Newmarket Era, 9 Apr 1915, p. 4

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BlgSmmJJSgii- if- NEWMARKET ONT DAY OTH J it 3 From Female Ills Restored to Health by Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Belleville Canada I doctored for ten years for female troubles and did not get well I read in the paper about Vegetable decided to try it- write now to tell you that I am cured You can publish my letter as a testimonial Mrs Scjybinb Belleville Nova Scotia Canada Another Recovers Auburn I suffered from nervousness for ten years and had such FEATURE8 OF LEGISLATION The Ontario Legislature which practically closed the work of the Friday morning he said to have been pro ductive of strikingly important features of legislation at the same time it may he stated some of the measures passed into law will result in practical good amendments to the Liquor License Act several changes have been made A Provincial Com mission will displace License Hoards with power to regulate license fees proclaiming dry districts forbidding of sale to any class etc also ami limiting sales of liquor from am to 7 pm and prohibition sales on Labor Hay as well as oil Christmas and Good Friday Under provisions of a bill to organic pains that sometimes I would lie a War Tax Government i i In bed four days at a time could not eat or sleep and did not want anyone to talk to me or bother me at all Sometimes I would suffer for seven hours at a time Different doctors did the best they could for me until four mouths ago I began giving E Vegetable Compound a trial and now I am in good health Mrs William H GillNo 15 Pleasant Street Auburn New York properly Another is given power to impose a lax of Olio mill on dollar on all the Province measure provides a sort of substitute for mora I or ium J eg is la ion This bill gives power to the Supreme Court on application to suspend payment of principal mi mort gages covering real IN THE ROSE BIO AGRICULTURAL DEBATE The Liberals led by Thos Marsh all Lincoln battled for the follow ing resolution in of the most debated the session but the Government voted it down by a of confidence Mr- Marshalls motion That in view of the serous de cline in our rural population ac companied by a marked tailing oft in food production in the fate of On tarios unsurpassed agricultural and mil Irons of acres of agricultural land this Ho is of the opinion that great in the agricultural policy the Gov- is one of the most urgent and vital needs of Ontario today such policy to include Making available to rural communities study beheld from the window somo- scientific and technical knowledge white moving In his garden taught in our agricultural college by the Rev Mr Beverlya garden the establishment of agricultural a Vegetable garden he thought schools and demonstration farms fearfully of something tram- And a Welcome Surprise That Came By VIRGINIA BLAIR It was on third night of the new moon Beverly musing on his sermon in the of bis my inheritance I dont deny that love this old Aunt did It ever occur yon I might prefer to a You would miss the fortune was the answer Yimi for love In a cottage Hot Constance path She bent over a pink rosrhush picked a bud Just a the Hoses red and blue she quoted- Can you tell me toe rest of It If you love me as I love you Be hesitated You mustnt make mo say such things Why Because I have nothing to offer but a cottage and a vegetable garden He was looking down at her with somber eyes And If dont marry Warren she informed lose my fortune And I wont marry so I am really homeless and please Id like to come and live In your cot- pllng on bis succulent salads throughout the Province The in auguration of an effective system He went Into hall took his hat rural credits The development of from the rack and steeped softly over cooperative in buying ami sell- be threshold Financial assistance way As his footsteps sounded on the grav el loans at a low rate of interest on el of the path a white moved IT Ihe security of laud and improve ments to assist desirable settlers establishing themselves in newer the middle of the garden and fled beard the click of the gate and then silence Aunt Anuos chagrin over the en- found an outlet In a letter to Come up and Constance from her country parson was But when Warren was a revelation It parts of the fanners hi IroMnce ami to The above are only two of the of grateful letters which are con- actions being received by the Wis Medicine Company of Lynn Mass lo Government will aid in which show clearly what great things Ike construction of roads Lydia Vegetable Com- to the of 10 pur for those who suffer from stead of I 3rd na heretofore with a further provision the parts of the Pro- bent over his lettuce bed A trans- to improve and the he said as he straightened up productivity their lands The next morning fuller Investlga- showed there had been depre dations of and radishes