rriBiTiYaw I NEW MARK i et o 19 15 i TO RENT Mill Pond to a Fishing Club Apply to Hoov er Newmarket LOST In Town oh Wednesday about 30 PM a Gold Watch with ini tials on the it Reward if returned to Era Office HOUSE AND LOT FOR On Ontario St a sixroomed house with lot ft also smalt fruit and domestic water Apply loK Barber TO RENT Good House corner of- and Lome Avenues also Building Lois for sale on and Lome Avenues also Mrs or to Park two Park two Newmarket FOR SALE 3 largo Yorkshire Sows just vi fa bred Bull Calf EDGABDENNIS DRESSMAKING Latest Styles Neat and Prompt Reasonable Prices MRS LEMON Church Newmarket v -r- HIT j I i v A is I finr TO FARMERS A Pure Bred Aberdeen Angus Bull will be kept for service at Stock Farm mile of Newmarket Terms Aberdeen Angus are the greatest of breeds having won the grand championship at Chicago it times out of 13 So do not this opportunity EDGAR DENNIS NOTICE As the season is coming on cleaning up you will no doubl have some old Copper Brass Iron Rubbers and Rags for sale Let m know by mail or otherwise when you want lo dispose of it and I will call I will pay you a fair market price We also buy Fowl Wool and Horsehair Wo will pay an extra price if goods are delivered at our house have no buyer on the roads but myself CLOUTH Box Phone Newmarket NEW LICENSE The names of the gentlemen to compose the Liquor License Commission- Board as provided by the Legislature at its recent session have been announced In politics- we presume they are Conservative In religion the four first named Methodists and Iho fifth a Roman Catholic They are as follows J Fla- vell merchant Lindsay publisher Stratford Frederick Dane Federal Commer cial Agent Glasgow George A Aycarst Government Inspector for the enforcement of the Li quor License Law and George Smith Government Mining Re corder It is staled in the city press the Commission does not take office until May 5 This seems to mean as lh Star says that the issuing of the licenses for balance of the year and until May will rest in the hands of the various license commissioners who have up to the present been issuing licenses up to May of each year After lh license holders have been named under the existing system the new Commission will then step in and take full control respecting the suspension or cancellation of any licenses granted by the old li cense hoards According to a statement made by the Hon Provincial Secretary the newly named Commission en ter upon their work with free hands and none of its members made application for the posi tion I A change has been made in the war stamp regulations applying to letters Postage stamps bear ing the words War tax may now be used for prepayment of post age but in no case will inland revenue stamps be accepted for postage June the last Monday in the month is the whispered date of the next Dominion general elections If this be true it is high time officials of political organizations were getting busy In rural constituencies May is al ways a busy month for farmers in Ontario Better time now and be prepared for the contest come when it will ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE CREDITOR3 If Hi I All persons having claims against the estate of Michael Cain of the town of Newmarket died on the day of May are requested to file ta same properly proven with the undersigned solicitor for the Ad ministrators of said estate on or before the First day of May 1MB as immediately thereafter the Administrators will proceed distribute the assets amongst Ikoae entitled having regard on ly to those claims then filed Dated April WIDDIFIELD for Administrator 3wlQ Newmarket EXECUTOR8 NOTICE TO CRED ITORS given Public Notice is hereby according to the Statutes provid ed in that behalf that all persons claims Estate of Henry late of the town Newmarket in the County York who died on or about the fifteenth day of are riuuestcd lo 111 thy same proper ly proven llio undersigned Solicitor for the Executors of the last will of the said deceased on or before the ThirtyFirst Day of May 1915 as immediately there after the Executors will proceed to distribute tin assets amongst those parties entitled having re gard only to those claims then and further lake notice thai the Executors will not be for the said assets or any part thereof Paled April WIDDIFIELD for Executors Out A flysheet recently issued at Ottawa If the present Government had been careful get value for the money spent in connection with the contingents they would have saved far more than the sum they hope to raise by the vexatious taxes now impos ed North York is now repre sented by a man who supports the Government capable of this sort of administration Of course the elections will rectify this mistake its whole duly the Conser vative organ assist in turning out of office To talk is one thing lo