Newmarket Era, 7 May 1915, p. 8

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mom A US A t i OS o Z mm lit lite w 1MB 5a TO s Bowels and digestion i to me to Inform yon liter coffering from Chronic Cowli wtion for years cored I a at Bertnler I teSt to ill I was forced to leave the the college- pains the continually tortured me and came to a point when I could not down at all and my Digestion fattmr paralysed dome or advised i to take and at felt a great improvement After taken five torn 1 re I I t I was completely cared and what me gild alao was that they were acting causing pajn with ConstiDaUon follow my example and for they are the that are sold by all dealers at a box fox trial limited Ottawa iiKeH mmm S-35st- f I It 1 ir Mrf ie I RBfl i- 1 I WW a- ml BRIOK HOUSE TO RENT Willi all modem conveniences Apply to Richardson market 0 1 1 On Saturday list Fish inspector Constable Sijmpkins ftnd a number nets south of VANDORF A gang of are surveying for a of the proposed Railway from Van fori to be survey runs through ihj farm ol Frank oil Cod and that of Josh Davis and thence north to Sharon and across the river to Bradford nd on to V Tbe concert given in the Stouflvillc Auditorium by the pupils of Frank Fulton- Musical instructor at Upper Canada College was one the best ever held in the town than young and women of and the surrounding district took part in production of Hiawatha which was admirably rendered A special train the brought the Toronto party while a large number from points along the railway were also pie qoc- will clear uric acid in the Kidneys stop the pain in the back andcurall Kidney and Bladder Trouble 50ca for Trinl treatment free If yon write National Drug Chemical Co of Canada Wmited Toronto the and Relief Fund Association to meet on the af ternoon of May for busi ness when a report of the re ceipts and expenditures will riven School Reports Report of School for April No of marks required to pass to Cutting 300 Webster- 285 III Jr No of marks required HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE On Ontario St a sixroomed house with lot also small fruit and domestic water Apply to Barber FOR SALE OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good stable and cistern Enquire of Grace St Newmarket A Cement Block House newly decorated rooms and bath Apply to Prospect STOREHOUSE TO RENT On Huron Street An old es tablished stand Apply to MISS GOOD BUILDING LOT For sale on Arden Ave- New market Cheap for quick sale Apply to J MOSS Box New market TO RENT LOCH Mrs Holland Landing spent a few days at Mr John liards Miss Violet 11th line is spudding a few months with her cousin Miss Hazel Atkinson Mr and Mrs Skinner spent Sunday the with Mr and Mrs Sloan Mr and Mrs James and Norman Toronto are with friends in the district and seeding are the orders of the day in this vicinity Mr Sam Toronto re turned to his home after visiting his sister Mrs A If Wood On Saturday April while Mr Jim Fry Jr was away his cows got into the chop bin and got too much chop which resulted in the death of one cow and one heifer and on Wed nesday while working on the land a dog jumped through the fence and frightened the horses which became unmanageable The bit was broken and the horse got away running into and striking its head against a tree from which the animal died that night Trouble never comes single handed it seems Misses Atkinson Gladys Wood spent a few days with the cousin Miss Mary Sturdy King Mom Mr and Mr Will have each purchased new Ford to pass 360 Pearl Becmce Web ster Geo Cutting 123 Vel um Hi Nerval Doan 361 Nellie Kennedy Si Dunham Milton Keefer Dudley Jr Ruby Vivian Webster Jr First Harry Graham Culling Ethel Gamble Gam ble Primer Grace Sharp and Vivian equal Irene JthiniIiart Maude Gamble Hoggins Maze Miller Jr Printer Carol Black Willie Graham Those present every day Goo Culling V Webster Cutting No on roll in attendance Average attendance Greenwood Teacher to on Amount and Twsntyrfour by Taking VihoK Coring city collector years of as A weak TOodown so tfhamtsd told ma about d3 to In I I corislderablo I continued and I twenty In weight and fee much I consider a fine tonic to create strength for old A Corinth Ml their orffana act mora slowly and lees effectually than In youth circulation Is poor blood feu thin appetite poor and diges tion weak Vlnol oar delicious cod liver and iron tonic Is the ideal and body for old folks because It creates a good healthy appetite strengthens digestion enriches the Wood circulation and In this natural manner builds up strengthens and invigorates feeble rundown nerv ous and aged people and If it does all say we will pay back your money W J PATTERSON Druggist Newmarket Park two Park two King Council Good House corner of and Lome Avenues also Building Lots for sate on and Lome Avenues also Mrs Ave Toronto or to W C Newmarket FORAUE 30 Acre Farm valuable farm ing land containing gravel and pits Good buildings some timber and some pasture Im mediate possession Phone Hi or write Armstrong Newmarket PO WE A property situated Prospect A largsized dwelling with all conveniences all In first shape Quarter of an acre of with apple and fruit Ireea Frame stable and cement hen feoose This we consider the best In town so act quickly Terms be arranged to suit purchaser to P Morton 3T3 Wftwmaiket met at on Sat- Given Away In Land Value to the man who wants a Farm ISO acres of good land some choice clay This Farm has all uptodate Build ings consisting of a modern Brick House also Hip Hoof Barn built from all new material with modern Stables together with all other Outbuildings in good re pair Mail Delivery ask you to go over