Newmarket Era, 9 Apr 1915, p. 8

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mm j mm Wi a fa Y 1 J Kg -v- iiJ J i 1 I A- flirt V J J I i a I awl mm X i if J iSS Healed His Kidneys and Cured Him Owt Ac Ui- two years ago I found my With In Terr bad sUte My Kid- were not doing their work and I all run down In condition I felt need of tome good remedy and to try Their effect I found more than satisfactory Aeir action mild and the result that could be expected resumed their normal after I had taken upwards of a boxes and I regained old- time vitality Today am enjoying the best health I bad B A Is the greatest Remedy hi the world It acts bowels and skin as well as on kidneys and thereby soothes and any Kidney soreness Fruit Is sold by all dealers at a box far trial aire or will be sent on receipt of price by Fruit a tives Limited Ottawa STOREHOUSE TO a Huron St An old established Apply to MISS grippe is prevalent here Mr Roland Wiggins and George left for West on ami family of Hill visited with Mr Mrs Walter Bell Sunday Mr Thompson who has been visiting parents spending a few days in Newmarket Mr and Mrs Jos and Frank spent Sunday with the formers brother who is doing nicely A special meeting of the Masonic Order was held on Monday a owing to the visit of Mr Mar tin of the District Deputy Master He was ac companied by a large deputation from After the meeting lunch was served and the party returned to on p m Mr J of Cornwall was in town last Tuesday night for thfl meet ing which was held with a view to the Bradford Lacrosse Club Ho made an inspiring address with result that two clubs a school club and an intermediate were organized House with good Garden on Queen St East Apply to A HOUSE TO RENT On Millard Ave all conveniences- Apply to Joseph Wesley cor Millard and Victoria FOR SALE Roomed House with two lots and Stable and lien house Cheap Apply to C Hughes FOR SALE OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave AH modern conveniences good stable and cistern Enquire YAWMAN Grace St Newmarket Mrs Dr was in Toronto on Thursday and Friday Mr John Ilanlan was taken to the sanitarium on Friday Mr has started im proving the residence recently pur chased by Dr Kay The market on Wednesday was largely fc The lie stock market was much larger than usual Mr J A Armstrong and Mr Alex Ferguson spent the weekend at their respective homes Easter Sunday the pastor of the Methodist Church Rev I Scott preached on The Secret of Easter Joy There was special Raster music by the choir William Ferguson of Schomberg the wellknown breeder of Shorthorn cat tle consigned to Dunn To ronto one extra quality steer Ibsl in weight that sold at the top value at last Thursdays live stock market skin only proper treatment if needed Our skius are naturally clear- and healthy but the demands of every day life and unnatural quickly spoil freshness and beauty So necessary is this care that no woman can afford to neglect The people bare Just Issued a Your Complexion which contains most useful and interesting information on how to care for the complexion In such a way that its beauty and freshness will be preserved for many years It also Includes directions for beat methods of massage The constant use of some good preparation such as Facer Cream is absolutely necessary to keep the skin really clean and healthy It nourishing oxygenated skinfood which leaves no shine Get a or 50c jar and rub it gently Into the skin See bow quickly it is absorbed leaving the skin pleasantly refreshed and delicately All preparations are justly fam ous and none more so than Face Cream which we unhesitatingly recom mend Call or telephone us for your copy of this book which contains most valuable J Patterson Druggist WO LOCH Mrs Montgomery who has been visiting Mrs Win Stewart returned Thursday last to her home at Victoria Harbour Mr and Mrs Win Stewart and have moved to new home in Aurora while Mr and Mrs Tracy and family from the moved to Mr Win Stewarts farm here School Reports nmo King Second Class Maximum marks 150 Gould Maria Archibald Dove anil Maud absent during exams First Class l Maximum Joseph Proctor Vada Gladys Primary A Maximum marks Edward Archibald Primary Mary Elmer Sarah Elmer 17 rdna Kerswell NINTH LINE KINO FOR Two splendid Building Lots In the Town of Newmarket one front on Park Ave and one on Lome Avenue For particulars apply to A Rice A Soup Victoria St Toronto TO RENT The residence on corner of Park and Lome Avenues Newmarket For particulars apply to It Wee Sons Victoria Street Toronto or Mr Avonuo Toronto A Cement Block House newly decorated rooms and bath Apply Prospect Ave 5tf HOUSE FOR SALE On Church St Newmarket in every way 9 rooms and wash room New Convenient to all down town Will be sold at a bargain terms Apply at this office WE HAVE FOR SALE A property situated on A largersited dwelling all conveniences all In first el- shape Quarter of an acre of grounds with apple and small fruit Frame stable and ccmont hen Toll we consider the best to town so act quickly Terms be arranged to suit purchaser to C P Morton box 373 Mr Coulter of re newal old acquaintances in this vicinity last week Mrs Montgomery has