mm E8HERUFET0 B9 Br a Mh TronMe Headaches J ioih I really beler that I owe life to FrBitatlves sine hare unit the care of fans and been Paring was to tick ana worn that people on the street often mi ii I thought I could get help The same tpmach Treacle and distressing laches early drove me J me ago I got a box of and the first box did me good was delighted and adri ft of their use I am feeling fine and a Idaa Electing mo on the street my appearance and tie reoiia I replied I am Well are yea so Mr WILLIAMS are told all at 50c a box for trial tine or sent postpaid on receipt by limited Ottawa order the day around here Master Gerald and Jack Smith of Newmarket have returned after visits in rola tires ahead and take them They more for you than I can i I I BRICK HOUSE TO RENT Willi all modern conveniences Amply lo Richardson New market s on Tuesday evening April under the direction Frank Fulton musi cal director of Upper Canada College The proceeds to the patriotic fund The publishers of the two papers in hive felt for time that running two weeklies in a town of this sire was not business either in their Interest or that of patrons Ah has therefore been made by which The Economist and The Sun will merg ed and run as one paper It will be known as The Markham Economist and Sun and will be conducted as a newspaper only and entirely in dependent In politics BRADFORD The Bradford Fish Co have started operations and have made a operations and have already made a suckers The river is now free of ice a on marsh is very IpY and everything points to a poor crop of marsh hay this season In the magistrates court here on Tuesday of was fined and costs for beitog drunk in and Herbert A Cement House now cos decorated rooms and se lo Meyers O O on Saturday April 3rd to Mr and Mrs a son Arnold of Areola Alt a is visiting friends in town for a lew days Mrs and returned to Toronto after spending some time visiting their home here Miss Ames of the Sutton Line At a public meeting Stoultville a was appointed to wait on the and Whitchurch councils to their in road The StouffvlHe Choral Club will store In Mfummins a concert in the auditorium is a graduate the Ontario Thursday- Mr Rolstcn made many ftoi sorry losing smiled and ai wish him success In now fir id of Two for appendi citis were successfully performed on Saturday by Dr Wilson ol two sufferers were Miss Mary El lison and Miss Bertha Coulter patients were attacked with the malady within a few hours of each other and both the of the village and were patients Dr At time of are doing well Mr Victor of Berlin will manage Mr A Weavers drug FOR SALE OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave Ail modern conveniences good stable and cistern Enquire of Grace St Newmarket FOR SALE Apply Prospect Ave 5lf STOREHOUSE TO RENT On Huron Street An old es- lablished stand Apply to MISS of Pharmacy 0 the class of and is thoroughly qualified Mr who ba9 built up successful drug and stationery his nine years residence here is to Tottenham to assume the manage ment of his drug business In that town which he acquired aVmt thrs years ago AURORA Norman Davis and Gordon A are suing Mrs Rachel of Hotel Au rora for SI commission for the sale of the Hotel The case came before Chancellor Sir John Boyd in the nonjury assize court on Monday Mrs Wells Contends hat he plaintiffs did not find a and that she had in power to make an agree ment Judgment was Riven by Chancellor for mm S S3 y ft- feS rii A I i SB mm S v A j MM BBS 1 mm teS i GOOD BUILDING LOT For sale on Ave New market Cheap for quick sale Apply J Moss Box after spending a week market Law We are sorry to hear that Peter My i FOR SALE The house and premises owned the late Michael Cain deceased on Street This pro perty must be sold For particu lars apply to Sol or for Administrators New market Out A RED CROSS APPEAL TO THE FARMERS Our country with its is waging a great war for justice for the protection of small natious in the enjoyment their rkhts for continued and crowing freedom and fur the maintenance of its pledged word of honour Much destruction I Get in then original packages are of genuine for Sugar that exists in so many thousands of Canadian homes today is based on genuine satisfaction for three generations Satisfaction fir with Ye Olde Sugar made in Canada by John Redpath 60 years with Canadas first Granulated Sugar made by the Redpath Refinery in now with the modern 2 lb and 5 lb Sealed Cartons of Extra Granulated Canadas favorite sugar at its best CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO LIMITED 121 MONTREAL T Golarau THE TWO GLASSES iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiM COAL FOR SALE flood yaid the glass wine to his paler brother and desolation arc being caused us tell talcs the past to each The girl blazing with indignation jerked the bellror and left the car Neither did the young man stand up- the order of hi going Oddly g Orders led at all enough- halfdozen landing sat two glares filled to the seats forthwith One nvn with a fine blush tcoc oil his hat to the On rich marts table rim to rm was ruddy and red as blood And one was as clear as the crystal old gentleman More than the two EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CRED- us he said simply needed reminder Lives a being lost by the thousand Canadas first contingent is now in the thick of it Some will fall sick many may he wounded will pay the last full measure of devotion to their country and its