Newmarket Era, 23 Apr 1915, p. 7

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I IT son of from a DA ober LIMIT ra SEED DEFT FEW SEED SPECIALS I CLOVER- no Quality BUSHEL BUTCH SET POUND 1 ho classed as No BU8HEL SEED Giant Yellow Inlormedlalo In Cartons 1 26c EACH Business as Usual During the last ten days Davis Leather Co received no than eight carloads of calfskins from Domestic and Foreign Points Newmarket High On Tuesday night an Oratorical Contest will be held in the Town Hall to complete for the prize offered by Mr McKay No ad mission will be charged and an in teresting is assured Doors open at oclock People Tell Us That lly Washer washes clothes right Free trial allowed Hardware nBjVnnMnlnnnlnH Bad Accident The first accident at Eves new wood factory occurred on Monday morning when Mr Darker got his left hand very badly with a rip saw The ends of two fingers bad to be amputated and he will be laid oft work for some lime MA Connection Made The water was turned the new intake pipe at the lower reservoir on Wednesday evening and the How from five wells has increased about per cent The new pipe is about 3 feet lower than the old one The current work has been commenced on the new reservoir Another Household Invention Messrs Osborne Sons have on Exhibition in their store this week an ordinary cookstove heated by coal oil which is marvel for cleanliness and economy The attachment can be put in any stove In all respects equal to gas at half tbe cost Call and see it in operation I I JQ Direct importer of Staple and Fancy China St Pauls Church The adjourned Vestry Meeting was fairly well attended last Tuesday evening The report the auditors was received as sat isfactory A resolution was adopted to clean up and put in respectable order the old Burying Ground on Eagle St China Hall G And Fresh Water ami you will raise a larger per- of than with any ether food on the markets THREE FOR Peas Beans Tomatoe Pumpkins Applea FOR ONLY April 24 Tllltana ate Quaker and Robin Hood 30o Pkgs for 26o Thieving Again Last Saturday night thieves broke into Mr Chas pigeon house and stole every bird in the lock Some of them were very choice and cost each A warrant was issued on Sunday morning but the Constable could find no trace of them Some body is going to get a jail term some of these days Methodist 8 8 Next Sunday being the last Sunday in the church year the Methodist Sunday School is mak ing a special effort to get ev ery member out so as to have an attendance of over 300 Let everyone help by coming and by inviting anyone else who might be expected to come It is proposed to have the an nual meeting of Hie school on Friday April 30th Arrange ments are being made to serve tea after which election of of ficers will be held Officers and leaches please keep this date open Fire Inspection Shortly after oclock yesterday morning an alarm of fire was run in to the waterworks The firemen re sponded promptly and inside of three minutes the water was turned on The alarm was by the Fire Inspectors from the Underwriters As sociation The hose was then at- tachedo hydrant at the Tost Office corner and the pressure was satisfactory The Inspector then ask ed for five or six lines of hose from three hydrants on Main St The hose were attached but Mayor Cane object ed unless it was really necessary as mains would have to be filled with pond water The Inspector yielded and Firemen reeled up the hose Mr Norman Wright did service with his motor truck Red Cross Cook Book This work is finding great favor with the ladies Those who have books for sale are asked to make re turns as soon as possible as there are some bills to pay has sold books The proceeds of aro needed at once and it is hoped the friends of thejRed Cross Society will stir themselves Following is a copy of a letter received by Mrs from a Toronto firm which speaks for itself Dear Madam We acknowledge receipt of copy of Cook Book complied by the Red Cross Society Newmarket We thank you for same and congratulate you on the completeness and excellence the work Yours verv truly LIMITED The he and den ials to agent Out AND IT A IN OWN fi ll by the Town- unioipaj a of lowing in the I in the say and laid ii Town to in the lb say id Street portions norther Irecl of namely cot Kal- ivjpt and part of of isi angle own pint angle Aide of of tin to y have hi tine occupied owners the said tor the its Of the d f ho convey lions of of he said lo be m ho Iho the at noon i may be of or agents at and lh Phone F Timothy RHODE ISLAND ROSECOMB first Pallet Second Cockerel at Newmarket Poultry wid winter layers Eggs for for C at FOR WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER Ieau Toronto pm daily Attractive Tours lo PACIFIC COAST POINTS Particulars from Canadian Pa cific Ticket Agents or write If Murphy District Passenger Ami Cor King and Sis ATKINSON Agent Newmarket RAILWAY DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTOCHICAGO TORONTO MONTREAL FOR CHICAGO worth There was a splendid attend ance of young people at the meet ing last Monday evening Mr took the chair and Miss Sarah Richardson read the scripture lesson Besides the