returned home to Ottawa after spending a ev months with her sister Mrs William Stewart A very pleasant evening was scent i at the home of Mr Win Stewart on Wednesday March 24th when their friends and neighbors cat he red to bid them and Alvin goodbye During tie evening Mr and Mrs Stewart were presented with Morris rocking hairs and an address and Mr Stew art was recipient of a fountain pen The choir regrets the departure of who has been their leader and to show in a small Way their gratitude for his everwilling help In the past loth in the church and social circle presented with a bible and hymn book accompanied by an ad dress to which be made a re ply The evening was stent in games and dancing Hill the hour of twelve when wishing Mr and Mrs Stewart son every success in their new home at Aurora O No King Kettleby Report for the month of Match V Class Marks Possible Lena Clans on White Class Marks Possible Marshal 73i Joy Dorothy Dove Janet Davis Gertie Hunt Elwood Davis Willie 100 Class Marks possible Oil Victor Bowman lion Do 1 son Ilea trice Lewis 2 Wilbur Hazel Dove Frank Sl Kenneth Mount Tribblc Gladys Burling Edna Hunt Wesley Barnes Teller Hur ling I Class Marks possible Told In the Following Letter by a Jackson Kan Who Knows from Experience His Word Is Good Jackson am a carpenter and the grippe left me not only with chronic coaih but I was rundown worn out and weak I took all kind of cough syrups but they did ma no good I finally got to weak I not able to do and coughed so much I alarmed about my condition One evening I read about Vino and decided to Before I bad taken a quarter of a bottle felt better and after taking two my cough is entirely cured all the bad symptoms have disappeared and I have gained new vim and energy John Dennis Lynch Jackson The reason is to successful In such cases is because the active medic inal principles of cod liver oil contained In Vinol rebuilds wasting tissues and supplies strength and vigor to the and muscles while the tonic Iron and wine assist the red corpuscles of the blood to absorb oxygen and distribute it through the system thus restoring health and strength to the weakened diseased organs of the body If Vlnol falls to help we return your money J Druggist Newmarket Out He Wanted to Know The superintendent ol a Sunday School was illustrating for the child ren the text Arise and take the young child and his mother and into Egypt Showing hem a large picture he asked Now that splendid Here is the mother here is the young child and theres Egypt In the distance The children however looked disappointed 1 and finally one little boy piped out- please teacher where is the Ilea IT WAS NEWS TO HER Little Ethel came running home from school and breathlessly ex claimed Mamma I want to ask you something Is il true that Jesus was a Jew Yes my dear answered the mother Didnt you know No answered Ethel thought fully and then as if to justify her added I knew thai God was a Presbyterian but I never heard that Jesus was Jew made them perishable and them to laws such that wither and Yet we arc taught to conis flie and think of the flowers a how expressing that which is very close ini heart of 0 A part our investment in life bo in things that are permanent is the margin between that wo must invest a LATE WASHINGTON WINCH The of this sketch born in County of Bruin and departed this life Martili 2nd 1815 Practically all his mature life was spdiil in North in the County of York Here he married Morton youngest of the late Francis Morton In the year 18S5 he was and joined the Keswick Christian Church and has been ever since one of its most active mem bers He has for some years been a deacon ol the since of the late qualities that would wear But not all good things of life can be so chosen You en not say Good morning once and have it to all You cannot by working ru Bless Our Home in worsted and hanging he front parlor save yourself all further in the way of little deeds of through which alone God can bless the The little of life the sweet bored acts of kindness that leave no inemory be repeated every day mid times a ilay Life is not made up of each one of which leaves its own iiju mortal memory- Life is principally compos 3d of acts that seem insignificant in but which leave a sweet fragrance behind When you have lost a friend you have limes found yourself painfully happenings which at the time meant you honir recall nothing You have said did no I think of it the time but afterward I remembered said so and so It was just Unit way when Jesus on earth These things understood not the disciples at the time The me of it came back to them afterward has been the of the manap- committee the church Some years mot The litti of iumiu IUUMIVH they never succeeded in ago the need of a Sunday School was felt and as there is no church there union school was organized and from its ji Iceplion Winch was superintendenl but a couple of recesses of two or three years Besides the widow here are seven- children left two daughters five of whom are members of the church of their father It would be quite impossible to express the sense of loss fell by the church and community and when the