Hi NT 5R3S J- feSE TESTKiDNEY I IFF AROUND HUB Have Value In Thousands of Cases RECORD OF A WONDERFUL CURE ate raws EiHHr Remedy That Acts On Three Of Organs Responsible For The Of Uric Add la Blood people do not realize that the is one of the three great elimina tors of waste matter from the body At a matter of fact the Skin rids the system of more Urea or waste matter than the Kidneys When there is Kidney Trouble Pain In The Back and Acrid Urine it may not be the fault of the kidneys at all but be due to faulty Skin Action or Constipation of the bowels cures weak sore aching not only because it strengthens these Organs but also be cause opens the bowels the stomach and stimulates the action of the is sold by all dealers at a box for trial size or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruitatlves Limited Ottawa fell ft I a I if V I Sift IN L m ft3 A SSL- i HE ij hj si- ftl KS- ii- Oh fc ifrs Jennie is Toronto Mr Bond has got the oflioo again Mr rial ted friends at Tottenham on Sunday Miss Bond held a birthday party on Friday evening Mrs Cation returned to her home In Port Arthur Tuesday Mrs Sloan of spent Wednesday- here with her mother Miss Calhoun is doing nicely after her operation Mr Abraham and family moved on Wednesday to button he has a farm There was fl farewell skating party on Tuesday night for the Abraham family A large attended and had an enjoyable time i STOREHOUSE TO RENT Huron St Apply to An old established MISS On Friday March about thirty guests asseiuLled at the home of Mr and Mrs Walter High View to celebrate the twentyfilth anniversary of their marriage Mr John has sold bis residence on Wellington Street to Geo Smith of White Rose who intends coming here to reside Mr will build as soon as the spring opens For some time past merchants have been missing goods from their stores but have been unable to catch the thieves On Thursday last a woman and boy vent into one of the stores and purchased some biscuits and cheese and requested that they he i- to have lunch in the store hey remained in the store for some time I and on going outone of the clerks who has suspected that the woman had some goods exam ined a basket she was carrying and found some mens underclothing she also found other goods pinned under her coat On giving up the goods she was allowed to go The next offender l em will not get oil so easy 8 nafces FOR SALE Roomed House with two lots and 32x72 Stable and lion house Cheap Apply to Hughes FOR SALE OR TO RENT House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good stable and cistern of YAWMAN Grace St Newmarket FOR SALE Two splendid Building Lots the Town of Newmarket one on Park Ave and one on Avenue Tor particulars apply to A Rice A Victoria St Toronto Your There la no truer saying than that beauty skin deep Good features lose their charm under a sallow or blotchy skin and poor features are glorified by a beautiful complexion A very useful toilet booklet entitled Complexion just been issued by and contains many helpful health and beauty hints Includ ing proper methods of massage It can bo had for the asking at the Agency Drug Store and you should call or tele phone for it Among other things it points out is that diet sleep ventilation and a thousand other things we cannot escape are continually warring against our complexions Get a or Face Cream and convince your self of its cleansing and refresliingand beautifying qualities Ills oxygenated and quickly absorbed by the skin leaves no shine and a fileasant smooth cool sensation quick- y removing the irritation produced by wind and weather All preparations are justly fam- otu and none more so than Nyals Face Cream which we unhesitatingly recom mend Call or telephone us for your copy of this book which contains most valuable information J Patterson Druggist Agent Newmarket Out reavement in the of her father who resided in Ireland The following address by Mrs Rev Scott was given at a meeting of Womens Institute held on March The subject allotted to me for to day is Homemaking ideals and I hope have at least in some measure grasped the significance of the sub ject for Im sire everyone will admit that it is a most important one Home is a very precious word There are words around cluster So in associations and memories Home Home There is no Home especially if it is an ideal home There are many rasons why stress should be laid on homemating and while time will not permit me to mention all these reasons it will be two our advantage to consider two ill I ever Woman So Weak and Nervous Could Not Stand Her Chil dren Near Her Vino Changed Everything for Her Plant City I wish I tell everybody about Vlnol For nine years I was- In bad health I got sol could not sleep and I could notatand it to have my chiloren come hear me I could not even sew or do any heavy housework 1 was simply tired all the time I tried so many medicines I not recall them all but nothing did me any One day a friend asked me to try and said it was the best tonic ah saw I did so and soon got the good nights sleep I had had for a long time Now I sleep well my appetite is good my nervousness Is all gone and I am bo strong and well I do all my house work and work in my flower garden without feeling tired or nervous has made me a well and happy woman Mrs H Miller Plant City Vinol contains the healing principles of fresh cod livers without oil and tonic iron We ask every weak rundown ner vous person In this vicinity to try our delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil on our guarantee to return their money If to benefit J Druggist Newmarket Out Building operations have commenced in our town again Mrs It of Kettleby called on friends here Tuesday afternoon Miss Mary Thompson spent Sunday at Mr Monkmans Mr AH Hill captured fine for one day last