Newmarket Era, 9 Apr 1915, p. 3

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NEWMARKfeT ON FRIDAY Weeks Meal Hems J I K 1 In J A i Cross Knitting Tea next Red Cross Knitting tea be held at the Schoolroom Church next Tuesday SoU an vicinity invited Bible Class the Christian Church will hold a ate homemade Candy on Friday April in the basement the Church APRIL t iWM T Older Boys Conference newmarket ok April and 1MB I t Mr Brown has opened a Har- Repair Shop on Main Street- of King George Hotel He ap pears to be firstclass workman his wife is a trained nurse They art newcomers and should do well in market- Easter Meeting of the S the Methodist Church will be held the Schoolroom on Wednesday 13th at 3 oclock An address M be given by Mrs Geo Bishop of rue Deaconess Home i Toronto attendance requested Free Entertainments A special meeting of the Womens Home and Foreign Missionary So ciety of the Christian Church will be tad in the vestry on Thursday even- ApiM at oclock This be made very interesting as views of Japan and Porto will A jOM attendance is re legated No admission St Pauls Church Annual Vestry Meeting was held on Monday April Rev presiding The Church- Mr and Mr were as was also Vestry Clerk Mr Walker report will be presented it the adjourned vestry meeting to bo held on Tuesday April oclock in the Schoolroom Older Boys Conference are being taken to hold the Older Conference in North York in connection with Sunday School work in on the and of the present month Wesley Brooks is the Secretary the Promotion Committee We con sulate the Committee in their en terprise and wish them every success Conferences are capable of doing good j Womens Institute monthly meeting of the Wo ods Institute will be held the of Mrs- Meek St Thursday evening April 15th at program will he in the form a teachers evening with the members Ml the of the various in Newmarket and vicinity are cordially invited to attend If the members who wish to renew their subscription to the Canadian Home Journal which expires this month bring the tee it would oblige la Secretary St Pauls A Y P A Will hold Conundrum Social on TWsday evening April Supper will be served from to oclock after which program will be given a laughable sketch entitled Box Cox deriding the troubles young men in love with the same ltd and neither of them desire to marry her A pleasant evening is auured Be sure and come will not be disappointed by being able to participate in the Conundrum Supper which alone will ample means for enjoyment Com Methodist Church- Hie services were large ly both morning and mng as well as Hie Sunday Si Splendid sermons by Pastor good music by iioir ami tin fragrance of the beautiful lilies and logthcr with the bright made the oc casion a joyous one The by Stock ley and Miss McCarthy Male Quartctlc and he were well red Saturday April Registration of Delegates Devotion and Song Organization of Conference Welcome and- Response The Wire the Live School Claw- Discussion Adjournment Devotional and Song 20 A Paper Making Sunday School Worth By Older Boy A Paper How the Sunday School Helps Older Fellow older Boy A Papers Reaching the Fellow on the Outside By Older Boy Song 1010 1050 340 A Program of Work for an Organised Class Standard Efficiency Work Discussion Recreation Period Banquet a Toasts and- Responses Suggested Canada Empire The Sunday School Our Mothers 75 85 500 2280 40 300 30 301015 Address 400 of Standard Efficiency Test Pro gram Discussion Sunday April Discussion Period on Service Activities Delegation Meetings Services Hosts Sunday School Mass Meeting Conference Entire Evening Serf ice given up to the Conference a Regular Worship Services Conference Report Delegation Reports Address Closing Ceremonies TOWN LINK ITEMS but the temptation was so great DU with growing on his right Thieve on the warpath A week ani t t0 or so ago Mr Fred Webster s East them barn was broken into and some sixtv- The Ladies Aid of the Line five or seventy bushels of oats stolen Christian Church celebrated the 4210 7 0 4200 Whoever the thieves were thewere no strangers to the premises twentyfifth anniversary of its or ganization by a tea and good social barn is so constructed that a wagon gathering night last at can be backed in under the granary the home of Mrs M Terry and this they well knew how to do on the Line A most enjoyable and in making hole in the granary lime reminiscences floor held their bags under the bin the pas quarter of a century to- and of course they were easily brought up and found some are suspected they had inany that be careful at the formation of the About the same night or so as the aju but since have crossed the above took place Mr Will Kennedys whence n traveller re- hen house was visited and some hens and a rooster stolen faster services were