word came that Washington Winch was dead after a sickness so short that many did not know he was ill at all the shock seem ed almost to stagger everyone The sympa thy of the Vanguard family is extended to Up bereaved family in their fepeat loss and also he Keswick church who will the loss of his wise and steady counsel Erorn the Christian Vanguard You may break you may shatter the you will vase if OTHERS But the scent of the roses will cling to it still Lot us not suppose that passing acts of kind have little value Let us not imaging that there is small worth in transitory The things do not lust add to the wealth of the world Nay they are its real worth the last analysis they are the things endure Some things that seem evanescent are real years feci things Faith hope awl love are all immaterial unsubstantial seeming ly transient in their nature but now and foray Faith Hope and Love These are among the valuable they are among the i mortal things that seemingly do not last Given Away Land Value to the man who wants a 150 acres Of good laud some choice clay This Farm has all uptodate Hold ings consisting of a modern Brick House also Hip Hoof Barn built from all new material with modern Stables together with all other Outbuildings- in good re pair Rural Mail Delivery We ask you to go over this Farm Put The farmers are getting their wood eut anil piled these days around this neighborhood Mrs Walter was visiting friends at dav last week Mr John Smith and his son were visiting at last Sunday at Mr Henry Smiths Sorry to report the tad accident which happened to Mr Amos while being confined to his bed with a heavy cold Henry Smith aineigh- called to see him and not being very good terms with Mr dog the latter took him for a tramp taking hold of his trousers and tearing them- to pieces Mr Smith was in an excited condi tion at the time and picking up a chair he struck at the dog hut struck Mr on the arms and legs which has him to his bed somewhat longer Mr Walter our genial Hack- smith is doing a rushing business these days Mr Ross Pollock has finished saw ing at Mr James and in tends to move his machine to OOO Spragg Jack Davis Hunt 109 Kenneth 384 Primer of stars Gladys Lewis Gertie Hurling Jr Primer A Dorothy Pax- Jr Primer Marian Foster Jennie Lewis Florence Barnes Tom Warren 28 Albert Barnes Murvin Lewis promoted at Easter From Class I to Class Jack Davis Robbio Hunt Kenneth Chinas Teacher Mrs John died at the home of her son Mr ThonJaS Coopers Kails on March 8th aged years Forty years ago she lived in the township of King Lord help me ii from day to day In such forgetful way That even when I kneel to pray My prayer may for Others Help me in all the work I do To ever be sincere and true And that what IM ilo for Must heeds be done for Others I No man has any business to be in a had Will you please look at label and see how your subscription is stuiuliue is standing To train a boy in the way he should go 1st go that way yourself on THE THINGS THAT DO NOT LAST If the urine is hot and scalding Is too free or too scanty or shows brick dust deposits or mucus get Gin to day and cure yourself of Kidney and Bladder troubles Made in Canada box for Free treatment if you write National Drug Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto no 91 act quick In his matter or miss this chance mllO Hast of Ml Pleasant on the Centre known as the Tommy Glover Farm of North Gwillimhury This farm has plenty of Water Good Orchard Good Bush and Fences convenient to School or Church also Metropolitan Sta tion at P MORTON Estate Building Co Newmarket MOUNT PLEASANT Mailed loo late for last week An Interesting endeavour vice Wednesday evening McMillan leads next to Imported Stallion yea old dark iron gray Apply on Lot 27 Con J Play tor No Aurora 3w5 Great Britain has ordered wrist watches for the soldiers Aha the lime is at hand ar Wednesday evening He sure come The Ladies Aid and Womens Missionary Auxiliary held home of Mrs John Johnston in March was very successful Preparations being made for Anniversary Sunday in this Church A supper and good pro gram are anticipated on fol lowing Monday evening Partic ulars later A splendid sermon was deliver ed last Sunday afternoon by I Atkinson All who did not hear it missed something good Pleased to see Mrs Dick Small- wood out on Sunday after her illness Miss Helen Taylor spent Sun day at home Miss Gertrude Hamilton Is vis iting in Toronto Ted of No for March Names are in order of merit An asterisk af ter a name signifies miss ed by the pupil V Class- Kenneth 210 marks out of a possible IV Class Thomas Gard ner Lindsay and Vera Hall equal Mari an Cameron Eves Jr Class Lawrence Soar Jennie Glover Kersbaw Helen Wilson Harry Watson Adah Armstrong Muriel Fair III Class Jack Tate ltamsay Muriel Arthur Glover Glass Kersbaw An nie MeKrHI Pearl Wes ley Hazel PL Class Ada Gardner Mabel Walter Davis Al fred Allen Leonard Pupils present fivety half day Of month Thomas Helen Wilson Lome Annie Mabel Average attendance for Mar Aggregate attendance Sooi Yoiuseif in physical you will bo best friend to yourself and a pleas ure to others Most sicknesses begin in the ordinary and minor