music by the orchestra Mr- Bleckley gave a good solo and Miss VioleC Brodie an instru mental The lessons from the Life of a Tramp Printer Mr Jackson held at tention for threequarters of an hour and at the close several ask ed him to continue the story at some future meeting The election of officers will he on the program next Monday evening- Home The Home Guards turned out on Wednesday evening 175 strong and headed the Odd- Fellows Band paraded up and down Main St and over to Mr Schmidts lawn where platoon drill was performed for the first time under tho direction of Gull en of Toronto In marching and formiffg fours the Home Guards arc showing tin advantage of the weekly drill and were highly complimented the who was much pleased With the quickness of the men lo catch on to the platoon work Next Wednesday night weath er permitting the platoon work will lake place on the Specialty rials as the men were a IlltlO crowded on the lawn Leave Toronto 800 am nd pm daily OR MONTREAL Leave Toronto am and 1100 pm daily- Smooth Roadbed Highest Glass of Equipment particulars and berth at Grand Trunk ticket J Agemt Phone It BROVHTOM Aeorjt Roller Flour I Manufacturer of the famous ROSE PASTRY FLOUR WATER LILY BREAD FLOUR PRIDE MANITOBA FLOUR These brands make the delicious Pastry Bread and Buas Also ask your grocer for our WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR for Brown Bread and Gene MEAL for Porridge All Made From the of Wheat H ROBINSON Proprietor Phone Newmarket Endeavor weekly prayermeeting of tin Christian Endeavor Society of the Christian Church well attended on Tuesday evening Mr Collins led the meet ing and Mr Eves gave an excellent paper on Sabbath Ob servance Also Mr Linden brought out many helpful thoughts on the same topic After the regular meeting the Social Committee provided an Icrcrtllng program of Karnes readings and music The following have been successful in passing their Christian Efficiency Exam ination pertaining lo iheir re spective duties in the Society and also in regard lo the Society mooting Sand Pledge Laura Trent Mor ton Dorothy Laura Mor ton Lulu Collins and Col lins The above six the only ones who wrote on the ex aminations last week and all other officers and convenors are lo make arrangements with Rev J Hall to write on the examination is very essentia because the grading of our Society in the Christian fleieney Campaign depends on the number of officers and conven ors passing the Efficiency exam ination The meeting next Tuesday Older Boys Conference young men of the Town arc looking forward with great anticipation lo the Conference on Boys Work which takes place in Newmarket tomorrow and Sun day being the first of Hie kind North York Already over delegates are registered from outside points and nearly are expected The Conference opens in the Christian Church at 9 oclock on Saturday morning An address of welcome is lo be given by Mayor Cane to which responses will be given by visitors The principal speaker at this session is Mr P Provincial Secretary of Secondary and Adult Work in Ontario or ganization discussion and elec tion of officers will occupy the remainder of the session There will be three papers for discussion at the afternoon ses sion commencing at clock In the Presbyterian Church The principal speakers will be Mr J of Keswick Mr W Hare of Newmarket a represent ative from the Pocket Testament League of Toronto and Mr Jack of Toronto The Recreation Period from to will be in charge of A Maclareu of Hie A Banquet will be tendered the delegates by the ladies of New market in the Methodist Gym from lo oclock Saturday evening session will take place in the SchoolRoom of the- Methodist Church and chief speaker will be Mr of Toronto On Sunday morning the dele gates meet at Ihc Presbyterian Church at for Preparation Service and the young men are expected lo attend oclock church service with Iheir several hosts A Sunday School Session for delegates only will be held in Friends Church at A very important meeting and one of the most inspiring of the Conference will he the Mass Meet for men only in the Christian Church at lo bo addressed by Mr Orwig of Toronto The closing meeting will take place in Ihc Methodist Auditorium at oclock on Sunday evening Special music by a full choir and two addresses Mr will bo of the speakers Every young man in Town should attend the Mass Meeting on Sunday afternoon and ev eningsessions frOOOe agriculture kept his farm well up to the times Mr had been fine physique possessed great strength and was altogether a line type of a farmer He was an upright man shrewd in business capacity kindly and homely ay disposition and possessed of a rich fund of wit and humor His life story if fully writ ten would he found to chronicle the history King Township almost three quarters of a century He was fond of a good story and could tell one too and many reminiscences and rare tales has he told the correspond ent of days He was not much of a Churchgoer although in late years his mind was somewhat religiously bent And to the- hour of his death he had his Bible close to his bedside In politics he was a staunch