week but it was badly wounded and bad to be A very pleasant time was spent last Wednesday evening in Hall at a progressive euchre patty Mr Mitchell has moved his how back from the road Mr T is the old school building Mr T left on Wednesday for Port to Join the crwof the steamer Mr Percy Ash of Lake goes with him HUM LB as much crop off can off can Do ypu know yon can acres properly Trained acres not drained ftfld half labor If a fret y kw til lh fanpTOTM of cropij fr of aortUni tint wilt drains means two doll srsron thtro CkTnMntlndrT3moQffr tot Dominion Sewer Pip Co Limited STREET NORTH TO RENT The residence on corner of Park and Lorn Avenues Newmarket For apply to Saps GO Victoria Street Toronto or Mr tfcMasW Toronto FOR A newly mid bath A lo Prospect Ave iff HOUSE FOR SALE On Church St Newmarket in way room besides and wash room New Convenient to all down town centres Will be sold at a bargain easy terms- Apply at this WE A deefrable property situated Ave A largesized dwelling wilh all convtnlences all In first shape Quarter of an acre of grounds with apple and small fruit trees Frame stable and cement hen This we consider the best in town so act quickly Terras be arranged to suit to P Morton 373 BRADFORD 1 iVamps are one the move the town sheltering an average of six per night A vaudeville company came to town on Saturday to give a weeks pro gram but for some unknown rea son departed without opening up A lig effort is made to re organize the Bradford Club Constable was sent over to Amsterdam on Tuesday to destroy certain hogs which had been fed on dead horse about which a Court was held in Newmarket last week the natter having been brought to the attention the Provincial au thorities While Mr Oscar Lukes was putting a new tire on his car last Tuesday af ternoon the car slipped from the block and caught him crushing his left arm against the wall The arm is badly bruised above the and Mr will not have aov use of It for a considerable time The Ford Is beautifully light ed now Mr Nolan having put in an electric light plant at cost of The automobile business promises to be good this year Mr Nolan having sold sir cars already Mr Tindall has begun the erection of his new warehouse on the vacattt lot north of the blacksmith shop This Is the third new building put up on this in less than six month nation Someone has She who rocks the cradle rules the world and Cobden said The foundation stone of national prosperity is the hearth stone As in the home so is the state The homes the country what it isf There is no influence so groat in the lives of men and women Its powers is than that of college or workshop Therefore whatever makes the home makes the state and s troys the home is the deadliest enemy of the nation Napoleon husband and wife and par ents and children Other qualities are grand but love one the greatest It makes a mean home a place of de light and love itself in a thcjisand little expressions Let home be pel fumed with sweet af fections and the memory that will never die Then must be This is of paramount No home can be ideal without religion Chris tianity is the greatest home builder it is household them first show piety at home in a Il eal injunction Religion makes every home lovely Its impregnable rock is the one sure foundation a blissful home Event home should bo a nursery and school of religion The parent should be the priest of his own family every house should navy its familiar altar The teaching the highest things not he left to the school it is the business of those who the are By example as well as precept the child should he tatlght the scriptures and learn the way of prayer its earliest childhood The religious tent of a life is given in the home and A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs Wilder on St on Wednesday March when about forty of their neigh- tors assembled to show their esteem and friendship and to present them with a most beautiful dinner set and to express their regrets that Mr and Mrs Wilder and family are leaving their midst The evenings amusements of games of various kind up to midnight when the following ad dress was read by Mr George West and the presentation was made by Mr P Lepard alter which Mr Wilder made suitable reply thanking the friends for their kindness Refresh ments were then served after which the people bid them farewell Ad dress Dear Friends your friends and have met together here this evening to show in small way our re spects toyou before leaving for your new home We very sorry to lose you as neighbors hut what is our loss will be othtrs gain I wish you every success and prosperity in your new home a slight token of esteem we ask you to this set dishes not for their real value but as a remem brance when you use them of your many friends Signed on behalf of your Yonge St friends and neighbors No more headache for these Boat headset Mooring- Stomach and Liter bat a toot stomach and Al ttc ma co A NEW ISSUE the Telephone Directory is And n4litioA fori I reported I Manager at a telephone will it 11 the Why not order today and your direct The Bell Telephone Co of Canada I Parte was once asked a lady what rarely anywhere else and from such THE HOPE OF THE WORLD The maple syrep season is here Geo had a fall and Was badly shaken up He is now improv ing nicely Mr the courier lias moved into town The epidemic of mumps has subsid ed Mr Jos of Toronto and Mr lrnglo were with friends here this week They leave shortly for the home at Knife Mr John Mitchell has moved to a farm members of the Ladies Aid the Methodist Church gave their friends a very pleasant evening on Tuesday The church was full and all were auxious to see how the ladies would acquit themselves when they had everything their own way The play A Business Meeting of the Ladies Aid of Mohawk