Newmarket Era, 2 Apr 1915, p. 4

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HIS WOMANS Qitkkly Yielded To E Vegetable Compound 111 1 Baltimore Mi I am mow than lad to tell What E Vegetable Com pound did for roe I suffered dreadful pains and wm very Irregular I became alarmed and for Vegetable Com- lit 5 EDITORIAL NOT There was a lively scene in the Legislature last week when the leader of be Opposition lb Government tor having during past year expended nearly mil lions by way of treasury warrants which the constitution says is not permissible unless extraordi nary circumstances A cablegram from London land states that An mem orandum regarding at an nounces that at least mi- lion dollars worth of war material and equipment has been ordered by the allies- from Canada and that this expenditure does not include that in curred on behalf the Canadian con- pour I took Canadian cramp or fof pain and felt like shells and are paru I hope my little According to a press despatch from Ottawa last Thursday the Hon Minister of Finance announced a I change in his proposed special tax bill stamps on promissory notes bills of He pro- it has now been six any medicine at all- I hope note will assist you In helping other wo men I now feel perfectly well and In the beat of health Mrs AUGUST KONDTOR Street Bal timore Md E Pinkhams Vegetable Com- exchange and cheques made from native and rbs contains no narcotic or harmful drags and today holds the record of being the most successful remedy for female ills we know of and thousands of voluntary testimonials on file in the laboratory at Lynn Mass seem to prove this fact For thirty years it has been the stand ard remedy for female ills and has re stored the health of thousands of women who have been troubled with such ail ments as displacements inflammation ulceration- tumors irregularities etc If you want special advice to Med- exception of wild and ducks has to have the stamp affixed by tbe maker but cancelled the Hank Ion presentation The Hon Minister that promissory notes or bills of exchange or receipts between idivjiiuals and not payable by n rank were not jo t to he tax and that the tax also did not apply to POSt- Savings banks Judging from the action f the Fish and Game Committee of the Ontario Legislature we gather the notion that a uniform- season for squirrels rabbits and all game birds with the During concurrence In tbe estimates on Monday Mr well and Mr Ham of Brant took exception to the ex penditure at the Prison Farm fuel ph The criticism was severe the Conservative majority sustained the Government Hon Mr has introduced a bill to throw the burden of proof where a fatal accident occurs at a fire upon the proprietor to show that the proper and necessary fire appliances were installed Mr Bowmans Hill to amend the Act and restore to the Pro vincial Auditor tho duly preparing the public accounts as was thc prac tice was voted down on a party vote of to It on Monday 0 The Legislature spent two full hours Monday nght putting Sir Adam Hecks Power Commission Act amend ments through committee Auditors OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES For he of Newmarket for Year Ending RECEIPTS Now is the Time to Get Rid Those Ugly Spots of Co Lynn Mass Your letter will be opened read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence I fi i to i i Mi t tf I I ROBT JONES 6C2 St PRACTICAL PAINTER of all natural woods and General House Decorations In all the Latest Styles WALL PAPER SUPPLIED And Hung on the Most Rea sonable Terms If you want the very BEST WORK AT THE LOWEST FIGURE You cannot bettor My paper hung at per roll any other paper per roll Estimates Submitted and all work carried out by our own supervision and none but exper ienced men employed AH Kinds of Signs Painted Just give Jones a Trial Satisfaction Is Guaranteed been decided upon The season will extend from Oct 15 to Nov The Toronto News says rea son for this change was given in com plaints that many sportsmen have been in the habit of obtaining licenses to hunt a certain variety of games when in season and of shooting every they might chance to come across whether in or out of season The Dominion Premier has given no tice of an amendment to the British North America Act to increase th number of Senators from to Previous amendments have brought the total to Th new change will give Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta six Senators instead of four and British Columbia six instead of three Another change will increase rom three or six to four or eight the number of persons whom may add to the l Senate At no time is the number of Senators to no about The reso lution is in the form of an address to the Theres no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles as Hie prescription double strength is guaranteed to remove these homely spots Cash iu office Jan I Resident Taxes Arrears of Taxes Dot Taxes 4 of an double strength- from ami apply Ijttlc of it and morning and you should soon that own have begun lo while the lighter law entirely is Mom more than an ounce needed to completely clear Hie skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion