V5fg f used them f wither and Eyes are Priceless in the joys necessity st a considA IV ml have enduring all joy si of oaripleais chose his ess because of But not all Youca and have it working Go mi hanging J of kindness Ness he home sweet no separate nay and many of great hal ves its own in compos- in in them yon have rfrtving to recall leant nothing to think of it at inhered that that way when understood The memor love most of remembering know of at at fragrant as it lei the vase if to it still will be l opinion for main Street How are your eyes worth to you Have them examine now while- Mr Maybeo I a town at The Leading County Paper well as the Oldest and Best copies each week Circulation during T TERMS per annum If paid in advance- ft to United Slate No paper sent but of North York unless paid in advance JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON AssistantEditor NEWMARKET FRIDAY A I Single Copies 3 cents each Hardwood Floors To look right roust be treated right It is a very simple matter to properly care for them if you use JOHN SONS PREPARED WAX the most satisfactory and reliable prep aration for finishing and polishing floors furniture and woodwork It produces an artistic lasting polish to which dust and dirt will not adhere It brings out the natural beauty of the wood and preserves it It prevents heel marks and scratches from showing and will not crack blister or peel off Because Johnson gig acts of kind- not linsitory things the wealth of sal worth In Ings that d seen are hope and piow and forev- are the not last in a had el and see how more polishing wax to the pound and of the best produces best most lasting sanitary finish and polish with the least effort and is the selling wax in the world For furniture woodwork oil cloth and liDoleum it is unequalled Try it and see JOHNSONS PREPARED WAX is sold and recommended by The place to buy good Paints and Varnishes PHONE 28 NEWMARKET South End Lumber Yard go you FRESH CAR JUST POSTS BRICKS SHINGLES Ilciisant is a it I p W PEARSON Carters Alfred Bishop St J Murphy ire Hi each CTTJ id words or an iconc is moss urn nil that will Grow Bumper Crops by using Ontario Fertilizer You nsi only get a large of grain but a suro catch of seeds All our last lots of Rod CIov are sold but I have secured an exceptionally fine lot free from foul Extra No Rod Alfalfa 1100 at wrong do ne- Timothy Secure some of this seed whil it lasts W H EVES never Order by Nelson Miller ftobt or Carters Manning or Newton others World Ike INCORPORATED 1855 BANK Capital Reserved Funds vi I IS Money Orders and Drafts When remitting money in large or email amounts do so by means of the Drafts and Money Issued by ank Toronto It takes to purchase them and they are a protection to both sender and recipient 117 Branches In Ontario Quebec and the West A M LISTER Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH O RENT St 8 rooms do- Apply to per i on for no doubt for or lispose of it ill pay you a We also Wei ice if house roads but WE AT mm a Job far Lath Doors Latest Designs in Veneered DooiB Blair Material and Trim in l Ash Georgia properly kiln Ceiling Pine Hardwood Flooring Maple Oak etc Verandah Columns etc NO BETTER LUMBER EVER GREW THAN THAT WE HAVE IN FOR YOU ftND 80UND AND NEATLY DRE88ED The Kind That I THE THE VERY BE8T BUY IT fir GO RATED of a mother nearly caused the death of a twoyearold few days ago when she lelt a bottle of carbolic acid within reach of the infant the child drank part of the contents but the mother hastened the child to a drug store where relict was administered and the child is getting over its trouble- Three men were fined last week lor gambling on Sunday They were Italians draft in all relations of life is the evidence of human A fore man in a large Toronto shop was tip before the Police Court recently when it w proven that each pay day he had taken from the wages of the workmen One witness swore he had given or to him The grafter was fined At the prorogation of the Ontario Legislature last week the escort to the was or mounted nun from the Royal Canadian Dragoons at the Exhibition The infantry guard at the entrance comprised men from- the battalion Mr Sam Carter M address- the Row ell Liberal Club last week and denounced the liquor clique for holding back social reform There were only about one score of members of the Legislature present at prorogation and the entire pro ceedings only an hour It is publicly stated the Teachers Parliament last week was one of the most profitable sessions the Educational Association ever held in the fiftyfour years of its organization Report has it that one of the fast est steamers on Lake Ontario is like ly to leave Canadian waters Experts from the Old Country while here spectod the steamer with the view of placing her for navol ice on the Atlantic About 50 Jewish bakers In Toronto are out on strike One day last week Sherwood aged a carpenter g King Street fell three stories down an elevator shaft and somehow es caped severe injury While shopping with some of the members of his family in Simpsons on Wednesday of last week a year old man suddenly disappeared All efforts to locate him have been unsuccessful Four acres of land expropriated for park purposes on street cost the City Toronto is the dental work of the school children of the Cty During the past few weeks dental clinics Kave complete dental treatment to children- than 252 children were of According to returns no less than operations one kind or other were performed The or the tniversity of To ronto and students at Niagara military