inaugurated at This week we hear a resident Iine Christian Church on or two in the neighborhood have had Sunday Easter last the cured meat stolen torn their of a new organ provided by granary where it was buried as is and the services on Run- very customary in the oats the in- were attractive and truders will better be careful as the Dales the preacher was in fox sometimes runs long but is caught an Faster Sunday at last sermon was very interesting The Many both old and young are theme Christ arising from the suffering at present from grippe and being a familiar one it was colds the correspondent him- singing was self and his wife having been under for the occasion the the weather might mention as by ad- am moved into a more centrally talent from city residence I will have oppor- the sweet strains of tie for widor correspondence and whose keys were the future the readers of the Era by the deft fingers of Mrs Good The Kin- and Light Committee making good progress with the in the Electric Lighting but tin weather has boon against the excavating for the low reservoir Council put through a lot business Inst Monday night Among other things contract closed for the purchase of a electric motor for domes tic water pumping Tin Council will this year a special effort the rfjftl nuisance on the streets of fie town and have ordered a car tank of road oil for his purpose Endeavor A large number attended the Endeavor service on Tuesday was ed The topic Conquering dls- Was splendidly taken I Collins and many very thoughts were given us along line Headings were also ap preciated i Morton Miss Medora Travlss also sang The fteeratlon part of the service very interesting nearly all the rrembcrs responding to their rarres with a of not rrlfls the meeting next at the usual hour The is letting Read tor the eit Life Col and will be taken by MUs will find the Town Line Items more interesting than ever Mr Nelson Tattoo and his rod Sandy of the Line have been somewhat indisposed but from care ful medical treatment at the hands of Dr Delaine are now on the Three or four of the family at once of Mr Albert Shanks on the iSih Line have been suffering from severe colds but wo are glad are now convalescing Mr and Mis John Cook of the Line wo learn are enjoying their trip In the Sunny South The Cor respondent was told other day never was very fond of orauges the Curtis who is at home on the organ We were sorry to hear there was vacant seat that was so reg ularly occupied by Mr who had to absent himself from the fleets of a severe cold To much credit cannot he given to Mr- Mark Robinson for his artistic floral display around the pulpit His Easter reflect great praise Miss Mary Smith of the Simpson Co Toronto was a guest at thc Ladles Anniversary Walter I am told was Council met last Monday even ing The following member Council were present Mayor Cane Deputy Pearson Council lors Tench Forester and Eves A appeared before the Council asking for a grant towards the Homo Guard lately established in this community The Mayor promised the consid eration of the Council lo the mat- Following bills passed Post Office Box Fred Can Express parcels OHearn It Market Canadian Express water work Eves coal WAV Office A Williams new well M Collins for Home Guard cleaning snow dig lo lots Thackhan Canadian Gen F Northern Electric Northern Electric L 17115 Supply Co Harmon unloading coal J freight coal 4 Pittsburg Coal Co car a a Toronto York Duly on coal Pearson charity P W Pearson new re- A A Fish coal A Fish Collection of Customs Harmon unloading freight pipes fit tings freight casting Can of Poles Peter Market freight on wire John wood for lire hall and Market Miss Caldwell meals lo K Robertson for house for Coal Bott Home Guard freight on rifles Pay Sheet Post act Pay Sheet Wire Poles Pay Sheet 3 Wire Poles 10606 Pay Sheet Post Hole 503 Pay Sheet I for wells 12779 Pay Sheet 10 for wells fine well and pan Pay Sheet Reservoir Pay Sheet Fire Light Canadian General Asylum cheque Aubrey Davis request for Hale re patent Beaver Mills slabs for Hale LOO Communication for Light and Gasoline Inspection referred to Fire Light Coin Applications from A Widdi- fleld for water granted when con ditions are complied with Communication from re of her Referred to Town Solicitor Petition received from Mrs Sanderson and others asking for sidewalks on Andrew St Referred lo the Road Bridge Committee to report on The Property Committee was instructed to have the grounds surrounding the upper reservoir put in proper condition by gravel ling grading The Road and Bridge Commit tee was authorized to arrange for the purchase ol a supply of oil sufficient cover Main St from Water St to Station on Huron St ami have it put on soon as necessary The Eight and Water Commit tee was authorized lo purchase ami