this Farm Put a fair value on Land also Build ings then come down to New market and we will you as to the amount away We wind up iliJB Estate Busi ness Will accept Mortgage at per cent for ten years with a small deposit down You must act quick in his matter or miss this chance W mile Fast of Mt on the Centre Road known as the Tommy Glover Farm of North This farm has plenty of Water Good Orchard Good Hush and Fences convenient to School or also Metropolitan Sta tion at P MORTON Lome Ave Estate Building Co Newmarket COAL FOR Anthracite Coal at bar gain prices Orders filled at all hours Telephone No FRANK GLASS tf Millard Ave The above Council Cards Hotel Nobleton iiiday April Members all present Reeve Wells in the chair of last meeting read confirmed Several were received and read after which the following bills were present ed and ordered paid Jos Billings pay Alfred Weslbrook engine on grader and reps Win Ferguson to culvert Deacon road plank Jos Ballard blacksmith hill J P Jefferson reps to culvert J operating grader etc Geo LawHon rops to road with drag Wilcox Lake Co gravel WatsonCampbell That J be appointed Road Ma chine Operator for the Southern Division of the Township Win J Mount for the Eastern part the North half including Con and Jos Jennings for the Wesl- en art of the Northern in cluding Con and the price paid be per day and each ope rator present a special state ment of each portion of work done and whether done by En gine or horse power RobinsonCampbell That the Clerk be authorized- to communi cate with Win Grahams Solici tor Mr Robertson to the effect that the Council will give Mr Graham until the 1st of Juneto remnw said buildings referred to in the letter received from Solicitor WatsonCampbell That a committee composed of Wells Watson Campbell ho appointed to see about Guard Rail on St Opposite Har vey Glass property Cul vert on St Campbell- Watson That the Treasurer is hereby instructed to accept and credit the Township with for beech tree sold to Frank Kagan KaakeRohinson That Nor man Hill be paid for seryicig as sheep valuator for RobinsonCampbell That a School Report for No II King for April V Class marks 739 Lena Glapsoh bun Hulli White lion Class marks possible Marshal Dorothy Dove Lulu Janet Davis 180 Gertie Hunt Davis 330 Willie II Class marks possible 180 Ethel Dove lion II Class marks possible Bertie hon Victor Bowman lion Beatrice Lewis hon Hazel Dove 129 Edith Sprang Kenneth Mounl Tribble 380 Frank Burling Jack Davis Wilbur Gladys Burling Kenneth Talton Robbie Bunt Edna Hunt Tel- fer Burling 150 Wesley Barnes Jr I No stars Gladys Lew is Gertie Burling 37 Percy Clink Primer A Dorothy Paxlon 11 Thelma Talton 30 Primer B Marion Foster Warren Jennie Lewis loin Florence Barnes Albert Barnes Primer Grace Burling- Florence Mounl 19 MAJOR KIRKPATRICK MISSING Since tho battle of Langem France Major A Kltkpatrick is reported missing For twenty years Major A had been connected with the Queens Own To ronto He second in command of the 3rd Battalion In commercial life Major Kiirkpatriek was manager for Canada of the United states Fi delity and Guarantee Company A nephew of Kirkpatrick was re cently reported killed at the fronty Tim was high up in th Masonic order and was married to a daughter of Sir William who with one of their two children is at present in England He is a popular member of many clubs in Toronto- was soldier and sportsman and always kept himself in tip top physical con dition He is a member of the To ronto Hunt Club the Toronto Club and the Royal Canadian Club ami is a Mason At the time of his enrolment for active service he whs in command of B Company the 1st Battalion Queens Own and was one of those who accompanied the reg imnt on its visit to England under the Command of Colonel Sir Henry He holds the auxiliary forces long service thht a machine 6fgravity ts the propulsive power of the motor Stop the engine gravity exhibits its law 4 In much the same way the pro- Advertising is the propeller power of advcrtUin is- the pilot His business Is machine His makes a business triumph oyer is his sustaining me per- times and if you want business to soar general business depression start the motor of advertising r To the People in and About Newmarket The pilots of every dominant and progressive business in New market are using propelling force of advertising in some form or other The most powerful form of advertising is newspaper publicity Advertisements Save Your Time and Money T town Another town has gone on the list The Council of Windsor Mills refused to license to two hotelkeepers Windsor was dry for a number of years but last year the charter was amended so only licenses could he granted in stead of live The council then Rant ed licenses to sec how the scheme out Evidently the Council lors did not approve- of how things were run They to renew the licenses- by vote of five to one Press Despatch South End Tin Shop Main St Ti ii To have your Fixed to catch the Spring Rains AN INSURANCE OPINION met Those marked attended every day in the Teacher A big military training camp will bo established at It is said divisional head quarters will be trans ferred from London to The man Who runs account several months buying in small quantities should never go away from the store that ac commodated him in case he should have or to spend and then come home his purchases anil say he can do bet ter at some other place than at home It is always to ho pre sumed that a man who is making large cash purchases can drive a closer bargain than one wlio makes small purchases on time WANTED Carpentering or millwright work by J opposit A York Radial Station Newmarket 