I I I I J NEWMARKET FRIDAY peeks toeal Church treat is in store well Know Olivet lo Calvary given Good iiig by Andrews choir direction of The are is contrary to law now lo net School holidays continue Mil Monday April assistance loader Mrs Myrtle il The choir will have the of Miss Marjorie for the soprano Mr and Eves taking the baritone polos A silver at the door foster Sunday evening parts iho will he repeated Mr tenor lion Will Lacrosse- ihc annual meeting held at lh King George Hotel on the following were for the coming day Heeled ii Hon Pros Howard Cane Pres Davis VicePros Verne Cane Treas Harry Fee Manager McIIale Harry Doyle Methbdtet A most delightful and- signifi cant service was held last In addition lo the singing ted by Orchestra Miss and Mr Lyons sang appropriate solos and ad dresses were given by the Super intendent and Pastor In spouse to appeal for decision in Christian character and joining the church cards were signed evidence of faithful work be ing done in the Ernie Doyle Verne and George IVUgttfS to Fee and Doyle w decided to enter a junto the and if warrants another team tfill hi later arc exceedingly bright for the National Game in this summer and the liberal support of the Church The sermons last Sunday preached by the pastor J Hall were splendid and listened to with rapt attention At the evening service Mrs Ste phens sanp a beautiful solo Sun day afternoon Superintendent reviewed the quarters lesson af ter which short addresses were given by Mr Hold and Rev J Next Sunday special Easier ser vices both morning and evening also In the afternoon at Sunday School session Regular Com munion service close of the morning service All members are urgently requested to attend Aero Continent There was a voiy good attend ance at the League on Monday ev ening the trtp across the continent via the Canadian was very much enjoyed A very fine collection of photo graphic views extending from Halifax to Vancouver was thrown upon canvas by Mr At kinson with aid of a superior electric lantern together with a descriptive account of tho scen ery and important buildings In each of the cities and largo towns through which the railway runs The scenery through the Rocky Mountains was exceptionally flue and the evening was one of edu cational profit Prior to the views the or chestra gave two or three selec tions and a beautiful duett rendered by Mr and Mrs Norman Williams Just closing the Presi dent on behalf of the presented Miss Olive one of the very active members who ingoing to England for Hospital service in connection with the war with a lovely chatelaine with interior sections well provided- to which Miss made a very suitable reply Church The chair was decu pled Mr Sutton pi Newmarket and program music provid ed the choir and orchestra tbe Church The Company have secured contracts from the Toronto Board of Educate for furnishings for new technical school amounting to over The Patriotic cleared at a recent local AOENT8 this important service Com KETTLEBY KETTLEBY A well atteoded meeting was ad dressed hereon March by A Roebuck of Osgood Hall and J Walton It was held under the aus pices of Kin Tp Reform Associa tion Mr J- occupied the chair A young Liberal Club was or ganized with the following officers pros James Archibald Fred Executive Committee- James Aiming Franklin Roy Geo Pax ton Pratt Club will hold a social meeting near future and arrange for a aeaies of First Class Club Meetings young men of this locality will be heard of GOOD Boots and Shoes mm New Prints Crepe Now Linen Raja New Vesting Also vey latest creations In Blaok A White and Volllos New took for Tim Most Up-To- Date In Town to Choose From The Workmanship Every Pair Guaranteed And We You Money on Every Pair of Wens Wo mens or Childrens Shoes You Buy W tins Sardine for 26o Pink Salmon for 3 oorn or Pees for 3 Talcum Toilet Powder for Wheat for 3 Quart Jelly Powder for 3 tins Lobster for 3 Celery Relish for 2 Onion Salad for Epsom Salts for 8 for mm A UNION local a successful season is Hockey Benefit Newmarket Hockey Club have a benefit show at the itrand Theatre on Thursday April Hie Theatre management curing some extra good films will spare no pains to make his me of the best shows ever lit here the Hockey Club finished their season somewhat behind financially everybody should turn help the boys who have tor the past two years kept New market at the top of the Metropo litan Hockey League Remember Hi