But Right to the very end both in ho minister said nothing to his Accounts Committee and in deeper the House the Government blocked Notes of Last Week Of all things Auut Anne ejacn- mused the Rev Beverly and when she had read It thief Whats the Constancy asked Read said Aunt Anno trag ically It was a brief epistle but It was Are by the Largest Manufacturers Motors In the World THERE A SPECIAL WAGNER MOTOR FOR EVERY PURPOSE Unity Single Phase Motor is an Wagner Feature BE CHEAPER THAN I V STEAM installation- and install i woman ins If you want spe cial write to Medicine Co Your letter will be opened read and Answered a wo man and held In a provision f per cent for maintenance The HydroCommission hilt to the Commission power to all in t ROBT JONES Hoi tueen St East PRACTICAL PAINTER PaperHanger of all natural woods and General House Decorations In all the Latest A WALL PAPER SUPPLIED And Hung on the Most Terms If you want the very BEST WORK AT LOWKST FIGURE cannot better Jones My paier hung at per roll any other paper per roll- Estimates Submitted and all work carried out by our own supervision and none but exper ienced men employed All Kinds or Signs Painted Just give Jones Trial Satisfaction is Guaranteed if per companies mi PHOTO STUDIO Those old pictures of Father and are very dear to you Price less In fact Just bear In mind that your children would cherish Just such pictures of you We are also prepared to take your picture In the evening Studio open every Saturday evening or other nights by ap pointment E ZURBRIGG Photographer One Door Weal of the Now Post Office lake at cost lines in Hie Province also salaries for members of the Com mission other than the chair- man was already paid a year The new members of Ihe Commission are as follows Hon I Lucas and K Mr- Naught who receive St each from the municipalities The Governments Corporation Tax deals wild Insurance and Companies imposing a lav on them All life insurance com panies iliUSi hand out a year or a pro rata tax on fire and gas the sum is less The Succession Duties Act is amended and now provides for taxing of estates of ami I over instead 550000 and I over as heretofore Several amendments were made to Hie Municipal Act to which wo will endeavor t- refer on I occasion EDITORIAL NOTES The Toronto Telegram hands out the following backhanded compliment to the member for North York in the Ontario Legislature The appoint ment of T Herbert Lennox P P as Chairman of the Pu lie Accounts Committee and the antics of Hon Howard Ferguson and Hon are only intelligible there he a dark secret hidden in the ac counts This shot at the member for North York cannot attributed to par an ship as the Telegram belongs to that of politics Government the efforts of the Opposition to to the bottom of the financial situation William McDonald Liberal Member tor North introduced his bill to lrt franchise to these women having the municipal franchise but as usual the Covcni voted it down Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots How to Romovo Easily Heres a chance Miss faee to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless removes llie freckles while if il does a clear complexion the expense is trifling Simply gel an ounce of double strength from any druggist ami a few applications should show you how easy il to rid yourself of the homely freckles and gel a beautiful com plexion Rarely is more than one ounce needed for the worst He sure l ask Ihe druggist for the double strength as this is the prescription sold guarantee of money hack if it fails to remove freckles Rev Beverly had no unusual powers of penetration but It had not taken him many moments to decide that the spoiler of Ids garden was a woman But why he debated the next night he finished his should a woman steal a am sure by the grace of her carriage- why should she my little onions my lettuce But all the wisdom tho Scriptures did not answer his question And his sermon was Mulshed he again turn ed out bis light and sat lu the dark ness of his study And again as he mused he saw a patch of at end of the gar den Breathless he watched and closer and closer the ghostly tigure un til It stood just beneath his window Then a voice said T have come to pay you Oh had forsaken the clergyman Oh I beg your pardon No you beg It the voice said again I picked some and things last here Is the money It wasnt a very conventional way to go to market but wo wanted very extraordinary no doubt for Con stance danced with Joy and waved the letter crying Of all things Anne ejacu lated again Constance her breath Quickly YOU mustnt tell Beverly she Why tie wont marry said mysteriously If he knows It So they were married and went to live In the cottage and Aunt Anne went and the big colonial house was closed and the winter came and the roses were wrapped wind ing sheets of straw YOU will miss the rose garden next summer said the parson