Newmarket Era, 2 Apr 1915, p. 2

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NEWMARKET A Y FOR A Driver sound and lirtle- Apply at re- I III TO House with good Garden- on Queen St East Apply to Fred A- HOUSE TO RENT Millard Ave all convenience Apply to oseph Wesley cor Victoria BO CHICKENS FOR SALE Most all Pullets nearly all laying Ducks Apply to Mrs Watson FOR OR TO RENT RM House and Lot on orb am St acres Frame house 8 rooms do mestic water Small Units Apply to FRED HOOVER Gotham St PIONEER WHEAT customs Their is dif ferent because of necessity The adults wear made from as no reindeer are to be oh the islands Soma of the children wear clothing made from young seals A summary results by Saunders A Dominion who is also Superintendent o the Branch Experimental Farms and Stations has been received It opens with notes important varieties of grain and commences with the following observations touch ing Pioneer Wheat to which we draw the attention the farming I Monday last with the object community North York preventing further difficulty in con nection with the insurance of soldiers OUR TORONTO LETTER OUR SOCIETY Mr week Dunn Irft for England last Box Newmarket A- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Mrs David Hamilton and daughters desire to express thoir earnest ap preciation of the kindness friends shown to them and their dear son a brother during his long at his demise illness and I LAND AGENT WANTED We want to correspond with party who can devote some time in locating summer resorts In this John Fisher Country Es tate Building Toronto- MALE HELP WANTED weeklv Largest Cut- Grocery Mail Order House men everywhere to show samples distribute circulars sample free The men Out and case TO FARMERS ft White Farm A thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar bred at the A CI or service Also a thorough bred Durham Bull bred at the same Keswick FOR 8ALE The Hall the West West Halt Lot Eleven in the Sixth Concession of estimated to con tain upwards of acres In premises said to be small frame house and some other Apply JAMES 138 Grace St The a very early ripening variety of wheat capable of producing straw of fair length when grown in rather dry districts has led to the introduction Pioneers While this variety may not prove entirely satis factory in all cases it can be con fidently recommended as the only wheat available to the public which has the qualities of good appearance exceptional hardness and high weight per bushel excellent baking strength ol the flour and good yield combined with exceptional and fair ability to resist drought and to pro duce straw of moderate length even under dry conditions It is recom mended Tor trial in localities where Marquis wheat cannot be depended Ion to ripen before frost and where the rainfall is not Sufficient to ensure success with Prelude Pioneer is a selection from the progeny of a cross made in by the Dominion between and Preston wheats In the new variety stands between the two parents or it may be described as ripening about midway Pre lude and Marquis Pioneer is bearded and has a smooth chart The sfraw is of fair length rather long lor so early a wheat and though not great strength it appears to be quite strong enough for the districts for which it is recommended Pioneer should not be sown in any locality where the tendency is towards long straw Under such conditions the straw of this variety would probably be too long and weak furthermore Pioneer is liable to rust and other diseases in moderately moist The kernels of Pioneer are red and of exceptional hardness and high weight per bushel The flour obtain ed from it is ot excellent colour and very high baking strength EDITORIAL NOTES According to the annual report of the Hydro- Electric Power Commission two and a half mil lion dollars is the aggregate reIdas consented to be Honorary Presi- ovur and above liability dent o the University Hospital Sup- Church caused a payment of J to I be made to the local manager of the Aetna Lite Company on account of the policies to be is sued by that company on the lives the members of the second overseas Contingent The City steam procaine into Toronto harbor on Monday last Navigation has thus opened days earlier than last year Kenneth Carrie found guilty of heating his servant girl Hilda Williams was fined and costs or six months in jail by Judge Coats- worth Of this amount the girl will receive compensation or the injuries she suffered The fine was immediately paid On Monday last Judge Denton form ally opened the investigation into the of the Fire Department as recently ordered the City Council lust where it will end remains to be proven At the Hall mass meeting Monday night resolution was pass ed setting forth the proposal Hon J i his Act Bill was pitifully inadequate and express ed regrets on that account It is significant to see an item of paid to the Insurance firm of Irish Maul son in 1911 for the insurance on the and Ontario Railway- the Provincial accounts Mr Irish is the representative for To ronto Does