Newmarket Era, 23 Apr 1915, p. 3

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ft t I ipsa B oekl No Word the Very ok Bacon In PHONE I nap I M St for the company lhal new Light rfS Newmarket and is SSI for Khars Meeting arc invited to on at the residence of Queen street Mill sharp requested Full Owners Binds Hardware has a accessories coin- supply Sup Tubes fcck to His Old Job Mr has charge- t ihe who are putting in and I wiring about town and of next month goes his old as Engineer Water Works He is ft i he Water class man and cannot be Mr Morris the present has leased the Wilson me at Orchard Beach W is going into the summer house business engineer nd trad Ail Haw Houses tfr ll S Hose closed con- for Ave new houses and will commence next Of town Three are brick houses for firmer with modern and one new cottage at is getting on hand for a new home Park Avenue and has com- J excavating for the found- More dam request of the Hod Cross Society I for jam marmalade and syrup did not receive a very response There was not sent in to make a shipment The society is making another appeal to the of Newmarket and vicinity tod request that such donations wounded soldiers in the Can adian Hospital in England be sent to Store not later than April Hie nest Red Cross Knitting lea will he held in Hie Friends on Tuesday alter ation the from to i r i i 1 1 T i i h mi T JLENHOX A VERSUS IN TEMPERANCE LEGISLATION On June ton you made the following declaration to the electors of North York over four own signature for the purpose securing support of those who were in favor of advan Temperance Legislation Christian Church The ly both and evening Sunday wire interesting In the the subject was Our- Only Creed while- subject was Voting Canada and the pastor took for his text Is the man safe Next J Hall expects to speak from the subject Human Agencies in Sal vation in the Good are looking forward to great results from Work Conference to be held the town next Saturday and Com Athletic meet Is All ladies invited the great issue however in Ibis election contest seems to be that of Temperance and I wish to stale in terms that are unequivocal and unmistakable that so fat es the Government of Sir James Whitney is concerned aud also speaking for myself that we are unreservedly in favor of any Temperance Legislation lhat will minimize and entirely wipe out the evils resulting from the ex cessive use of intoxicating liquors I am not only In favor of abolishing the bars and the clubs but also of the abolishment of the shops Signed THLENNOX Since your declaration to the electors so made the necessity of effective action has greatly intensified If your intention in June last was sincere your purpose would have strengthened tenfold by the urgency of the- situation and you moral courage bolstered by the acts of other Governments The recent session or the Legisla ture was your sufficient and extraordinary opportunity to make good your pledge to the people by doing the thing you avowed to be right which you declared you intended to do and which was easily within your power Here is your record When the License Hill was before the House the following amendments were rejected I Close all bars and clubs at PM during the period of the war Close all bars and clubs at P Close all bars and clubs at Close all bars clubs and shops on Saturday at P Add Now Years to the list of prohibited days Make Local Option countywide Substitute majority vote for IhreelUths in Local Option contests Close all bars and clubs at P Strike out clause making it necessary fur municipalities in which a vote for license reduction has been defeated to wail three years before submission of a similar vote again Add shops and clubs to the bars in the authorizing the Hoard to prohibit the sale of liquor to any particular class of persons Give the Hoard f Commissioners power to appoint its own inspectors and officers instead of their being appointed by the Government as under the Government Hill I to The annual Ontario Athletic Championships for Will contested again at Newmarket on Victoria pay and Ihe sports are looking for a bigger day than ever on the of May will be 22 events for boys from to years inclu sive for Medals and Club Trophy There Will be the for Ontario under the A of Following is a list of events 1 100yard sprint three divi sions and sprint three divi sions and yards three divisions a One- mile runopen to boys 15 to inclusive Two and a half mile run open boys to 19 inc One mile walk open boys to 10 inclusive Eightpound shot put open boys to 19 inclusive Club relay race one mile men quartermile each Standing broad jump three divisions A and Running broad jump three divisions A and Running Jump two di visions aud Boys and 14 not lbs I to 17 and not over lbs 18- and any weight Victor Brass Baud of Toron to will provide music during the day Make a note of this and spend Complete Stock of Carpet Squares or all Kinds and Sixes at than City Linoleums 2 arid