he his wife walked up the snowy path I wonder who will live here The new tenants said Constance who wrapped In a big red cloak was leaning on her husbands arm are YORK POWER WILL Having had experience in installing motor over II P I am in a position to of any capacity All work to pass Rules and HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION OF ONTARIO foe Wagner Motors Lancashire Motors Of Market Building ALFRED RSTARR Contractor a salad and lively There will be a young the vegetables j handsome young clergy- Ells usual readiness of speech verVi I wife Beverly Constaneel Ho bent down over her house Is mine Warren wrote to say that be loved some else He married first and forfeited- his right and didnt want to tell you hated to have me rich But dont you think it will be nice for for Beverly Junior to to play In the rose garden Black Suits We have a large assortment for any kind of wear either Society or Business Entire Satisfac tion guaranteed F W I L J- i HercistheAnswerjia Tie was rot In nd re the Id the office and cfcool ou likely lle mean- word A What harden aeek the location of Lock Ihepronun- elation What ia eoaff Ibis New all of and Wo CoatfOOOOO Pa act The with tlienitf acteriied aa AUolc of m svv at sees v ft A London cablegram dated the 1st of this month states that War Kitchener is among the first the prominent men of England to re spond to Ihe suggestion of abstinence from the use of alcohol contained in the letter sent by His Majesty King to Lord George The War Secretary has issued instructions that no alcoholic beverages he served in his household during war But not withstanding this advanced step to wards prohibition in the old land the Provincial Government of On tario still hangs fire or as the Mercury says The On tario Cabinet arc becoming famous I aggers No thats not the name of a new dance Its the course that Ircnier Hearst said was often the most advisable in dealing with temperance legislation Hon Mr Manna thinks so too so he has start ed YEARS Trade Mark a Designs Copyrights Ac AtttpSt tending a and may ascertain our opinion free whether tj It for M takers Si mm lent red Oldest for taken through without lathe Terms for Illustrated of wy Journal al 383BroaJaj bonr I if jActlQnloowotlieAfTTfa c Atom to to to cm I the nd KdiUoa On book V- i- 0 WHY HE STAYED AWAY She How is It you were not at garden party He I stayed away on account ol a personal matter May I ask what It was Will you promise to beep secret Yes Well they failed to send mo an invitation HUMOR OF THE HOUR The Rev Beverly peering over tbo sill caught the sparkle In her eyes as she made her half apology You needed your salad late he said dryly Ah little laugh rippled out of my predlcamentl Some peo ple from the city hungry and there was In tho house but You see am such a new house keeperwe came only yesterday and my maid forgets to tell mo when things out and tho shops are bo far away so while she an omelet flevr into your garden and and flew back and ono wiser I saw you Rev Beverly In- formed her and I thought you were a thief There was a little gasp It did look like It didnt It But you 1 have brought tho money And the glittered on tho sill as Bpread It out before him No the Beverly protested Indian Salmon Cannon yon are perfectly welcome to any- During the salmon and can- thing care to take season In British Columbia a Oh but you must there a large number of Indians are employed note of alarm In her voice because In tbo branches of the feel as If I had stolen If I am each year The Indians arc allowed to pay pert flshormen and are especially de ne smiling down at her You slrable as employees in the business can pay me by giving me a rose from j women and old men of the your garden ho said i tribes work In the canneries while the Why dont you have roses of your men do flshlug she demanded MERCHANT TAILOR Phone J Main St NEWMARKET Russias Music One of little Ironies of the worlds greatest war Is fact that new military march of the Russians was written by a German composer About a year ago the czar Instituted an International competition for a new march for bis armies offering a sub stantial award to the composer of piece chosen The composition that most pleased the emperor of all the was the march Soldiers Blood submitted by a German Fran von Blon This march very popular In the Russian army and has become a favorite all through country But It Is a rather fact that the Russians are now fighting tho Germans to the strains of German music Plasterer Newmarket PLAIN AND FANCY WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CEMENT AND PLASTER OF PARIS Concrete and Stone Foundations Collar Floors and Sfdowalks BRICKWORK ROUGH CASTING A SPECIALTY Repairs of Any Descriptions Distance no Obstacle Drop a Card menu Hum strictly mm SJfJ Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties See tin Bathroom Outfit at Shop THE TINSMITHS