1 i I r n low On I to ecipes Bo Weekly Price for RoasMng Veal the Very ERE Back In iced 64 up and IHT at out la a loud to tow Is WAS Ma A a Kiln Johns Church in have church decorated- in the is progressing nutal ceiling now the of EndBakery Co of lh Office on Monday The a number people in town Committed for Monday ovcsuing Mr Jackson has to give an address and will be special Another Remembrance The other day Olive was the recipient of a beautiful steamer rug from the Gleaners organised class of girls in the Methodist Sunday School of which she is a member as a token of their friendship and good wishes in the Red Cross work as nurse A solo by Mr Coo iter Was the Only special musical number last Sunday Next Sunday is a special Mis sionary Sunday in the Sabbath School Special address special music and special anniversary of fering to closo the flnanoial year started gardening Same Specialties at Oyster Shell and Grit lc lb- Baby Food Fresh stock the Perfect Food for and Pigs per lb Seeds Flowers Dont Miss It During the past ten days many leading citizens have rtdvanlage Of Mi Mayhees in Newmarket to have examined ami have in en eves nuvii week he will have pj his and the a him will their appreciation and by sending their appointment now Died in Toronto Last September Mrs went to Toronto to look cold while watch ing Hie soldiers parade two or weeks followed by and finally pneumonia in her death on Thursday April I The remains were brought here to the residence of ii Mrs an the funeral took place on being made in Cemetery Mr Clark of Button is a son of the Window Shade Bargains Oil green or cream good spring roller 30c each- at According to the Public Health Act Schedule Section con tents of earth closets must he removed on or before the 1st of May in each year Neglect is punishable by line Town peo ple as well as town should sec to it that this section of the Act is duly observed Wow Kind of Poult y Netting It keeps its shape does not bulge much stronger lhaii the old kind Hardware AshBrown The marriage of Miss Esther Marguerite Brown only daughter of Mr and Mrs Hal Brown to Dr James Ash of Bos ton son of the late William Ash of Philadelphia look place this afternoon it oclock it the family residence No Dor chester street wesi The J James Barclay DD assisted he Rev Bruce Taylor performed the ceremony The house was effectively decorated for the occasion with Raster lies palms and southern Music was furnished by an or- wore satin Just the Thing Rlr A has on exhibition a new Electric Stove and oven under complete control of user ami the price is annul one half of those on exhibition when the vole was being taken last winter With electric current at this is as cheap as coal oil and no bother Mission Circle the girls of the MolhodW Church who compose the Mis sion Circle held their annual Easier meeting al the Parsonage at the invitation of Rev and Mrs Addison on Wednesday afternoon of last week A splendid program was ren dered comprising an excellent re port of Whitby Summer School by delegates last year Miss Esther Stark reading by Rhea Atkinson solo by Miss Laura McCarly and instrumental duett by Misses Leila Manning and Hewitt The girls also a handsome thank of fering of to Missionary work Dont Forget Dustbane Will lessen your sweeping per cent for carpels rugs or bare floors per Hardware STREET NORTH Saturday i evening Miss lady friends gave hep a kitchen an expression of their good wishes on eve of marriage Mr and MrsJoa Brothers of Aurora Were guests of Mr and Mrs Belfry on Sunday Mrs was taken to To ronto Hospital last week for an operation The bride was away by her father She an exquisite gown of while and chiffon embroidered in silver business was being Christian Church sermons by out pastor were of the usual high or der The Sunday School is ap pointing delegates lo tho first Hoys Work Conference lo be held in ibis town April and 25th The music by the choir last Sun- both morning and evening was rendered The social given by the Good Cheer Class last Monday evening a success and a ti was enjoyed by all who aUcnded The pastor lots been engaged for another year by a unanimous vote of the people last Monday evening No doubt many will attend the free in the base ment of tin- church Thursday ev- April 1Mb Views of Mir missions in Japan will be ex hibited by the after will he serv ed by tile Womens Home and Missionary Society the church Com the bodice of tulle with silver gir dle and court train of white satin caught sprays of orange blossoms Her veil was arranged oyer a cap of silver lace orange blossoms and white heather and she carried a bouquet of white heather and lilies of he valley She was attended by Miss Elaine as maid of honor and Miss Ross as bridesmaid They were gowned in pale yellow taffeta trimmed with fine lace of the same shadow mid wore- a large picture hat tulle match trimmed with vio- and yellow roses and car ried shower of daffodils ami violels The best man Was Dr Howard T Krasner of Cleve land Ohio Professor of Pathol ogy in the Western Reserve