wide In all width Bungalow Nets and Curtain In all and qualities Cretonnes Damasks and Art teens In Endless Variety Cocoa Mats In all sixes fop Churches and Outside Verandahs B and Footwear fans Footwear Workmanship on Every Pair Guaranteed and Prices Fit all Purses i Dainty uptodats Foot wear 8usar Is a little Canned Vegetables for Teas are getting very and higher In prloefay In a stock at our low prises Quaker Bulk Tea all kinds A rauflQ B it A y A Victoria Day your friends in Newmarket with Boy Scouts Bonn or of Newmarket Boy Scuts in command of Rev A visited the woods last afternoon and enjoyed mst outing this season ft lads were greaU ll in the development of plaW life and also the tadpoles in Hi- pools wider as well as the names and distin guishing features of wild birds also enjoyed the privilege accorded Iheni by the farmer allowed IhClii to sample the sap of the maple trees If the weather is favorable another tramp the woods in of wild flowers is to be made afternoon I Poultry Profit on the condition of Lice Kill will keep them healthy it Good Progress It lit expected Main street will by Niagara power next Saturday night As as system the old To All and Every Single One of These Amendments You T Lennox voted NAY When you voted in favor Of cutting off the sale shops after P you knew very well thai in ninetenths of the municipalities in Ontario therivare no shop licenses ami also that in your own Hiding there are no shop licenses The Act as passed without a protest from you Does close a single bar or club even during tbe war Docs not shorten by a minute Ihe hours of sale In any bar or club 3 Does not enlarge Ihe powers or the people to restrict the sale or close a single bar Your Government will neither them selves do it nor allow the people to further restrict I ho liquor trade Benders no assistance in the work of national defence or in the promotion of national efficiency during the war It will be remembered however that your course Is consistent with your past record in the legislature where you have voted against progressive temperance measures on every possible occa sion It is consistent also with your record in Aurora in when you voted against Local Option and again in you would not vole for Local Option nor sign a petition to the Council let the people have the right to vole upon it You failed to make good when the testing lime came The peo ple have a fair demonstration of how you have kept your preelection pledge in future if any elector does not know where yon stand on The modern sanitary wall ish leaves that soft velvet finish so desirable Lei us tell you more about it Hums Hardware TenCent Paper for Paper for TwentyCent Paper for TwentyFiveCent Paper for ThirtyCont Paper for 16c a I mt In a will made shortly before his death March the late John Hook a carpenter ordered thai Ids estate be to his sister Miss AlfredaHook of- Toronto The testators property is mads up of cash household and a 100 in lot Selling Out Wall Paper Stock i Hi fc POTTAGE Mr arid Mrs Rob 1 Cook spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs J Sixth Line Mis cJ Cutting and Miss Cutt ing spent with friends on Sixth Line Mr of Toronto is visiting his brother Mr J Liquor will be because he wilfully shuts his eyes Jfi Some politicians at times have thought they were clever enough Mr to beat Abe Lincolns rule You may fool all the people part of Ou tline and you may fool part of the people all the time nut you cant fool all of the people all of the lime Hut few have been able to do it Yours truly Aurora April J WALTON The farmers are busily engaged at seeding Mr of the line visited at Mr Fairies- Mr of drove has purchased Mr Clinton Cooks farm and moved onto the farm last week Mr Milton family have moved into the lately Vacated by Mrs Walker is I a Sale Register NEWMARKET new electric completed oil Main rft wires will be taken down pot s removed to other parts the own where extensions of lines required At tile present lime there are lamps in use ami tho koine meters number Tlu valet meters about the ay sic a have been 9lf8utporling Within His last or six years made substantial growth and iiiJder the present abnormal a dozen houses construction with a of others in prospect dilf rent factories in town are all fairly busy especially the vih Co and there are unemployed in lown at pres old Reduce the Cost of Living using an Oil or Gasoline Stove I We have of the best makes in display Let us show Hardware I Fall wheat is looking line all round Two or three new roofs are go ing Oil HI Andrews Ward this The Itinerant scissor grind io in town again this week Mr Hose has the AsseJss- nent about completed will return it to the Clerk next week The light are in the new post It is reported that the opening wilt place next month Dig crowd down town last Sal- Farm Produce Splendid market last Saturday principally butter and eggs The former sold from to 3C lb the latter from to a do Potatoes r0c a bag Maple Syrup gal