act is another Town I Regular mceling last Monday evening Allmenibcrs present Mr P Moalou was heard reference to opening the south end of Ave to Eagle St being supported by the pe tition of ratepayers which was to the Road and Bridge Com Mr Larkin appeared before Council in reference to selling bread in less than a- lb loaf Re ferred lo Finance Com was heard in reference lo selling icecream cones on the street Referred to Finance Com Following bills passed Office Specialty Co re A Williams A Co pipe for wells Cranston Co dog tags ExpressHerald ac Newmarket Press ptg de bentures Canadian Fairbanks pipe Can Elec Co wire Factory Product Co sup plies York Radial Co supplies North Co supplies Bell Tel Co service Pittsburg Coal Co car coal Duly Unloading Express on pipe Wm Cane Sons Co re Pay Sheets pole line Pay Sheets new wells Pay new reservoir Applications from Dennis and I P for electric light granted Applications from Wm pol ling Mrs Scott and Rose for water service granted Communication from Millar re connecting electric light wires with new post office and from Maryland Casually Co re boiler inspection referred to W Com Communication from V Brooks re drain on Ontario St referred to R Com The report of the Finance Com recommending tender of A Ames Co for debentures be that the Clerk be in structed to notify those in ar rears for water and light after May will be cut off and ac counts collected in and that be granted to the Home Guards was adopted The Report of the Property Com re petition against the Kennel of dogs in Town recom mending there be no further li censes granted within the town limits was adopted Council adjourned OOfl and Mrs Robinson spent Tuesday afternoon with J Miss Kennedy is spending few days in Toronto rt FEATS WITH HMD GRENADES Mr Hammond of Now York was the guest of Mr Andy Davis for the weekend Mrs- Dr Wilkinson and baby spent over Sunday with her parents at Sutton Miss Hatiie of Toronto is spending a days with Mrs Geo Wood Mrs J Peters of Keswick is spending a few days with Mr and Mrs Hamilton Park Ave Mr J P Hunter and wife of Toronto spent he Mr and Mrs J a ft Mrs Mickle of spoilt the weekend with her daughter Mrs Howard Cane Mr Wm Holt and family moved to Mono Road on Monday to continue farming operations 101 Mr Frank Fisher of Lind say spent over Sunday in Town with his sister Mrs Bennett Messrs Cameron and Charlie Meek aro home from College for the sum mer Mr K Jackson leaves today on his semiannual visit to his daughters at Bronte Hamilton and Tottenham Mrs of To ronto spent Sunday at home also Miss Jones was homo from the city for Sunday Mr and Mrs J moved to their own home on On tario Street as Mr is in very poor health sorry to say Mrs Monk of Toronto for merly of Newmarket was in Town on Monday renewing acquaint ances with a few oldlime friends Mrs J has re turned from where she spent the Winter with her daugh ter The latter and her husband were here over Sunday Commenting on the graft re vealed by the investigation in liament respecting purchase of horses for war purposes by the Canadian Government the Renfrew Mercury remarks A lot of old and halfuseless some of which had even been refused for service in South Africa were unloaded on the Government at big prices Not only were the steeds fit alone for the glue factory in the matter of age but they had blemishes ga lore Truth is stranger than fic tion And this is the kinU of Ad ministration the Commons for North York holds up both bauds Yes truth is stranger than fiction Hon Howard Ferguson On tarios Minister of Lands For ests and Mines is away this week making an extensive trip through Northern Ontario Ho is by Premier Hearst and Hon Frank Cochrane Federal Minister of Railways The Min isterial trio il is staled pur posed travelling through and out from Cochrane along Transcontinental lo Hearst While away they will inspect the new Dominion experi mental Farm on the Transconti nental interned and Germans have ecen for some months trip is of a Dominion PAY AND LOOK PLEASANT A little township in Wisconsin originated a bright idea which seems to have taken root large section of the state When the town in question announced its purpose of observing a payup week in which all debtors would make settlement everybody smiled But the thing was done and several thousand unsettled bills were cleared hi the process Now the place has had its most prosperous year Mid many other western towns and not a few big cities are considering a payup week The philosophy of the plan is simply this that by paying your bills the other fellow is enabled to pay his and so on in a sort of endless chain which finally comes around to you again with you out of debt and no one owing you all aro quits commer cial skies are clear and everybody feels better In the first experiment in old accounts changed hands