Uni versity- The ribbon hearers were Mr Harold Sober Mr Keith man Mr Gordon Ross and Mr Hal Mel Brown brother Of the bride Mrs Hal Brown wore a handsome dress gold tissue and tan velvet brocade over ivory satin combined with Georgette crepe and touches of emerald green and a Mack hat and car ried a bouquet of yellow roses Following the ceremony a recep tion was hold The brides costume is Belgian blue with hat to mutch Dr and Mrs Ash will reside in Boston Mass Annual Meetings There wus a splendid attend the residence of Mrs Monday evening of the members of the Womens and Mens Own Bible Classes of the Methodist Sunday School The time sped rapidly away while the transacted followed by speeches music i social hour ami refreshments was nearly midnight when the company separated The elec tion of officers resulted as fol lows Womens Bible Class lion Mrs A P Addison Pies A VicePres Mrs F Irwin As Mrs J Stark Secy Mrs W Brodie Mrs Ayers Conveners of Committees Social Mrs Jackson Devotional Mrs Membership Mrs Moss New during the year Averam attendance the past six months Contributed to The auditorium was thronged to tin doors pi- Monday when a joint meeting of the work ers in the Red Cross Belgian Re lief and Patriotic Funds held a social meeting Hit first time since the inauguration of the different societies Representatives from the Red Cross Society of Toronto were present and gave a lot of de tailed information regarding tho work being carried on There were other addresses and several musical numbers The ladies of have been unremiU ting in their efforts to raise funds and are still actively engaged in the work o PINE ORCHARD The April meeting of the Wo mens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Waiter Wesley on Wednesday April 2 1st at p m Papers will be given by Mrs and Mrs M Hopper roll call Suggestions for housecleaning Those who have not already sent in their Red Cross work will please bring it to the nest meeting Mrs A Starr has returned home after a two weeks visit at We are sorry to hear that Mrs Abe Skinner met with a painful accident while her daughter Mrs Frank Case last Sunday She fell down stairs breaking her arm in two places There has been considerable change around Orchard Ibis spring Mr Wesley has moved to his new home on the corner formerly by Mrs May Mr Hector Gordon has moved into Mr Widdi fields house Mr Anderson has bought Mr Albert Lemons farm the lat ter has moved to Miss Nellie has return ed lo her school at af ter spending the Easter holidays at her home Wedding bolls are ringing a our burg ALL k New Prints New New Linen Raja New Vesting Also the vary latest creations In Black White and Vollles Boots and Shoes from SJ New Stock for Spring Complete The Largest and Most Date Stook In Town to From The Workmanship on Every Pair- Guaranteed And We Save You Money on Every Pair of Mens Wo mens or Childrens Shoes You Buy W tins Sardines for Pink Salmon for 3 or for 3 Talcum Toilet Powder for Shredded Wheat for 2So 3Quart Jelly Powder for 3 tins Lobster for 26o 3 Celery Relish for 2 Onion Salad for Epsom Salts for J tbs Sulphur for A BRUNTON rk wo Si flowers for to f Mens Own Bible Class Hon Pros Rev A P Addiso W Vict Pros A Richardson A Harris Treas Lewis Teacher J Auditors Ayers and War J Conveners of Committees Membeiship Barker Social Devotional B Maw No on Roll Average at tendance last six months Death of Mr Job Hughes The following copied from a Vancouver paper BC J Hughes one of North Vancouvers most respected passed away at his home at Fourth street af ter an illness of about months if- it trouble was the immediate causeof death but was on by a severe cold con tracted while working ill had weather when he was physically The deceased Who was horn in Sharon Ontario fortyeight years go was engaged in the transfer business in this city until about months ago when he disposed of his in the concern Hie Creamer Transfer Co I was an active member order of Masons and the funeral which has been arranged for this afternoon will be held their direction from the M- onic Temple On Lonsdale avenue at oclock to the CPIt station The body is lo be sent east for in the family New market the deceaseds former home Ontario The late Mr Hughes will be missed by a large circle of friends lie is survived by a widow and two daughters and Ills mother Mrs Amos and sister Mrs Long of Newmarket The remains arrived here on on Monday evening and were taken to Undertaking Parlor where service was conducted on Tuesday noon by Thomas Tus- Lodge of Newmarket then took charge life members attend ing in a body and deceased was accorded a Masonic funeral lin ing a former member of Sharon LodLe Mr Hughes was the only son the laid J Hughes and Treasurer of the Township of Hast for many years and received bis business at Hamilton Business a inn Washing Will wash clothes right wilt the least labor free trial allowed Hardware Pine Quality EyeGlasses and Spectacles The Eyeglass Mountings of the Newest Model handsome comfortable and sccuro on face with lonsos first quality