Jeep Thetn House Ont and find SwotUn Kidney j Rings nr assortment of Our Assortment DIAMONDS PEARLS ETC JEWELLERY STORE- main badly or Bladder able If there is if the urine ing too free or shows brick if is the back restless Gin Get feel better to- lid by all dealers boxes for it if you write The Leading County Paper as well as the Oldest and Best copies each week Circulation during TERMSMS per annum if paid advance 150 to United Slates Mat tut of North fork unless paid in advanoo Will the Attention If Entrusted to us for Repair Watchmaker Graduate etter than Butter than Jam Sold In Jut Id 2Mb CUrka you the us coming on for no doubt Copper Brass id Rags for sale nail or otherwise o dispose of it I will pay you a We also buy Horsehair We i price if goods our house I the roads but Newmarket OVER YEARS EXPERIENCE f HA Trade Marks Designs Ac i icy Mum ft use fOttnul 9 for New York l L JACKSON Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET ONT APRIL 1915 Floors r To look right mast bo rested right It Is a ample alter to properly care foe them if you use JOHN- SOMS PREPARED WAX the most satisfactory reliable prep ration for and polishing floors furniture and woodwork It produces artistic lasting polish to which dost aod dirt will not adhere It brings out tha natural beauty of the wood and preserves it It prevent heel marks and scratches from showing and will not crack blister or peel off Because I Vol No Single Copies 3 cents each LETTER end or Alt contains more polishing wax to the pound and of the best quality it produces the best most lasting sanitary finish and polish with the least effort and is the largest selling wax in the world For furniture woodwork oil cloth and is unequalled Try it and see JOHNSONS PREPARED WAX is sold and recommended by Arrangements are being made for honoring King anniversary of ascension lo the Throne by firing at Exhibition amp Convocation was held at Victoria last Friday evening when young nien were graduated In Theology The Oddfellows anniversary May 2nd will be celebrated a proces sion attended several bands The procession with form at College and Huron streets and march to Hall where a sermon will preach ed by Rev Hiram Hull Music will be supplied by the Park dale Methodist Choir John Blow aged years was found dead in his bed on Saturd morning He was an old and well- known hackmD Last Saturday evening Mr Hamilton who has teen sup erintendent of the Central Prison Sabbath School Tor the oast years was presented with a sterling si tea service which bore a suitable in scription A sheaf of American Beauty roses was likewise presented to Mrs Casselsl The removal the HER ONLY SOU it true my son Have you really got your diploma Licensed lo kill last moth er he laughed gaily Then sud denly looking grave he added But Im almost ashamed to say that I am through What kind of numbskull will people think me go to see her whether I allowed you or not A quarter of an hour later An drew pleading with gentle A LEGAL RIGHT When I married I had been teach ing and was used to independence Mary Greene to become his said my wfe Her eyes looked In- impendence the of our Ins true it was me cause of lo his with Irue affection But I she refused lo utter the words ho when I married him to hear and considered it only a Have you ceased to care for ple to be dependent him Had Ten years al college I Why all I me Mary he said reproach- he met me as an and considered Partner the business with a No Andrew I have I will The place to buy good Paints and Varnishes PHONE NEWMARKET South End Lumber Yard in n FRESH CAR JUST ARRIVED j POSTS BRICKS SHINGLES PEARSON Carters Alfred Bishop St J Murphy fiom a fractuccd Grov Bumper Crops by using Ontario You not only got a large yield of grain but a suro catch of seeds will AH our last lots of Rod Clovor are sold but I have secured an exceptionally fine lot free from foul seeds f Extra No Red Timothy Secure somo of this seed while it lasts 1100 1100 W H EVES Or dor by Phone Miller or Cartels Unit Manning yd or Waller INCORPORATED 1855 BANK ofTQRONTO Paidup Capital Reserved Funds 5000000 Business Accounts Hank of Toronto Invites the Accounts of Its ample resources exten sive connections and complete facilities as sure customers of the of Toronto a per fect service 117 Branches in Ontario Quebec NEWMARKET BRANCH A the West Manager Prison from Toronto to the Prison Farm of course led to Mr The jitney accident occurred on Saturday evening last when an automobile struck the jitney at the corner of Yonge and streets One woman was hurt but not serious ly I Company Battalion third continent which is exclusively of members of the iSth Highlanders gave exhibition drill and bayonet fighting exercise in the armories lest Friday niht Oranges ad anted in prici- last coating the vholcsacs 15 to more per case bv car lots Po It Powell Vancouver who is in Toronto attending the re revision of the Metho dist Hymn preached at both on Sunday in St Pauls Methodist Church Avenue Pond Cheques and Use Government are exempt the war stamp t While rollerskating on the walk on Street last girl aged years fell ami her In the midst of life we arc in death While on the alleys of the OddFellows last week John Stewart aged years was overcome by an of heart fail ure He was hurried to the Hospital hut was found deid on arrival Premier Hearst addressed the Cen tral A at an annual I an last Friday evening During the past s the city employment bureau has