Newmarket Era, 16 Apr 1915, p. 4

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Sf -s- tt FRIDAY is MS PI mm fa silt But E Veg- etable Compound Restored Mr Bradley Health Her Own Statement Winnipeg Canada Eleven year go I went to the Victoria Hospital Montreal Buffering with a growth The doctors said it was a tumor and could not be removed as it would cause instant death They found that my organs were affected and said could not live more than six months in the condition I was in After home saw your adver tisement in the paper and commenced taking E Vegetable Compound I took It constantly for two years and still take it at times and both my husband and myself claim that It was the means of saving my life I highly it to suffering women Mrs Bradley 284 Johnson Ave Winnipeg Manitoba Can Why will women take chances or drag out miss ing threefourths of the joy of living when they can find health in Vegeta ble Compound For thirty years it has been the stan dard remedy for fe male ills and has re stored the health of thousands of women who have been trou bled with such ail- as displacements inflammation ulceration irregularities etc If you want special advice write to Co confidential Lynn Mass Your letter will be opened read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence TARIFF ARE FOR WAR Although labelled War and War Tax ation taxes and arc not war all Iho object of this The Bud get is pimply to the and protected The foregoing quotation is a not tike their natural course decent opinion is while the greedy grabbers who have shamed the coun try are to pull wires for their own and exert In every direction to save their hides- The journal adds The independent and Opposition newspapers spoken urg ing the to repudiate ot- and deal out exemplary pun ishment but the culprits will ROBT JONES Box 663 St PRACTICAL PAINTER PaperHanger all natural woods and General House Decorations In all the Latest Styles WALL PAPER SUPPLIED And Hung on the Most Rea sonable Terms If you want the very BEST WORK AT LOWEST FIGURE You cannot better It My paper hung at per roll any other paper per roil Estimates Submitted and all work carried out by our own supervision and none but exper ienced men employed All Kinds of Signs Painted Just give Jones Trial Satisfaction is Guaranteed be dropped on he termina tion of the purpose for it was imposed The revenue derived from it should go wholly to Hie treasury It should hot be sus ceptible of use to set up new vested interests The member for Halifax clear ly showed that twelve cents ad ditional duty on iron ore carries ninety cents protection on a ton of iron ore and two dollars and twelve cents on a ton of rails Here a vested interest which will interpose strong resistance to restoring the old scale of duties at the end of the war What is more the extent that the increased protection diminishes import trade the new duties will not produce new revenue the Dominion treasury at all Such the case the tariff proposals constitute a flagrant violation of the truce between the if feel teal as Ions the press preserves a waiting made by Uul evidently prepared to during ho debate on accused persons the turn of Budget in Hie House of Com mons on March and discloses a feature in the policy of the Dominion Government to we desire to draw lh spe cial attention of the electors of North York An election will bo held at no distant day and the present representative of North York holds up both lianas in sup port of the Borden Administra tion We waul to emphasize wherein he is wrong and misrep resents tbe electorate of this Riding The member for Halifax stat ed that the attributes of Bud get should have regard for the following A war lax should be of such a nature that it could party politics is stated that the Alaskan Central Railway which has generally credited with having caused the failure of the Sover eign Hank has been sold to the United Slates Government for The present name of the road is the Alaskan Northern Railway Half a century ago I Satur day Genera tee surrendered In General at and ml of the rebellion in the two parties in Flic House ami were discreditable since lie pre sent is no time for earnest con sideration of what the Canadian tariff should be It is clear the Government sought to holster up protection notions under coyer of lhe flag of truce For this reason we censure the I member for North York in his blind subserviency to party at the expense of an honest respect for a party agreement Southern Stales loomed in sight days later Abraham Lincoln passed 10 bis reward Grant afterwards became Presi dent of the United Slates but lhe history of career shines more brightly as a soldier than statesman The Toronto World of Monday remarks From what occurred in Hie House On Saturday it is evident thai a election for the Dominion wil take place within next Six or seven weeks As the World takes sidS wit eminent it Ought 10 know where of it speaks Liberals better gel ready for the contest want a change and now will the lime to make it The Brant ford Expositor has a short item in which is shown how Hie Dominion Minister of Justice comes high Not on ly does he draw two pays one a member of the Borden Govern ment and the other a retiring al lowance as judge but be uses a desk