St Pauls Special Announcement Up Tbe Town lathers are setting a good example this week Main Street has I and cleaned ii ide streets have been leveled by Mrs 1 Hill Miss Mary and Annie Iatton were the guests of Miss A let a Cook on Sunday Miss Cutting spent Thursda in Toronto Mr 1 of Toronto Called on friends here on Wednesday I a Miss shape unday Quite SNOW HALL Mr the and the whole town Aurora Friday friends in nuiricr from our meeting of the Association will be held on Monday evening April at oclock sharp in- rtlead of Tuesday as is usual The Key of St AugUS- Church Toronto will give an illustrated on Italy This will be intensely interesting seeing lhal Italy is likely to Join Allies in their struggle for right and liberty Silver col lection Everybody welcome Monday evening April 26th streets are looking neat and tidy It is- now up to the citizens to clean up their lawns and back yards Presentation Last week Mr W J left to join the 2nd seas Con tingent He was a member uf St Johns Choir and on tho eve his departure he was presented with a wrist watch on behalf of his associates in the choir Speeches were made by rath er Wedlock Messrs Geo Vale T 1 Doyle and others to which Mr suitably replied Tuesday May The executors of the late Richardson will have an extensive sale of stock implements on Lot Con of credit or per cent off for Cash Sale at one oclock sharp J Ten Days Hosiery Sale I cm When sale bills aro not print ed at this ofllce notices under this heading are charged at for one Insertion and for each subsequent insertion to accompany order o HIS DREAM REALIZED Ladfoa 8llk Ankle Lisle Top also reg 35o for 25o Ladles Silk Hose In Blaok and White Double High Heel Sizes to for Blaok Cotton Sizes to 10 20o Pair Sale Price for Silk Lisle Hoso Palo Blue pink Tan and to Sale Price 2Bo l and Saturday nights Mr An Archibald spent Sun day with Miss How did Hill make out Sat which ias gooseberry Elsie or Jessie did Laura get there Miss Bertha Ferguson spent Sunday at her home Quite a I number of the the quilting at Mrs last Wednesday and report a very enjoy able time We are glad to hear Mr Clifford White is out again Miss Cairns spent Sunday with Miss Ferguson Happy Dick Flue EyeClasses and Spectacles Strange said the Hist tramp meditatively how few of youth ful dreams ever come true Oh I said compan ion I remember l used to dream about wearing long pantsl and inbw I guess I wear cm longer than any one else In country j LIVE STOCK MARKET best prices paid inToronlo this week as follows Export Cattle 9785 Choice Cattle Milkers Calves Spring Lambs Yearling Lambs 1100 700 Off cars I Nice evening to direct sprinkler made its Aral appearance Ibis reason on To Jay morning Sixteen little tots blurted Ave week and at HI Georges School in all There arc now on lue rolU of the Public School The Eyeglass Mountings are of the Plece Model handsome comfortable and secure on the face with lenses first quality The price a careful tost a nice adjustment of the guards In with the as to size cantour and position of tho lenses THESE THINGS ARE DONE WELL OUR FOR ONE ONLY rimless nowost FingerPiece 2 Lenses EXAMINATION I Jewelers and Opticians P Hi TICKET AOEHT licenses KK1TLEBY What were everybody afraid of on Sunday flight Not many out to Church Mr Harold Murray accompanied by the Misses and Watson made a Hying trip to Aurora on Saturday night Mr and Mrs Wesley of Au rora and To ronto were a Stevens Sunday Mr Charlie West and Mr Ilmmie spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Ned West of Tory Corners On Tuesday evening April election of for Kcttlev League will he held church Not i people as lucky as different girl every Sun day Miss Spears of New Lowell has been engaged Tor teacher in the School Mrs and children have re lumed to Toronto after an visit at fair Mr Karl Anthony has with Mr for summer Toronto Markets April 1015 Wheat per hush 15 82 Hi Oats per bush GO Rye per push ItG Hay per ton 18 03 Butter per lb 0 35- 37 per Potatoes per hag per It per lb Geese per lb J Turkeys per lb 28 Newmarket Markets Having on hand a largo stock of Mens and Childrens Boot and wo have -de- to clear thorn out at a very low price Also S lot of other goods thai will bo selling at a big saving We wish you to como and see these goods as you will be sure to derive a great benefit If you do f J 3 Doors South of King Hotel Main Newmarket Ml SOUTH N D April 1915 Wheat per bus Barley bush 0 Buckwheat per bush 0 0 it Oats per 60 Shorts per top 2 per ton M lay per ton 18 2 P doz Butter per lb Potatoes pet bag 500 Chickens 0 150 Ducks per lb it Geese per lb Turkeys per ft 180 Is the Place to Oec GOOD FLOUR FOR BOTH PASTRY AND BREAD Every Bag Guaranteed FRESH SUPPLIES ARRIVING LOTS OF BRAN AND SHORTS ALL KINDS OF FEED FOR FOWL Ciphers chick Feed Is the Beat For Little Call and Leave Order or Phono fe PROMPT DELIVERY A HOWARD Work of All Kinds Promptly Attended To v ARCHIVES OF

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