sent men to the arms of Ontario Over members of the Mystic attended the ceremonial of the Temple A A held in on Friday It is stated there were TOO from Toronto lodge lafl from London Cat Rev Patterson I v as recipient of many con gratulations at his induction as of tookes Prcsbytcran Church last Friday evening Twenty- nine years have passed since he first Indicted as pastor of this church The new hymntook of the Metho dist Church Is expected to he ready for distribution for Is In as of 1017 It includes hymns the new Presbyterian looking to union of the churches Over troops of the second con tingent at on Friday A parade the 10th res ult through several of the streets lok place- last Sunday aid the soldiers attended church service at St Siirons at oclock p The condition of Mr Joseph Oliver who is- ill at the Hospital was reported as still being serious Mayor Woodward President of the Chamber of Commerce of Atlanta and several members of the manufacturing Interests Council that City were the guests of the Citizens on Friday last v mopths vacation In lg- the fellows who entered with mo have been practicing for years You need not look so bright mother I have little lo be proud of I have a great deal to he proud of Andrew replied as she kissed his ruddy boyish cheek How many of the men who be gan college life with you would had pluck enough to face your difficulties How many of them with your nervousness would have faced the examination room again and again My son the fact that you had to defeat often and yet to persevere until you are crowned success ought lo prove lo all Ihe world that you are a It would be strange if your old mother were not proud of her boy And to that it should be just now too when Dr is thinking of getting an assist ant He told me so himself only yesterday Andrew He will take you gladly dear and there wont a soul in hut will be pleased to see Andrew Ward as assistant and who knows successor to Doctor You are quite loo hopeful mother Doctor Greenes opinion of me may be very different from yours I certainly will never ap ply for the position If he offers it to me it would be a different thing But except for your never cease to for you But I will not break my vow Two years ago I told you I would break right to what I used there would have been no trouble thought of our relationship as a partnership and felt that I earned my promise I cannot what spent as much as my become engaged to you unless you On his salary I I new I should bcconiQ a total abstainer to do the housework cooking and Mary I did not think yon sewing My duty would be to sac would deem me a weakling and his to cam Would I deserve lo ho called I did my work as faithfully as he man if I could not use drink with- did his In fact I wonder whether I out abusing it Can you not did not do it better for when there trust me Mary to lie true to my- were three In the family we saved self as well as In you more out of Freds salary than he can trust you Andrew but did before we were married In spit cannotlrust the poison you re- of feeling that I earned what used fuse In give up It has destroyed I was humiliated to find that no put Strong men in the past Think of of his given to me but I all the homos in to ask for every penny I uel that are ruined by alcohol Sure- j Naturally under such conditions he every good man should set his wauld ask what wanted with money face against Ihe tiling thai is or what had I done with the last I bringing death and desolation lo had I felt then that he did not home and trust me Then you would like to ken I asked and hogged Fred lo set bind myself a solemn to asxle a certain amount for me from ha hurl month 1 think I asked a me I would call myself a slave amount There would have loen if I should yield to such a enough left for his expenses and a day He objected on the ground 50 YEARS AGO From April Rev p Ramsay Incumbent of St Pauls Church has been quite ill Petroleum is reported to have bee discovered the property of Adam and Peter Graham near Au rora A Business Guide has recently published for Holland Landing and the people of Sharon are now of Issuing one of T of Newmarket purees holding a TeaMeetln on the fcvenJnr of the Queens BirthDay North York Society Spring Show held last Wednesday Messrs James Silver Francis Smith and James Wells were Judges of Horses and Messrs George Hoe Ro bert and George Walker judges of Hulls In the classes of Horses Roynto Isaac Marritt and PI were winners I General Purpose Horse Ferris David and Wm Hill were the successful competitors In Durham Hulls Mr Irving and Mr won prizes and in Grade Hulls George Playter and Reuben Powell can led off the prit tickets man who can make a hoi- I think it would be better for me to gel away My father face flushed from He paused add his hotly Mrs Wards The vow and keep it is the freest of all men said Mary- I fear Hiatal present you ami I cannot see eye eye Mary Perhaps in the near future us may change And we may rented the one we could friends still Mary may we not also coached the child a that I should be extravagant Our real separation her an then for I he did not trust me hut Was too proud to speak so I be gan earning money or my extra one of wants may rented the If you wish it to be so but I shall never change my vow neighbor The Ihe WE Lumber Lath Posts Sash Doors Latest Designs in Veneered Doors Stair Material and Trim in Ash Cypress etc All kiln Georgia dried Ceiling Pino Hardwood