which cost the country a wastepaper basket which cost and has his floor cover ed by a rug which cost Of him it cannot lie said dial re trenchment begins at home PHOTO STUDIO Those old pictures of Father and Mother are very dear to you Price less in fact Just bear in mind that your children would cherish just such pictures of you We are also prepared to take your picture In the evening Studio open every Saturday evening or other nights by ap pointment E Photographer Studio One Door West of the New Post Office EDITORIAL NOTES Leading Liberal daily papers Ontario are expressing the opin ion hat Liberals throughout lh- Dominion will make nomistake in I making nominations at once for lhe next federal elections The Globe of Saturday remarks Wlille some patriots loot the Treasury others run fast turning out lying of loyalty for Us in an unwarranted election campaign Great men these professional patriots Why not give your boy and girl an opportunity to make their home study and effective Give them the chances to win pro motion and as tho lad haying the advantage of WEBSTERS I NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary in his home This new creation answers with final author- all kinds of puzzling questions In history geography biography spelling pronunciation sports arts and sciences Vocabulary Tcrmi Colored v j equivalent to that of a ivouio encyclopedia Scholarly Accurate ai ilun llih Dictionary On the floor of the Commons last week Sir Wilfrid drew at tention to a leaflet recently issued by the Federal Agency of Ot tawa reflecting on his loyalty Sir Wilfrid described the leaflet as a false and malicious and slan der I REGULAR AND INDIA- PAPER EDITIONS Mi WRITE for tic li rf A bill Was given a six months hoist in the Senate week j It was a measure to amend the Supreme Court Act to allow the Supreme Court Canada to hoar appeals of controverted election cases from Provincial Courts should the Province ask for such ap peal It is just surprising how values change when Government has to make purchasesl A piece of land with buildings down at- VaJcartler valued by assessors at when the Gov ernment wanted to buy it in value to it is really how everything the au thorities want for war purposes sud denly in value A special from Ottawa to the Toronto Star says How Kings fanners and horse dealers got rid o several hundred aged and decrepit spavined and horses by selling therr Co the Governments buyers last August for war purposes was the substance of evidence in the Public Accounts Committee the Commons which but tor the fact that is was sworn testimony would have passed for fiction It is slated in the daily lliat a Ulan at Ottawa bis influence for in order to secure a Government contract for a certain firm A receipt was produced in court duly sign- bad been paid over on the above lhe Mercury remarks is not lhe rtrl case where been bought and paid for Its just another els existence llial is eating away at the of the It will be a source pleasure to many people and save delay as well to learn that lhe has issued further notice that or dinary postage stamps may be used for the prepayment of war duties on bank cheques bills of exchange promissory notes per fumery wines as well as upon letters Or postcards postal notes and post office money orders The purpose and intention is to pro vide facilities in those portions- the country where excise stamps may not readily be available Let tors may also carry the ordinal y Stamp in addition to the ordinary postage although the stamp marked War Stamp is preferr ed In a sort apol ogy for the wrongdoing of con tractors of army supplies a Con servative party organ makes the Statement It would he easy for a group of Liberal agents to de fraud the by organ ized misdealing with contracts and supplies In reply the lib eral organ at Toronto asks Is Foster the Conservative member for Kings Nova Scotia under whose supervision the pur chasing of horses occurred wliib disgraced Canada by any chance a Liberal agent Or was Pow ell the clerk of Mr Garland iWy member for a Liberal agent when Ire charged a price for medical supplies so great that be was forced to disgorge What is the use of pretending The thieves were almost all friends of the Government 1be MI for North York misrepresents the rid ing by supporting the which which tolerates these mis doings How to Care for Your Complexion With an large area of land prepared for seeing to grain this year and early seeding oper ations the prospects are for an extra large in Saskatchewan Official reports received by A Dunning manager of the Sas katchewan from Operators throughout country indicate that seeding was begun in a num ber of districts- about a week ago Among the places named were Aberdeen Juniata Beadle Viceroy Aber- and Trav ellers also report that seeding has commenced at and Several farmers near aw arranging start seeding imnwdialely and some have already made a start The daylight savings plan has been inaugurated at again this the citizens taken lo the new much more readily than last year The plan is already working to advan tage and citizens are to be in largo taking advan tage or the extra daylight in improving their home Advices from the other centres throughout the west would lo indicate that the practice of saving one hour of daylight in the early morning is growing in popu larity and there is a likelihood of other cities and towns adopting change this summer It adds another hour lo the already long summer evenings and has been found to be a great benefit It also permits the various sport ing organizations of tho oily In play many of their games in lh evening Hoard of Trade has passed a resolution calling upon the Saskatchewan take action to secure the stand ardization of the laws of the provinces At present time there are many variations in existing laws effecting the con duct of inUrproviueial trade The Canadian Bar Association ii also giving its aid to the move Representatives of municipali ties from all parts of Saskatche wan met in convention at Region recently when proposed amend ments to the Oily Act were thor oughly discussed All of the clauses of lhe City Act were con sidered and the views of all mu nicipalities secured with regard Hampton Road shortly after oclock this morning and dropped anchor off Old Point Comfort In the past eight- months she left jNgw York harbor she sank fifteen vessels of which were British Time she operated under the of the fast and powerful cruisers wives one Aim was to caloh and sink her And Once Sho fought her way out of a dan gerous predicament when she stumbled upon lhe British Berwick Suffolk and Bristol Her career of eight months was all touch and go adventure no than that Word comes from Cobalt that the three Germans who are now trial on the charge of conapiilnR to blow up dynamite magazine of the Mining neat Cobalt have made statements to the police which will enable the Crown to make out a clear case against them They are employees of the raining com Detective Duncan said short a miracle prevented most terrible catastrophe and loss of and property that ever occurred in Ontario The Toronto Daily Star puts the case In the following shape for poli ticians to cenalder In con tractors who have robbed the Do minion treasury outandout Conservative papers which would have most influence with the present Gov ernment are not trying to exert In fluence not to events but seem content to wait and let matter take their natural course Rut this cannot happen Matters will beauty only akin deep Good their therm tinder a sallow or blotchy akin and poor features glorified by a complexion A very toilet booklet entitled Your CompUjtio has been by mats and many helpful health and bints proper methods of It can bed for the asking Agency Drag Store end von should call or tele phone for It Among other things It points out Is sleep ventilation and a thousand other things we cannot escape are warring oar Get a or Jar of Face and convince of and It la oxygenated and by the aklu leaves no shine and gives a amooih qulek- removing the by wind and weather All preparations are justly none more so than Pace Cream which ye unheal latlngly Call or telephone for your copy of this book which most valuable Information J Patterson Druggist Newmarket r to suggested changes in the Ac An interesting statement just prepared I lie shows IhatOic area of occupied land in Saskatchewan has increas ed from acres in to acres in 1 In Saskatchewan was sixth among the provinces from point of occupied land whereas in I I it had attained place with over acres more any of her province in the Domin ion From the standpoint of value of the occupied laud Saskatchewan held fltb place in but had reached sec ond place in The average value of occupied land in 1001 is given as per whereas in it was shown to he These figures go to show the re markable development which has taken place in Saskatchewan dur ing the past ten years a BATTLESHIP BUILT EACH MONTH Completed Every Throe Days London March 28If lhe Brit ish public were privately inform ed that the British fleet were be ing augmented by something like a submarine every three days a destroyer every week and a battle ship cruiser or Dreadnought ev ery it would laugh the statement to And yet that is a fact If Britains present overwhelm ing fleet Were lo meet defeat at the hands of the Gorman navy and lie totally destroyed there would be a residue of such dimensions that lhe balance of sea power would still remain with Great Britain By May I Ibis country will not only he supreme from a naval standpoint but it will have a perfectly trained and equipped army of men By the end of the war England will have the biggest navy that the world has ever seenand it will also pos sess the largest army in the world Of course it is not contended that Great Britain is building a submarine every three days That would be humanly speaking an impossibility But there are Oth er ways of obtaining these little craft Every day that man fleet remains cooped up In the Kell lhe odds are Increased enormously against Germany LAST QEIIMAN CRUISER IN PORT Norfolk April 11 Tho last of lh Kaisers sea raiders the Kron Prior steamed into A TRUE WOLF From Banner On March 1st about miles cast of Clear Lake at Win Mo- Arthurs Creek Mr Ambrose Conway and Paddy New ton had a very thrilling advenlur witli a wolf- two men were making soiie repairs to a dam when Paddy went a few yards iu the bush cut some brush to repair the dam Paddy was just in the act of getting over a big pine log when Mr Wolf met him half way Poor Paddys heart failed him then if never did before He lost his presence of and did a very thoughtless thing and that was lo throw his axe instead of keeping it in his hand to defend himself When ho threw bis axe at the wolf it just cut him enough to put in good lighting trim Well there was only one thing left for Paddy to do and that w in to heat il for the Creek Now the way lie went through the black alders with the wolf snapping at his coat tails was slow lie thought his last hour had come in so he thought he would try and cross himself before he went hence to be no more seen So just as Paddy and the wolf passed by Mr Conway on their way lo lhe Conway hit the wolf with his axe and split him Open am ended the race hut poor Paddy was so excited- that lie never stopped till he swam to the oilier shore The wolf measured feet from tip to lip and weighed lbs Conway and Newton deserve great praise for their brave act and da- serve to get Iho bounty which 1 believe is Paddy says he has a notion to hunt wolves this summer providing he has Conway his axe lo kill Ihcni SHIP OF MERCY IS Rotterdam April The Bel gian relief ship llarpaiyee of Lon don the bearer of New York Stales cargo of gifts was sunk north of Hinder Lightship yesterday a Herman subma rine she was flying the flag of the American Commission when she was torpedoed according to the testimony of of the Dutch steamer which brought to this port of the rescued members of the including the second mate and lhe second engineer The Constance Catharine also a Dutch craft picked up live the men it is feared that all of Iho remaining fifteen of the crew have been lost The sank within live minutes or receiv ing the torpedo She was a steamer of tons Captain Matrons said he was an excellent position lo see the whole affair and that the Ameri can Commissions flag was flying from the jib stay of the and plainly visible lo him as lie stood on lhe bridge Of his vessel which was then mile astern of the British boat While I was watching the said the captain sud denly I saw a cloud of smoke ami beard a tremendous explosion put on full steam for the ship Then I saw the periscope of a sub marine about a hundred yards from the going the sinking vessel The of the periscope was quite plain got a lifeboat launched and picked up thirteen men who were swimming about or cling ing to wreckage then I turned my attention to those in the boats Tho second officer was uncon scious when I recovered him lint I got him into a warm bunk with wann bottles and he recovered af ter two hours Just as the was dis appearing there three or four distinct and heavy explosions as the four boilers burst Every one was covered with wreckage 1 HE TURNED TOO Think of what a womans curi osity will do he said solemnly Lots wife looked round she turned into a pillar of salt But how about yourself said his wife I you look round the other day and you turned into a publichouse True piety elevates the spirit enables the heart and strengthens the courage Electric Motors for the Household A P Wagner can bo used for the following poses WASHING MACHINE SEWING MACHINE St POLISHING SILVERWARE D18HWA8HING 5 THE LATHE IN YOUR WORKSHOP VACUUM I can supply one of the motors mounted which can be used for any one or all of these purposes alternately Thus lhe same can to Used in the morning for running the washing machine and in the afternoon for running the sewing machine All work guaranteed to pass Rules and HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Agent for Wagner Motors Lancashire motors Do knew you take as touch crop off acres drain as you can off acres not fajt psy at Dominion Sewer Pipe Co Limited I Market Building ALFRED Contractu GRAND TRUNK TIME TABU Leave Toronto Leave Allendale am pm pm pm pm NORTH Newmarket am Allendale pm pm pm SOUTH am Newmarket am am am pm 137 pm pm pm train does leave Toronto on Saturday leaves Sunday night- 1 am 3 tO 10 pm 1018 pm night but m T B Newmarket PLAIN AND FANCY WORK OP EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CEMENT AND PLASTER OP PARIS Concrete and Stone Foundations Collar Floors and Sidewalks BRICKWORK HOUGH CASTING A Repairs of Any Descriptions Distance no Drop a Card I It Multiplies Power The telephone like the crane multiplies power The telephone increases personal efficiency and enlarges the volume of business by extending the field of the merchants activity If the modern business man had to travel every time it was necessary to have a personal talk with a customer or business associate he would be in the position of a builder without a crane Are you using the telephone as you should systematically applying it to the needs of your business The telephone especially the long dis- tance service makes possible real economy 1 1 and with it a greater not a lower efficiency A careful study of the subject will repay you The Bell Telephone Co of Canada April A fire that started at about 2 this morning completely destroyed factory and offices of Bryan Mdnufaoturlng Company the largeet planing mills in this town The Are started in lhe store room on the third floor of the factory and is supposed have been caused by defectum wiring Children Cry FLETCHERS CAS TORI A

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