Liberal His wife predeceased him twelve years ago last August He is survived by four sons and sister for whom much sympathy is expressed in their Sad bereavement funeral took place on Sunday last to Kettleby Church yard and was largely attended by friends and neighbors from all parts of the rid ing The services at the house and grave were conducted by of Kettleby The pallbcarers were the four sons and two nephews Mr Clifford lamieson w visitor at the house of Mr Albert on the Town Line on Sunday last The Correspondent feels that the Town Line Items of this week would ho incomplete without a reference however inadequate niav be- to the passing of one whom we all knew and respected and one whom it was my own privilege to know Nelson Tat- He was one of Townships prominent figures and during long years active life he moved about honoured by all who him for his sterling qualities ol heart and mind Now the place that knew him and those who had the honor of his friendship shall him no more but his memory will always linger as long as this district shall take a pride in its strong good men who have left their work My first meeting with Mr took place about six years ago one lovely evening in autumn when the Holland River and the Swamp looked their bonniest and the setting sun was glinting on the fields of West I remember now how he told me the story of the in picturesque and humorous phrase His son Sandy Was telling me the other day he was telling him a few weeks ago he was beginning to feel the weight of his years and the strain put upon his splendid constitution by a life so active as his so it was on ly when necessity compelled him he laid aside his toils and admitted his weakness Friends called con tinually to see him during his two weeks sickness The Correspondent visiting him every morning No one had more friends than he had yet none ever heard him murmur or com plain and those who like myself saw him daily to the last knew there had come to shine in his soul the light that comes to eventide As his boyhood in his fathers days had so was his age One of the regrets of my life was that on ac count of sickness in my own home I was unable to attend the funeral and follow the remains of one I so much loved and admired to the last resting place Sympathy goes out to those who are feeling most their loss those to whom every stone and tree on the homestead tell a story hallowed by bis kindly winsome memory May the God in whom their father trusted bless them in their great sorrow and comfort them with the consolation of his Holy Spirit OGO mm a mm Fop a merematter of Ten Dollars and Cent we will put you In possession of an English Beaver Overcoat with curlcloth lining and rubber Interlining handsome Otter Fur out and trimmed that no tailor can duplicate for less than In Irreproaohable manner Twenty Dollars WE ONLY THAT ARE MADE ON THE BEST LINE8 AND INSURE LONG WEAR AND The Overcoat Is what puts the finishing of I to the costume of the welldressed man Just now Seven Dollars and Ninety Cents Invested here puts you In passesslon of a really Fur Coat made from variety elegant goads In the seasons best style and trimmed and finished handsomely a The Main St West KJen Nowmsrkel revoked after two offences not 111 Mr Tanner Ihen will James Arthurs was the case new law and ho was lined or four months in prison It j Tanner men he warning to others been defeated Mi municipalities that after when the present f ifax Wire that the t obtain annual license Iron prohibitory law si go ntocq Q is in Halifax City thus feN Cabinet The in whole according to 10 the whole j made a few days urging the ago REGISTER The fail else- TOWN LINK ITEMS The weather has been extremely mild during the last week and seed ing operation are now general In district A familiar figure in the life of this district has been removed by the death which took place at nine oclock Friday morning of Mr Nelson of the fittr Line He had not been feeling well occasionally for some time his death not un expected and came peacefully New nearly eightyfive fashionably bred Clydesdale Stallion Bene factor Imp will stand for mares during the season of at own sta ble Stock Farm one mile south of Newmarket horse is enrolled inspect ed approved Do not him before going where Terms lo insure a fool 1st of Feb lot DENNIS A celebrated Stallion property of Hill will visit and North during the season Lyon A beautiful Black Perch- young the pro perty of Hill Sons will visit Keswick Sutton Baldwin and during season Prince The fashionably bred Clydesdale Stallion will stand for marcs during the season of at his own sta ble VanNoslrand Farm Vau- and will also be John Harmons lot Seventh Con cession of miles north of Lemonvill irry Tuesday noon cnnnneiic May Breeders will this before using others as he has proved a slockgetlcr insure twelve The Dr J gave his casting vote against pro- J a thus goto Wit tte furthering this idea a meeting has been arranged to take place in Hall Victoria College this evening Several prominent people will deliver addresses One of the horses In training at the Woodbine bolted through the fence injuring itself so badly