Flooring Oak etc Verandah Columns Railings etc NO BETTER LUMBER EVER GREW THAN THAT WE HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU DRY AND r SOUND AND NEATLY DRE88ED The Kind Thats RATED THE VERY BUY S0 IT Adam Heck Is oft this week for a couple of land The that Canada and the United States should unite in a move to stamp out the liquor was made last Friday night at the Central 0 A by Mr A of the M A He also hoped Ontario would help in overcom ing the gambling evil Premier Hearst the Institution upon its good work it radiates Insplraton in thing which for good On Saturday mornings the fish market Is as as a trip to the Here lu a tank a swam a t to say ho wasnt fresh some eels wriggled a out to Seep him company and an immense lobster crawled happily about with claws outstretched- in siarch of bis break fast A monster parade by Ihe Patriotic Advertisers city under the the Toronto Ad Club will take place next week This parade Is part of a twoday carnival and circus to be held In the Arena on Thursday and Friday next Over floats been arranged for already Proceeds to go to pur- chaw of a motor ambulance the Era to absent friends faeti saddened as answered in a low voice Yes your father Andrew is for his sake would plead with you He you ihe will slay here my son You al ways in derate drink iiJ fath i it al lOslop when he had had enough Now he comes home too often drunk He goes evening evening to the House He a set of- men theft who are dragging him lower ami lower Andrew dear you know your father is not the man lie used to he I know he answered gravely hut what could my being home do for him You may save him from false friends Andrew Ho may give up companions thai have lured hi ml to the Pier House Willi you at home again we may wean him back lo the simple habits of earner life You remember my son when your father never seemed lo crave strong drink He perfectly satisfied with he Called his nightcap I have done all in my power to save him hut In vain He might Change for your sake Andrew if you could be near him I fear you too hopeful mother When a man yields to excesses he loses his will power then the craving for stimulants becomes a disease- in many cases an Incurable one My fnllicr was one of the last men I vnnd have deemed likely lo be come a victim lo drink He used to have such strong views on Ihe subject Why he despised total abstinence as much as I do my self Bui as you say mother clique at the Pipe House has dragged him down There lot us not speak of him If there was nothing else to keep me from be ing Doctor Greenes assistant he would Mis Ward looked wistfully In to the fair handsome face son as she replied almost in a whisper I think the doctor would like to give you the appointment for Marys sake- blushed like a girl and his eyes HI Up wilh that light which shines In a mans eyes only when he thinks of the woman he loves What I would do for Marys sake mother So If her father asks to bo his assist ant will accept position not otherwise That is will not apply for It And mother will you promise mo not lo speak to Doctor about me I shall no chance of ask ing him to think of you before yon him yourself she re plied Here ho Is at the door Doctor in with looks I heard tho good news Andrew my lad and I congratu late you And I congratulate myself too The and neighborhood has grown loo heavy for me I want an assistant lad Whal do you say lo accepting the post You are good air to offer It to me and I accept gratefully And rand may I go to Mary 7 Be off with you- laughed tho doctor You sly fox you would baby slopped my moneymaking for a while years passed away all I had saved to the doctor as Andrew was peases dreamed my happy called had become a great fa- dreams vorite in His genu As I grew stronger gradually and kindly disposition undertook my coaching again him a favorite in Ihe sick room went bad to worse Fred did worthy object in the town not relieve me by hiring n servant or received his hearty support and giving me- money young doctor if he were to he met so j at the Pier House Other whispers hinted that it was on his fathers account that he was there It was known also that some times the young doctor instead of going straight up the main street of would steal around a back lane He would not risk meeting someone he still- loved his flushed face and unsteady gait would tell 1 ho would fain hide from her But it happened one night oh pity of it I that the young doctor stumbled on the path just he reached the old hole II rolled rather than fell to the bottom of the hole and the consequences might been serious had there not been briars wailing to receive him A deep scratch across one of his shins caused him lb grind jhis teeth with rage against what or whom it would bo difficult to say Only a scratch Not worth that the wife is often- driven mad by an interior marriage laws that make the wife a dependent not an equal in all I Fred consented to my getting a divorce and keeping the child because I could not make him happier than I was I am now keeping a house and hard Hut some how freedom from my- martial de pendence is giving my nerve lack firmly believe that marriage can not be happy until the law recognizes the equal partnership of the husband and wile Each ought to have a legal right to hall the money earned by tii other after marriage- If there arc children and onlv one can he the earner surely the home- maker manager and saver deserves an equal