pause he- Red Society exists to succour the sick and wounded in needs more money to more other I can tell of banquet and revel and mirth Where I was king for ruled in might And the proudest and grandest Fouls oo earth under my touch as thouh struck With blight Montgomery is very ill A speedy is hoped for formerly in the em ploy of Law has opened up a garage in Sunderland The usual number sports ditional el with the givers attended the Round rifle match it sending me about beds at hospitals in Britain Jnd the heads have torn ranee it needs money to crown more Red Cross it needs heights of fame have and more things made by YOUR BACK is a Barometer When it hurts it means that the Kidneys need help Take Gin Pills Canadas own remedy forqll Kidney and Bladder Troubles a box for Made Canada vie a- ana more iniugs mode- men down by women to supply to Clearing honored name Hospitals lose Hospitals and Re- taken virtue and given shame covering the youth with a sip I appeal to farmers to send me sums taste from SI to the first week barren in May provides one woste Far greater than any king am I than army under the fiky Acre larni valuable farm ing land containing gravel and Band pits Good buildings some timber and some pasture Im mediate possession Phony or write ft Armstrong Newmarket PO ii mm i HOUSE FOR SALE rn in every way rooms besides bathroom aud room New oe Convenient to all down town otres Will be sold at a bargain terms Apply at this held in on Friday J your country made the arm of a driver fail making an excellent bring to yourselves and Frank says he must admit Dad beat him at the range Mrs has moved in the house lately purchased from Defoe Co on Main Street BELLE EWARf Ou Wednesday the the of the late McKelvey took place from his late residence here to the cemetery at Sutton There was a large turnout of the On Church St Newmarket Mod- local Court of the Ancient Order of Foresters of which the deceased was member including Pros Chief Hanger John thief Ranger Treasurer- V Secretary John Hardy Junior Woodward and Win Barker WE SALE kairable properly situated Ae A largesized dwelling all convuniences all in first lata Quarter of an acre of grounds with apple and small fruit Frame stable and cement hen Aouie This we consider tht best in town so act quickly bo arranged to suit Apply to P Morton box k is- Away In Land Value to the man wild wants a Farm acres Of good luinl some choice clay This Farm has all uptodate Build ings consisting of a modern Brick also Hip Barn built from all new material with modem Stables together with all Other Outbuildings in good re pair Mail Delivery We ask you to go over this Farm Put a fair value on Land also build ings then come down to New market and we will satisfy you as to the amount away We must wind up Busi ness Will accept a Mortgage at per ceiit for ton years with a deposit down You must act quick in matter or miss this chance mile Fast of Mt Pleasant on the Centre known as the Tommy Glover Farm of North Gwilllmbury This farm has plenty of Water Good Orchard Good Bush and convenient to School or also Metropolitan Sta tion at 0 P MORTON Lome Ave Relate Building Co 3t Newmarket Many Colleges for Vacation at midsummer Our College does not Senior The funeral service was conducted in the local Baptist Church by the I Al Mao Minister IhurchiH who preached a and able discourse Mrs ably presided at the organ The Foresters thereafter formed into procession and the remains were car ried on hand across to Roches Point thence in hearse to Sutton where the service at the grae v a conducted by Considering the un certainty of the ice at this lime year live was precarious and Belle public were greatly relieved the safely on Wednesday Mr McKelvey who was wellknown hero caught a severe last fall and never properly rccocrcd the cud coming on Tuesday morning the Inst Ho leaves a widow and small children for whom the make all of us very proud of you For the sake of the wounded boys make subs tan I I will be an investment towards the recovery of some soldier who stood in our stead that our cause niight be Upheld- Faithfully your friend Chairman Red Cross Society- at Ottawa I Public Notice is hereby given according jo Iho Statutes provid ed in that behalf that all persons having claims against the estate of John late of the Town of Newmarket who died on or about the day of January 1015- are requested to same properly proven with the Solicitor for the ex ecutors of the last- Will of the said deceased or before the 1st day of May immediately ho said executors will proceed to distribute the assets amongst those parties entitled having regard only to those claims j then filed and further take notice hat the said executors will not he responsible for the said asset or any pail thereof thereafter April i for Newmarket Out Carpentering or work by J VanAllcn York Radial Newmarket El PROMPTLY SECURE In all for will ft sent a 364 St gTXPERIENCE Copyrights Ac a and Hon tit cur opinion q alien la juitrriti ijoudc LlreoaQJnifAl IAT lljtu atrlctly vi tor ftocarlp A Scientific or Any Journal tot New York St And sent the train from iron made good ships go down at sea And the pi the Inst were sweet to me Fame strength wealth herore all And my might and rower ate all Ho Ho I pale brother laughed the ruddy wine Can you boast deeds as as mine SHOT BLACK BIRDS Berlin Out April zeal ous game warden has caused great deal of annoyance here The Protective Association of desiring to protect