KM MRP If s foi a inn in A FRIDAY i IV REMEDY Witt of tii ft Pi IFF THE HUB mm mm Nil Ss I t GEORGE KlPPHN ONT- June I hive been using remedy for many years They are the best medicine I have tried- do me the most good they never gripe and their action is pleasant have used them for Indigestion Constipation with lhebest results and recommend them to anyone similarly afflicted These full credit for all this A nicer pill a man cad not take GEORGE The enormous demand tires is steadily increasing due to the fact that this wonderful fruit medicine gives prompt relief in all cases of Constipation Sour Stomach Rheumatism Chronic Headaches and Neuralgia and all Kidney and Bladder Troubles a box for trial size Sold by alldealersor sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa HOUSE TO RENT i Millard Ave all Apply to Joseph Wesley cor Millard Victoria W SCHOMBERG 1- Sunday Miss Marion Butler an exceptionally solo Mr and Mrs Harvey Clark en tertained a number of their friends on evening The local lodge and AM held a social evening for its mem bers on Monday night Mr of Orch ard was the guest of friends in over Sunday Mrs Pine Orch ard was the guest of her mother Mrs A Weaver over the er holidays huts coals and were very much in evidence at the various services on Sunday The hats particularly were evi dence of the skill of our local mil liners HA LI ANTRA Too Late for Last Week Whats the matter with Vivian was over to Church mil Sunday Miss Ethel Davis spent at her home at Mr George is belter now as he spent Easter home Glad to see the around here again Sorry lo hear that Joe is think ing about leaving town we are having some nice weather around here Very good sermon was deliver ed Sunday last The flowers are blooming There is going lu be a wedding soon Mrs Quant had company for Raster Mrs V Mitchell and daughter inlaw visited Mrs wood at Sharon on Thursday last Miss Minnie Mitchell visited Miss Ruth Badge on Sunday Mrs Hutchison EightyOne Years Old Uses No Oth er Tonic but Vino and Rec- It to Friends GroenTille It to with WILL GET The famous Michael ease reached its Anal stage last all objections having been by McCor- probate was granted REQfA In addition cultivation of all vacant lots in tlt Vacant alms to acres of land owned by the city on a peralive basis various reached between the parlies Though the terms nave not been I of the great benefit I have made public it is said that derived from Vlnot the several consideration paid the McGor- I yearjold and I find Vi- for withdrawing in market gardening in order to rive assistaur to movemul me strength a health appe tite and overcomes nervous VinoJ Is the only tonic reconstrtctor I naed for several years I have recommended it to a great many of my friends and it has always proved Mrs M A Greenville S Such cases as the above are constantly coming to our attention If people in this vicinity only bow Vino in vigorates old people we would not be able to supply the demand It is the tissue building curative ele ments of the cods livers aided by the blood making strengthening properties of tonic iron contained in Vinol that makes it so successful in building up strength for old people delicate chil dren and for all rundown conditions Vinol Is also a most successful remedy for chronic coughs colds and bronchitis If it fails to benefit any one who tries It we return your money J PATTERSON Druggist Newmarket position was between That in particular and WAR TAX OK ALL RAILWAY AND 8TEA3KIP TICKETS Becomes Effective April The special War Revenue Act more commonly known as the War Tax becomes effective Conuec- are the lax must bo paid by the purchaser of ticket and that anyone refus ing or neglecting to pay it is sub jected to a lino of exceeding Always Keep Them In The House Thats Mr J Kast of Canton Place Oat say hit Cm I of alw a the M in general wan The amount is cents on every But Mrs could afford loss from the financing depression than the greater part of the United States particularly WHITE HOSE lo make a liberal settlement for as soon as the Michael will was probated she fell heir to the big estate of Michael brother John who left everything lo his brother Mi- This estate was originally placed at but with three years accrued interest and ap preciation of values is now worth well on to Michael and John Irwin the executors but the latter as