camp has been herd for May 3 to It is that more than men will receiving cents- a day with bonus es for good Shooting proving efficiency get a grant of from the Government About men of the Bat talion visited Hamilton Saturday and were the guests of the City The men Toronto the Archbishop dedicated tho new organ Sunday evening in St Cecilias Church Annette Street The Knights of St John in uniform acted as a and the choir consisting of voices Un der the leadership of Hew Father Finn rendered selections from the great masters For keeping a dog which bit a little girl on the street a man had t pay G10 in the Police Court On Friday last while cleaning a skylight at the Dyers Association building Wilson lost her balance and fell through the open skylight to the floor below a dis tance of some fifteen feet Her collar- hone was broken There is much comment upon the Government and members of the Legislature pocketing of the public money of the province these war times for eight weeks service and an Conservative print many of the members are now busy helping their confreres in the Federal House to prepare tor the gen eral election The inventions of this twentieth century are marvellous In a costly watch that has keen made for ex hibition purposes there is a wheel that makes revolution only once In four years operating a dial that shows the years months and days Early closing liquor stores entailed the loss of thousanda of dollars to Toronto was stated by a dealer on Saturday pose It did hundreds of families had plenty to eat over Sunday as a re sult The baker grocer and butcher got the money Instead of the liquor dealer thats all In many pulpits of this City last Sabbath speakers took occasion to express disapproval of the corruption and graft exposed at the investiga tions at Ottawa In regard to supplier SONS OF TrJE EMPIRE Not for So sake of glory Not for the of fame Not for the lust of battle But for a deathless claim A claim no time can conquer No alien blood can kill Over long miles of ocean Tin old love us still To for one small island With triple Hag unfurled For count that island The centre of llio world just where you and how ev erything about you looks so she can almost you They passed up the broad stair way then at the farther end of the upper ball a narrower flight of steps leading to a small room in the turret of the building Wo call this llio lower room explained Miss Nancy opening eyes that were still young- would always bo young It was very sweet to bo loved and wel come young niece of es ters Hester who it yesterday bad wjivod from the ships deck Surely it Would bo happiness to speiiu remainder of Iter days in this at mosphere of welcome and and stepping aside to fort she who bad been all her For the sake of limeworn cities Our eyes have never seen Some home stead Or nameless village the sake of a tattered ban ner In some old chancel waves For the sake of ancient church yards Thai bold our fathers graves For the sake of one small island Willi triple flag unfurled For still we count that island The centre Iho world who claim no kinship Look coldly on the fray Hut Britains childrens children Will stand by her today Ami woe to those who touch her Woe the double part When with a throbs The great Imperial heart single island With a triple flag unfurled But still we count that island The centre of the world British Australasian single impulse iOOO THE TOWER ROOM Florence Mum Miss Nancy stepped lightly from the carryall to the stone pavement in of the County Home to amount of hardship or weight of years of mis for tun prevent Miss Nancy from slopping lightly or wearing her shabby clothing as if they were the garments of royalty neither could anything that bad so fa overtaken her quench the light in her eyes or dim brightness in the thin eager face In the large reception room of the Home Sybil Irani and her friend Harris were awaiting the coming of Miss Nan cy who had been sent to the vil lage tin a shopping expedition for Ihe matron Sybil was spending her two weeks vacation at lh Harris country home on the shore of a- beautiful lake She had been having an enjoyable time bathing rowing driving and pic nicking but the visit was draw ing to a close as all good limes have a way of doing and the following day she would return to the city I wish Aunt Hester bad discovered that one of her old luaintanees was an inmate your County Home she said her guests to enter I chose it because I seem to he about the strongest one here more able to climb the stairs you know Most of the others think its very warm in summer and very cold in winter up here but I dont mind it Im pretty con for table most of the lime The room was plainly furnish ed but spotless and in viting There were two cosy rockers and Miss Nancy pulled them forward for her guests hut Sybil gently pushed her hostess into the more comfortable of two and seated herself among the cushions of the low window seat From the window bill and made the view beautiful We havent very long to slay Miss Seymour she said and I want you to tell me of yourself Hester will be interested in everything that has happened to you she has been away for years you see ami only returned last month she cannot under stand how it has come about thai yon Sybil stopped in confu sion it seemed uhpardoiiubly rude to say what she bad in mind How it came about that I am here Miss Nancy finished gently Dear Hester It is like her to want to know and to care Aunt Hester told me that when you and she were young and at the time she married and Went abroad you were strong and