3w A leading insurance company A man whose have been made unsteady by a recent debauch or the use alcohol should not be to operate dangerous ma chinery or carry On dangerous work He endangers not only his own life but that of others There are few If any who would undertake to dis pute this statement but the difliculty ol the employer who has saloons close to plant is todlscover bo- fore it is too late when a workman should not be permitted to remain his job It is not at all uncommon LADIES Electrict Light will soon be cheaper than coal oil Let us put up some new Fixtures for Call and see samples J WRIGHT Provincial Secretary has these mat ters in his charge ho puts any thing over that is too he has t face his constituents and explain at KM Many for Vacation at midsummer College dooa not VANCOUVER BRIDGES PARTLY BURNED Vancouver April Fires believed to be of incendiary origin and according lo the theory held in police circles a plan of German sympathizers aim to burn the city were started early this morning dur ing a high wind under the bridge at Street and under he Granville bridge a away bridge was very bad ly damaged and one pier fell into False Creek the wreckage carrying with it two firemen and an electric lineman the latter being badly In jured before he was rescued Up to 8 a in damage to the bridge was about It was completed nearly two years ago and cost The alarm from tho bridge rung in at 130 this morn ing and within a few minuted the north halt the big steel struc ture nearly a mile in length was In flames the pavement- of wooden blocks packed in tar burning While this ire was at its height a blaze was discovered under the pave ment of the bridge After this extinguished the north end the bridge fell into creek leaving the centre burning fiercely and the firemen unable to and Charles Sis Toronto Mono better In Canada Enter now so as to get a position in the early fall Catalogue free J ELLIOTT Prlnolpal Yongo Toronto and proven bo by thousands upon thousands of tests the whole world over is the famous family medicine Pills The ailments of the digestive organs to which all are subject from which come so many serious sicknesses are corrected or prevented by to see men with befogged braina be- Ing discharged but the diniculty as previously stated is to make this discovery is too late to pre- vent the injury that sneaking to near- by saloons to obtain drink during he commission can working hours can do fc ftud TO BE THE GOAT A number readers have written asking my views on the recent of the Ontario Legislature have axe to grind for political party in as hold that in tire matter of there should be none of the usual between the political parties The question has been threshed out so much and the people have expressed their desires so plain in the matter that there is no doubt about what Is wanted The people of Ontario want prohibition and want It without frills The recent legislation is similar to a lot of former legislation which has been handed to the this pro vince by both parties It looks nice OH the outside but when you open it i up you find the same old party in terest Take the clause where provision Is made for Com mission to handle all questions per taining to temperance ft reads well and the party papers tell us it will take the whole question out of politics But will it At the present time Mr Manna the Mr is asked any questions about what is done he will refer you to the Commission so- it looks as though the Commission is destined to he the goat and the goat will do what the party wants who teed him The Farmers Own Paper Try a few doses now and you will KNOW it means to have better digestion sounder sleep brighter eyes and greater cheerfulness alter your system has been cleared of poisonous impurities For children parents grand parents Pills are matchless as a remedy Worth a Guinea a St Sold la J MiAS Oj Old Sugar AN I aim as i860 Sugar m IM 1 grant of5000 be given 16 reach it except from the south end On the Con in front of Lot The heat was so intense that the It Cook Dove Commis sioners That the sum of he paid to the To ronto Hospital re main tenance of laic pay able to A Miller Ircnn ByLaw No re closing in AniHlerdam received second and third reading aud paused and Road Overseers etc etc received its several readings and passed Council adjourned to meet at Temperance Hall Ketlleby May Court He vision of Assessment to meet at oclock It ban also been arranged for the Directors it rails were bent and twisted This bridge connects the main busi ness Part of the city with the resi dential section Canada Favorite In my opinion theres no ques tion but that the two bridge fires this morning were of Incendiary gla Said Assistant- Fire Thompson There will be a special Sixty have been murdered In New since January 1st last and the New- York World thinks that if the London rule of hanging nearly all the murderers were put in to force there falling the number crimes The Sugar was the first cane sugar refined in Canada Redpath of was the first Canadian granulated sugar Redpath Cattons of 1912 marked the introduction toCana- Stores of this new and better way of marketing sugar EXTRA For Sixty Years Sugar has consistency led in purity in quality and in the appreciation of the thousands who use it It is the product of a thoroughly modern refinery operated by of skill and experience whose one aim is sugar perfection Sugar in Original Packagesits well worth while 2lb and Sealed Cartons 10 20 and 100 lb Cloth Bags CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO LIMITED MONTREAL I ASS m 1 RHIVES of ormRK TORONTO

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