Newmarket Era, 2 Apr 1915, p. 6

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YATES AGENT I I J l J V A IfeV ss St I J- 1 J- i ft i mm WOMENS INSTITUTE regular meeting- of the Womens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Shields on Thursday April at 3 oclock This is to be a so cial Afternoon and all are expect ed to bring their dinner- Light refreshmentswill he served All ladies are cordially invited to at tend FARMERS TAKE NOTICE Having to give up the premises formerly occupied I have dispos ed of my entire slock of pure bred to lay to Alon- Blizzard phone 3020 These hens are bred by cockerels from the best laying stock in Can ada People requiring eggs for hatching should consult him I TERRY Or Smith dentist who visits here 1st Tuesday in the month will be here Tuesday April 6th Some one wants to know what happened to the young poultry farmer who carried the hen down street on Tuesday ExController Simpson of To ronto delivered an interesting lec ture in the Methodist Church on Monday evening on New Citizen ship Our teachers left litis week to spend the Easier holidays at their respective homes Messrs Robert and Morris old Mount Albert boys have been spending a few days with friends and relatives in town and vicinity Mr John formerly of Franklin was in town calling on old friends last week Mrs was called to the bedside of her son Frank who is seriously ill in the Hospit al at New He is now on the way lo recovery A great number of our citi zens have suffered from attacks of and heavy colds This disagreeable cold snap may cause some more of the same The Ladies Aid Society held their monthly meeting last at the homo of Jones and all reported a good time Rev I Stone held the pulpit here last Sabbath for the last limn this season Wo are verysorry Jo his going away Mr- Percy of Mongolia was spending a few days with his here Wo are very sorry to hear if Mr J Merchants illness Wo hope be will soon be well again Mr Gordon wife and family have been very poorly with the grippe Hope they will soon recover BlackEyed Beauty SHARON Its quite wintry these days It is not very good weather for syrup making Glad lo say that Mr Frank Tale is improving Mr M Ramsay was wood Tuesday last Krni6 made sure lie didnt get disappointed in taking his girl homo this time Mr Wm Black was under the care last week but glad to see him around again Mr was sawing wood last Tuesday What a pity High School uidl dismiss a little later so it would be dark when Walter passed imu the village Glad to say Mr Thomas Shropshire Is improving The Miss Barkers have re turned lo school since their illness BALDWIN Mr and Mrs visit ed Mr and Mrs J A last Sunday Mr Morton from Jacksons Point were visiting here last Sunday He was a welcome puesl of Mr and Mrs Mr Bruce is up and about after Ins sickness Mr Wesley went visiting in Raven shoe The last of March has not been as agreeable as the first How ever it is said by a large number that it has been the nicest March for many a year Mr J conducted the service on Sunday evening The crowd was not as large as usual owing to the looks of the weather The hired men soon start work first of April sees a lot begin ning Wages not as nigh Ibis year The syrup makers have been bothered some with the snow ll is week Mr Winch is visiting his cousin Mr Irwin Winch We are glad lo see him around again Sorry lo hear our school teach er has the mumps also some of the scholars We hope they will soon run out Another man has moved into Mr for Mr Herbert Winchs bouse Will King of hear he is intending to work Mr James Nelson YOUNG CATTLE FOR turning Com in firstclass shape for on pasture also White Oats for sale per bush and see lllCln Apply to W Jr Keswick ARE YOU GETTING WINTER IN wood is the order of the day Miss Maud ws homo ov er Sunday Miss Kean of Toronto visited her sister Miss ft last week Miss Maggio Brown of Toronto visited at Mr Browns a few days last week Mr J M Kitely is at Roachs Point this week moving a for Mr J Hamilton Mr Roy of North limbury moved into the farm va cated by Mr Adam West The mumps are still on the go hero John Unsay Jean Fare Jack Tale and Harry Watson have them at present Mr Win is sick witn influenza The Green Lane was pretty rough on Sunday night j Mr J Anderson Called Home The following is clipped from a Nebraska paper News of the death of James Anderson at his homo in Decatur oclock last Monday morning came to the community as a shock as none knew that his con dition was considered at all seri ous He had been ill with the grippe for a couple of weeks but had almost recovered and on day had ventured out of doors apparently feeling much better The immediate cause of his deatn was apoplexy the end coming so suddenly that his wife who was sleeping beside him did not real ize her great loss until the spirit of her loved one had departed for its eternal home James Anderson was born Oil shipboard off Sandy Hook July and departed