ailments of the digestive organs and for these ailments Vera have become tho most popular eves Fred Ramsay remedy because they so safe so certain ana prompt in their beneficial action They tone tho stomach stim ulate the liver regulate the bowels By cleansing tho and purifying tho blood they prove that they Are Ten thousand sermons at a veryconserva tive estimate have been preached on the value of things hat abide It is time someone preached a sermon on the things that do no last Childhood growth manly stronglli none of them last but good notwith standing Courtship is good but it does not last and ought not to last Its whole value is in the fact that it is permanent Autumn is here and with wither but the flowers are worth while Consider the li lies though they not last and were ml meant to last The flower is an extravagance of God God does not need flowers There are other ways of reproducing plant life There is abundant evidence in the botanical world that reproduc tion can be established and a type without any attempt at beauty The modern school of natural science which seeks to ac count for everything on the basis of natural so lection explains to us most interestingly how the bright colors mid the perfume and the of flowers attract the insects that curry and so produce seeds for other seasons- Hut this only shows that can do useful thing in a beautiful way It does not prove that that way is he inevitable way or that utility alone accounts beauty in the world Moreover if God needs flowers He dues not need so many of Ihem Flowers are expen sive flowers are- modified branches Every flower costs branch but not one blossom in ft dozen perhaps nut one in hundred becomes fruit Behold then in the flower the evidence that God rejoices to do beautiful things extrav agantly God could have made flowers that would have lusted He could have made out of tin or out or copper He could have caus ed the rootlets which bring up various minerals their sap to perpetuate their metallic char acter in blossoms that Yet God is made flowers and a needless number of flower and an unnecessary variety of flowers and Ins vwfe THE MINISTER WAS PUZZLED At a riser vice performed Rome time ago a little country In GcorgInavhcn the minister said In a solemn tone Wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded hus band Instead ol the women answer ing fcr herself- a mans voice answered A minister looked up very much and paused He sentence and again the same voice answered I will A minister looked up not knowing what to make ot It when one ol the at the the row said Is deaf I am answering or her Magazine REMEMBER That memory is a delightful thing when you pictures- to look at and it is a dis agreeable tiling when you give it unpleasant pictures Remember that you are each day painting pictures for the fu ture Remember that unkind wons leave stings in the heart and that kind words are a joy forever t j Remember that you can nev er come back to live over 5 Remember that someone is constantly receiving an impression from your life by the spirit that you manifest Remember that you count at least one for the right or the wrong Remember that yon do not know how much you lose by ne glecting any duly Remember to look on bright- side for a shadow never cheers anyone He a sunbeam Remember to look at others faults as you would have other peo ple look at yours 10 Remember to pray for your pastor your church the unsaved and your enemies il Remember yon will re gret your unfaithfulness when von come to lifes close RevV Smith Baker I in World is We fear no evil but evil there only He is there also More vice more crime more cruelty more insanity more degre- dation and more misery result from Ilia operation of the liquor traffic in this land than from any other cause whatever Can you vide for such a business A Guinea a Box 1 every box Sold la WHOOPING COUGH CATARRH COtOJ 24 your Bond the Era to absent frlonda Era to frlonia A effective slop Couth tod relieves Spiimodlc Croup It boon to sufferers frooi Aubmi titled villi every breath iaM eootbet the tore tod the pat at a CO if you know you can as crop off 100 acres property drained as can off not drained and a Do drains Aoa tad a uifi lj ox your crop labor a 1 r ft- Dont aarthlnir yw row In bank account tot every on that lb OoTrmnt If Writs today Tout hook la Dominion Sewer Pipe Co Limited FOR SALE OR TO RENT House and Lot on Gorhaia St acres Frame rooms do mestic water Small fruits Apply to FRED HOOVER St Dor 576 NOTIOE COAL FOR 8ALE Host Anthracite Goal aUbar- prices Orders at all hours Telephone No FRANK GLASS Millard rf FOB HATOHINQ Pure Rocks Single settings or per Ap ply to Ralph Willis Vacdort As the season is coming on for cleaning up you will no doubt have some old Copper Brass Iron Rubbers and Rags for sale Lot me know by mail or otherwise when you want to dispose of it and I will call I will pay you a fair market price Wo also buy Fowl Wool and Horsehair We will pay an extra if goods delivered at our house I have no buyer on the roads but myself Box Phone Newmarket A bookkeeper out a job naturally a man of no account

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