sur viving executor could not have the estate wound up until such time as the courts decided who should get Michael property This point having been dispos ed of by the settlement John Ir win executor of the John estate appeared Judge Vance on April 1st lo have nlR parlor car seat and 10 cents on sleeping ear berth On railway and local steams the Southern Slates was the ship il is cents for each prcssion gained by His Honor fraction thereof Drown while on cording to the value of the lick- a trip to attend the celebration and there is no charge on of the centenary of in ticket casting or less city of New Orleans Louisiana That on ocean steamship tickets His Honor expressed himself as varies according to the value mm kl FOR SALE OR TO RENT House and Lot on St acres Frame house rooms do mestic water Small fruits Apply to FRED HOOVER Gotham St Box Newmarket I mm mi FOR SALE OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good stable and cistern Enquire of YAW MAN Grace St Newmarket FORJSALE Two splendid Building Lots in the Town ol Newmarket one On Park Ave and one on Lome Avenue For particulars apply to A B Rice Victoria St Toronto TO RENT The residence on corner Park and Avenues Newmarket For particulars apply to B Rice Victoria Street Toronto or Mr Avenue Toronto A Cement Block House newly decorated rooms and bath Apply to Prospect accounts passed A very pleasant and enjoyable estate was was spent at the home probated at matte up Geo Smith on Tuesday 30 Household effects when a goodly number his many ft and neighbors real estate their due respect in his old home 30 before departing to his new one in iujj the nearby own o Aurora I Mr Smith and family will be a sum that was of delighted wilh the celebration and the kindly treatment accord ed the Canadian representatives and believed thai the lion would serve lo further strengthen the ties of friendship binding the United States and Canada together An important move towards stock marketing made al the executive meeting of Live Stock Breeders recent O a HOUSE FOR SALE On Church St Newmarket Mod ern in every way rooms besides and room New Convenient to all down town centres Will be sold at a bargain easy terms Apply at ibis oHice WE HAVEFOR SALE property situated on Ave A largesized dwelling all convniences all In first tints shape Quarter an acre grounds with apple and small trees Frame stable and cement hen This we consider the best In town so act quickly Terms tan be arranged to suit purchaser Apply to P Morton box 373 market BRADFORD Mr and Mrs were in Newmarket fur Friday Mr and Mrs J of Newmarket spent Sunday with Mr rough here Mr was in New market on Monday last Mr and Mrs Eves and child Newmarket spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lukes Mrs Stewart of spent a days with Miss Stewart last week Mr J of t spent a few days in town last week Miss Dorothy Hell entertained her little girl friends at a par on Tuesday afternoon and all had a jolly lime Messrs well Stewart Dean arid J Stewart attended a dance n Holland Lauding on Thursday night last The Mission Hand of the Church had a Lea and aimnent Monday A short program was furnished by the little ones after which tea was served to the visitors as well as lo he members of the band Mr and son left on Tuesday of last week for Sas katoon Mr and Mrs Jay Godson and family of spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs W The annual vestry meeting in connection with hi Mary Mag dalenes Church lloydtown was held on Monday evening and mo I satisfactory reports were present ed The receipts for the year amounted to This does not include the amounts raised by the Women Auxiliary the Womens Guild and the P A During the year there were baptisms marriages and The following officers were elected for the year Hectors has spent entire lite here which- is over years j amly fl evening was in ganjes listening to music furnished by tii Messrs and Stephens WANTED NO WHISKEY of Aurora which was much AT FUNERAL by all During the evening the ol- Washington Pa Going through lowing address was read by Miss rC in his office Louie Wills has come upon a Dear Mr Smith and family April Its open- Clear Mr Smith and family paral reads as follows It is with much regret that we desire is that as soon as The suggestion was that the live stock breeders as sociation be represented by