this life at Decatur March 1915 aged years months and days He was the eldest of seven children born to Jnmjs and Isabella Anderson who at the time of his birth were on their way from Aberdeen Scotland to Canada At Sharon Ontario young An derson grew to manhood As a youTlg man ho spent several years in search of his fortune travelling in Australia Nevada and jiia returning to Sharon lie was married on October to Miss i daughter of Mr and Mrs was laid away in Ihe Decatur Com- who is how regularly on gaged by the village show you his show you his spring samples of suitings Suits Miss Annette Fields and Mijs from upwards Katie Adams spent Sunday last with Mr and Mrs A Far View Farm These young ladies are graduates of Toronto General Hospital and are also- Lieutenants in the Canadian ArJ my Medical Corps of Canada They leave for France for active service Just any day and were up bidding friends farewell who wished them good health and safe return Al a meeting of the session of the Presbyterian Church on Mon day night Mr Watson of Sharon was elected Elder having received the highest number voles by the congregation Something good in for Easter Sunday the Presbyte rian Church Come and hear what it will be MrMI J of Keswick al so Mr and Mrs W Eves of Spring Bank Farm spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs W A to bid Fields and Adams before going to France KESWICK In acknowledging myself lure been a professional secret errlce I mast admit that lose much of the sympathy of who the ro mance of war Bat war Is not ro mance It in what General Sherman described It soldier la paid for standing np to be shot paid spy Is as necessary to an army sol dier Indeed be may be of more bene fit to a than an army During the big north and south The Ladies Aid Of the ist Church will hold their service bureau In I monthly business meeting lea on Tuesday April a family of fle children orphans ness meeting tea served who were dependent on me for to A good program will port I was nineteen the In or- be given Everybody welcome of birth was a girl of Of teen the The Social held under the next a boy of thirteen and so on down auspices Of the Methodist Choir to the a boy of six My fa- was quite a success The died years before the wai amounted about sixteen- broke out and left my mother to do the dollars James the best could feeding and clothing lionoer succeeded in getting l tte prices for all the boxes and when In Hazel Morton won the prize the best decorated box with a box for tbe family that was patterned after the Meth odist Church Miss Bessie Terry ha taken up her duties as hat Coles again A number- around have tapped their sugar They have not had a very good run yet I lived till I was twelve years old In Richmond and my natural dia lect was southern My sympathies were neither with south nor north It occurred tome that was In a position to earn money by going south and bringing back Information for the federal government I knew of Allan secret service Even if Uncle Will did reflU and weDl tDere an not the buzzsaw he a talk with him Be was at the most of the villagers in his wood pile up Ho has about cords of wood split and neatly piled Miss Marion Evans took her sisters place as school teacher at last week glad Lo that Mr Alfred Morion is slowly gaining Listen for tub wedding bells in the near future Messrs King and trick of Lefroy spent Sunday- at Mr Perhaps it is not the duly of the Mayor to decide which of his subjects has the best chickens He should not be afraid of giving his opinion though because elec tion is a long way off if the mayor will not these mat ters then the police magistrate must or lose his job The League last week was in charge of the Citizenship Depart ment Harry Marritl gave a talk on Industry Mr and Mrs John Marritl are visiting friends and relatives in Township The patriotic in the Christian Church on Friday even ing was a one although not as largely attended as the last one held there The ice in the Lake is almost as solid as ever yet Spring is likely to he late this year There is need of a few more houses in Keswick every being occupied and a demand for more SUTTON alone Lodge A A held their regular meeting on Wednesday evening Wear a pair of Walkers over alls soils them For every six pair bought you get a free pair Mr And Mrs W were in the city on Sunday After marriage the couple lived Mrs remaining over If not you should order set ting from my heavy laying Beds While breeding for eggs Is my hobby I never neglect color This is the record of pullets and hens Dec 150 Jan and np lo March I have 3 pens mated prices per Mount Albert Bed Feather Yards Mrs Willbce Prop ATTENTION i t 1 Now Farmers I Spring is hero again Have you all the imple ments you need If not come to me I- have Drills Cultivator Harrows Wagons In anything you may need I keep a good stock always on hand of different makes Do not fail to see me or phone I can Interest you Do as our