sure to ask for the double strength as this is sold under of money back if it fails to remove freckles YEARS License lien is Valcr Hales Water Meters and InstalliuK Pines Light Miscellaneous Hank Overdraft JVC- Cholines outstanding Cash and not DISBURSEMENTS Hank overdraft Ian 1 Salaries and allowances advertising stationery postage Insurance water and direct lighting Charity Light Capital Water Works Maintenance Water Works Capital School Account Interest New Wells New Tire Alarm System Law lloadr and Bridges Market Hoard of Health County Hales Miscellaneous i Cash in 1 35 I 1125 from Grant y Town Grant front School Seals Hi and and Secretary PUBLIC SCHOOLS Fuel Caretakers Interest 1 Repairs Maps and Supplies Printing ft Adv Miscellaneous Hal In Hank of Montreal 57181 SCHOOL 5 71 t I2782V0 0027 1 1 Cash on Hand County Grant Municipal Grant Fees County Pupils Fees Pupils Fees Pupils Co Pupils Fees irainiiiK Grant Miscellaneous I28C08 280000 73150 Teachers Salaries S6U0 Officials ft Sal fuel Ace Library Addition v Disburseme Instructor Foes Repairs to Miscellaneous Cash on hand I0592 IflMi or t5k CURRENT ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ASS ETS Cash Oil hand Grant a Giaid and Con id Grant PUBLIC LIBRARY 101 ill 575 t and Salaries stt Books and Insurance M lrillanrfillK Cash in Hank GEO VALE in Eloctric tore Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c jtlf ucertaln lkmifirlctljooncdcitfl our an HAilOBOOonUnu Ion LEGISLATURE it H V I lie- I Sis mi J 1 If PHOTO Those old pictures of Father and mother are very dear to you Price less In fact Just bear In mind that your children would cherish Just such pictures of you are also prepared to take your picture In the evening Studio open every Saturday evening or other nights by ap pointment ZURBRIGQ Photographer Studio One Door West of the New Post Office Oldest A without In ho Scientific A UluitralcJ of any or soU New York Cash in Office Dec lOii Arrears of Water Hales Arrears of Light Arrears of Taxes Arrears of Water Meter Accounts Arrears of Taxes Town Scales Of Market Stall Licenses Current balance delicit 10950 allS 1 08150 iOOO 748757 30 LIABILITIES I ft v v la 9 it- mi i I J Why not give your hoy and girl opportunity to mafeetheirAome study and I effective Give them the same S chances to win pro- motion and buooGbs a as the lad having the advantage WEBSTERS I NEW INTERNATIONAL I Dictionary in his home This new creation answers with final author- all of questions in hi story geography f pronunciation fiports arts and sciences Vocabulary Colore s ivts Is The member for North York lias a bill to amend the Assessment Act It relates to lands by municipal corporations and is as follows Notwithstanding anything in this paragraph or any provision of this or any other Statute of Ontario where I property is acquired by the corpora tion of a municipality in any other municipality or by the corporation of la county in any municipality the County for a reformatory or goal or for an industrial farm or other like institution the land comprising or forming part of or attached to the institution shall not be exempt from taxation hut shall be assessed in the same manner as other lands in municipality but the building plant machinery and other erections upon such land shall be exempt from for municipal purposes lion Mr Dull Minister of Agricul ture stated on floor of the Legis lature that he proposed introducing legislation compelling Township Councils to pay the full value of sheep destroyed by dogs Most of them do that now but they compel farmers to unduly value their sheep to get it ft Scholarly Acuru Conttnlent sod than REGULAR AND INDIA- PAPER I EDITIONS I WRITE or a i t tc wtoIPeAH you I GCMERRIAI4C0 mmi lif4l Furnace Work Plumbing of Our Bathroom Shop THE TINSMITHS 1 0SB0R8E SONS to The and Game Committee have decided to an increase of another dollar per year on deer li censes They also approved of an In crease of the bounty for timber irom to A bounty on brush wolves recommended of five Amendments to the Power Commission Act also to the Workmens Compensation Act and the Corporation Tax Act were all in troduced in Legislature on Thurs day of last week The Governments Highway bill Pro vides for a contribution by the Pro vince to road of per cent an increase from per Thc cost of the road must not exceed 11000 per mile and it does the Government will only allow the muni cipality the per cent based on a cost of per mile Hon Mr introduced a bill week to Impose a tax on Insur ance companies Pending the action before courts he proposes to levy a flat tax of on all Insurance companies but may If the company pays a rate of per cent on the gross ln- remit any balance of the remaining The Opposition leader censured Government for Its expenditures and for ordering payment without the authority of the Legislature of on revision of statutes and similar Items It Is anticipated the legislature will complete the work of the present session so as to prorogue end of next week A short session but members are not talking about their indemnity Mr has given notice that he will reintroduce his Bulk Sales the object of