well ami happy in your work and had JOSJOJ such splendid opportunities and prospects Yes dear and so 1 did have life doing for others Only a mo ment she hesitated then came the answer No dearie I have my worn and my place here and I think- I almost believe theyd miss me if went Its only ft little while at the longest and Im all ready just waiting and d6ing what by Newmarket while I wait It wouldnt bo worth while to move now would it Youre wattled to lay the table for supper Miss Nancy a void called outside the closed door come as soon as possible They dont know I have Callers or they wouldnt interrupt apo logised Miss Nancy But see they need me hero dear persisted the eager voice Isnt it good to be needed A slanting ray of late afternoon sunshine fell across the cheery face us she spoke lighting it in to beauty the girls never quite forgot With a goodho they left her and a little were driving homeward through the soft radiance of the summer There was silence for a 50 ERRS AGO From Era April The death is announced of Lundy son of Iundy of Whitchurch aged 35 years Deceased died at The funeral of the late Presi dent Abraham Lincoln took place this week During the heavy windstorm which prevailed one day last week Mr Joseph East had two barns un roofed Four questions are expected to Mi but those are all things can not im- About 350 quarts of milk from the Farm at is now dally supplied certain nurseries in this City for free distribution The Spring Criminal opened at the City this week with nine eases on the docket Chancellor Boyd Is presiding I patiently as waited I think it rather inconsiderate of her to expect im- to drive out here to one I never even heard of before and this is my Inst day We might just as well have come before Annette reminded her but you didnt mention it No I didnt want to let it in terfere with any good time you know It was bad enough haying to give up one whole afternoon looking for the fern specimens Mrs Armstrong asked me to gel for her She and Aunt Hester to gether make me feel sometimes as if I were being used to the limit Theyre always me for something or other Im gelling tired of it It was just at that moment that the carryall stopped and the girls bail their first view of the quo whom they bad come to see audi who was known only as Miss Nancy in the Home They barely time to lite upright carriage and Ihe bright face un der the oldfashioned bonnet be fore she disappeared at the front entrance and a moment later en tered the reccptiouroomv Both girls arose and Sybil will her natural line courtesy went forward as the littlo woman hesi tated inside of llio door I suppose you are MISS Nancy Seymour Sybil said frankly I am Sybil Grant I am visiting lit the neighborhood and my Aunt Hester asked mo to call and see you You remember her dont you She used lQ be Miss Hester Remember Hester I I should say I do Why wo were like sis ters In the old days It is almost like seeing her again to son yon Miss Sybil you look so very much like her Thank you smiled Sybil ev eryone thinks I resemble Aunt Hester and Im proud to be thought likelier- This is my friend will whom I am staying Annette Harris Miss Seymour I am right glad to know you Miss Annette and now Im going to lake you both up to my own room to chat awhile I nev er can feel like myself In this big place You will not mind coming upstairs will you Both girls showed their wil lingness at once and Sybil said Then I can toll Aunt Hester very quickly leave us you know- as it did me Father and mother were ill for a long time and I bad to leave my work and care for them We bad to put a mortgage on our home I was so glad wr owned the home for it enabled mo to make thoir last days more Com fortable and to be with when their need of me was greatest After they left me began to work and save again But was taken ill before I succeeded in liftiiuj the mortgage from the home and was in the hospital for months The little woman paused and a shadow rested in the eyes thai sought the window and the range of windows in the distance next moment she turned with a smile and continued That was surely a dreary time but through it all I had the com fort of remembering that been well and strong and able to work when my loved ones needed me Perhaps you do not realize it yet girls but there is nothing in this life that will give us more Kindness and comfort than to feel that We have been and are need ed and are able to respond to the need in a satisfactory way There was a quick comprehen sive glance between the listeners The words seemed a direct allu sion to their recent conversation in the room below and both girls recalled the resentment that Sy bil hud expressed But how is it now Miss Nan cy Sybil questioned gently Does the comfort slay after lime of usefulness is past Yes oh yes But Hie time of lasts as long as we live dear was the assur ance We never get beyond be ing needed somewhere by some one If we are loving and helpful and sit wo Can always have the blessing of it There were a few dark days when they told I would never be strong enough to work again in the old way and money was at ami was no relative near enough rare was nothing left bill and ihei for a little while it seemed to me thai there was no one in the world who needed one who I could be of any tse soon found after I here thai was needed- Why some days l am kepi busy from morning till night Just doing little light thing that dont scon of much and yet they help someone and I come up here at night tired as can be and happy because then is so much that can do and ev eryone is so