says buy Flour gel at the Ml- Albert Flour Mills Cus tom Grinding per bushel Wheal taken in exchange for at Sharon for live years moving from there lo the slate of Iowa where they resided for five years on the shores of Lake Sine From there they moved to Lincoln Township Monona County where they lived for twenty years Mr Anderson pursuing the vocation of farming and stockraising In March they moved again this time to where they afterwards made their homo and Were living the time of Mr An dersons sudden demise The deceased was last of his seven brothers and sisters lo cross into great beyond He leaves surviving him besides his bereaved widow one Mrs Rankin of Sheldon La who was present at the funeral and one nephew James Hunt of Ontario The entire community mourns pausing of James R Anderson us the loss of a genuine friend In the quarter of a century of hi lifo spent in Decatur bo had en deared himself to his acquaint ances hi such a way as lo make his sudden departure into the boundless realms of eternity strike their hearts with grief joins In extending Manitoba Flour Manitoba audi sympathy to thosorrowstrick Pastry Flour always hand I widow Chopping every day Axes Funeral condurt ling box knives and skates ground Tuesday afternoon from A AC and Mrs remaining over The put in couple of new members again on Monday night They expect the River- dale Degree Team up to put on the three degrees early in April They are also having their hall remodelled and are purchasing new curtains for tho windows Their endeavor is to their membership reach hundred Mr Henderson the now coiu on freight ear moved into Mrs Williamsons this week and has com menced his duties on the road The Button Whist Club are ar ranging with tho Carinington Club for this week or early next week Miss Pearl Miss Titlie Allan and Master Art Allan in Toronto last Friday Mr baggage man on tho is moving into Sutton in house at the end of High Street Dr Lnvery is showing is Eng lish bull dog and of at Show In Toronto this week Mr Geo was hero a portion of the week Owing to regular CouooU Meeting falling on Good Friday regular meeting will bo post poned one week Sutton Public School have se cured the services of Mount Albert Rev Wash officiating The lor as caretaker in place of Win time furnishing spies for President Lincoln and listened attentively to all I Said When 1 bad finished he sug gested that I would likely have more playing the part of a girl than a man Bis reason for tbls was that I bad a feminine face at that time no beard and spoke with a soft voice that would bo called contralto in a woman He questioned me a good to assure himself that I could be relied on to Onion side and although I confessed to him I bad no prefer ence for either cause I won bis con fidence simply by promising to stand by the Interests of the federal govern He sent me to President Lincoln with whom I had a private time was the summer of When the Federal the west bad little or nothing to oppose them and bad competent leaders then been 1q command the war could hove been ended within very short period Mr Lincoln wished me to go to Richmond to Investigate feeling at the capi tal of those In power to learn whether It was an advantageous time to offer terms for peace If came with the desired Information I was to re ceive a very large sum of mouey A sum sufficient to take care of my brothers and sisters during my absence was given me and was promised a pension for them in case I was taken and hanged- My sister Margie though four years younger than was nearly my height and weight and having Mr suggestion to dress as a girl I used clothes With Mr Lin colns pass made out for Alice Hunter I bad In getting out of the Federal lines 1 was ad mitted Into Confederate lines read ily because It was much easier to pasa Into Confederate territory than to emerge from It When 1 reached I sought a boarding bouse I settled myself to remulu long enough to accomplish my mission This was early In July when the va- period for schools bad come and I gave out that bod been studying In New York when war broke out and preferred to remain another year in order to my course at a north ern school But I very chary about making definite statements Mr had told me that Confed erate were constantly passing be tween Washington and Richmond and tliLlr number was legion that I would be lb more danger from them than any one else I was of all persons connections and wer not accounted for I talked with a good many persona about the gloomy aspect of Confeder ate affairs the but found few If any who were In favor of giving up I made varlona attempts to Interview persons of Influence but was not very successful One person In power whom I succeeded lo getting near I found unwilling to give me real opinion But I my mind that even If the leaders were willing to listen to terms for peace the people Were not except on the of Independence of tbe Con federate states However