English million chops read man with the man fried caviar French peas Walter I want to be neutral Yes sir limine a Spanish omelet Seattle NOT THAT ONE A country girl coming from the Held was told she looked as fresh as a daisy kissed by the dew No indeed was the simple re ply that wasnt his name More people go to church ho canst think they ought to than they want to The Oily Dairy Co of To ronto have purchased Alex farm in The price paid was The company now has of land In hat township Children FOR FLETCHERS A UNDER POWER OF SALE IN MORTGAGE OF LOT NO ACCORDING TO PLAN 1642 TOWNSHIP OF Under and by virtue of the powers coaUlaed lu a certain which will be produced at the time of sal will be offered lor by Public Auction on Saturday the day of April hour of Noon at No Street Toronto by A Company AuctloaeerB follow ing residential property in the of In of York an Province On tario half north of the Villago of and No Plan No l42 County TO with a tight of way oter Number Raid plan comprising acres uioa which is said to be situated a storey store- stable and driving shed Well sod about Fruit Said property is five minute walk from Street and j Car The property flhall he sold subject to a bid Terms Tea per cent purchase to bo paid down at sale balance days thereafter For further parti culars and conditions of sale apply to Messrs McWhlnney A Brown 80 Sun Building Toronto Solicitor or Mortgagee DATED at Toronto this loth day of March I hardly allow my self tho luxury It Is cheaper to ones vegetable than to buy them and a clergyman In a town has to think of expenses I suppose doubtfully that your salary la not No but thero His eyes twinkled Such as She was laughing up at him moonlight touched her hair with gold Tho pulses of the Rev began to beat May I over some time and walV with you In your garden ho Come now was quick responds Ho went and It was beginning of friendship Ho is lovely Constance confided to her aunt who had come up to her colonial mansion for tho pur poses of And hero In this little town because he feels that ho Is needed than in a charge ho could get much more money Constance her aunt warned dont get romantic over a country parson Ho has dearest little Constance mused with a vegetable garden sends over tomatoes and parsley and I put roses In his button hole Its very Interesting she sighed It may bo tragic for him Whyr If you make him lov you what Weill Constances tone defiant You cant merry any one but War ren Olmstead fiafcbed I can tool If I dont marry Warren iflroly 1 1 PRACTICAL HEALTH HINT J Many Collecjea for Vacation midsummer Our College not Neuralgia Is a functional dis ease of trunks char acterised by paroxysms of In- teno pain sufferers usu ally have warning of an ap proaching attack will be chilliness depression of spirits and perhaps a tingling In part affected The most promi nent symptom la pain which la Intenso and of a stabbing character parts affected usually reveal nothing abnormal although occasionally a distinct swelling may bo seen at tack may last from a few min utes to many hours The treat ment of this distressing disease consists first In searching for tfc cause and removing it when found During an attack dry or moist heat may bo Applied to the affected part Wrapping the head In flannel with a hot water bag against flannel covering painful part la very soothing Hot water to feet or a hot mustard footbath affords great relief sometimes It la always best to undress and go to bed and try to sleep off the attack j pain excites the nervous eye- tem greatly Bad the in bed Is very helpful lessoning the weakness resulting from the In- pain and nervous V Charles Toronto is strictly None bettor In Canada now so an to get a position in the early fall Catalogue free J ELLIOTT Principal YonflO St Toronto Valparaiso March The crew of the British bark sunk by the German cruiser oil Corral a seaport Chill on her way to Liverpool with cargo barley was landed hero yesterday by the Peruvian ship The man who had a narrow from death when tho lockup was burned down fall was the first to tenant the new lock up It may be hoped that so regular customer gets reduced rates Packet I Why Not Telephone If you telephone him first you may not have to go at all If you would just remember to observe this rule of first using the Long Distance Telephone you would save yourself and your staff many tiresome trips unnecessary disappointments and much expense Many progressive business houses have found that by a systematic and persistent use of the Long Distance Telephone expense can be reduced anywhere from to 80 per cent Why not adopt this principle in your business Telephone first Try to figure out where the Long Distance Telephone 1 can save you precious time Juij It Dltlant Station The Bell Telephone Co of Canada i J mi ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO

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