late April First show starts at p I in Police Court The shooting ease before on Thursday afternoon of last week drew a crowded court room Thompson was charged With shooting Michael Graham on the previous Wednesday night The shooting took place on the town- line a short west of Newmarket on the road outside the Thompson home At the preliminary trial it was shown that eight men approached Mr Thompsons house and demanded liquor which was refused In the altercation Thompson be coming angered into house and bringing out a shot gun fixed at Graham hitting him in the leg The crowd then sep arated and the injured man was taken into the house and a doctor summoned Later Graham was moved to his own house where Good Friday To day is a statutory holiday throughout Dominion of Can ada From early days in the Christian dispensation it has been held as a solemn fast in remem brance of the cruflxion of the Sa viour April 3 33 Us ap plication of Good appear to peculiar to the Church of Eng land our Saxon forefathers de nominated it I Friday on the great length of lhe offices observed and fastings enjoined on that day Through- mil Canada people look forward the coming Easier Sunday with joyous anticipation All our railways plan excursions for the holiday season An Electrical Expert Mr Alfred Starr who has an electrical showroom in the Mar- let Building is- finding a great demand for his services and he firing the best of satisfaction Ho has fitted up an apparatus for wireless telegraphy at High School at onehalf the cost by Toronto dealers which works lo perfection and is a prac tical demonstration which is of value to the students In his own shop he has a wire less apparatus by which he has demonstrated that an incandes cent electric lamp can be lit at will some distance away from the machine While doing some work for the corporation one day- last week Mr Starr had a narrow escape from electrocution He stepped on a live wire carrying 200 volt mo owing to the dampness he re ceived a shock which almost threw him the pole Mr Starr has secured the con trol for the brackets and lar which will adorn both sides of Main St from Water St l the depot soon as the York Radial current is ready to be turned on re 18 lead pellets were extracted Thompson was arrested and later released on bail At the preliminary investiga tion Thompson was committed for trial withoVit bail He was immediately taken lo the city by Constable and lodged in jail On a former occasion when two fines of each were im posed on a couple of Newmarket people Thompson was also ar raigned on a charge of selling li quor without a license but the charge was not proven Mr and Mrs o York Mills spent Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Stevens Mrs Rev was confin ed lo her house on Sunday with a severe cold There will be a football meeting on Saturday night King Christian Ladies Aid will meet to celebrate their twenty- fifth anniversary on Friday April 2nd at the home of Mrs Will Mr Will Geer and Mr Ernest left on Monday for the west where they intend to spend the summer Talk about matches knows all about them Mr and Mrs Roy Stiles of Au rora are spending a few da3 with the parents Mr and Mrs Mount prior to leaving for their new home in the Stales Several from here attendod the dance at Mr Will Cuttings on Thursday night of last week and all report a good time The floor management being in tho able hands of Mr Mitchell Pleased to be able to report that Mrs ft is again able to be about Mr and Mrs Tom Stevenson and family of Aurora spent Sun day at M Stevens VIVIAN Miss spent a couple of days at Vivian Mrs and children spent a week in Toronto Mr Barnes had the to lose a valuable horse on Monday Miss of Union was a guest ol Mr Smith Mrs Rogers who been spending a few months at her home here has gone to reside at London Mr and Mrs J visited relatives at Victoria Square J Patterson of Toronto is spending a week with her mother Mrs Patterson Mrs Bishop is visiting at Mrs Walkers Mr and Mrs of Victoria spent Sunday with her par ents Mr and Mrs Jos Burnett Mr J Davis has purchased the property and is remodelling house He expects to move in as soon as it is completed Mr Hi arvis has rented Mr P Lemons farm- Mr has moved into Mr house lately vacated by Mr H Several of out citizens are busily engaged in making maple syrup MOO I ill Owing to trade depression through so many Men being out of employment We are forced to dispose of our