I learned through theiwlfe of a member of Confederate cabinet Unit Govern ment was wttb the people In this re spect and looked for to make good hi what federate weaC All the time I spent In IJIcbniendJ was Very ihinfRh nit of having been at north which I told to avoid where really hndVohily drew forth to the feeling Id the northern state I told them that the feeling was divided there being southern Having up mind that inert was no of the- southern people accepting terms the Federal government would I left my boarding house giving out that I going to my home a plantation the Japes rWer intending to go there with a view to striking Monroe In possession of tbe United 8tatea forces From there easily proceed north by sea In a government trans port I succeeded In finding a steamboat carrying freight that was going down river from far boat could proceed without encounter ing any Federal force I took passage on her finding a few other It was on this boat I received my first and only scare Up to time no one I had met seemed to have suspicion of my Being was nut cause of my trouble on the boat but that I was too attractive to a man On tbe guard as we left standing me was a young fellow typical southerner who from nil glances 1 judged was quite struck with my When went Into cabin lie followed me In order to offered me some hook to rend that It iiiigdi more to repulse accept a novel and in order to get IQ further iirelended to bo nut serve he whs defer- nil thin every opportunity to with me I concluded to do Sinn- he rtiultten will int mere Wrts surely tit Ilml iicpeti me lichi- my true At list riiiiarklim tin nil in the cab in 1 14 le going tun on the Along be yellow stream with nearly as luire as when Hie the tuliiiiaa My tl he whs to lint on thin iiu who did nut stand by the was to bis he he was the Confederate draw out pretended nut to believe his last tftatement and tie that he lieutenant In a Virginia regiment Then why yon not I asked with suspicion truth or bis statement This wtia too much for He confessed that he was to Fortress Monroe on secret service was bearer of dispatched prominent southern sympathizers lu north and Intended sailing on vessel be conld find to take him there This confirmed Mr story that routes between north and south were fun or Confederate spies I was the fear thai one them bad suspected me and tad made my acquaintance with a view to trap ping me I nerved myself and gave every erldeiice of elation of cue who was so much for the Confederate cause It hard for in to believe that one bent on such an errand would give himself away to a strHugei yet on other hand be was still iu Con federate territory talking to one who professed to be wrapped ip In the of the south At any rote should soon know was de ceived by me or whs a game to trap me thought best to leave the boat it a landing some distance end of ber route I my friend good by with my best wishes suc cess and going man to drive me bin toward the I wished to In one way or another I got fur as a Federal outpost and nuked to be to the commander I bad kept sewed up In my clothing an unlet signed A l all In the service mi aid and comfort flhowinl lite eommhndlbg whs hi once pro vlded with mans clothlne and nance me a re volver I wished this Weapon I should with whom I bud traveled I did not Wish give away hut wanted to the dis patches be carried so could them to Lincoln I had aot been at fori two hours I saw the youne innn passing the I approached and him did not recognise l but as soon ax It broke In his that be bud himself away to a man thinking him to a turned pale Dont fear yourself said have Just iome on filename with you In more Utah one I bay been the secret service I know It would meant discovered i Would tbo rope me the you car and I Secret Ho looked relieved his sens of deterred giving me what would compromise others could he do the center United Whites for tress tie gave me the and I helped him get hack Into Confederate territory In due time made my reort to Lincoln and he told me that dispatches I bad captured were fur mure Informs be for slon of thwiirted I porta pi plan In the 0 the Confederacy several other trips for Mr Lincoln last having escaped by a hairs breath I not Hut I had the to me In wit fcuwhiws O A BOQERT Manager This Bank Offers Farmers a Ssles Notes collected on favorable term snd on such notes at reasonable rates The Savings Department Is a safe and convenlenl for yolir money Interest at current Is paid et one dollar and upwards One dollar opens an account the Department MOUNT ALBERT BRANOH D TERRY Manager READY SPRING We am now prepared to meet the demands of the spring trade with a line of Hats and Caps Hose Neokwear Collars etc Call In and let us quote you a price on a New Suit Over 300 samples to ohoose from J SMALLEY OUTFITTERS Issuer of- Marriage Licenses WEST A SLAVE Im Getty sorry for Golden said Shes a perfect slave Why 1 I remonstrated what do you mean