and the further liquida tions promises to a financial tidal wave The idea of a payUp Wok is ex excellent anil should he helped along wiilr it more ialta will business if tin Miss of lerville visited her mother and sister last week On Friday af ternoon Mrs Donne had some ladies in to tea lo meet her Mrs Jackson accom panied by her sister Miss Mar garet Wcddel of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs John Graham at Ml Albert last Saturday latter are both recovering from their serious illness Mr Frank of Water loo was in town for the weekend with his sisters the Misses who returned home a Couple of woeksago after spend ing the winter in the United States and Bermuda Islands The Toronto Star of Friday last had the following paragraph Mrs Sheppard accompanied by Dr Victor Williams left last night for Savannah Georgia to bring home Mrand Mrs Charles Palmer who are both seriously ill Miss has re signed her position as Soprano Soloist at Berkeley Street Meth odist Church Toronto and ac cepted a similar position at Col- lego St Baptist Church She en- London April 19- Tho im portant part that hand grenades are playing in western cam paign is made evident by tho that of five awards of Victo ria Cross announced tonight were for conspicuous bravery displayed in of those missiles Edward Barber of the First Battalion of Iho guards at Neuvo in front of his gronado company and throw bombs on the such effect that a very great number of them at once weekend with dored When tho grenade party reached Barber ho report mak the awards says they found him quite alone and unsupported and with the enemy surrounding all about him Fuller of the Grenadier Guards won bis cross in same battle Seeing a party of the enemy endeavoring to escape along a communication trench the port says Corp Fuller ran quite alone toward them and killed leading man with a bomb The remainder of the men finding no means of evading his bombs surrendered to Lieut Cyril Gordon Martin who already possesses the medal was in command of a grenadethrowing parly of six and although wounded led his party into enemys trenches and hold Wack their over two hours May of Scottish Rifles and of the ron Highlanders awarded crosses for rescuing wounded men under fire Pie according lo the report carried a wounded officer while under a heavy fire lo a placo of safety although wounded himself lie then struggled back into the fir ing line and remained there until his battalion retired when ho returned to the wounded officer and lay beside him for three days until both were rescued London April During the tie ol in month ol March as much ammunition was ex pended as used during the war according to a statement made in the house ol commons this after noon by Chancellor the Exchequer David Lloyd George The Boer two years and nine months Wo Have Just Received Some AT- Imperial Gallon IN- I j in IN 10o AND JARS Gloenins Time in Oh And You Need a Good Broom We Have Thorn From to PROMPT SERVIOE OUR MOTTO PHONE I PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given AH Physician and Family Recipes i NEWMARKET House Yuu buy your Forffltare Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING ft EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at H MAIN Agent or end Photo Supplier Chocolates Weekly TELEGRAPH OFFICE Phone No Store Phone No El THY- upon Sunday her new duties last will ho rouutry TO DEATH i EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA attention Is directed to remarkably low Hound Trip in connection with to via Canadian Tickets are on sale each Tuesday until October inclusive and are good to return within two months date sale The P oilers the equipment and train one the most routes world It only operating through and Tourist sleeping cars cara to Winnipeg and Van couver All equipment Is owned and by the P affording the highest efficiency such trip is under consideration apply to any P R Agent lor lull particulars or write Murphy I P A Toronto A special to the Toronto Star from Ottawa remarks that the closing days of recent session of Parliament were not able for various After six weeks probing by Oppo sition In lhc Public Accounts Committee into war purchases the Prime Minister publicly repri manded two members of Parlia ment who sit on the right of the Speaker and it is fully expected here that Garland of Carle- ton who was in the Powell drug contract and A April Two residents of Port Severn Mr and Mrs Thomas went to their death together tonight in the Severn River after an heroic attempt by Mr to res cue his wife who had fallen in struggling couple swept over the shoot and down the rapids and wer last seen near Hurls Hotel which abuts the river The bodies not been Mrs Straohan had gone to tho liver edge lo dip a pail of water accidentally fell in Her cries brought Mr who without a