Mens Wear i mi All goods at Cost and Some goods Below Cost Rather than carry too heavy a stock as the Bankers Bills must be Paid High Grade at Cost Price The following account of the marriage of Miss Caldwell for merly of Newmarket Is clipped from the Copper Cliff newspaper A quiet but very solemn house wedding was performed by Rcy W pastor of Knox Church at the home of Mr and Mrs Caldwell Power St on Wednesday Feb 24 at a when their daughter Jean was married to Mr James Donald Mc Lean of Blind River The bride looked very pretty In a blue tra velling suit and pretty little hat trimmed with an and a wreath of rose buds She was assisted by Miss McLean Hie grooms slstir who also wore and both carried large bou quets Dr J McLean of Blind assisted the groom ceremony a delightful ding- dinner was served after which they will take up residence Douglas Man where the room is a prosperous grain grower The bride although formerly Copper Cliff was a popular young lady River where die has made her homo for Wo few years A largo number valuable presents including a cabinet of silver were her popularity War Tax on Lett ore Commencing on the of April the Government War Stamps will come into use On and after that date every letter or postcard mailed in Canada for delivery in Canada United Slates or Mexico and every letter mail ed in Canada for delivery In the United Kingdom and British pos sessions will require to have a one cent War affixed in addition to the regular postage stamp Wherever possible stamps on which the word War Tax have been printed should be used for prepayment of War Tax but should ordinary postage stamps be used for this purpose they will be accepted This War Stamp or additional Stamp for war purposes should be affixed lo the upper right hand portion of the address side of the envelope or postcard close to the regular postage so that it may be readily cancelled at the same lime as the In the event of failure on the part of the sender through over sight or negligence lo prepay the war tax on each letter or post card above specified such a let ter Or postcard will be sent to the nearest Branch Dead Letter Office It Is essential that postage on all classes of mail matter should be prepaid by means of ordinary postage stamps The War Tax Stamp will not bo accepted in any Owing lo the success of the jit ney bus in Toronto Mayor Smart is talking of starting one here Woodard and Mc Quain will have charge of the Fisher plantation this summer Mrs McClcnny and her nephew Charlie have returned home after spending the winter with Mussel mart at Miss Jennie Goodman of Toron to is visiting at the homo of her father and mother here Some class to Matthew who has purchased a swell black driving mare The pacer will have to step some now Florence hopes first jit ney bus service will be to Mount Albert as its so lonesome here on Sunday evenings Brooks has returned home after spending a week with friends in Cleveland A Campbell loaded a car with potatoes for Toronto market show this week Another Letter from Battle Front Mrs J J McDonald has receiv ed the following letter from her son Jack who is now in France March 1915 Dear Mother I am quite well hero in France am very sorry not writ ten more but it is bard to gel pa per here Tho weather is very good Just like the weather in England France is a coun try The roads all stone and are bard to march on The places we have been in are all blown to pieces with shell from the artillery fire Our Battal ion has been in the trenches for four days It was wet all the At very close Cut Prices lower than the City Prices I work all night and tired when we We are sorry to learn that James P Laenby who has been ill so long is worse today Thursday Also Applelon the Lake is much worse A severe attack of pneumonia Miss Lizzie McMullen is suffer ing with a heavy cold Frosty 0 AURORA The second interdenominational Sun day School Convention for Newmar ket Aurora and district took place In the Aurora Methodist Church on Wed nesday of last week and at each ses sion the attendance was very large In the morning Mr of To ronto was the chtel speaker and In the Toronto case for the prepayment of post- returned from age Daniels pastor K ol Dr recently Japan and Rev of the Aurora MAN WHO fjviy watch LOCKS cot THE Cannot afford to he care less of his eyesight It often means the difference between advancement and loss of oc cupation If you experience headache or eyestrain