the song birds which flourish here abouts secured permit from the chief of police to shoot black birds which a menace to other birds Fortylive members were out on Wednesday morning and wore successful in shooting six hundred of these posts A citizen who was refused permit found two robins on the main Street and took litem to the ftiuiio warden with the re sult thai the wariUii has issued on members association in an endeavor- to II out who killed tin- robin- The Of association purpose the case and will later petition the Ontario Government have tin gairra greatest sympathy is felt in their Tea WHEN THE TIRED A Yonge and Charles Toronto strictly None better In Canada Enter now so as to let a position In the early fall free J ELLIOTT Mrs Coffey entertained a num ber of her friends en Wednesday ev ening Miss has returned to her studies at St Academy Toronto Miss Gladys and Fern Clark and Mr- Harris spent Sunday in the city Carpenters arc busy transforming Or Kays house will a nice finished Mrs Win Steele and Miss Wilson of Tottenham visited at Mr Edward Carters on Friday The funeral of the late took place from the home of Mr and Mrs M Sloan on Wednesday At a recent meeting of the trusteed the Methodist Church it was de cided to tbo church sheds Mr Scott organizer tor the I O has been reviving Interest In that order for the past few days The members the building com mittee the denomination beta a successful euchre party and dance In the hall on Wednesday Mr who has beep con- with the Royal Hank here tor two years traustcned to the branch at the Union Yards Mtewtnarket Opt What Then The Family Suf fers the Poor Mothers Suf fer Mrs Becker Meets This Distressing Situation Colllnsville suffered from a nervous breakdown and terrible head aches and was tired all totally worn out and too discouraged to enjoy life but us I had four In family and sometimes eight or nine boarders I kept on working despite my sufforlng saw Vino advertised and decided to try it and within two weeks I noticed improvement In ray condition and now I am a well woman Mrs Ana Becker III are hundreds of nervous run down overworked women In this vicinity who are to drag around ana who we aura would be wonderfully by as Mrs Becker was tte reason Vlnol so In building up health and strength in such casta because It the medici nal building and curative elements of cod livers together with the blood making strengthening properties of tonic Iron We ask every weak rundown man or woman In this vicinity to try a bottle of on our Said the ftlass water I cannot boast a king dethroned or a murdered host Hut I can tell of hearts that wore By my crystal drops made light and glad Of thirst 1 have quenched and I have laved hands I have cooled and souls have saved I have leaped the valley and dashed down the Slept In the sunshine and dripped from the fountain 1 have hurst cloudfetters and dropped from the sky And everywhere gladdened the land scape and eye have eased the hot forehead Of and pain have made the parched meadows K fertile with grain I can tell the powerful wheel the mill That turned out the flour and tured at my will I can tell of the manhood debased by you That I have uplifted and anew I cheer I strengthen and ad l dadden heart ol men ana maid I the And aM are better for knowing inc These arc the tales they told to each other The ol wine and his rater together tilled to the On the rich mans table rim to rim IT Into a city streetcar crowded to the platforms entered the day a hatidsomely dressed young lady A man his corner seat bad been insolently the tired- looking shopgirls as they swayed In tin aisle lumped up to give her his place was taken without a look or a word of thanks An elderly gentleman standing near the girl Beg pardon he Inquired did you speak No she responded coldly Ah he returned thought you said ObUvious ol her ley stare ho continued course you will not pardon my frankness madam but it is Just such discourtesy as you have shown and lust such as this young man has exhibited that destroy pub lic FLETCHERS Municipal Officials COUNTY OF YORK Municipality Name of Official Office P Address v Silvcrthorne Reeve Jas 1st Heave Win 2nd Barrett Clerk III Richard Reeve Donald Kgo Clerk ttt v a North Charles Reeve Fred I Van Norman Clerk J Proctor Andrew Reeve Dep Reeve Clerk King i esse I IT t A Watson HUM J Jenkins Jonathan Nigh George Stiver- Reeve Reeve Clerk Reeve Reeve Clerk 1st Deputy J Cornell George Little Re d Clerk Toronto Mr fclf o Newtnarkcl Out I A Vaughan it- J Scott Reeve J Whit more Dep Reeve- McLean Clerk Whitchurch J Reeve Moorchead Reeve Clark York ft I Griffith Fred Miller Darker Win Clerk Reeve Reave 2nd Reeve 3rd Reeve A Clarke Clerk si Newmarket Aurora 1 Keith P W P J Anderson J Knowles A Reeve Reeve tierit- Summer Day New Toronto Islington Virginia Virginia Keswick Keswick Albert Newmarket King on ley Scarboro Browns Cornets Elgin Mills Maple Aurora Albert Stouffville Weston Lauder Ave Toronto St Clair Ave Toronto Toronto Newmarket Newmarket Newmarket Reeve Clerk Aurora Aurora Markham Village A Fleming White Holland Landing Richmond Hill Reeve J I nun a cleric Reeve Clerk i Weston S Goodwin P J A J Hume Dr A Reeve John Clerk J Reeve J Taylor Clerk I it Village Markham Villa Holland Landing Holland Landing Richmond Hill Richmond Hill StouHville StouBville We 3 ton Weston I i l i Wallace Reave Ed Clerk Sutton West Sutton West rfW Greenwood P Clerk Reeve Mimico TeUer Clerk Mirhico S OF ONTARI TORONTO