have Installed one 15 horse power electric pump as described in lender of The Clerk waa authorized lo advertise for sale in the Financ ial Post and local paper the Elec tric Light Debentures Tenders lo he closed April The was instructed to subdivide every account before the same is presented to Council such subdivision show the de partment against which the ac count is charged Council adjourned o FOR PATTERN KB ALL BAKIRQ Wow Prints How Cripos 4 New Linen Raja Now Vestlngs Also very latest creations In Blaok White and Fancy Vollles and Shoes Hew for Spring The Largest and Most Data in Town to From The Workmanship Every Pair Guaranteed And We Save You Money on Every Pair Of mens Wo mens or Childrens Shoes You Buy W tins Sardines for pink Salmon for 3 corn or Peas for Talcum Toilet Powder fop 2 Wheat for 3 Quart Jelly Powder for 3 tins Lobster for 25o- 3 Celery Relish for 2 Onion Salad for 25o Epsom Salts for Sulphur for UNTON v mm AT- jv 8 on a number not out to church Sunday night Wedding bells are ringing Will hear more about them next week PINK ORCHARD Send the Era to absont friends Pine Quality EyeGlasses and Spectacles The Eyeglass Mountings aro of Newest Finger- Piece Model handsome comfortable and sooure on trie face with first quality The price Includes a careful test a nice adjustment of the guards in with the nose as to and position of the lenses THESE THINGS ARE DONE WELL v OUR PRICE8 FOR ONE ONLY rimless FingerPiece model Lenses 260 EXAMINATION FREE ftTRI Jewelers and Opticians TICKET LICENSES KETTLKUY Mrs M Stevens and her sister Mrs Ellison of spent oyer with their brother Mr George Stephenson of vale Mr and Mrs Hunter and spent Friday with parents Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs John spent a couple of days the early part of the week with daugh ter Mrs- Leslie Mount Mr and Mrs Traviss and Mr and Mrs W Codling of New market spent with parents Mr and Mrs John Dutch er Miss of Aurora spent over Sunday at Mr Jesse rations Miss Jessie Anning of Toronto was the guest of her cousin Miss over Easter Mr Leonard Waldock of Toron to spent over Sunday and Monday at Ills home hero Mrs John Mossing and Misses and Dora were at Mrs J on Tuesday Mrs Duncan is spending a few days with her parents Mr and Mrs M Stevens Talk about hats for a description of some of them Quite a number out and quite there was a good attendance at the last meeting of the Pine Orehard Farmers Club where we had the pleasure of listening to a very interesting lecture by our District Representative Mr J on Planting and Prun ing Fruit Trees He illustrated his subject with a series of lime light views which helped greatly in fastening the ideas in the minds of the audience He also put a great deal of em phasis on he necessity of tho rough spraying if we would pre serve our orchards and also show that we could not expect to get No fruit unless used the spray thoroughly The next meeting of no Club will be held in the perance Hall on Friday evening inst at oclock There will be an interesting discussion and all interested in this work are cordially invited to come o NEWMARKET ft LIVE STOCK MARKET in Toronto lop prices week Export cattle Choice butcher Grade Milkers Veal Calves Ewes Bucks Spring lambs Hogs off oars Bargains in the Staple Ten Days Sale K Roller Towelling yard Pure Linen Dish Towelling QV yard Half Bloaohed Linen Inches sale price 21c Linen Torohon and Insertions and 3 Inches wide for Bo yard Llnon Torqhon Laces 3 and Inches yard Fast Colors In Prints for Curtain rog 20o for I- Toronto Markets SAL OF April 1915 Wheat per bush Hurley per bush 83 per 0 per bush Hay per ton 00 Butter per lb per Potatoes per bag CO Chickens por lb 0 35 Decks per lb Geese per lb Turkeys per lb Newmarket Market April Wheat per bush Barley pet bush Buckwheat per bush Oats per Shorts per ton per ton lay per tea Is Kggs per Butter per lb 33 v0 Having on hand a large of Mens Wo- mens and Childrens Boots and we have de cided to them out at a very low price Also a lot of other goods that will be selling at a big saving We wish you to come and see these goods as you will be sure to derive a great benefit If you do 3 Doors of King George Main Street Paris April Private advices have been received hear to the Calgary April George that Italy and Austria have reached will use sixteen thousand bt an agreement which will satisfy the seed grain In planting seven thousand aspirations the Italian people tor acres land at his here Potatoes per bag fJJJJjJ an enlargement of the national will be the largest acreage In ex- Ducks per lb 0 Geese per lb I Turkeys nd preclude all possibility of Includes tucfatyflTe armed InterveDtlpn by Italy on the hundred acres wheat and thirty side of the allies five hundred acres oats

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