for a few days Miss sister of Mrs John Ityimrd will take charge f dcparlincnt at the corner Mr I Cook has started to ml his of and it like old to liear the old wtii again Miss of Toronto was vliilirijg sister Mrs frr a like iallo If you having trouble with your Bladder with or suppression of urine burning weakness or pain 111 the back or in tike Gin Pills Thev curcSOc for At dealers everywhere an tuck tor a mile an once we sec old Two Hits like ho hit- but he kept his feet anil passed out of sight into tho hills Then the dark came down an we waited daylight the bugles of the old Third was in the we all was well An Curly and Two Hits Well Curly was shot clean through put lived an is wearing shoulder straps today An Two old Two He the word an he two hip halls from Apache till ho fell at the colonels door men he saved put him here on I reckon none cm thats sleep- In ttnsidc grudges him his room Our Dumb 46BO How Doep la Your Honesty If the at the cigar or candy counter by mistake handed tack too much change and you saw the error would you call his attention to mistake and return the excess you chuckle pocket the and slave your conscience by saying yourself well it was up to was the in the of a certain paper so cub reporter was given a few small coins and was told to make some mentfl Ho slipped the coins to a friend a cashier and torn her to give one to each the first twcntyIiuc getting- change did so Might the money without looking therefore lets them out of the other eleven knowingly kept the did belong to them nine men and women Six only stepped up and did tho thing two women and four monf Analyzing theso figures we have fifty cent honesty among women to a tit over thirty per cent men Is this in opinion about the average or wasnt the test decisive Children COR FLETCHERS Auctioneers Licenses Issued since last publication Dec to date LICENSEE ADDRESS I 1 K Headman J 1 1 Prentice J Kavanagh Wilson Si algeon J Abel Beldam David J J Grosser It WcKwan A H J Weston Newmarket- Toronto Aurora Maple Toronto Keswick Weston laskay ISSUED Jan it it Feb Pedlars Licenses since last publication Dec date 1915 liith 9 I 1 1 II nth J LICENSEE ADDRESS KIND a Ian 1915 Sims Edmund Horse Samuel Samuel it l Horse llrlggs 1 1 i poov Feb Ml Dennis Horse 11 18th Treasurers Oflloe Co of York Signed K M Co mm ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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