The price Includes a careful test a nlco adjustment of guards In contaot vlth the precision as to sizo and position of the looses- THESE THINGS ARE DONE WELL OUR PRICES FOR ONE MONTH ONLY EyoGlassos modol Torlc EXAMINATION ATKINSON Jewelers and Opticians P TICKET AGENT MARRIAGE LICENSES io5auoDso3ouoojTOdreoo90iipac irj TOWN LINE ITEMS Farmers in the vicinity are anxiously awaiting seeding time Lloyds sawmill has suspended operations till after seeding Mr Fred Webster of the Town- line has been somewhat indispos ed being confined to bed for some days last week but we are glad he is convalescing Mr John of the lin has been on the sick list for a short time but is now around again Mr Dales occupied the pulpit in the line church on Sunday last preaching acceptably to a good sized congregation The Ladies Aid of the lino Christian Church met at the home of Mrs Albert Shanks on the liite on Wednesday last Many farmers are having good luck with lambs this spring the weather being somewhat mild is in their favor Mr and Mrs John Cook of the line have returned home safe after six months visit to friends in California Mr Cook is loud in his praise Of the country and the climate in conversation with the Correspondent He says he helped to plant trees at Hi degrees in the shade and wheeling around and looking back could see the snowclad mountains He says the Canadian Building and dis play were the admiration of all visitors to the Panama Exposi tion has kindly invited correspondent to pay him a visit and he will describe his trip and show some of the finest picture imaginable so if I have the time for next weeks edition of the Era I may describe a return trip from King Line to California with observations on the way of the oldest years and most respected residents of King Township in the person of Mr Nelson Tatlou of has been very low for the past week He Is a man who Is very highly esteemed us testified by the large number of friends and neighbors who Incessantly arc visiting him on his sick bed The correspondent visits him daily think there indications of a change for for the present at any rate hut as he has been spared far allot ted span it would not be so rising if he did not rally will hope for tho best a I A j Bradford Brooks was a guest the home ot Mrs Craves Holt Tuesday Miss Florence is visit ing friends in Toronto this week Owing the editor the Rash Board being Mayor will have charge until his return We are glad to learn that Jas I who has been very ill is much better I Geo Ellis and family have moved Palestine into one of Ceo Mc- Well might our ministers denounce the crooked dealings Ottawa and the big stick Sham Shoes Frosty SHE HADNT TIME An Interested visitor who mak ing call in the tenement district rising said Well my good woman 1 now Is anything I do lor No thank ye mem the submerged one Ye mustnt I dont return the call will ye havent any time to me- Mil bo- LIVE MARKET- prices paid in Toron to this week were as follows Export Cattle 77 Choice Butcher Callie flood Blockers Veal Calves Choice Ewes Spring Lambs Hogs off cars Qood Roller yard Pure Linen Dish Towelling yard Half Bleaohod Tablo Linen sale price 21c Torchon and Insertions 2 and 3 for Go yard Torohon and Inches yard Good Fast Colors In Prints for Curtain Scrims 20o for l 1000 1000 Toronto Markets OF April Wheat per bush Barley per 81 Oats per bush 0 per push Hay pes ten Having on hand a large of Mens Wo mens and Childrens Boots and we have de- elded to clear them out at a very low price Also a lot of other goods that will be selling at a big saving We wish you to come and see these goode as you will be sure to derive a great benefit If you do bust Doors South of King George Hotel VIVIAN Woodcutting Is not all ftnihhed around yet Geo with his gasoline engine Is cutting for most of the neighbors not getting his wood cut near as fast with horsepower hut ho is getting there all the same A number our ladles attended the quilting bee at Mrs Doughertys on Tuesday in old ot the church fund Miss Myrtle was the Of Miss Janes Sunday Mr Sam McClenaer of Toronto spent Sunday with his mother Mr of was a guest at Mrs McQueens on Satur day She Is a sisterinlaw Charlie a Ford Who will be the first Butter per lb Eggs per Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Ducks per lb per lb Turkeys per 0 17 li- IS 0 I GREENHOUSES NEWMARKET Wo Will for New Varieties of Roots and Gladolia Bulbs FROM HOLLAND Snowball Trees 36o Treos 3So 8moko Trees 3Bo Spired Trees 36o Rose to Raspberries Gooseberries Currant Bushes Asparagus Roots etc Apple Trees Plum 3Ko Pear Trees Ohorry Trees 40o PHONE W Newmarket Markets SOUTH END r April Wheat per busk 55 Barley per bush Buckwheat per bush I Oats per BO 0 Shorts per toe Bran per ton ay per 17 per lb Potatoes bag- Chickens per It 180 Ducks per Geese per ft 0 Turkeys per It- a tore mm Is the Place to Get FLOUR FOR BOTH PASTRY AND BREAD a Dag Guaranteed SUPPLIES CONSTANTLY LOTS OF BRAN AND SHORTS ALL KINDS OF FEED FOR FOWL Ciphers Feed Call Leave Your Order or Phono flO I A HOWARD