this effect the independ ence of Parliament Soldiers on leave are allowed travel on the railways at two cents per mile miring the war Fruit dealers and gravel men made strenuous objections to increased freight rates before the Dominion Railway Board Toronto has the credit consum ing no less than tons of candy in a year Officials have gathered the statistics and the statement is made on authority New lavl eggs were sold as low as per dozen in St Lawrence Market last Saturday Mrs Government House Mrs Walter Wiley is confined her bed illness Mr Fred Penrose and family left Saturday for Toronto Mrs Potter of Tottenham visited Mrs last week All outoNTown teachers have gone borne for Easter holidays Miss Rogers of spent Sunday with Mrs H Robinson Mr Brock to Atlantic City for Easter holidays Mr and Mrs A and family of are Easter visitors Mr- Gallagher has moved here from with his household effects Mrs Toronto was the guest of Mrs T J Robertson for a few days Miss lolce Wilson and gentleman friend spent Sunday with Mrs J Albert Miss a few friends in on Monday to meet Miss invited evening Mr- and Mrs Schmidt tended Solders Farewell in on Monday Hon J Davis Mrs Mr 1 Davis Jr left for a trip t Atlantic City Davis and last week Mr and Mrs Watt of Fergus spent a day this week with Mr and Mrs Hughes Miss Sarah Richardson returned home last week after spending six weeks with friends in Toronto Mr Harold home last Sunday who has been ill A Hughes was at to see his mother over a month Mrs Aubrey Davis and son left yesterday to spend Easter with 1 other near London Mr Jos the summer on the is OP tor aged- fori keys Canada short hundred thousand hens averaging one hundred eggs per year Canada in imported two thousand dollars worth poultry than she exported and imported in the enormous amounMn value of of her shipments abroad arc the somewhat surpris ing if not statements made by the poultry Division of Dominion Department of Ag riculture from which also emanates the important an nouncement that Britain took from Belgium France Germany and in he available months of liireo million dollars worth- of poultry and dozen or sixteen two- eggs apiece for every day in the year facts must surely convey a world of meaning to poultry breeders in Canada These facts arc fur ther emphasized by the statement that the average egg yield per hen in this country is hut eggs per year which wo are further as sured by experts could by care ful selection feeding and bous ing be increased to hen per year As the head of the division Ottawa remarks would he a profitable thing to strive for Pamphlets particu larly bearing on the subject which can bo had free on dressing the Publications Branch Department of Agriculture Ot tawa arc No I Winter Egg Production by A Brown No The Grate Fattening of Poultry by A Benson No The Candling of Eggs by A Brown Plan of Perma nent Laying House for Poultry by A Brown and A Benson and No The Payment of According lo Quality by A Brown J Hare and Other publications that had by P dealing with Incubation and The Farm- Poultry House and by Vie on Duck Raising The Management of Iur and Geese and farm SO and left Town this wcoV Mr and Mrs Otto are moving to Toronto he having accept a situation with Mr P Morgan accumulated to date to SALE Ci POULTRY FOR PrizeWinning Strain Single Comb Rhode Island Reds Thirty Pullets at Two breeding pens con sisting of Females and Male at Per Pen for 16 for Eggs for hatching from show pen at for AUBREY DAVIS Millard Ave Newmarket of Ml fc4 I 4 tfSft cities towns and villages no more than two loads of manure shall be allowed to accumulate AH manure shall be kept enclos ed in a fly proof receptacle construct ed follows The portion below ground including the floor be constructed ol or brick made water tight That above ground shall be made ol tongued and grooved lumber fitted as to be fly proof There be a ventilator lo carry odoti above the building or windows adjacent buildings There shall be an opening from the stable directly into this receptacle through which all manure shall be conveyed and not la use this opening shall be kept dosed by a Proof door All manure shall be removed from this receptacle and properly disposed of at leaat once a week between the first May and the first of DR STUART SCOTT Medical Officer ot Health WANTED Carpentering or millwright work by J VanAllcn opposite York Radial Newmarket NEW TO End Apply at Hamilton Bros Store cor Main and and Also rooms at A press despatch from Ottawa dated March 30Lh states that the Government intends lo submit le gislation to provide for Canadian soldiers on active service at tb3 front polling their votes in tin- forthcoming general election A semiofficial statement at Ottawais given out that Canada is to have the largest telescope in the world It is to be installed at the Dominion Astronomical Observatory at Victoria at a cost of Wo are told the glass will be six feel in diameter On Sunday last Rev Byron SlaufTer preaching in Front Street Congregational Church is reported with having made the