Crossroads was presented by the ladies In a manner which brought forth comment from all The case was purely amateur but the ladies showed that this was not their first appearance- before tho public And the gowns Where they found Away In Land Value to the man who wants a Farm acres of good land some choice clay Farm lias all uptodate Build ings consisting a modern House also Hip Hoof Barn built from all new material with modern together with all other Outbuildings in good re pair Rural Mail Delivery We the costumes of forty yrars ago you to go over this Farm Put was a mystery One could easily fair value on Land also Build- that this one was worn by So- then come down to New- grandmother when she ar rived a bride in long ago and by Somebody when a gay party was held In the dim and dstant past Several vocal selec tions were rendered a dluin being the Instrument accom paniment Taken altogether the lad les gave an Interesting and added some dollars to their strong box market and we will you as to the amount away We must wind up this Estate Will accept a Mortgage at cent for- tun years with a small deposit down You must act quick in Mile mailer or this chance mile Fast of Pleasant on the Centre Road known as the Tommy Farm of North This farm has plenty of Water Orchard Good Bush convenient to School or also Metropolitan Sta tion at P MORTON Lome Ave Fslatc Building Co 33 Newmarket Imported I old dark iron gray Apply eh Lot Con I Whitchurch Aurora Being able to buy everything wail you are not liable to want you Harris mil Jos for the West on Tuesday Mrs was tho guest of friends In Toronto last week Miss Gladys Clark entertained a few of her Iricnds on Saturday even ing Miss Gertie Calhoun who has been from pneumonia Is now on the road Mr J as who has seri ously ill of pneumonia Is favorably Died On Saturday March tannic daughter Cof fey Main Street The many friends Mrs Scott I will sympathize with her In he- France requiretl for the educa tion of its youth and his answer as profound as it was Mothers How the his tory of that country might have been had the mothers of France always re alzed the truth that the state de pends on the home And Abe import ance of home is brought very clear lv before us in the Word of God of home and its duties the has much to say It goes even so far as to make home a type of heaven The glories of that better life arc reveal ed to us In the language of When Christ would give us some idea of what heaven is fce he calls it My Fathers House and Paul heaven home when lie says Absent from the body at home with the Lord By this scriptural comparison of home to heaven its im portance is greatly exalted These thoughts should therefore help lo prepare us for considering the quali ties which are essential In deal homo- making The following are some characteristics that to an ideal First of all there must be unity the body societies na tions are perfected by and is home United we siand divided we fall Wherever there Is any opinion there must be agree ment to differ has that every young couple should take two hears into their home bear and forbear Thrift is another essential While we should not practice niggard we must never neglect home economy There Is an old saying When poverty comes in the door love goes out through the window Therefore lest love should take its flight avoid waste Waste not want not Buy only what real ly need and Can Pay for Gather up the fragments that nothing be lost is an admonition which should not he forgotten in homemaking ideals System is another Important quality Wherever possible there should be special attention given to the style of the house Order is one ol Heavens first laws while there should be system and beauty in the home they should not be carried to such an extreme as to Ivocp the members of the home from feeling at ease in it especially when they bring their friends to visit it Tho ideal house should not be a dolls house a homely house Girls should be trained In domestic ways and taught the value lea Home Should Be Bright No spot on earth should he so happy as the homo Thfere is always a failure in the home when my Its members have to go elsewhere for sunshine Make home the place ol laughter and song Discipline is another necessary qual ity In an Ideal home Along with un selfish and aftoctlonate devotion there must be the strong hand of watchful and unyielding discipline A lathers pity Is never to shrink from correct- and a mothers love is never to degenerate into weak The childreo should be treated Impartial ly with equal justice and and without a trace of favoritism The Bible lays great stress on restraint and and utters a warning danger- of allowing a child to follow his own wayward will Spare the rod and spoil the chldA is a warning to be remembered homes go forth the vast majority of those whom Christ the light of the world and the salt of the earth- My time is gene so must elude with the hope that our consider ation of the subject may help us to have still higher homemaking ideals Too late for last week Mr At emus and Mrs Rev Tribble attended the Sunday School Institute at King on Tuesday as delegates from the Sunday School here Miss Agnes Seymour returned after spending a week with her bro ther in Toronto- King Christian ladies Aid will celebrate their twentyfifth anniver sary Friday evening April 2nd at the home of Mr Will Miss Kattic Tribble lias been con fined to the house with a severe cold Mr Charlie a Miss and their mother Mrs 1 of spent Sunday at Mr- Sirens The war has the eyes of the world toward America The nations see in us the hone of the future A recent writer has said The United Stales of America remains the greatest country in the world and the living hone of mankind It is the supreme break in the old tradition It is the freshest and most