a central organization lkrOU2i which the individual cooperalive units could work A day of provincial rejoicing he held on Sunday July the Sunday following Dominion Day when Ihe bars will JW friends and neighbors realia C after death toy giving will be held in every and under No Tax lo 4000 SI lo and up 5500 Th Government directs that under no may the tax he refunded and further in structs that it applies on all tick- els reading between and from points in Canada whether such tickets are sold in Canada or in a foreign country In accordance Willi the Act llailway and Steamship Com panies will act as collection agencies for the Government ami every ticket required to collect the tax at the time of issuing the ticket Further provision is made that war stamps will not be used in connection with railway and steamship lickcU The Trans portation Companies will colled THfa KIDNEYS If you feeling badly it is your Kidneys or is causing Ihe trouble If pain over the if the urine is hot and scalding too free or scanty if the urine show brick dust deposits or if there constant pain in the back restless sleep ami loss of you certainly need Gin Pills Get today and- feel better to morrow Gin Pills are sold by all dealers at a box boxes for trial treatment if you write National Drug and Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto when a committee was appointed to investigate the question and early as possible to the executive of the live slock men liie question of marketing arrangements was one of the important matters considered the annual meeting of Ihe swine breeders association where the necessity of adopting steps to ward cooperation along the lines of the Saskatchewan Grain Growers Association was em- ihe tax and will account for the same to the Government in the manner prescribed in the Act the fact that the time of your be in ft and pri me from- your old home and our Vate manner in a white oak coffin midst is so at hand jointed but not planed under the Meeting together as we Eh my orchard that no do we have- borne us your or other spirituous liquor be true worth Ihe many kindnesses occasion nor any of the shown and neighborly acts done here and customary griefs or mourn- endeared you to us and We Join in those mere ostensibilitie ex- wishing you many years of health and parade of effect ton hypocrisy happiness in your new home dissimulation of mourning where And now that we are once more as- absent we would ask you Mr Smith to accept this and Miss Alice and Miss Susie this electric iron as slight tokens of our love and esteem you May Cod bless you in your new home and as time swiftly passes may this chair and this electric remind you of your many friends in Whitchurch Signed on behalf of your friends and by Forester Ar thur Stephens and H Ieary church IhroughouL Ihe province and- Ihe individual locals of the Banish Association co operating with the Minislorial Associations will have charge of the arrangements The Pharma ceutical Association of directed by Ihe Minister Finance f DEATH OF MR T Many old friends received a shock Good Friday when it was learned Unit Mr it Principal of Bar rig Collegiate In stitute suddenly died at the home of his frieiuf Mr A Lawrence Toronto Mr and Mrs had arrived from the previous evening to spend part of the vacation at Mr lawi and be suffered a severe attack during the night A doc- tor was at once summoned but Better than Butter Nicer than Jam SoU ia 10c i fa If you get Clarks you yet the be it NOTICE As the season is coming on for cleaning up you will ho doubt have some old Copper Brass chewan in convention at passed away Friday afternoon for endorsed the altitude of the oclock Death was the me know by mail or g will prevent the little Illness of today from becoming big sickness of tomorrow and after For troubles of the organs you can rely I Dont Hide Them With a Veil Remove Thorn With the Prescription This prescription for the re moval of freckles was written by a prominent physician and is usually so successful in remov ing freckles and giving a clear beautiful complexion that it is sold by druggists under refund the money if it fails Dont hide your freckles under a veil get an ounce of othine and remove them Even the first few applications should show a wonderful improvement some of the lighter freckles vanishing en tirely He sure to asllhc