following If the majority of our people arc- really Christian it ought to be shown in our Government our Slate our callings and our pro fessions Yet right at this mo ment in the most sacred of our patriotic efforts to equip our sol diers scandal follows scandal are struggling in this very church raise money for needs while big are repotted from Ottawa Hon Martin Dominion Minister of Agriculture under the caption of The Dominion Experimental Farms has issued a pamphlet of Seasonable Hints of twelve pages containing in formation of practical character to the farmers of Canada Spe cially trained men arc devoting their time and energy to the study of problems of vital im portance to the agricultural community and this pamphlet is an outcome Write to De partment at Ottawa and procure a copy The Renfrew Mercury remarks For troops of the first and se cond contingents the Dominion Government purchased bi cycles At the of 52 each wore bought while were paid for the rest a considerable advance on ordinary relail prices Now a witness testifies before a parliamentary committee that an other firm was ready to supply the wheels at each at which figure very good cycles arc available today Let us all hope that later we may not hear that the goods in addition to be ing far loo high in price like the hoots next to worthless And this is the kind of Govern ment member for North York bad the courage lo stand up before an audience In the Town Hall at Newmarket and continent as worthy of support ply Association The Surgical Com mittee is now organized and meets every Monday to make surgical sup plies nightshirts bandages etc Arrangements are under the holding of an exhibition of Spring vegetables in the Labor Temple on Saturday next Convocation Hall of Toronto Uni versity presented an unwonted Sunday morning when there were gathered together for worship near ly undergraduates and alumni the University all of whom are pre paring themselves for military ser vice Since the Canadian troops went deaths have occurred In the ranks This is an official des patch received i Torero from Rev P MacKay foreign mis sion secretary of the Presbyterian Church stated that there were no Canadian missionaries in where the Turks are said to have attaeklng Christians and mis sionaries A large deputation from the Muni cipal Convention la6t week the Ontario Government for a subsidy per mile for the HydroElectric constructed by Ontario Muni cipalities Consideration was promis ed Mrs Jean Berkeley Street receive burns ol a probable fatal nature last Sunday night while at tempting to smother a blaze oc casioned by starting a life with coal oil Her husband was also badly burned about his hands and arms in assisting wife to put out the blaze On Monday night Win Wright and OBrien presented themselves at a door on Berkeley street and demanded they were detectives Admission was refused and they to batter in the door- proprietor opened upper win dow and called tor the police who came and arrested all three counter feit detectives The second Varsity unit has been completed morning men left tor the Battery at Ottawa and next morning another section of over men Joined the Brigade at Kingston A stylisnl dressed gentlemen wearing an in his necktie was sent down for days for on a street car by means a false transfer The City Auditor has reported to the Control that in auditing the maintenance account el the Board Education he reduced a re ported surplus to a dibit of Wonder where the money went to Thirty years ago Miss Gertrude Miller left on for a months visit at Toronto and Markham on account of ill health Tribune Mrs Cook attended the funeral of her jaunt the late Christiana lacksqn in Toronto Mr John Mi MacLcan started for the West on Thursday evening last week where he expects to re main for the summer Mr and Mrs Hall left to day for Little Britain to spend Easter holidays with her mother and sister Her mother is years of age Mrs A West returned from Thorold on Tuesday spending four weeks there on ac count of the illness and death her sister THE LEADING House can buy your For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at John H Millard PhOBOS d Miss college spent the weekend with Miss who is McDonald Institute for Easter holidays- Dr Anderson and wife who have been in and Scotland for over a year are expected here in a couple of weeks Mrs Anderson is tho eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs J H Millard Altar Mr Frank Doyle a Newmarket boy has again been honored by being elected to the important ofllce ol ftMITHWINDROSSOn March Secretary Treasurer of the A A He Is one of six brothers- who have long been identified with the na tional jamc He has been loo Lallys righthand man in the campaign to boom lacrosse throughout the Pro vince and the Toronto News says he will likely be elected to his present office as long as he desires to stay in the field When the bill of Mr T Herbert Lennox was before Municipal Committee to compel Toronto to pay taxes on the land of Its prison farm In York County Corporation