share I WIRELESS PHONE ACROSS OCEAN And now we are told telephoning the Honing So the young doctor at- possible according to Hewitt whose the throe uUlteed A tended lo Ins professional duties for a days an usual Hut briar scratch became a burning vvofind ami he thought it wouh lie wine lo consult Doctor Greene Yet a few days more mid Doctor Greene called in a noted special ist it was as the old man fear ed Illood poisoning was doing its fatal work the young doc tors days wfere numbered his life work cut short when it had scarcely begun Mary full of loving pity bent over him to receive his last confession In broken sen tences he panted out his peni tence You were right Mary- was a Tool examinations and oth er I look it to steady my nerves instead it poisoned my blood the briar scratch the brandy has killed me- pray And his mother standing near wilh tight clasped hands and dry burning eyes murmured broken ly Oh if had my life to live over again I would banish for ever from the accursed thing that has ruined my hus band and robbed mo of my only son Everybodys Monthly to- April nivcra who examined lae hull of steamer Wayfarer which was torpedoed last week by a Gorman submarine- report lhat they found a hole in the port side of vessel forty long and several feet wide water line They that it is re- mavkablo that the liner was kept afloat and brought Into port CAST Tor and CMldrea In Use For Over 30 Years Always of that Atlantic Peter Cooper made stations which the Hell Telephone Company In talking Horn New York Mr Hewitt is now working on an oscillator which he brieves will obviate all difficulties wireless lor telephoning Mis oscillator has already proved practicable tor short distances has talked several times to persons at Columbia University four a half miles from his experimental laboratory on the roof Madison Square Garden perlcct results problem ans is to strengthen the oscillator to carry voltage to transmit mes sages distances and this Is a matter that will take but a tew months Mr Hewitt I Within years predict that every ship will carry tele- phones and the wireless will be used entirely in talking over Ion distances dont think it will ever prove a substitute Tor telephone In the congested districts In time though practically every fanner will have his wireless telephone and other persons living in lonely districts will this keep ng touch with civilization When Greece gets into the war it should be smooth moving for the Hrantford April At noon today little was going from School when i she was run into by a bicyclist riding on the sidewalk and had her leg broken the bono protrud ing through the skin The bi cyclist it is alleged flopped looked at the girl arid then re marking Youll be all right soon rode away attracted assistance and was taken home The police were called in and Hits evening arrested Frank Lowe on a charge of criminal negli gence He will bo tried tomor row The girl is a 25 YEARS AGO Kyle April The Alter At SI Hauls Church Newmarket by J on the Inst A merchant to Miss Minnie Hoe youngest daughter ol the late all In on by the Key J third daughter of the late Geo lb late IWsley The Holland on the William latter of Mrs James Nixon years Mrs A Wilson is Toronto under Richard Kelsie as in Town e boys were pleased to him again Mrs of foroito is sf ending this week at the residence of her father Mr John Anaitage Niagara Street Mr Win Unlock and Mr 1 Davis l P were in last and attended the He- lorn- meeting in the afternoon Mr J Stokes of King was in Town on A raising took place on the farm Mr Arthur at on Monday On last Mr 1 Morris drove 10 head of cattle to his farm to pasture for the summer Mrs Jerry Graham of Sutton West spent a few days at Sharon week Mr Taylor of Holland Landing it at engaged in erecting line mansion at Roches Point for Mr I aeon who has purchased a plot the property Mr 1 I Ed gar Mr A 1 improving his residence a verandah a a if- April As a result of a railroad accident Swiss Qua- officers discovered yes tor day that a sealed car marked Vegetables shipped from Genoa to Germany was loaded with Maxim guns The artillery was sequestered The- Fisher Motor Company Orillla received on Tuesday from Hamilton their first consignment or shrapnel shells Work was at once begun on finishing the shells end will be pro secuted with all possible vigour Next week a night gang will be rat on and the factory will he run night and day This will probably be cob- as long as the war lasts When things are working smoothly ihe Company expect to turn out finished shells Lindsay April A sad drowning accident occurred in River tonight at oclock when Harry the nine- yeairOld son of Mr Gray contractor went lo his death The fellow who was a pu pil at- Victoria School East Ward went to the river wilh a number of companions to from crib work opposite boat- house when he lost his balance and fell into the water companions gave the alarm but when help arrived the boy had from view St Thomas April 10 out of tho roadway to avoid Iwo autos late on Sunday noon- a riff occupied by three sisters collided so violently witk fence on the Concession of Malahide lhat all were thrown out and two were badly Miss Sarah skull wan fractured her right arm broken and her brain by piece of wood She cannot re cover Dear had her lip cut entirely off and she was badly shaken op The third sister escaped with alight bruises Their father Wilson riSsS Si Kil ARCHIV ONTARIO 1 Xfj 5S mm-