that it had to be destroyed The rider received a broken arm Hum amendment eight members of the Opposition present voted for prohibition and they were joined by four members from the other side of the House Last session prohibition for Halifax was defeated by a vole of to I to the government on of the footwear supplied the government brings in a whitewash re port practically exonerating the makers This was not expected The man ufacturers have the government by the throat and they must acquiesce No wonder there was racality among the manufactures and con tractors for war supplies When they knew the government would protect them were there not strong induce ments to be dishonest For the Bra SOME 0OO LETTER Here are there amongst our dairy men are such splendid results attain ed that can only be astonished at the complacency with which other so- called dairymen continue to he con tent with the pitifully small average- yields of milk per cow Why do the- jhugc differences Just a lew miles from here is one- Dr J W Provin cial OHiccr of Health has been ap pointed assistant sanitary exhort the International Joint Commission on Waterways As executive bead of the Provincial Health Department Dr during the past two years has been in close touch with the work of the commission in vestigating the pollution of waters Word has been received from Ot tawa that there would be no eminent grant for cadet outfits this year Word was received on Monday by Darling that his son small theatres in Toronto have gone out of business since the first of thcyear Yesterday morning at an early hour the Lakeside Home for Little Children at Toronto Island near Point- discovered in flames and almost totally destroyed It was the gift of Mr 1 Itoss Ro bertson and erected at a cost of some Charles Jones a handhook iramhler whom the Police were after jumped from a thirdstory window In the Yonge Street Arcade and escaped last Wednesday Ivtt moving Picture lnose six cows an tO The Boot Whitewash After the revelations made ol Clifford had passed scandalous boot frauds after way wounds received burning of twelve hundred pairs 1 March while in thetrencys Presbyterian Church at a meeting held Monday a I led provisional agreement the uniting of that Church with the the In and despite the loud com plaints made by and soldiers average of only 33118 pounds of mi J the highest yield only 1000 pounds In contrast to that two herds In Western Ontario indicate the pos sibilities for the man whose eyes arc open to what milk records have to teach One herd of grades average pounds of milk and pounds of fat the second herds of grades averaged pounds of milk and pounds of fat These marvellous differences in herd yields drive home hard facts Men differ in their methods of feeding and handling cows feeds differ in value cows differ considerably In their in- capacity as milk producers they are not all cast in the same mould In the above two good herds the constant use of milk records has proved an excellent lever In raising the production Cow testing pays to EDGAR ROSE Prop PROHIBITION LOST BY VOTE I years ago and settled the flth on home- is in of Mr ThOjUatead on the who will apeak on ttap subject Tho Bible the Worlds spent in the district and there Hook As pro- Inn one better known nor more miflOH to he an interesting meet ing everyone is cordially Com no one better known nor more ly respected He always even In his boyhood possessed a leaning towards the life the farm and in general Halifax N April 21 The of Nova Scotia with exception of the City of Halifax is undor provincial prohibition cam within an ace in Assembly this afternoon of being Included in tho prohibi tory law A temperance bill was up for consideration on its third reading designed to put of law in the hands Hie Government by appointment of deputy Inspectors A clause was adopted that in Hal ifax a convicted a offence should have hip license revoked an amendment by St Pauls Church and Col lege streets Was drawn up and form ally approved of by the gathering James died at Hospital Monday alter a short ill ness He was very wellknown prac titioner In Toronto and was a charter member of the Toronto Western Hos pital Railway officials at Montreal an nounce that work on Ihe Union Sta tion In Toronto will be under way be fore the end of the present month Approximately people attend ed the Ideal Homo and Electric Show at the Arena last week It Is stated that the Show will be an annual af fair hereafter Whats the matter with that bunch asked male al luding to three young Women who boarded a midnight car and miscon ducted themselves You wouldnt need to ask ft you had to collect their fares answered the con The smell of liquor from breaths would nearly knock you down The ambulance given the Canada Methodist Sunday Schools to Cross Society Is an machine The ambulance was an exhibit In I front Trinity Church Monday hoi For selling liquor without- a license MADE IN ALL Quality Colorings and Finish of Unequalled by Any Other Manufacturer In World SOLD ONLY BY Outfitter AGENT UP inf fcjJdK in rZZ mm mm ARCHIVE OF iitoi

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