Counsel Geary said an agreement had been reached by which Toronto would pay to Markham Township and to Vaughan for Mr Lennoxs bill was then withdrawn o Mr McDonald introduced Bill with this clause Every woman qualified to vote at municipal elec tions under provisions of The Municipal Act shall be entitled to be entered on Part of the voters list prepared under section of The On tario Voters Lists Act The Gov ernment and Its supporters fiald No I and the bill was rejected ac cordingly An administrative building to bo located on College street beside the old Technical School will bo erected last Tursaday I in Toronto A bill to authorize The MCMILLAN In East on March 1013 to Mr and Mrs McM a daughter MAY At St Joseph Hospital Lon don on March to Mr and Mrs May Place formerly of Pine Orchard a daughter Margaret SHEARER To Mr and Mrs Shear er St Niagara Falls on March a son Egbert Johnston grandson to Johnston formerly of Newmarket Hammersmith Avenue Toronto the homo the bride by the Rev J Rell Alberta to Herbert Smith of Oak Ridges Parliamentary Notes A bill is considered to change the hours of polling in liea of more than 100000 Inhabi tant Polls to open at am and remain dp in also being lhat work men be apart allowed an hour to voe mil the noon hour Save your pennies and the hits cost of living will take care Mr J Flaherty who lec tured in Convocation Hall Toron to lent Tuesday evening told bis audience of Ibn discovery of an other tribe of Eskimos who had never seen a while man before found by the William Mac kenzie expedition These Es kimos were found on the which Mr Flaherty found or re- found in the Ray less than miles from this part of Canada It in supposed they were drifted to the Islands ma ny ago and forced lo make there Of they were obliged to adopt new morning Queens Own Regiment left this City lor Winnipeg to help put down the NorthWest Rebellion George Nichols received fatal Inju ries on Tuesday when befell down a shaft In a bakery on Carr Street Dr Sunder Singh at a meeting the Friends Association on Sunday expressed the thought that the pre sent war will greatly help to solve the Indian question Wmj Maginn of Wexford York Township was suffocate when his house was burned Saturday morning A wellknown resident of York Township In the perron of T an exReeve of the Municipality passed away on Sun day aged ft years Deceased was born and owned the pottery In that locality It l was Introduced by Dr The Municipal Committee the legislature refused to accept the bill Introduced by J to pro vide for the establishment of muni cipal pension funds and to permit the to make contributions etc Parliament voted 100000000 for war purposes this week amid cheering front both sides of the House The Hon Minister of Militia Mated to the Commons on Mon day that It was the Intention to keep line during the war If neces sary Tho Tomb JON At the residence of his mother Mrs David Hamilton on March Fred Dixon Jones only son the late Wm desslo Jones and Mrs Frances Edith Jones OTTAWAYAt Haute March Marn daughter Mr Harry Ottaway and niece of Mrs- Robinson of Newmarket aged years WADER- After a short illness at To ronto Hospital of peritonitis on Friday March Marlon Pearson Mader wife of Julius R Mader and daughter of the late J J Pearson of New market on the 30th of March Mary Morris wife of Mr Frank Hoover daughter late John Morris of ANOERSONAt his residence Decatur Nebraska Match after short James Anderson formerly of Canada In Memortam loving memory Mrs John Curtis who departed this life March SO God torched her tired brow And she slept Son and Daughter Toronto I A J ROADHOU8E Main St North Newmarketi All Orders Careful and Prompt Attention Imperial Gallon IN AND JARS House Gleaning Time in Now On And You Need a Good We Have Them From to 5j each PROMPT SERVICE OUR MOTTO PHONE 35 PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Freeh Chocolates Weekly TELEGRAPH OFFICE House Phone No 161 Store Phone No a Newmarket PLAIN AND FANCY WORK OF EVERY DE80RIPTION IN CEMENT AND PLASTER OF PARIS Concrete and Stone Foundations Cellar and Sidewalks BRICKWORK CASTING A I Repair of Any Descriptions Distance no Drop a Card e j gp MEAT SPECIALS 1 A Suggestion for the for the Easter Sunday Try a roast of our Young Tender Beef The family will it PORK Sirloin Roast of per Roast of Beef roll ed If you wish 18o lb Rump Roast of Deaf Roost Beef Rib Roost of Beef rolled If you wish Blade Roast of 1Bo Shoulder Roast lb 1 Pot of Beef BOO Young Pork for Roasting at a very moderate VEAL 100 lbs Stowing Veal at 1Bo A line of Loln9 Rumps and Shoulder EXTRA mild cured per Lard per la Shortening per i CALLED FOR ON OR CALL US BY PHONE J Is the Place lo Get GOOD FLOUR FOR BOTH PASTRY AND BREAD Bag Guaranteed FRESH SUPPLIES CONSTANTLY LOT8 OF BRAN AND SHORTS ALL KINDS OP FEED FOR FOWL Ciphers Chlok Feed Is the Beat For Little and Your Order or Phono PROMPT ELIVERY Work of All Kinds Prompt Attended To HOWARD ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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