druggist for the double strength it is this that is sold on the money- hack government to provide for the restriction of the sale of spirit uous liquors by druggists ex cepting for strictly medicinal use and then only on the written prescription of a qualified medi cal or veterinary This association also voted the sum of towards the relief of Bel gian druggists who have suffer ed as a result of the war A new industry is in process of organization at which aims to manufacture- steel cul vert As there is very consid erable road improvement work in Saskatchewan each year I largo quantities of such culverts are required and it is fell that demand would be sufficient warrant the the 10 Rough on Rats clears out Hats Mice etc Dont Die in the 1 and at anil Country Stores the Era to absent friends result of an affection of the heart l l and hardening of the arteries l He was a brilliant student and one of the most successful teachers in the Province an P r some years lie served on the ai delivered our house leaching staff of Upper Canada College and was afterwards Principal of Hill Aurora High Schools taking charge Barrio about twenty years ago CLOUTH Phone A sale of horses from In northern lumber camps took at Hill on Tuesday of last week some of them were very fine animals Forty horses were sold at the average price of each CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Siguaturo of I Trade Mmoui DESIGU3 Ccpyboht3c ucurLMu our wtf A ill notice without la Scientific lean- of i a Sold Go EQUALIZED OF YORK COUNTY Away Warden Mr II I Warden Mr Lay DeliKale lo Synod Mr It J Vestry Clerk Mr F Merchant Auditors Mr Mr Sidesmen Mr If J Mr Bond- Mr Clarence Marchant and Mr Irwin After the usual voles of thanks the vestry meeting was brought lo a close with the bene diction In Land Value to the man who wants a Farm acres of good land some choice clay Farm has all uptodate Build ings consisting of a modern House also Hip Hoof Barn Mumps arc Hie order the built from all new material with but hear all the arc do- modern Stables together with all other Outbuildings in good rc- pair Rural Mail Delivery We you to go over this Put a fair value on Land alBO Build ings then come down to inarkel and will satisfy you as to tiro amount away Wo must wind up Estate Busi ness Will accept a Mortgage at per cent for tun years with a small deposit down You must act quick in bis matter or miss this chance mile Fast of Mt Pleasant on the Centre Road known as the Tommy Glover Farm of North This farm has plenty of Water Good Orchard Good Bush and Fences convenient to School or Church also Metropolitan Sta tion at P MORTON Ave Estate Building Co Newmarket COAX FOR well and hope to be out soon are glad to report that Mrs John is Kitting better f Last Wednesday evening the child ren Sunday treated to a tally pull alter which were elected for the year i Superintendent Mr Snider Assistant Sup Mr Agar Secretary Mr Snider Assistant Sec Mr Albert Hill Treasurer Mr Harold Latarlans Miss Hoover and Amy Teacher for Girls dr Class Miss Annie Agar Teachcc for Girls Infant Miss Adeline Ballard Teacher for Married Peoples Class Mr Wilfrid Snider All other teachers resumed their classes Sup for Cradle Miss lleta Miss Snider We are sorry to report the death of Mr Scott who died sudden ly oa Saturday night the 3rd of April Interment took place at BolU on Cemetery- Best Anthracite at bar gain prices Orders Hied at all hours Telephone No 177 FRANK Millard Avo Children Cry FOR 1 ft- Municipalities A A rt rt a 0 It s J ri to KtoblCpko 1797 28055 900020 to 16 19925 34827 1700 931479 4 4 1003 798300 6950 1224450 10705 1122838 11700 1300 1077450 14 King 2510885 10810 3597310 20 Mnrkham 1072 00309 1108105 3077795 19 470 2599 10737 2780680 12225 22574 3779213 11 Vaughan Whitchurch 07113 777520 2891570 2000 423 0515 1138 18G5531 38 20 York Willi 2018 18058025 323150 22578835 Total 125 37 44 Towns and Villages Aurora a Towns and Villages 351985 1 2343 1 5 1 Newmarket a 1 Hoi J a 43945 45923 I 91578 30 fil Markham Vil i 24445 1 335238 30 1 Richmond Hill 9 ft 3472 377800 13 9 26 3 if 21050 3295 395520 419865 23 Weston 1 19 230J 1582077 1661374 Miinlco 456025 226077 231850 822060 23508 1768 1080468 v Sutton 1 1 354850 372425 New Toronto a a 28o2i 1074350 J a 3749477 416804 8 780 149 ft Total Towns Villages a 45 Grand Total I ft 1 72709 ft 232