Mrs Golden wile of the prosperous young merchant in town hardly seemed to me an pitty I mean it declared Betty and Ill prove It out ol her own mouth Isnt she slave to what belongs lo things to what people will think and to keeping her house In order Havent you heard say those things times Yes admitted li I have It began when we were girls Hetty continued I used to scold Iter then but Ive given it Up as hope less You know Was married out West Soon afterward I got a letter from She was going to bo married in the all and she was nearly dead trying to get ready lor she had to have some new dresses and at least live sets handmade under clothes and there was all the table linen to hem and the bed linen too for she wouldnt have any machine- sewed things in her house I was brought up in New land so I saw her point view but I help smiline Jack and I Were married on three days notice because he got that engineering work near Denver and wanted to take me with him I wore an old silk waist and my second best skirt because we were going straight to the train I dont mean of course that a girl shouldnt have a pretty trousse but if it isnt right for her to spend too money it neither Is it right to waste nerves and health and eyesight on It is just the now She dusts every room I every day and wipes down the stairs every morning on her and knees and mops her kitchen floor every afternoon and al ways has four courses at dinner and wouldnt leave her beds unmade until after lunch If the world were coming to an end Yesterday morn ing Dr Jane Andrews stopped at my In her runabout Dont you want to ilde n little wayl with me she asked Ive some calls to make out at I had cleared the break fast table but I slipped on old linen duster as she was and went out said Im glad to see that you have some sense Thank you very much I return ed Jane laughed paid I stopped at house and asked her to ride with me Should that she couldnt because she hadnt dusted the diningroom I asked her If It couldnt till afternoon hut she said Oh TO WESTERN CANADA Going Every Tuesday From March to TWO MONTHS RETURN LIMIT FREE HOMES along the Canadian Northern Railway literature and la apply to hJJutcher Local Agent or to Genera Pass Agent King St Toronto Onl DONT EAT Bad Bread and grow cranky Buy Purity or Mve Hoses Flour Grain taken in exchange Shorts Chop and Grain tor sale at ALLEN Mi Albert NOTICE OF CLOSING AM STOPPING UP CERTAIN IN THE TOWN PLOT OF AMSTER DAM am is hereby given Municipal Council of the Town ship of King that Municipal Council proposes to pass a to close and stop up the following streets and parts of streets in the Town Plot of Amsterdam in the said Township that is to say following streets and por tions of streets shown and laid out upon the Government Plot of Amsterdam situate in the Township of King that is to say All of Hague Street Street and Utrecht Street those portions which arc south of the norther ly boundary of Hague Street of the following streets namely Hebron Street Keyset Street Kal- vera Street Street anil Street that part of Street lying south of a line drawn from the northeast angle of Park Lot A oh said plot to the most northwesterly of Lot on the sido of Oslend Tho Municipal Council of the Township of King proposes to pass the said bylaw of fact that said streets hava I always dust It in the morning opon usa m I couldat mil occupie4 A of Oats for early and late- varieties Prices moderate Terms Cash Apply to Toole Bros ML Albert hour for her to do It you know she all plates oh the plate- rack and wipes them think that she was rather oftended hut little arm needed dress ing and I considered that mare im portant than Belles dusting Its- all right to he neat con tinued Betty why cant she have some sense proportion and not waste her Hie onthings that really dont matter Jane that half her patients ate society and- the are model housekeepers I sury torresronds to the In the average you want business to pick up do a little yourself FOR SALE 2000 acresLot Cob East Owned by Suther land- 45 acres under cultivation Other improvements Apply on the premises or address Mrs SUTHER LAND Holt Oat- for farm purposes the of the land lo the streets and because it is for advantage of the residents of locality that they should be used It is proposed by the Muni- cipal to sell and cohvey the said portions of streets to John Adams of the City of Toronto in the ty of York and lhat the sajd by law should authorize this to done said bylaw will be con sidered at a meeting of the sail Council to bo held on the The deficit in Ontario day of April in Cards Ho tel in tho Village of Nobleton at in forenoon of so soon thereafter as mny practicable All persons wji deem that Ihoy may he prejudi cially affected by the said streets ore hereby noli- fled- to bo present in person or by their solicitors or agents at the said time and they will bo heard Township

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