which Is to prevent a dishonest merchant making a quick sale in bulk of goods for New Train Sice Improved Service TORONTO MONTREAL OTTAWA Via Lake Ontario Line Fast to Whitby Oehawa Port Hope Trenton Eto Particulars from Agents or write M Murphy DPA Toronto ATKINSON Newmarket m I I M SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE IN MORTGAGE OF LOT NO ACCORDING TO PLAN 1642 TOWNSHIP Debenture No No Waterworks Debenture No ByLaw No Waterworks Debenture No ByLaw No 1 1 Public School Bank of Montreal Overdraft Hank of Toronto Overdraft Town Solicitors Fees Estimate Sundry Accounts passed hut unpaid 1 ASSETS assets per statement Mall Laud and Appliances Building and land at Power House Water Works Town Scales Artesian Wells Hospital and laud Clerk and Treasurers Coal on hand Hand Instruments Electric Light Supplies Water Works Supplies Watering Cart School property lauds Market building and lot Steel and cement bridges Jail building Office furniture exclusive of schools light plant and machinery rented meters Mains hydrants and reservoirs Road plainer and tools Water meters and extensions on hand Tile Why It Pays to Use Tungsten Lamps J and equipment and walks 350000 10000 30000 I iOOOOO 250100 32 P Carbon Lamp consumes I I waits ami gives 32 100 WATT Tungsten consumed 100 walls and gives Cost of Burning Cost of Lamp a 16 P WATT Concentrated consumes 1 walls ami gives HO cp Lamp for 100 WATT Nitrogen consume- 1 watt and gives cp Total Cost Cost of Burning P Tungsten for Cost of Lamp Total Cost 26 695 200 35 SEE NET SAVING DEMONSTRATION IN MY WINDOW I 360 ELECTRIC WIRING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS I REPAIR WORK GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION I All work guaranteed lo pass Rules and Regulations HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION OF ONTARIO STARR Eleotrtoal Contractor Market Building HI I Liability Hank Montreal Overdraft Hank of Toronto overdraft Town Solicitor for 1 1 1 subject to adjust- Sundry accounts passed and unpaid it Si Assets Liabilities Surplus 7010 10 1014 ROLL a OH To amount on Collectors Roll for year Street Oiling Snow cleaning per added Poll Tax Con ugh I Can I amount be added and then disappearing Wilder by of powers contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of the sabs there will be offeree for by Public Auction on Saturday Ten day of April the hour at No Carlton Street Toronto by A Compear Auctioneers follow- property la Township of In the of York and Province of On tario ball a mile of the Village of Mills and hi lag No Plan County York TO ETHER with a of way over Number Twenty hair CM laid plan comprising acres upon which la said to be situated a two- storey metalclad 1 storey stable and driving shed Well Pump and about Fruit Trees Said property is five minutes walk from Yonge Street and the The properly be sold subject to a reserve bid Terms Tea per cent purchase price to be paid down at the time of sale balance within day thereafter For further parti culars and conditions of sale apply to Messrs McWhinney Brown Sun Life Building Toronto solicitors for Mortgagee DATED at Toronto- this lay of March on Discount on Taxes from Oct to Oct Allowance street oiling Rebates allowed Paxes up lo Dec To COllc ion 129b 1 J I 94100159 To Mayor and Council of Town of Newmarket GENTLEMEN A We beg to report thai we have made a regular yearly Au dit of the Account Hooks and Voucher of your Treasurer dur ing the year and with exception of various items which came to our notice and undor our supervision we find correct The vouchers No to No and No wore found not signed by the Mayor Wo submit detailed and Abstract Statements of Receipts and Expenditures during past year and also a Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of 3isl December Ths security given by your Treasurer duo perform ance of the duties of his consists of a bond by London Guarantee and Accident Company for the sum of and de posited in tho hands of tho Mayor The balance of Cash in hands of the Treasurer as shown in statement is Banks Accounts being over drawn to the extent of at the date of the Audit December Wo have examined the Public and High School Boards Ac counts as also the Public Library and find same to ho correct Respectfully Suhmittod GEO VALE Auditors- Finally audited and allowed this day of March PJ ANDERSON Clerk SMITH Dont Wait For Business Work For It Working not waiting will make your business prosper It is often a long weary road to busi ness success and the goal is sedom reached by wai for opportunity to come to you I Perhaps you have a plan in mind for promoting business Why not turn to your Long Distan T and test out the possibilities of your plan Your personal appeal will go far towards making it a success Put the power of your personality into your efforts I It costs little to find out by Long Distance Telephone how you can get more business the telephone may give you just the help you need to pull prosperity your way I f Jell j I ton ililmnt4 The Bell Telephone Co of Canada ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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