moments hesitation The many friends of Mr John Hicks of South Da kota will regret to learn that his wife died last month after a lengthy illness accompanied by much suffering Mr Hicks is now visiting his childron and later on he may reside in Califor nia Mr Williams look charge of the pipeorgan in the Methodist Church last Sunday Mr be ing summoned to Toronto by tel ephone on Saturday evening on account of his wife who is in the Hospital having to undergo a fourth operation Much anxiety is felt for her recovery Miss Olive left for the Old Country on Saturday morn ing Mrs S Cane Mrs accompanied her to To ronto A number of Red Cross Nurses were given a on Saturday afternoon and loft on Tuesday by for St Johns I they are on the ocean We suppose this time Will Foster of Kings who lo lhey was responsible for the horse a deals put over on the In that district will resign and depart from public life oo A number Canadians have the Minister Militia the use Rummer homes lor convales cent soldiers VraoV Deer Hill Katie was sentenced to five years In the penitentiary on a charge drug to an abortion A short Urn ago Mail and Empire made following ob servation Any man or firm or corporation that has made or Is making illgotten gains at the expense of the state or at risk to the health or life of stales defenders should brought to punishment If the bo be yond the reach of ordinary pro cess of law such offender should be stamped with the brand of pub lic infamy who took up arms In the recent South African Rebellion been deprived of the suffrage Any man who ever abused our soldiers by dishon esty merits the disability The question now is case the Borden Government does not do were swept down by the strong current together It is very un certain whether bodies will be found as tho Is very swift especially at season of the year and will probably be carried out a long distance A large small childron survive Mr was tho Dominion Government resident engineer at Port Severn and had been sta tioned there about two years Mr and Mrs were about forty years of ago A drowning ocoured hero yesterday when Michael Sweet aged 55 years a trapper lost his life In river near the locks People go away for change and come back broke Mr Walter of Ala meda renewing for the Era writes that his has not been well all winter but hope that she will be better now that the W4alher is more settled Ho adds We aro having perfect ex hibition weather hut it is not pat ronized to lire extent that is wish ed for Some buildings are not finished yet consequently exhi bits are not all in but decorate as they will Canada lakes the bun As for myself I have not taken it in yet too busy almost lo look that way From Juno on will bo the bettor time Wo wore very much ploased to learn that you kept your town dry and trust you may bo able lo keep it so All wish to be remembered The Cradle Bolan In Notre Dame Hospital North on April to Mr and Mrs Frank formerly of Newmarket a son At on Apr to Mr and Mrs J Gllmour a daughter Newton In Newmarket on April to Mr and Mrs Walter Newton a daughter Travlaa In Newmarket on April to Mr and Mrs W a daughter For Best of Quality at Very Lowest OF OUR SPECIALS 8PE0IAL nib Roast of Young Rolled If you wish Hamburg Steak Rump Roast Beef Beef the Beef for Pot Roasting 12t4o 300 Boiling Beef the Choice Meaty toasting Beef Hum of Young Pork at 17c per Short Out of Pork 17c ORDERS GALLED FOR ON REQUEST OR BY PHONE 04 300 lbs Pork for 1Bo VEAL A Line of Veal the Very Best Quality LOOK I Mild Bacon In plooe Easlflrat Shortening Pure Lard 1Ba In Newmarket April 1 1 lo Mr Mrs Everett Woodcock a on ami son Bailie On Yonge St near New market on April 1 si 19 1 to Mr and Mrs Ernest Bailie a daughter Roadman In Newmarket April si 1915 lb Mr on and ROOK QLA88 The Invention for Relief of ByeStrain CALL AMD SEE IT PERCY THE OPTICIAN EAST Mrs Hugh Roadman a son The Altar At Tottenham on Wednesday April by A Belfry Aimer Clark of King Township to Adeline Low er daughter of Mr Tottenham The Tomb in Newmarket on April May daughter of Win Cain aged mos 22 days Saturday pm from residence on St to Newmarket Cemetery In King on April Nelson in his year At Aurora on Apr Ann Jane Pearson wife of John Hutchinson in of age Funeral flromj late resi dence Friday April 23 at pm to Aurora Cemetery Main Tii To your Fixed to Spring Rains the LAD I Light will cheaper than coal oil Lot some new Fixtures for see sample soon bo us put up Call and J hi TORONTO Phone North I P8S J Main St North Newmarket Careful and Prompt Attention STREET We Will Take Orders for Varieties of Peoney Roots and Gladoiia Bulbs FROM HOLLAND Snowball Tree 35c S5o Tree 3Bo Spired Trace Rose Bushes to Herbert Currant iuehea Asparagus Roots Apple Trees Plum Treea 35o Pear Treea 0o Trees 400 ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO -j-P-