when doing close work you should call upon us at once and ascertain posi tively thai your eyes are right or if not get glasses that will correct the defect It is often surprising what an immense degree of com fort may he realized from cor rectly fitting glasses time We day we are very come out we are in mud to our knees some parts of the trenches we were only two hundred yards from tho German trenches We can see Ihemand they can see us I was frightened for a while un der fire but we soon got used to Wlicn we fire we take quick aim pull Ufa trigger end duck our heads We use the Ross rifle We get tobacco to us in the trenches We get bully beef and hardtack The biscuits arc so hard we have to use a hammer break them Wo can build in the trenches to make our tea When wo como out of trenches we get in a lot of mud We have a full kit which weighs about seventyfive pounds Our clothes get muddy all over the dirt is clay and hard to get on We clean up he day after wo come out We get rest for a while and then go back in tin trenches again The places that we get for bil let are barns and old buildings that have been shelled Wo get a good bath and clean under clothes before we go back We bathed In an old mill I have not had a cold yet but it is not hard to gel one because of wot weather Since we left we have been in a of pines They are very nice streets are very narrow You dont want to worry about me for I will take good care of myself got a letter from Sam my Trusty on Sunday and was glad to hear from him I not seen any of the Newmarket boys since I have over hero We are all apart from other now Hope you arc all well at homo When you write again I wish you would put some paper and envel opes in for It is hard to get here will write again soon so I will close now loving son Jack No Pie John McDonald 4 1st Infantry COUNCIL Council met at on Satur day March at Members all present- Minutes ol former meeting read and adopted Communications received from Hy droElectric Railway Association asking Municipality to Join their Association and also that Council pass certain resolutions thereby en closed or subsidies to Electric Rail ways and have same forwarded to Dominion Government No action taken thereon Councillor Taylor was appointed Commissioner for town- line to act along with one appointed by North Council The was Instructed to Mrs Jackson o Toronto to remove her fence boathouse and other ob structions from oft road recently established leading from the con lino wateredge opposite lot A Bylaw was passed dividing School Section No at tho con line thereby forming a new section composed of lots to inclusive in and 5th concessions A number of accounts were ordered paid John Wilson Informed Council tint there was somd wood piled on Highway on 2nd con line op posite his property and that he wish ed to have same removed A groat of ten dollars was made to the Spring Fair Council adjourned to meet at Bald win on Thursday May at at if J I lBS its mm ii all Ids He who rises late must trot day and scarcely overtake business at night Dr Fuller Era to absent friends Toronto Market April Wheat per bush per bush Oats per bush Rye per hush Hay per ton Butter per lb do Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Ducks por lb per lb Turkey per 3l6Rf SMS A OF- J1 0 0 S4 350 38 0 0 18 0 p It ATKINSON R Jewelers and Opticians ICKKT AGENT MARRIAGE LIVE STOCKMARKET High est prices paid in this week were as follows Newmarket Markets i Export cattle Choice Calves April Wheat per bush per bush Buckwheat per Oats per yet too Bran per lay ton Pics i Potatoes Chickens per It Ducks per lb per lb lb 1 A GO a no 1B00zO 0 Having on hand a largo stock of Mens Wo mens and Childrens Boots and we have de cided to clear them out at a very low price Also a lot of other goods that will be selling at a big saving wish you to come and see these as you will be sure to derive a great benefit If you do mm 3 Doors South of Kino George Hotel Main Stroat Newmarket r 0 0 0 delaying the delivery of KING LEADS WAY TO war SOLUTION OF DRINK PROBLEM The King has volunteered if it to considered ad I sable person illy to London March his plea to that ol the ship- Jgtt and owners and in some cases thai of the Mx use In the J themselves ibat iSuch has sent to f some o racasurpK be cope with the David George the chancellor ot the exchequer by tho Kings pri vate secretary lqrd mm ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO