r trJvr x SUTTON censes WEST of iOt I Potatoes ftt bag timothy Hay KNIGHT Rectory Onl for filial por- I and Parcel cither for on may be seen narked by the including my tnilr not J wood orrli Warden R CANADA October limit long the in Northern lullway and particu lars apply to ii Agent Agent pots it right whistle bright safe the time Does it I A CHINA Weeks lioealleoi AMOT S J Field and Garden in package or bulk Clover and Timothy Just now buying Is In favor purchaser With the demand when opens we surprised If price sow and TURNIP SEED In fact our stock In all tines of seeds is now complete Direct Importer of Staple China and China Hall Grocery FOR THIS WEEK lb cans choice Canned Corn Canned Peas Canned Beans 3 lb cans Of Apples 3 for lb cans Lobster export Quality Beets very 2jc 10c for 10c 3 for 25c for cans Vegetables 25c Clover in bulk Pure Maple Syrup 35c quart Syrup Mixture quart Table Syrup in bulk and In 2 and pails Hie Leading Reliable Grow Phone Quick Service OF Main Timothy Streets An enjoyable card parly was held at the Oddfellows Hall last night The Hookey Benefit last day night was a and moving were fine The farmers are busy seeding One of the progressive on Ibo of East had ton acres sown on Tuesday last The usual attended the Red Cross Meeting Tea in the Christian Church schoolroom on last Tuesday afternoon Corporation Improvements There are just 50 men on the Corporation payroll in connec tion the electric light and waterworks improvements It was expected that the new lights would have been turned on Main Street on Saturday night but that work has been held up on account of the nonarrival in- and other supplies con sequently it will be another week before we will enjoy that luxury excavating for the new re at the waterworks is al most completed ami concrete work will commence next week The changing of the water pipes from the wells and lowering theft to the proper grades is an expensive job but there is no doubt the results will justify the outlay Engineer is superintending the work At one place the pipe bud to low ered seven feet and in another place four feel When finished the pipe will have a gravity flow from all the wells to the reser voir It will take three weeks yet to complete the job Banquet The members of the High School Hoard the leaching stall and a few friends were entertain ed at the King George Hotel on Tuesday evening by Rev Father Wedlock the new Chairman of the Hoard and a most delightful social evening was enjoyed While the elaborate menu was being served in the uptodate manner that has made the lery famous throughout the AY Lieutenant A J GUARD Officer Commanding Second in Command Captain Aubrey Adjutant Captain A Quarter- Master J Captain A Quarter Mailer Sergeant- Sergeant No 1 Platoon Platoon Platoon Sergeant Sgt Section Commander No Sec tgt J Sectfon Cominander No Sec Geo Smith Wo Platoon Platoon Lieutenant M Platoon Sergeant Sgt Section Commander No Sgt Section Commander No Sgt Wo Platoon Commanding Platoon Lieutenant Platoon Sergeant Section Commander No 5 Sec Sgt J Nightingale Section Commander No Sec JSluiTles No Platoon Commanding Platoon Lieutenant Platoon Sergeant Section Commander No Sec Sgt Geo Young Section Commander No See Sgt S Ayers No Platoon Commanding Platoon Lieutenant ft Clark Platoon Sergeant Davidson Section Commander No See Sgt Linsuold Section Commander No to Sec Sgt Smith the A New Idea Removed An automatic electric pump for W jK the where do- the water is not available is on and tas next door north view in the window at Wright Howards Feed Store opposite the tinshop For a mere matter of Ten Dollars and Fifty Cents we will put you In possession of an English Beaver Overcoat with curlsloth lining and rubber Interlining handsome Ottor Fur Collar cut and trimmed In Irreproachable manner that no tailor can duplicate for less than Twenty Dollars King George Hotel His implement arc on the Market Square No Hard Times Cricket All interested in this field sport should the seems to be lots money in meeting in St Pauls School the country Already tonight Itriday at Robertson oclock Prospects are good foi a splendid season has sold Ford cars The new statter is a winner No work cranking any more new de- ice vinee the strains of choice Opening Miss A Evans regrets Another Scholarship having been unable lo have a Spring Opening owing to ill- health but wishes to announce she will open Millinery Parlor on Saturday April I7lh Shooting Case Dismissed I RHODE ISLAND FEDS ROSE COMB Winning first Pullet and Second Cockerel at Newmarket Poultry heavy v inter layers Eggs lor 13 Tor Si music bah The Chairman proposed toast to the King and expressed bis gratification at the cordial re ception accorded him by the peo ple of Newmarket and the honor so graciously bestowed by his col leagues the Hoard in selecting as Chairman for Speeches followed by Messrs P Pearson Principal J lloUingshcad W Dean Harris of Toronto J and J 1 McKay Some two doen were present and proceedings closed shortly after eleven oclock The charge against Thompson of shooting and wounding Michael Graham oh March last was dismissed by Judge in the Criminal dinhur I Court on Wednesday Masonic P Walters No paid an visit- to Tuscan Lodge No- New market on Wednesday evening last He was accompanied by A Heron District Secretary Allen and Morton all and of Grand Rapids Mich Alter refreshments the visiting breth ren delivered addresses WE SELL ONLY CLOTHES THAT ARE MADE OK THE LINES AND INSURE LONG WEAR AND SATISFACTION The Overcoat Is what puts the finishing touch of A Scholarship of value yearly has been offered by Mr P Pearson to the candidate taking the highest mark at the Lowe School Examination Mr Pearson has proven a consistent friend and benefactor of Newmar ket High School and the latest evidence will be much appreciated Spring Time Is Paint Time High Standing Paint for Outside and Inside for walls S5V Gall and gel color cards Hardware FOR WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER Leave Toronto pm daily Attractive lo PACIFIC COAST POINTS Particulars from Canadian Pa cific Ticket Agents or write District Passenger Cor King and Toronto Agent Newmarket It RAILWAY DOUBLE TRACK THE WAY TORONTOCHICAGO TORONTO MONTREAL FOR Leave Toronto am pm and pm dally FOR MONTREAL Leave Toronto am and pm daily- Smooth Roadbed Highest of Equipment Full particulars and berth re servations at Trunk Pheae J Phone Roller Plow MILLS Manufacturer the famous MOSS ROSE LILY BREAD PRIDE MANITOBA FLOUR Thejie brands make the most delicious Pastry and Buns Also ask your grocer for our WHOLE WHEAT for Brown Dread and Gems HEAL for Porridge All Made From the of Wheat H ROBINSON Proprietor Phone Newmarket High School The report of Inspector Hodg son has received ami is very satisfactory With regard to organization he says The time tabid is very skil fully- constructed to provide for the various subjects and still keep the classes within reasona ble limits as lo numbers The question of organization with six teachers and eight classes is a serious one hut the principal has succeeded iji gelling a satisfac tory solution The Commercial classes are separately organized only in the purely commercial subjects- Discipline good Character of teaching in the following eight subjects English and History Mathematics Science Latin French and German Commercial Heading Drill and In Art to Character of Pupils Work Hookkeeping sets work in satisfactory in Art very fair work Is done in all the forms The amount is not large but much of it is of a good quality Si pupils arc taking the middle school course Note Books and collections Science no conipleted collections this year Last years are good Records are very good and show the course covered and outdoor work well attended lo to Approved School No change will be made for the cur rent year but to retain the pres ent grade It will necessary lo install a system of flush closets General Remarks I must congratulate the princi pal and his staff upon the gen erally satisfactory condition of the school Everything seems to be running smoothly and harmo niously and I am well satisfied excellent work is being done by both teachers and pupils The grading referred to Is Ap proved and carries with a grant of 1120 above that for nonapproved Methodist Church- The annual meeting of the Womens Missionary Society took place In the Ladies Parlor on Wednesday there being present Mrs the School Toronto a very interesting address and a beau tiful duett was rendered Mrs and her mother Mrs George of Aurora The Faster thankotter ing amounted to which sum will be increased by the absent mem bers Miss Toronto also attended the meeting Conundrum Social The Social in the School house St Pauls Church last Tuesday ev ening was a great success The menu Was served in superior style and it great inn guessing what you Wanted to order The humorous play Which followed was also very laugh able and well presented j The attendance was very satisfac tory completion to the costume of the welldressed man Just now Seven Dollars and Ninety Cents Invested here puts you in possession of a really Fur Coat made from variety elegant goods In the seasons best style and trimmed and finished handsomely Poultry Lecture On March Prof NY it Graham of will deliver a lecture on poultry at the rooms of the Dept of Agriculture Prof Graham is one of the foremost authorities on the continent and a most in teresting and profitable address may be expected The lecture is under the auspices of ho North Association and there is no admission fee All are welcome Christian Endeavor Miss gave a short talk on the subject Getting Heady for the Next Life at the Young Peoples meeting last Tuesday ev ening Many line points were suggested Everyone is cordially invited to attend the service next Tuesday evening Mr Even will speak to the Society Sabbath Observance At the close of the meeting a social hour will spent and a good time is promised- Com Home Guards Weather permitting Major orders that Wednesday even ing April 1st the different Pla toons of Newmarket Home will assemble at their usu al quarters They will then march to the large lawn al Mr Schmidts former residence Eagle street arriving there at bearing arms After man oeuvres it is expected a march around town will take place it is hoped the hand will be ill at tendance A badge or button is being de signed which is the intention of the Committee to present lo regular attendants at drill The design is a very appropriate one and wo have no doubt the badges will be prized The Wen Main St West mm i TO THEN READ THIS I A Wonderful That burps oil or gasoline with out a wick Cost of operation per hour Lei us shot you It Hardware The home and Mr John Proctor on Street was the seen ot very prett wed ding on Wednesday when their daughter Maty became the bride of Arthur son of Mr J tueensTllle On account the illness ot Rev J the ceremony was solemnized by the Rev- Percy Fletcher- of Keswick in the presence of many relatives from Hamilton and nearby places The wedding party entered the room to the of the Wedding March played Mias Tay lor and the Contracting couple stood before a bank of potted planta Miss Proctor was unattended and was given away by her father She daintily gowned in embroidered voile and carried a sheaf of bridal rosea After congratulations and the of the register very dainty tea was served In the diningroom the decorations being daffodils and pleasing the brides table was the presence of grand parents of both bride and groom Mr and Mrs Harrison Proctor and Mr and Mrs John as well as the parents of both Many flue gifts evidencing pop ularity couple Included money silverware cut glass linen furniture a kitchen shower and pearl knives and forks from the brides uncle Mr of The grooms bride a pearl sunburst and to ike an amethyst ring Mr and Mrs left for a trip amid of confetti and good sad on their return will take ap tWir resi dence Eight or ten Newmarket boys are enlisting with the 3rd Overseas Con tingent Correspondents will please not for get to add the Stamp which w are sending to envelopes next week or will bo without our usu al news budget The Hockey Boys desire to express their thanks to the Management- the Moving Picture Theatre for their generosity A Chinaman is opening a restau rant this week in the Dank ol Toron to building Already this nearly worth of War Stamps have been purchased at Newmarket Post Office The usual success attended the Tal ent Sale In the Christian Church schoolroom last Friday The annual Ball tfte place in tie Hall to martens have arrived and ate building tkeir again Sf It will surprise you what can be saved by the advertise ments and profiling by lie reductions they oiler Head over the store hews in the merchants announcements and you will find that it is news that means money to you- Get the habit of reading the ad vertisements and you will find them mighty interesting if you are try ing to make your money go as far as possible We know a woman who clothes her family and runs her house does it better than her neighbor on about half the money- for she never fails to rend what merchants are offering and manages to pick up bargains in some line and says she can save from a day to two days pay every week in this way You can do the same If you find the reading of advertisements distasteful read them with a view to com paring the prices you know usually prevail for the articles mention ed You will find them considerably lower in almost every and your natural economy and common senso will soon tell you that you arc doing something worth while when you read what the mer chants pay good money for space to tell you They have something they want you to get something you yourself want and at an attractive price but you cannot know if you not rend what they are saying You may run around from store to store trying to get something nj a price that suits you and pass the very store that has unless you read the advertisements Many of our thousands of renders are scan ning the closely every week let the habit- read the advls- in The Era make money 1 A V mm as Feint Way is a man who cell cigarettes to boys like ax in a I t WtM the brings to minors not by forelock siditU sower the lag time Lest oft almost a ai a WANTED or millwright by J VnnAllen opposite A York Radial Station Newmarket 3w8 HOUSE TO With all modern conveniences Apply lo New market fQ adrhnisthatohs to All persons having claims against the estate of Michael Cain late of the town of Newmarket died on the day of May are requested to Ale the same properly proven with lbs undersigned for the Ad ministrators of the said estate on or before the First day of Way as immediately the Administrators will proceed lo distribute the assets amongst those entitled having regard on to loose claims then bated April Solor for Administrator mm JDJ Time for that Spring Suit anil Over coat of Sitltlngs and shown this season Is the finest over In town fc- j Suits and made ta your to fit and wear well J p iJ 0 Outfitter AQSNT ARCHIVES OF i TORONTO n s25s5 TrW r ti jotK featiSw sis jr s a