salient beginning that has ever been made in human life With deep humility lor our own national sins lei us give hearty thanks to God by whose once it is possible lor such things to be and let resolve those said of us words true We shall need in coming months rare self- control Japan may do things that Irritate us and there will be voices culling us to resent them let not heed such voices Wait till the war is over and we can reason with Ja pan Turkey is in the mood to say and do insulting things let l J 111 and perhaps insulting thing- her do them im let us turn the other cheek us now for us to be every the war is over there may not he any ft wo ir 1KS and llD iv av ought ful man speak for calmness ami no matter what happens Ameri ca must her head She is the and must future hope of the world TRUE LOVE Si were four of us VJSSJSS 2 htm goodbye till wt meet on that other shore place for a a una another for This is the Box to get if you have any Kidney or Bladder Trouble Theres nothing else like It- nothing just as good that will do yon as much There only this one prescription known as Gin Pills You can get Hot nil dealers in the box shown above He sure to ask for GIN and sec that the box you ore offered bears the legend together name National Drug and Chemical Co of Canada on band around the box At oil dealers box for Gin Pills may also be had in the United States under the name Pills trial treatment sent free if you write National Chemical Co of Canada d Toronto world would live YOU CAN NEVEUTBLL on do an act seed You can never tell when Just what the result will ho Hut with every deed you are sowing a so Though ts harvest you may not Each kindly act Is an acorn dropped In Gods productive soil Though you may not know yet the tree shall And shelter the brows that toil can never tell what your thoughts will do In Winging hate or For thoughts are things am their airy wings Arc swifter than carrier dove They follow law of universe Each thing must create its kind And speed oer tho track lo bring you back Whatever went out of your mind Ella Wheeler Wilcox Some Vital Truths About the War It is now about three months since the great European War ho and the end is not yet in si gill Indeed no one can predict even approximately the probable duration of this awful conflict It is not necessary in these detail tho military aspects of this terrific cataclysm in the worlds history for the daily newspapers keep us informed from day of conditions that prevail at the front But it is important that Christians everywhere should un derstand the duties and responsi bilities that are thrust upon them by the unusual situation that has arisen Let us assure ourselves outset that this war cruel and un necessary as it appears has not demonstrated the of the Christian religion r Because some of the worlds rulers failed to show a Christian spirit to ward each other and have plunged nations which they control in to war it does not necessarily low that Christianity is a failure Because some men on the firing line inflamed by passion and a thirst for blood have perpetrated atrocities the very re cital of which makes us shudder it should not mako us forget the evidences of a Christian spirit which are revealed in the Red Cross Society and other ameliorat ing agencies that aro found at work on every battlefield The war has created new oppor tunities for Christian A tender ministry is needed for the wounded soldiers relief must given to the widows and orphans J those who have been killed In the conflict food clothing and shelter must he furnished for those have been made destitute by the ravages of the contending armies But above all the message of Gospel must he provided for those who stand in sore of Hie strengthening comforting and saving truths of the Christian faith in order to sustain them in those times which are such as to try mens souls but which by the grace fo God may a chastening and purifying influence both for time and for eternity j 1 Train up a child in war it should go and when It is old it will not depart it Indispensable In NOTICE As the season is coming on for cleaning up you will no doubt have some Copper Bras Iron Rubbers and for sale me know mail or otherwise when you want to dispose of it and I will call I will pay you fair market Wc also buy FowlWool ami Horsehair Wo will pay an extra price if goods delivered our house I have no buyer on the roads but myself 1 ing There must be sweet glad love Box phono 232 VS You shine for God on Sunday and then be a London fog on Monday Sunshine is delicious rain is refreshing wind braces up snow is exhilarating is no such thing as bad weather only different kinds of good weather John We believe everybody member of the Executive Board is going to this meeting with an open mind and when a decision on those questions is at wo must all sink our personal views and work for success to in I Blessings of a Hard Beginning Thoro is a story of a tender hearted woman who seeing within the cocoon the that butterfly was making to free itself thought to help by breaking the and letting the silken- winged creature loose but the butterfly thus released was tor weak to lift itsolf and died its rescuers eyes It needed the battle Beginnings ought to hard people whoso begin nings are made easy for them are handicapped ones Attainment achievement fulfilment cannot he easy and beginnings should not be determination thoroughness come hard to who have known hard begin Tho bright pupil who learnt his lessons without special effort usually receives a prepara tion for life than any other boy in the class It is not only tho virtue essential success that are to associated with hard beginning Family affection flourishes best when there is need of- family effort to get along 1 ARCHIVES OP ONTARI csii3ariKd TORONTO