good to me Good to her How could they help good to her There were tears in the eyes of girls How narrow and selfish seemed their lives of pleasure in that moment compared with this broad useful happy life of whose home was the room of a County Home Impulsive Sybil was the low rocker In instant Dear Misft Nancy she Cried her voieo tremulous Willi emotior come home with me Aunt Hos ier and I will make you happy a id you shall want- for money while we live Miss Nancy smiled and a lifuilitrlil shone in lime then Sybil repealed Nancys last words Isnt it good to be needed Annette whnl a have been to rebel against helping people when I ought lo be thank fill for every opportunity and there are so many for girls lik us If being helpful can bring happiness to one situated as Miss Nancy is what wouldnt it do us with the world and before us and strength and time and youth all I would not have missed the lesson that have learned this afternoon anything Nor answered her friend It has been very best day in your whole visit Sybil meeting What shall bo tin date of the Court of Revision What about constructing side walk on Timothy Street What about an House What about opening Timothy Street The question of allowing horses cattle and pigs to run at largo will likewise be considered Mu nicipal Councils had their troubles in the days gone by The Villagers of Aurora held a meeting to express sympathy Willi the bereaved family of the late President of he United States Resolutions were passed Newmarket also held a public meeting in the Mechanics Hall I at which addresses were delivered by Revs Baker and Fsq Dr J Jackson and others Mr J J Pearson occupied the chair Resolutions of sympathy were adopted a It King Council The above Council mot at Arm strongs Hotel King City on Sat urday March 1915 Mem bers all present Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed Bills and accounts as follows were presented and ordered paid Joseph Billings months pay 3750 Ghas Black gravel grant Black 128 yds jgravel 1280 Win Hoover 112 yds gravel Jos Wil lis per J A Watson work in pit and dynamite Walter Monk man yds gravel Arthur Hill work In pit and dy namite J cul vert and material bill Hose shovelling snow Yonge SI John yds gravel Willis Mi gravel and labor Prank Barber inspect ing tile Mrs Geo Arm strong keep of indigent Resolutions CampbellRobinson That the following named persons be paid re sheep being twothirds value of same Davis Robinson That the fol lowing be paid the sum opposite their respective names for ser vices and the amount be charged to Graham on bis taxes for 10IB Wray Black and W Hrodie That the following lax refund be paid Graham 50 for Statute Labor the same having been performed WntsouKnuke That the Col lectors A and L lugs he ad be paid on salary That the Auditors A Stewart and A he paid each for services That the Auditors Report of the Treasur ers account for ihe year ending 1st Dec be and is hereby received and adopted And that the Clerk be authorised to have usual number printed That Reeve Wells and Councillor Campbell he a examine timber on side Hoc between tots and Con and dispose of same as they deem advisable ByLaw to clone certain streets In Amsterdam received its fir redding On motion council adjourned to meet at Cards Hotel on Saturday April PESSIMISTIC I suppose your baby sister cries some asked one of neighbors VCriesV said Mary Why just seems to -ook- on the dark side of things all the time- the to 25 YEARS AGO From Era April The By the Rev Geo Brown on the Inst at the residence of the brides parents Mr Andrew to Miss Lillian OBrien In icwmarket by Rev Father on the 1 Mr John Walsh of Toronto to Miss Alice Rogers daughter of Mr Ian Rogers of East The Tomb- On April in the Mil con cession of Whitchurch Mr Lloyd aged years In on the 3rd of Roy Smith of the late Elijah Smith The dull thud of the carpet beater is now to be heard throughout the land A new and attractive streamer waved in front of Dr Scott Pharmacy on Saturday Suckers are plentiful In the 1 i km mm creek days Mr home Mr below the millpond those W T Allen of Toronto was over Sunday John and Bailiff of King City were in town on Saturday Mr Johnston the new care taker at the Cemetery has en tered upon his duties Messrs James and George Mitchell of Toronto Junc tion are spending a week in New market Mrs Geo A Thompson of lias been visiting with her brother Mr John at the Hotel Several friends from Bond Head spent Friday with Mr Al lan Howard Street Mrs Cook of Toronto and her brother Mrs Sep Nash spent the weekend wilh their father Dr Nash Mr A J Hughes is the P of Sharon Division S of this term Farmers about com menced seeding this week Miss Lepard has returned home from Toronto I i it V a DEAFNESS BE CURED by local cations as they can not reach the diseased portion the car There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by con- stitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an condi tion of the mucous lining of Tube this tube is inflamed you a rum- sound or imperfect hearing and- when it Is entirely closed Deafness is the result and unless the inflammation can bo taken out and this tube restored- to its normal condition bearing will be destroyed nine cases out of ten arc caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred for any caso of Deafness caused by cannot be cured- by Halls Catarrh Cure Semi for circulars free J CHENEY CO Sold by Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for constipation y mm mm deficit In the Ontario Trea sury to dottrit in the average vt Send the Era fc